• Published 23rd Oct 2014
  • 5,785 Views, 45 Comments

Ghost Pony Rider - MrHouston

A ancient legend has come to life in Equestria when a mystic being has been summoned to kill those who spill inicent blood and threaten others, but one is to wonder is that all this being wants?

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Chapter 10: The Trial

Ghost Rider was put on a roundish stone that has pole on each end. The guards shackled him in and were dismissed. The huge stands full of ponys silenced. Princess Celestia was greeted by the sound of horns. Ponys cheered as they saw the three pricesses amerge from the balcony door. Celestia then held up a cane and slammed it on the ground. Everypony got quiet and awaited the princesses speech.

"I now call this trail to order!"

Luna gave Ghost Rider a nasty look and locked eyes with him.

"Ghost Pony Rider, you are accused of the murder of an innocent pony!"

Multiple ponys bood in the crowd. Ghost Rider looked around the open area seeing the ponys booing and insulting him.

"Have you got anything to show as evidence you are innocent?"

Ghost Rider remembered the evidence Discord showed him, "not until after the trial is over", Ghost Rider bowed his head in frustration. Ghost Rider wa bit uncomfortable however, he had never been out in the sun before. He had always been found a abandoned house or cave to spend the day in. The night was his comfort suite.

"No...no I do not...that does not mean I'm not innocent though!"

"Really? When you brought the pony to the hospital you had blood stains on your jacket!" Celestia said with anger.

"Plus, multiple civilians said they heard screaming then you ran out of the forest with her!" Luna added.

Twilight remained silent, she did not want to condone on her friend. When Celestia looked at Twilight to signal her its her turn. Twilight signed and procided to the front.

"Ghost Rider...punishment of murder here in Equestia is punishible by...death." Twilight said with hesitation.

Everyone was shocked to start hearing Ghost Rider laughing.

"Really? Seems a bit dark in a land where everybody is a wouse about even the word death."

Ponys in the crowd gasped with shock, same with Celestia and Luna.

"Your out of order Rider!" Luna said.

Ghost Rider laughed.

"Look, even if you wanted to kill me I would kill dozens of more guards to take down with me! Plus, how do expect to kill something that's already dead?"

Silence filled the ring, no pony thought of it before. Then Discord out of no where appeared and said something Ghost Rider wanted to kill him over.

"Technically, your not dead. Your just someone possessed by a demon. You can still die."

Ghost Rider cursed so horrifically that parents in the crowd covered their kids ears. Even Luna and Celestia blushed at the vulgar being said. Ghost then heard heavy foot steps come from the hole he came from they got louder and louder. Guards then flooded the open area, they surrounded the demonic pony. In the middle came a commander of the regiment.

"Oh ya? How bout we do it here and now!?" All guards drew thier swords.

"Whats the meaning of this? Why are you here Commander?" Celestia said.

"Easy...finshing what you...uck!"

The commander was stopped by a sudden burst of pain in her front. Ghost Rider had used his chain as a spear, plunging it in her heart. The other guards watched in terror as the commander fell in a lifeless state, her blood draining faster then a water main break! Ghost Rider pulled his chain from the dead mares chest. He looked to the other guards with a smile.

"See...told you. Anyone else?"

The guards shacked thier heads and backed up slowly from thier commanders murderer. Ghost Rider then looked up at Celestia and the others.

"Listen...I didnt kill that girl you accused of me murdering, but I did kill this one out of self defense! Listen...I promised I wasnt going to say anything, but, Discord has evidence I'm innocent."

Everyone, even Celestia gasped in shock. Then Discord appeared with a sad look on his face.

"I told you evidence was excepted when the trial was over!"

"Discord what do you know?" Celestia gave Discord a angry look.


"NOW YOU DUMBASS! TELL THEM BEFORE I RIPP YOUR THROAT OUT" Ghost Rider yelled with intenseitie in his voice.

Everyone looked at Ghost Rider, seeing he was getting angry. To avoid getting him more angry, Discord showed the evidence to Celestia. When they saw the bug-like creature, Celestia, Luna, and Twilight looked at each other.

"Changlings" the gasped in horror as they saw the changling kill the mare.

Everyone screamed with fright. Celestia raised her hoofs to calm everyone. Onces they where calm, Celestia looked to address Ghost Rider only to see him walking away.

"Where are you going! The trial is not over!"

"...." Ghost Rider was trying his best to ignore her.

"Speak when spoken to you direspectful...!"

Ghost Rider swung his massive chain almost hitting the Princesses. They looked to see an evil, angry look in his eye.


Ghost Rider then ran off into the forest. Everyone looked at each other, thinking what he said. Even Celestia and Luna were ashamed of thier actions. They should have gave him a chance to explain himeself. All they could do is honor his wish to be left alone.

Ghost Rider didnt think about his choice to spout of, cause he was in a dark forest, late at night, alone. He noticed a small cave he ducked under it to sleep for the night. Then a bear came and roared in his face. Ghost Rider shrugged and slashed the bear with his chain. The bear fell back. Ghost Rider then layed his head down, he wanted to forget this day, this week, his entire life in an instant. Since that want going to happen he started at the stars.

"Why must I endore this? Why me? Dammit...WHY ME!?"

He heard a sound, he turned to see a unknown pony walking towards him. Ghost Rider perked up and got in battle postion. The pony then stopped in front of him without hesitation. The pony was wearing a brown cloak, her face was covered with the hood. The rest wasnt, her fur was black with a touch of brown to it. Her eyes were as white as the sun. Her voice was just like Ghost Riders' but in a female voice.

"Do not be afriad...I'm not here to hurt you."

"What? Why are you here then?"

"Please calm yourself, my name is Marible Firestride."

"Okay...what do you want?"

"Same thing you want, a chance in this world."

Ghost Rider became more calm, she stood up straight and looked at his company.

"Just like you I was a rider...but...my time has gone. Now I'm just a lone spirit, wondering lands helping anyone without something in return."

"They dont scream or throw things at you?"

"No, because I never show my face. I always keep it hidden. You on the other hand arent afraid to show your face in public."

"Oh...saw that did you" Ghost Rider's face blushed.

Marible laughed.

"Indeed...I found it quite funny you lost your hood."

"Well...I...um..." Rider's face grew even more red.

Ghost Rider never felt this way before, never since he was a child. Could it be he has met a true friend? Or maybe, more than that?

"That spot taken?"

"Uh...no! Please sit!"

Ghost Rider scooted to the right letting the mare sit next to him. The two gazed at the stars, witnessing the multie colored sky and stars. The stars glowed as bright as diamonds. The moon's shine engolfed the cave.

"So...when did you get your powers?" Marible shined the rider a smile.