• Published 23rd Oct 2014
  • 5,783 Views, 45 Comments

Ghost Pony Rider - MrHouston

A ancient legend has come to life in Equestria when a mystic being has been summoned to kill those who spill inicent blood and threaten others, but one is to wonder is that all this being wants?

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Chapter 13: Death of a Witch

Crysalis laughed at the site of Ghost Rider and his friend. Twilight however, was not laughing the knife was lodged her side and bleeding rapidly. Ghost Rider saw this and growled, trying to intimidate Crysalis to let Twilight go. However, she just responded with an insult.

"Growling won't help you save your friend Rider, it will only make it worse."

"Dont make this hard bug, we only want the princess."

"DONT CALL ME A BUG!" Crysalis snapped with anger in her voice.

It appears Marible had hit a sour note on Crysalis. Crysalis growled in anger, she called more changlings to come and kill. The changlings made a black cylander around the two demons. Ghost Rider laughed, this was pathetic to him knowing how weak the changlings were. Changlings came from the cloud and rushed Ghost Rider and Marible. Ghost Rider smiled and step to the side, triping the changlings having them trip into each other. The changlings rolled into a ball and smalled against the wall. More changlings followed only to suffer a more gruesome death. Ghost Rider charged his chain with fire has he spun around like a top and with that spin, a ring of fire formed burning the other changlings into ash. Marible lifted her hoof to only catch a burning spark. She and Ghost Rider looked at each other and smiled. Crysalis drew an angry look and summoned another sharp weapon from her horn this time! She roared a mighty battle cry and charged the two. Ghost Rider and Marible dogged causing Crysalis to slam into a wall. The two rushed over to Twilight. Marible pulled out the dagger causing Twilight to shriek in pain. Ghost Rider bit his hoof in worried.

"How...ba...bad is it." Twilight pinched the wound.

"Not to bad, but the blood loss is tremendous. Your lucky to be alive your highness."

"And if you dont...mind...me...me asking, who are you?"

"My name is Marible...I'm a...friend of Ghost Rider."

Twilight nodded and let Marible try to help her. Ghost Rider then noticed Crysalis charging them again. Ghost Rider stiffend his chain with both his hands, he made as stiff as a board. The two weapons clashed in a loud mettalic clash. The two beings struggle, shoving one another in a different direction.

"What do you want anyway you witch" Ghost Rider growled.


Ghost Rider and everypony stopped and stared. That was something no pony wanted to hear. Ghost Rider espacially was confused.


"Because...I would have wanted you to be my personal servent."

"Your servent? Fat fuckin chance" Ghost Rider laughed.

"Now, now, you dont want your friend and...special friend to say goodbye do you?"

"What are you an about?" Ghost Rider backed down.

Crysalis then laughed and clapped her hoofs and two evil and very scary looking changlings appeared out of no where. They looked very differnet fromthe others. Thier eyes were red with a mutch lighter skin. Thier wings were also red but much more broken. They however had no mouth or nose. Both creatures held up swords to Twilight and Maribles throats. Ghost Rider got his chain but he stopped and froze.

"Dont hurt them" Ghost Rider said in a scared voice.

"Swear your alligence to me, and they wont be hurt."

Ghost Rider looked back at his friends, he saw the fear in thier eyes. He didnt have a choice. Ghost Rider dropped his chain and raised his hoofs. Ghost Rider groaned.


Crysalis laughed and walked toward her new servant.

"Now that you've sweared your allegiance...nothing will stop me."

"RIDER, NO!" Both Twilight and Marible gasped as Crysalis laughed.

Crysalis then ordered her changlings to release the two. She then turned to Twilight with a satisified look..

"I want you to remember this day Twilight Sparkle...remember it like you did him."


Crysalis laughed. Marible then gave a frustrated look.

"Like you have the spine to do so."

Crysalis then let out a howling scream as she could she a fiery hoof rammed through her abdomen. She turned to see Ghost Rider with a wide smirk. He whispered in her ear.

"She may not...but I do!"

Marible then gave a look of surprise. Her and Twilight were smiling. Crysalis then collapsed to the ground, dead. All the changlings in town then stopped thier attack and dispended. Twilight and Marible nearly trampled Ghost Rider when they tackled him. The all of Twilights friends came in from the front entrance, seeing the carnage.

"What...what happened!" Fluttershy said covering her mouth.

"Ghost Rider saved us!" Twilight replied.

"He did?" Rarity asked.

"He...killed...Crysalis." Twilight said looking at the changeling queens corpse.

"WHAT!?" All the ponys gasped in horror.

All gasped in horror at the site. Everyone didn't know what to thing of the incident.

"Shes gone for good!" said Applejack with fury in her voice.

"Got that right!" agreed Rainbow Dash.

"What should we do now?" asked Pinkie Pie.

Twilight wiped her eyes and faced her friends. She then looked at Ghost Rider and Maribel.

"First...we go home, then party!"

"YEAH!" All ponys shouted in battle cry as they all galloped out the fortress.

*Back in Canterlot*

All the ponies came through the front entrance but to be greeted by a crowd of armored guards. All the guards saw Ghost Rider behind them. One solider then cries out.


Celestia, trailed by Luna, comes through the group of guards. She gives Ghost Rider a stern look.

"You have a lot of nerve coming back." she said annoyed.

Ghost Rider saw this as a time to make a joke.

"Nerve? No. Guts? Yes."

Celestia on the other hand didn't appreciate it. Ghost Rider noticed this and became annoyed himself.

"Look Ms. RuffAss I just took down the culprit responsible for the murder!"

Celestia didn't enjoy the insult, but she was intrigued about the suspect.

"I know it was Crysalis, I was just about to send a group of guards to come drag her in but, somepony beat me to it."

Celestia then pulls a long green horn from a bag. She gives Ghost Rider an unimpressed look.

"What?" he said with a smile.

"You could at least left her alive."