• Published 23rd Oct 2014
  • 5,783 Views, 45 Comments

Ghost Pony Rider - MrHouston

A ancient legend has come to life in Equestria when a mystic being has been summoned to kill those who spill inicent blood and threaten others, but one is to wonder is that all this being wants?

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Chapter 12: Attack on Ponyville

It was early morning, the sun had just risen from over the moutains with its orange and purple lights surrounding the sky and sun. Twilight was at the castle, overseeing it while the princesses were out for buisness. Twilight walked out of bed in pure frustration. She walked to the window. The glow of the moon on the mountains gaze a shadow. She grunted to herself.

"Oh Rider...where are you? If only they would have listened to you sooner."

Twilight dropped her gaze at the window and walked around the room. Celestia and Luna agreed with Ghost Rider's warning and didnt pursue him. Twilight had never seen such anger in a pony before. The red in his eyes, his chain, surging with fire. Twilight was thinking about getting her friends and going to find him herself. However, she was wondering if Ghost Rider would keep his word and kill her too? She didnt want to risk her friends and certainly not the rest of the castle. Twilight mumbled to herself.

"Huh...what do I do? Do I risk to kill my friends? Or...myself?

Twilight then nodded her head and made a dision. Twilight gathered most of her stuff into a backpack and opened the door...but before, she heard a sound. A faint buzzing sound, something like a, a, BUG! Twilight ran to the window to see an entire black cloud of changlings in the sky. They came over the mountain in a huge black cloud, almost forming a entire creature in the sky! Twilight said to herself.

"No...no, no, no!"

Twilight ran onto a balcony that was located on the same level. The fierce swarm ingulfed the castle, but, strangly, the bugs didnt attack the castle, instead they were heading for Ponyville.

The people in Ponyville were soundly asleep in thier dream lands. Soundless asleep, nothing to disturb them. Well...almost, Rainbow Dash was sound asleep in her bed when she heard the buzzing.

"Huh? Wha? Whats that buzzing? Did I leave the stove on again?" Rainbow Dash rubbed her eyes.

Jokes aside, Rainbow Dash walked to window rubbing her eye. When she saw the enormous swarm, she screamed.


Rainbow rushed out of her house to warm everypony. She flew to the center of town seeing some ponys awake. She tried knock on other doors to warm them, but no answer. Rainbow Dash had only one thing to do. She screamed at the top of her lungs.


The message was then said. Tons of ponys came from inside thier homes in a flock of confusing. All looked to the sky to see the enourmes cloud. In a mater of moments, the village came under attack. Changlings gripped the houses and started destroying them. Changlings ripped through the roofs, smashing down walls, hurting innocent. Twilight saw the destruction from the castle and was shocked beyond belieaf.

"How could this...who could ya...Crysalis."

Twilight then turned to see the bug pony in her preasence. Crysalis laughed monikly and a hourd of changlings came behind her.

"What do want Crysalis!?"

"Easy...the demon."

"Who are talking...you want Ghost Rider, dont you" Twilight gave a ready stance to brawl.

"Yeeeesss...where should I find him."

"I'm not telling you."

Crysalis frowned and comanded one of her changlings to attack Twilight. The changling grabbed Twilight and locked her against the wall. Other changlings soon joined in. They held Twilight against the wall with extreme force making her almost choke.

"Ugh! Get off me!"

The changlings titened thier grip and choke her even worse. Crysalis then walked slowly to the pinned alicorn. She drew a knif like weapon from her back. She then drove it into Twilights stomach. She screamed with vigerous pain, letting the whole castle know of it. However, no one came to see the trouble. It was like they all abandend the place.

"Please...why are you...doing this?"

"Easy...I want to kill you and your friends for foulying my plans, and now I'm going to finsh you."

A large chain came charging from the shadows and grabbed all the chainlings. The chains burned the changlings into ash. The chains retracked and wrapped around the hands of two supernatrual ponys who are about KICK SOME ASS!