• Published 23rd Oct 2014
  • 5,785 Views, 45 Comments

Ghost Pony Rider - MrHouston

A ancient legend has come to life in Equestria when a mystic being has been summoned to kill those who spill inicent blood and threaten others, but one is to wonder is that all this being wants?

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Chapter 8: Hero or Murderer?

Days past, Ghost Rider was starting to get bored staying inside Twilights house. Ghost Rider looked outside, seeing everyone outside. The kids playing, ponys at work, others talking with friends. Ghost Rider missed thoughs days of being a child and going out the world. Then, he thought of an idea. Ghost Rider grabbed a cloak he found in closest. He slipped the cloak and proseided to the door. He creaked the door open adn placed his first step outside. The hooded pony looked around slowly, visualizing the area. Ghost Rider from the door and proseded down a street. The colorful building on each side, the birds chirping, the ethical cheering...wait...WHAT!Ghost Rider came upon a group of people. The squeezed between ponys to get to the front. A race was going on. Contestints were lining up to begin the race. Ghost Rider then saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash. He whistled and got thier attention. He waved to them, they waved back. An announcer came on a stage.

"LADIES AND GENTLEPONYS! I am proud to announce the annual Ponyville race competition" said the announcer with please.

The racers lined at the line, they got ready.


The racers dashed off into a cloud of dust leaving behind a crowd of cheering ponys. Ghost Rider laughed with enjoyment. Then he decided for some reason to follow his new found friends into action.

Ghost Rider walked until no one was able to see him, he removed his hood and procided. The orange and gold forest went for miles. Ghost Rider followed the trail, until he stepped in something, wet. He looked to see a puddle of a red substance. The substance was warm and very thick.

"Blood...someones hurt!"

Ghost Rider looked everywhere. Bushes, ditches, streams, nothing. Until he heard a faint crying. The crying was soft and not that loud. He pushed away a fallen tree limb to see a pony with a gash in her side. The gash looked as of it had been done but a blunt object, or a tree limb. Ghost Rider flipped his hood to hide identity and went to help the bleeding pony. The pony was up against a tree, holding her side where the wound was. Dirt covered the wound and the body. She must have been thier for nearly and hour.

"Hey! You okay?" Ghost Rider asked.

"Huh? What? Who are you? The mare replied.

"My name is Gho...uh...Johnny Blaze."

Ghost Rider didnt dare to revile his true identity. He wanted to help this mare without her screaming and being scared of him.

"Please stop...it...hurts."

Ghost Rider jerked away quickly, he didnt want to put the mare in anymore pain and misery.

"Please I'm only trying to help you!"

The mare looked at Ghost Rider with an uneasy look. She untuined her wound, it was like a club had hit a watermellon. The wound was dirty and bleeding preatty fast. It could get infected here soon, Ghost Rider had only one thought.

"I have to get her back to Ponyville!"

Without her permission, Ghost Rider slumped the wounded pony on his back, she was like a feather to him. Ghost Rider only heard groans as he ran as fast as he could, leaving a trail of fire with every step of his hooves. Ghost Rider then heard a whisper from the mare.

"I...I...feel tired" said the pony while she fluttered her eyes.

Ghost Rider let out a mighty roar and he was going faster then ever! He reached Ponyville in less then three minutes, he looked around adn saw the hospital. Without hesitation, he runned toward the white building with tremmendes speed! He reached the hospital, a nurse saw him.

"Whats the trouble? Oh my gosh!"

The nurse saw the pail skinned mare and layed her out on a table. Ghost Rider didnt say anything as more doctors arrived. They rushed the mare into the emergency room. Ghost Rider was asked to stay outside.

Hours later, Twilight and her friends arrived at the hospital. They found Ghost Rider sitting in a chair almost lifeless.

"Rider! Is she okay" said Twilight with worried voice.

Ghost Rider didnt move or say a word.

"Darling? Is everything alright?"

Still nothing.

"HEY WAKE UP" Rainbow Dash said screaming at the already upset pony.

Ghost Rider then turned his head slitly to the worried ponys before him, Ghost Rider then frowned and started at the ground. A doctor walked in, his face was something no pony should ever see. He walked over to Ghost Rider with a weird look in his eye.

"We tried our best...but she bled out before you got here. The infection from the dirt did the rest."

Ghost Rider looked at the ground, the wide eyed expression on his face was telling his friends, he failed. Then Ghost Rider reached to rub his head when he noticed, his hood was gone. Nothing but his skull and fire was showing. He gasped as the doctor had an angry look on his face. Ghost Rider then looked on his jacket, blood stains.

"Why? Why kill an innocent pony?"

Ghost Rider looked at the doctor in shock. Why in the world would he have killed the pony? He was trying to save her! The doctor then walked to the door. He pushed a door button, revilling nearly a squad of castle guards. The guards surrounded Ghost Rider.

"Your being placed under arrest for the murder of an innocent pony!"

Ghost Rider let out a gasp as his friends were pushed away from him as guards dogpiled him. They chained him in shackles, smacking him with thier spears, taunting him. Ghost Rider never felt so scared since...the bullies killed him. Ghost Rider then let out a ear spliting roar and erupted the guards from him. He broke the chains like they were plastic. The then pulled out his chain from his horn, he gripped it with two hands. The pulled the chain from both ends making it glow a light orangie fire! He lashed the chain, slicing five guards in half. Their corpes then burned like wood and shatterd. The rest of the guards looked at Ghost Rider in fear as he laughed demonicly and evilish. The slashed again killing another, and another, until two guards remained. The guards hleld thier spears up hoping to defend themselves. Ghost Rider then gave a monicle smile as he lashed out again. The chain missed, but in return slashed a guards leg off. The blood sprayed like a water gun as the guard shrieked in pain. Ghost Rider about to finish the job when he was shot by a magical blue beam. He was sent crashing into a wall leaving a dent the sizes of gate! Ghost Rider then knelt on the ground, he couldnt move, he was paralized! He looked to see Princess Luna looking over him. Twilight and her friends burst infron of the magic alicorn.

"Wait! Please! Don't kill him!" Twilight yelled.

"Ya, He didnt mean it...right?" Applejack said looking over Ghost Rider.

They all looked at the blood soaked demonic pony. He was huffing and puffing with no time of quitting.

"I'm sorry Twilight...but he must be dealt with." Luna said.

"What if you just locked him up in the dungeon!"

Luna gave a pause, she never has seen this side of Twilight before. Standing up for an accused murderer? Luna backed down and ordered the guards to cuff Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider then passed out onto the floor.

Author's Note:

Hope you guys are enjoying the story. The lttle note this is a big rising action point in the story! Stay tuned to find out what happens!