• Published 11th Nov 2014
  • 6,757 Views, 246 Comments

Queen Meets Princess - Admiral Q Ponyform

Changling Queen Twilight Sparkle was just hanging at her hive in Everfree when she gets a surprise visitor. Herself

  • ...

Failed Hope

Crystalia was in the library. It figured that this was restored, likely the first thing to have been, knowing Twilight. She opened a world atlas and began her search. She was scanning the map when she heard a voice ask.

“Queen Crystalia, what are you doing?” She looked behind her to see the drone called Aegis standing not too far away.

“Aegis, please, just Crystalia is fine, or Princess, as that's the title I've held for so long. What I'm doing is looking for where my hive should be in this world.” Crystalia surveyed the map before her seeing if there was any geographical differences between the worlds, however, she wasn't seeing any. “There,” She pointed with a hoof. “My hive should be there.” She saw Aegis get closer and look over the map and shuddered.

“Why are you so interested in this? You're going to be going home in a few days, max. A few hours at least.”

“Because it can help your hive. From what I've learned, your faction of changelings only has three hives right now, and two of them aren't very big. Even if my hive fell in this world we have fail-safes and contingencies in case of it, and if those are in place I could add a fourth hive to your number, one that is like yours in developing technology. If you are so worried about war, the more allies, the better, yes?” Aegis rolled her eyes and she felt the annoyance coming from the drone.

'It's really odd that she is of Twilight's blood and not Rainbows.' She mentally commented as the drone approached the map.

“Okay, where would your hive be?”

“There,” She pointed to a part of the Frozen North not too far from the Crystal Empire. “The Diamond Shimmer Hive would have been there.”

“By the First Mother why place your hive all the way out there!?” The drone hunched and said weakly. “It's so cold up north.” Crystalia put a hoof to her chin as she looked up in thought.

"I.... I'm not entirely sure," Crystalia said, "It's one of the mysteries I've wondered about. It's no secret that Queen Majestic, my grandmother, was a brilliant Changeling, so I suppose there is a good reason for it. If it were me, I'd have done it for the remoteness and location. A temperate valley, completely encircled by impassable mountains with only a large cavern as a means of entering by ground, and flying in a great difficulty due to the strong winds in the mountains. This means that Crystal Valley itself is strategically superior as a small force could successfully hold the cavern and not have to worry about being flanked. What's more, the Hive itself was built on the far side of the valley, on it's highest region, providing even greater tactical advantage due to holding the high ground. That's what I think, anyway."

“Okay so the valley itself seems good, but it's so cold up there.” Crystalia shrugged and replied.

“I guess it wasn't a big enough deal, and we adapted ourselves to it in time. The valley itself is temperate, having a climate much like Equestria's own. Hay, even if my transformation nullified the adaption to the cold tundra surrounding the valley, being a Regent of the Sun has perks.” Crystalia grinned at Aegis with a mischievous grin.

“It's creepy how much like Celestia you act.”

“Well.... when you spent your childhood with her, then have to pose as her for a thousand years.... things tend to stick. Like, for instance, an incredible affection for confection, the chief being cake.” Aegis raised an eyebrow.

“You mean that the cake fetish is genetic?” The Drone asked. To which Crystalia chuckled.

“Not really. I mean, I'm not a blood relative, after all. Tia introduced me to cake when we were little. The cake was good, and I've enjoyed many since. But it wasn't until I started playing Tia that I really got into them. Her Cake Fetish was already well-known back then, so I had to eat more, otherwise ponies would be suspicious. After a time I came to really enjoy my cake, ESPECIALLY Chocolate Cake. Even after Celestia's return I haven't stopped, though I have toned it down a great deal.” Crystalia got the dreamy smile on her face. “I still remember a week ago. The guards were having a party in the castle and me and Tia sneakily took a couple pieces of cake and darted away. The lieutenant in charge of Luna's guards spotted us and yelled. 'Have some dignity! You're rulers of a nation!' Oh that was an enjoyable event.” Aegis laughed at the story.

“Oh, I've got to remember that the next time I'm in Canterlot.” Then Aegis turned serious, but before Crystalia could ask what was wrong Aegis spoke again. “Mom called. The Other Twilight is ready to send you home.”

“Very well.” Crystalia said as she nodded and got up. She took the map in her magic and brought it to Aegis. “Please make use of this. You need all the help you can get.” Aegis took it in her magic.

“I may not like the cold but both momma and aunty Dash taught me to never refuse help.”

“Wise words, I'm proud of them.” With that, Crystalia and Aegis set off to the old throne room.
* * * * *

Twilight checked her notes one last time, with her Changeling Counterpart looking over her shoulder when Crystalia arrived with Aegis, and Luna with Crystal Shimmer. Rainbow came in from another area.

“So the eggheads finally fixed this spell?” Rainbow asked, causing the Twilights to roll their eyes, almost in perfect sync, much to Crystalia's amusement.

“Yes Rainbow.” It was then that Twilight noticed the slight echo and looked to her changeling self who was in turn looking down at her. The both stared at each other before bursting into laughter. “Okay I added a viewing spell to the it so we can, hopefully, see the world on the other side, and hope it's Crystalia's.” She looked at the Celestia styled changeling and asked. “Are you ready?” Crystalia simply nodded. “Okay here we go.” She closed her eyes and focused her magic on the spells, carefully aligning everything. She needed to get this right, or who knows who else would be dragged here. She felt the magic condense and a burst of wind hit her. She opened her eyes to see a portal opened and viewing another world. A glance showed it was the wrong world. The view they had was like they were hanging on a ceiling. They saw a changeling leave a room with such a sad look on her face. Then they saw The Changeling Queen that attacked Canterlot, Chrysalis, from what her new friends told her the queen's name was, show up and say.

“Amaryllis?” The first changeling looked over and responded.


'That changeling said that in my voice.' She quickly used her magic to move to another universe. In this one she saw an exact copy of herself in a restored Royal Sisters Castle with a unknown dark furred alicorn with no cutie mark, a Celestia without her regalia, a Rainbow Dash, and …..a human Sunset Shimmer? Twilight looked over to Crystalia and asked an unsaid question. She just shook her head and Twilight briefly heard from the other side of the portal a 'what the hey?' Before she moved to another. The next one had a Twilight with a purple torc with a much older Spike and Rainbow Dash with that Twilight and Rainbow fighting over coffee. Another shake and they moved on. The next had what looked like a gathering of all of Equestria's government ponies and nobles, and it sounded like Celestia was declaring war on griffons. She also noticed a UNICORN Cadance and an unfamilliar Pegasus with Nightmare Guards standing next to them. Another shake and they move on.
They saw many universes which some had Twilight as Luna or Celestia's or even Nightmare Moon's daughter. It was seriously disturbing seeing Nightmare Moon hold an unconscious Twilight like a foal, especially with a look of such joy on Nightmare Moon's face. They also saw an Alicorn Sunset Shimmer teaching a filly Twilight, a Twilight messing with a strange device that made portals with blue and orange bolts, even a Twilight with and filly Nightmare Moon was seen. Finally Crystalia had her stop at a universe. Twilight saw a Nightmare Moon-esque alicorn, though one she knew she hadn't seen before, talking with Celestia and Luna by a chariot bay.

“That is Princess Starlight Waltz. She rules a kingdom near the Crystal Empire, the Starlight Empire. She's a very old friend of my family. In fact, she was present for the funeral of Queen Majestic. That makes here the oldest pony I know. Her Empire has always been a peaceful one, though should conflict arise, I'd hate to be against Starlight.” Twilight heard a chuckle from Crystal Shimmer.

“You sure this is the right one?” She asked Crystalia.

“Yes. We planned on leaving for Diamond Shimmer in a few days. It would be the first time I set hoof there since I had to assumed Tia's role. Princess Starlight was in town for some trade talks and I agreed to give her a lift home.” It looked like Crystalia was about to move when they saw another Crystalia and Crystal Shimmer appear. They walked up to the previous group and began chatting.

“What the hay!” It was Rainbow this time.

“Quiet Rainbow! You might give us away.” She hissed at the Changeling Queen.

“Too late.” Crystal Shimmer said, and they all looked to see the other group looking at them. Crystalia took over and stepped up to the portal, the other Crystalia doing the same. She asked her other several questions to which the other answered. After a bit Crystalia saw Twilight was looking, and feeling, really tired. The portal has been open for awhile and switching worlds was not easy.

“Crystalia, if you are going to go, go now. I can't hold this open for much longer.” She heard Crystalia sigh and looked down.

“Close it.” The response was soft. She looked at Crystalia questioningly. “I said close it!” Crystalia repeated with authority. Twilight did and the portal closed with a sympathetic look in the other Crystalia's face, as well as Starlight, who had come up to the portal during the conversation to join and weigh-in. Everypony paused for a few minutes while she regained her breath.

“Mother.... why?” Crystal Shimmer asked in a small voice. Crystalia looked at her.

“You heard the questions.... and answers. They weren't dimensional counterparts like these Twilights. They WERE us. Either we or them are duplicates, so it didn't matter which of us stayed, and I WILL NOT put that pressure on this Twilight. Our.... our home is in good hooves.” Crystal responded by fleeing the room with her mother close behind calling out for her. Exhausted, Twilight ended up leaning against her counterpart, and felt a hoof around her.

“Come on, let's get you to bed.” It's strange how comforting hearing her voice out of another, especially with the changeling flange in it. She didn't think long on it when darkness claimed her.
* * * * *

Crystalia kept up with her daughter, but only just.
'Really need to cut back on the cakes now that I don't have to pose as Tia.' She thought as she got into Crystal's room and sealed it so they could have privacy.

“How could you mother! You just threw away our chance to return home! Why!? WHY!? Why did you do that!?”

“They already had us there, Crystal. Can you imagine a world dealing with two of you and two of me? Hey, they're still adjusting to the sun having two regents now.” She paused before continuing. “I know you are not happy about this, but neither am I. I wish things were different, too, but this is the way it is. This isn't the first time I lost something precious to me. Though I managed to regain what I lost, I doubt it would be the same here. What gives me the greatest comfort is that I have you, Crystal. No matter what the future brings, I know it can be okay as long as I have you, my child.” Silence filled the room as she awaited her daughter's response. Crystal then turned around and hugged her mother and cried, Crystalia wrapping her forehooves around her daughter, whispering reassuring words.

"It's alright, Crystal. It's fine. We're okay. We're going to be okay."
After what felt like eons but was probably a couple of hours Crystal finally spoke.

“I love you mom, and I'm sorry. I got so ...”

“Ssshhhhh, it's okay. You have every right to be mad. You just had your world ripped from you, but so did I, but we'll be okay.”

“What do we do now?”

“Well, Queen Twilight is keeping us as guests so we have a place to stay. Perhaps we can figure out why our hive isn't active here?” They both looked at each other before they felt a sudden shift in the emotions around them. “What in Equestria?” She said aloud, opening the door as a cyan drone ran past. “What's going on! What us the meaning of this fear and panic?”

“Your highness, we just heard over the Link. Stripped Gear is under attack!”

Author's Note:

Anyone that can guess the references gets mustaches