• Published 11th Nov 2014
  • 6,757 Views, 246 Comments

Queen Meets Princess - Admiral Q Ponyform

Changling Queen Twilight Sparkle was just hanging at her hive in Everfree when she gets a surprise visitor. Herself

  • ...

Talking with Crystalia Part 1 (Guest Chapter)

Author's Note:

Chapter Done by The Prince of the North.

Give him a warm hand since it's cold up there.

*Starts running from his enrage wife*

Twilight waited patiently in one of the castle's old reading rooms. It was one of the very few parts of the castle her changelings had not yet got around to renovating yet. Crystalia said she'd meet her here.

After a few minutes, Crystalia entered the room, and took a place on one of the old cushions, which she slowly ran a hoof over.

"Queen Crystalia," Twilight said hesitantly.

Crystalia looked at Twilight. "Celestia and I used to have so much fun here when we were little. I'd put on a guise that made me look like her, and we'd walk about the castle. Luna or her mom were usually our intended targets, as her father wasn't there too often. The look on their faces when Celestia disappeared down one corridor and I, looking liker Celestia, appeared behind them seconds later....it was priceless."

Twilight smiled at Crystalia's recollection. To her, at least, it appeared to be that she and Celestia were very close, at least in Crystalia's reality.

Crystalia's smile slowly faded. "That was many thousands of years ago, when her and I were little. It seems bittersweet now, doesn't it? The Celestia of this reality probably never had as much fun as we did."

Twilight sighed, but nodded. "I can see that. Princess Luna is the one more open to Changelings here. Celestia....I don't think she's ever liked Changelings too much, me and RD being the exceptions."

Crystalia nodded in turn. "Still....it's nice to know, then, that my being there made all the difference. Tell me again, Twilight, how did you become a Changeling?"

"A delegation, including myself, was sent to meet Cadista," Twilight explained, "We were ambushed, and I was both mortally wounded and poisoned. With no other choice but death, I was allowed to become a royal changeling, with Celestia's blessing. I forgot almost everything, but it all came back soon afterwards."

"That's good to know," Crystalia said with a smile, "I don't know what I'd do if I-"

"Hmm," Twilight wondered, her curiosity now piqued, "You don't know what?"

Crystalia sighed. "I don't know what I'd do if I'd lost you. In my reality, you are MY student. As I've told you, Celestia died because of her battle with Nightmare Moon in my reality. I promised her I'd take care of Equestria until I found a way to bring her back, and I did both take care of Equestria, and bring her back. You would still be my student when Tia was resurrected, but you'd also take lessons from her as well."

Twilight nodded. "Still, that's not why you look so much like her, is it?"

Crystalia nodded. "It's not. Even before I met her, I looked like her. Magenta eyes like a pony's, white chitin, no carapace, and a pink mane and tail. I did have a striking resemblance to her even when she was a filly, and I a Fledgling Queen. It may be by design I got this cutie mark, this fur, and this mane. It may be the fact that she had to teleport me home the first time we met. It might even be because I was around her so much."

"But not because of her love," asked Twilight.

"That is also likely, but not for the reason you think," Crystalia said, "My kind, or at least changelings from my Hive, have evolved beyond the need for love to survive."

"Wait," Twilight said, holding up a hoof, "You DON'T need love?"

"No, Diamond Shimmer Changelings do not," Crystalia said with an affirmative nod, "Due to the location of the hive, we adapted, but this was long before my time. Since that time, love has served to us what adrenaline has served to ponies; a massive burst of energy. Mind, love energy won't kill you."

Twilight only nodded I response. "Cadista has been trying for years to create a Changeling that can generate it's own love, and I was the result. You seem to have already outdone her."

"It would appear that way," Crystalia said with a smile. "Speaking of, do you think it'd be possible for me to meet this Queen Cadista? From what I've heard from your drones, she's not long of this world."

Twilight nodded. "They're right, sadly. I don't know if she'll see you, but I think I'll ask anyway."

"Thank you," Crystalia said with a nod, "Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

"You're hive," Twilight said, "Tell me about it."

Crystalia's entire disposition brightened at Twilight's suggestion. "I would most certainly love to! The Twilight from my reality really enjoyed her visit. Where to begin....ah yes. Diamond Shimmer Hive is located to the northeast of The Crystal Empire, in a place nestled in the mountains called Crystal Valley, which is divided into three parts: The Eastern Highlands, the Central Forests, and the Western Lowlands. Diamond Shimmer Hive is located in the Western Lowlands, which are the most fertile lands, and have a climate similar to Equestria."

"Interesting," Twilight said, "And the Hive proper?"

"That would be divided into two major parts," Crystalia explained, "The Citadel, and the Diamond City."

Twilight decided this wasn't the time for questions yet, and let Crystalia continue, for she seemed to be enjoying herself greatly.

"The Citadel is located at the center of Diamond Shimmer Hive, and is a tall marble spire stretching into the heavens above," explained Crystalia, "It is surrounded by the Royal Gardens, and those are surrounded by a wall, making the Citadel into a fortress. It is within the Citadel that the Hive's love is stored. Before you say anything, just because we don't need love to live, doesn't mean we don't store it."

"Understandable," Twilight said, "It must have helped in building such an impressive structure."

"Even more when the city around it was built first," Crystalia stated, causing Twilight's eyes to widen, "The Diamond City surrounds the Citadel, and is also surrounded by another wall, just as tall and fortified as the Citadel wall. The single gate through this wall lines up with the gate into the Citadel. Similar to the Citadel, the Diamond City's layout is completely symmetrical, save for that which lies below ground. The road leading to the Citadel is the exception, as it is lined with two sparkling rivers that flow from the Citadel to the Lowlands across the valley, and are fed by springs located deep beneath the earth. Overall, the entire city is and engineering marvel, especially coming from a Changeling, and was the brainchild of Queen Majestic, first Queen of Diamond Shimmer Hive."

"It sounds....beautiful," Twilight said, awestruck.

"That it is," Crystalia said, a gleam in her eye, "I've been told that even the splendour and grandeur of the great city of Canterlot pales in comparison to Diamond Shimmer Hive."

"Really," Twilight said, "Who told you that? Celestia?"

Crystalia only looked at Twilight, a smile crossing her lips. "You did, Twilight. Indeed, Celestia did say that when she was young and I snuck her into the Hive, but you, Twilight, or at least the you from my reality, were the first pony to say so after my coronation."

Twilight was completely at a loss for words. She, or at least another her, had seen Crystalia's Hive, and thought is better than even Canterlot. She assumed Crystalia to be lying, but could sense nothing but sincerity from the Queen.

"You don't have to say anything, Twilight," Crystalia said, her smile beginning to fade, "You're not her, so your thoughts and opinions are your own. Besides, in time, I have the strangest feeling that you will see what my Changelings created."

"How can you be so certain," inquired Twilight.

Crystalia chuckled as she stood up and cantered over to a wall, hitting a brick. To Twilight's surprise, the brick opened a secret door, one that lead to a room filled with sweets from long ago, when the castle was still inhabited. Crystalia gingerly picked up a piece of candy with her magic, a caramel chew, and promptly threw it into her mouth. "Call it a Queen's intuition."