• Published 11th Nov 2014
  • 6,757 Views, 246 Comments

Queen Meets Princess - Admiral Q Ponyform

Changling Queen Twilight Sparkle was just hanging at her hive in Everfree when she gets a surprise visitor. Herself

  • ...

The Girls (Uneditted)

Early the next day Twilight was gathering the books she researched back in her Equestria. Hopefully she could figure out what went wrong with the spell. Her Equestria needed her and this one seemed fine with it's version of her. She brought the books to her room in the partially restored castle. She dropped the books down and with a scroll ready to go she opened the first book and started reading for clues.

* * * * * *

Hours and one meal later she needed a break. She had written multiple notes and thought she made good headway but even she the study princess needs a breather. She stretched out and looked out the window in front of her desk. She was several trees before seeing the roofs of Ponyville. She loved the town and was thankful that Celestia sent her there four years ago. One sight did get her attention though. In the middle of all those roofs she saw the top of a tree. A tree with a window and a balcony. A smile came to her lips, Golden Oaks Library. That little town library which she had many fond memories of. It be nice to see it again. And maybe see her friends, or at least this Equestria's version of them. 'Yeah I think I will do that.' Opening the door of her room she noticed a lavender changeling nearby.

“Excuse me.” She asked and the changeling stop and went over to her.

“Yes Princess?” he asked.

“Please don't call me princess, just call me Twilight. I want to meet the girls at Golden Oaks.” The changeling blink a couple of times before his eyes changed, looking like a purple version of Nightmare Moon's.

“An interesting idea. I would love to see them react to you but I don't want too many ponies knowing about you.” He replied in HER voice. The changeling looked at her expectantly while she was in shock a bit.

“Um, why did your voice changed?” She asked it.

“Huh? Oh that. As queen I can take over control of a drones body without having to waste time getting to you in person they will act as a vessel.” Twilight eyed her other self critically.

“Is he okay?”

“He's quite fine. He asked me for help and this was the best solution. When we are done we will go on about his job no worse for where.” the changeling's features went cold. “I would NEVER harm my children. Unlike most of the hives my children are very important to me.” Princess Twilight raised her hooves in surrender.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to insult you.” The drone puppet sighed.

“Sorry Twilight, most queens have their drones be nothing more then an instrument of their will. No will of their own.”

“Forgiven, I was afraid of how much your change has change you from me. My history with Changelings doesn't go beyond the wedding. In a way they are my children as well. Weird to think of having adult kids but it is what it is.” Deciding it was time to get back to the subject that started this conversation Princess Twilight changed the topic. “So anyway I could wear a cloak till we get to Golden Oaks. I would love to be in that building one more time.” Thought Princess Twilight tried to hide it the puppet saw the pain on her others eyes.

“That can work. I'll have by kids inform our friends to meet in the library.”

“I will teleport since I want to beat Pinkie there, if possible.” The puppet nodded.

“Well Rainbow already knows and is all for it and will meet us there after she gets a drone to finish Luna's inspection of our airships.”

“She can come to! I would never reject her coming.”

“She was offered but refused. Said this should be a private thing with the element bearers and did thank us for the offer.”

“She is always welcomed as far as I'm concerned.”

A few minutes later another drone gave Twilight a black cloak and she put it on with the hood and asked the drone.

“Is any of me visible?”

“Just the tips of your muzzle and horn. Beside the hooves, you're good.”

After giving her thanks she focused so her cloak will go with her when she teleports and imagined the front of the library. With a pop she found herself at the library with both the real Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle already there. The other Twilight knocked on the door.

“Coming!” a familiar voice said and the door opened to reveal Spike. His eyes lit up seeing the other Twilight. “TWILIGHT!” He went over and hugged the Changeling/Pony Queen.

“Nice to see you to Spike, may we come in?”

“Of course, hey Dash, nice to see you.” he pause when he looked at the cloaked Twilight. “Who is this?”

“She's a new friend Spike and wants to meet the other girls, they should be arriving soon.” He nodded and allowed them in.

“I'll go make snacks.” He said and disappeared into the kitchen. Twilight meanwhile looked around the library taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the tree. She MISSED this place so much. So many memories here. Unknown to her both Changelings felt her emotions and were unsure how to comment on it.

<Wow did her emotion spike.> Rainbow commented over the link.

<Well we both treasure this place. This was our home. I may not live here anymore but I can visit anytime I want. Her, she lived in it longer but remember she lost it when Tirek was loose in her world. Remember how you felt when you woke up as a Queen? That you could never be a Wonderbolt again.> Rainbow gave a mental nod. <Well she is feeling the same. She is doing something she never can do in her world outside of dreams and memories.>

<Okay I can get that Twi. I wonder what she still has that you don't anymore?>

<Well Ageis said she still has Velvet.>

<Ouch. But hay at least you know that a version of her is still in a Twilight's life.> Before that conversation could go further the door opened to reveal Rarity.

“Hello darlings! You have impeccable timing Twilight. I was going to take off soon for Manehatten to sell my latest line. Your kids did a marvelous job making that mobile boutique for me.”

“That's good to here Rarity, Gadget Whiz is happy to work and travel with you.”

“She is a gem. Now what is this all about?”

“Won't say till the others get here.” Next was Pinkie shaking like crazy all the way in.

“Having a doozy Pinkie?” Queen Twilight asked with a knowing smile.

“Y-y-y-y-e-e-e-p-p-p-p! B-e-e-n h-a-v-i-n-g o-n-e a-l-l d-a-y!” Next in was Fluttershy giving a quiet hello and finally Applejack came in. Spike came in with treats and put them on the main table.

“Okay Twilight, not that I mind the get together. Why are we all here?” Rarity asked. Princess Twilight thought it was time for the big reveal.

“I asked for you.” everypony looked her way as she walked over.

“And who are you if I might ask?” Rarity said. Twilight answered by pulling the hood back and smiled at them. The all but Applejack, Queen Twilight, and Rainbow Dash gasp in surprise.

“Is is this some kind of prank Rainbow Dash?” Rarity said with a hint of anger.

“No it isn't.” Princess Twilight responded. She took the cloak off fully reveal her full nature. This cause more gasps of course.

“Y-you're an alicorn!” Rarity said shocked. “Explain please!?” Twilight nodded and explain the events that led her to this point.

The girls listen with complete attention and when done Pinkie was the first to respond. “You know that this means?” She asked with a gleeful smile. “It means I need to throw 'We have a Twilight Alicorn Party' for her!” Before the pink party pony could zip away to get party supplies Princess Twilight used her magic to pin Pinkie down.

“Pinkie as much as I would appreciate that I rather only a few know about me. I don't want to damage anything your Twilight has done between ponies and her changelings.” Pinkie's sad look nearly killed her. “How about this Pinkie. You can throw me a party in the castle at some point.” Pinkie lit up again and as Twilight released her.

“Really!?” Pinkie asked bugged eyed.

“Yes whatever you want to do you can do as long as it's within the castle and hive.” The next thing Twilight knew she was being squeezed by Pinkie before she left go and she saw a semi serious look on Pinkie's face.

“Pinkamena Diane Pie, solemnly swear..” Pinkie goes through the motions of her Pinkie Promise as she says this to Twilight. “..that you will have the best private party that I can do.” With that she disappear, literally disappeared. There was a pause among the girls before they shook their heads and began talking among themselves. Twilight herself HAD to check out her old bedroom. It was a little different then she last saw her version. This one had a lot more comics in the private area but it still had that little basket and her old made made perfectly fine like it was waiting for her. She couldn't help but put a hoof on it.

“Twilight, you okay?” Twilight smiled as she turned to look at Spike. She saw the baby dragon she loved as a little brother looking concern at her.

“Just taking in the room Spike. In my Equestria this place doesn't exist anymore. Tirek destroyed it. So I'm taking the time I have here to touch it again. I never imagine being able to ever again.”

“You know how I feel then.” That confused Twilight.


“I...I nearly lost you. One moment you are saying goodbye and that you will write to me from the Stripped Gear Hive and to take care of the library. The next thing I know you were attacked and NEARLY DIED! When I do see you again you're a changeling. I got even more worried when Princess Celestia said you wouldn't remember me but thankfully you took care of that. But I thought I would never see you look like this again unless in disguise.” Twilight took Spike and gave him a hug.

“Spike, I'm sorry you had to suffer that. I can only imagine what both she and you have gone through. I'll have a talk with my other self. I have no don't she still loves you but consider everything she has to deal with now I can see her forgetting a bit. I would love to have my number one assistant help me figure out the spell but the library needs you.”

“But what if you worked here?” Spike asked while interrupting Twilight. She gave a sad smile.

“I would love to do that, but there's too much of a chance of somepony seeing me. I don't want too many ponies seeing me. But I promise to visit okay?” Spike gave a small sad nod. 'Now come on, let's rejoin our friends.” With that they leave the room though Twilight takes one last look at the room she once had.

Coming down the stairs Twilight heard Applejack ask.

“You okay sugarcube?”

“Yeah, just taking the opportunity to check out my old bedroom.” Twilight then looked at her other self. “You and I need to talk later.”

“Okay.” Queen Twilight responded.

“Well that's good to here. I was afraid you were having another freak out again like when I found you in the Everfree Forest.” Rarity had a shocked look looked at Applejack.

“Wait, you knew about her before today? Why didn't you tell us?” She asked accusingly.

“Well Twilight, well our Twilight asked me to keep it a secret till she said otherwise.”

“Well, if Twilight wanted her a secret then I can respect that. Not agree mind you but respect that.”

“Sorry Rarity, but the whole situation was pretty chaotic and her freak out didn't help so I tried to keep a lid on things till it was handled. She beat me to it when she wanted to meet you.” Queen Twilight commented.

“Apology accepted darling, just don't keep us out of the loop next time.”

“Unless it's a royal thing I can agree to that.”

With that the meeting continued even with Pinkie returning with party supplies and it turned into a full out party between them all. And Princess Twilight almost felt like she was home.