• Published 11th Nov 2014
  • 6,751 Views, 246 Comments

Queen Meets Princess - Admiral Q Ponyform

Changling Queen Twilight Sparkle was just hanging at her hive in Everfree when she gets a surprise visitor. Herself

  • ...

Comparing Lives and Tours (Uneditted)

Twilight watched her Changeling self leave with that Rainbow Dash with her.

“So where do we start your highness?” Twilight looked over to the Changeling next to her. Aegis did look a lot like her with the colors but the fangs, the holes, the wings, the slightly glowing blue eyes, and final the orange stripe that replaced Twilight's purple stripe showed the differences.

“First off, no titles. I hate them. Call me Sparkle if we are to make it clear which of me we are talking to.”

“Sounds fair to me.” Aegis looked over to Applejack. “You joining us Applejack?”

“Nah, with farming lesson canceled for today I'll head over to the farm and help out there. You both take it easy ya here.” With that Applejack headed for the road now in the forest leading to Ponyville.

“Well, I'll show you the highlights of Hive Phoenix Roost.” Aegis stated and with a nod Twilight followed the Changeling that was in a way her daughter.

Aegis escorted Princess Twilight to where she wanted to start the tour. She also eyed the alicorn with curiously. This is what her mother could have been if she hadn't been attacked all those years ago. She was slightly bigger than the average pony but by not much but certainly bigger then her mom was in pony form. What really freaked her out was this Twilight's mane, tail, and cutie mark. Although mom changed her mane change and tail colors a tad years ago they were originally like Aegis's. A dark blue with a pink and orange stripes going through them. On the Princess is was pink and purple and then there was the cutie mark. The recognizable six pointed lavender star with five smaller versions around was always on her mom's flank. A visual symbol of her role as a bridge between Equestria and the Hives allied with Stripped Gear. But where she expected orange she saw white here. This was the first time it really hit her on what her mom went through. Her mom was born and raised as a pony, become the personal student of one of the most powerful beings that has existed, defeat the likes or Nightmare Moon, Discord, and a Changeling invasion. Even helped saved a kingdom from a tyrant. All of it lost by a foolish attack by Queen Silandrus. Silandrus has been responsible for keeping changeling existence a secret for a long time. Sticky Spit Chrysalis blew that out of the water. Why did that old Queen think that killing mom would keep our race safe? If she had succeeded and mom died Celestia would have brought the entire wrath of Equestria against the hives and they would have been wiped out. But mom survived but only by becoming a Changeling. One day a pony, the next a Changeling. That's got to mess with a pony's mind. Mom has said that the amnesia that is a common side effect of the rebirth helped in that since she had to rebuild herself. Aunty Rainbow didn't have that and though the fact she was partially converted before that it was still a bit difficult for her to adjust to being a Royal Changeling. If mom's didn't have that rebuild phase it could have been bad. Her aunts had shared stories of her times with mom before the attack and the want it-need it spell comes to mind.

“Um....Aegis wasn't it?” Princess Twilight interrupted her thoughts and she looked over to the alicorn. The eyes, she was so use to the lavender colored eyes with slits but these were standard ponies eyes with that color.

“Yes it was your highness.” She saw The princess roll her eyes exactly like her mother.

“Please don't use that title, just call me Twilight.” Twilight then bugged eyed (A misnamed reaction if there ever was one) then facehoofed. “Great even that's complicated because there's another me.”

“Twilight works, or maybe Sparkle when your together with others. We just call her mom outside of formal stuff.” Twilight looked at her curiously.

“Is that how you think of each other, as mother and daughter?”

“Pretty much except for those that went ma;e then it's mother and son. But she loves us and we love her and our aunts. Rainbow Dash was our aunt even before she became a Changeling and mom, she always tries to find time to me Mother instead of Queen. Do you have kids where you're from?”

“No I don't I haven't found that special somepony yet.” Aegis noticed a smirk appear on Twilight's face. “But there's this one pegasus that has caught my eye.”

“Really? His name?”

“Flash Sentry. Irony is that a truly met his counterpart first in the human world Sunset Shimmer had been in.”

“Wow, certainly makes mom's meeting Ratchet look normal.”

“Who's he?”

“One of Granny Cady's drones. He help mom adjust to being a changeling and they fell in love.”

“Well back to my original question. This place makes me feel like I'm on a naval ship.”

“You're close. Phoenix's Roost stared out ans Ashes of the Phoenix. It was an airship originally intended as an evacuation ship should Stripped Gear fall. She could use it to setup shop elsewhere. She gave it to mom and it was refitted as a colony ship and was our hive till we were allowed to settle in Everfree.”

“Why Everfree?” Aegis snorted.

“It's the only place the Equestrian Nobles would allow us to settle. You figure after everything mom has done for them before her change and what she suffered afterward they could giver her decent land. But no like they did with Aunty Rainbow they stonewalled like crazy. So we ended up with Everfree, but Everfree is tame compared to the Jungles Granny Cady calls home and with the Thestrals and Tea'la here we are quickly making the forest a safer place.” They got a balcony and with a hoof Aegis pointed to the various spots in the view.

“To the left we have the main barracks area with the galleys next to them. On the right we have the blacksmith and workshops. We just started construction of a factory to mass produce fire arms for all branches of the Equestrian Alliance.” Aegis then pointed to the third biggest structure in the hive after the former airship and the Royal Sisters Castle. “And this will be our greatest contribution to the Alliance. Phoenix's Roost has been charged with providing the air navy for Equestria. Our airships out preform anything anyother nation can produce minus Stripped Gear. In a few months the first of them will be launched and Equestria will be more secure.”

“Why are you expecting war?” Twilight asked.

“Yes.” Aegis replied. “Chrysaslis, the Queen that attack Canterlot has allies and will likely make a move at some point. I've been trying to get a better grasp on things but I'm more like Aunty Rainbow then mom.”

<That's my niece!> she heard her aunt over the Link and swore she felt an eye roll from her mother.

“The basic is this, while there is some variation the Hives are divided into three main groups. Chrysalis's group which believes we are predators and should rule openly. Then theirs the coexist group which is Cadista, and Phoenix's Roost. We believe in open coexistence with ponies. Thanks to Granny Caddy's vision all changelings of this hive can produce love. So we have no need to harvest the way others do and at least partially undo the curse put upon by a misguided god. We are for the moment the smallest of the groups but we can grow easier then the other two groups. Heck our long term plans are to plant hives in the Chaos Lands where we are pretty free to expand. The last group is the shadow group, or maybe status qup would fit more. They just want to continue on has the hives have been for centuries though I believe some are trying to create drones like us for their love needs. Some of these are loosly allies to Chrysalis and at least one is favorable to us since that Queen has been long time friends with Granny Caddy. Mom's actions I believed opened the door to all of this but that door needed to be opened. And would have likely opened eventually. I heard that Granny Caddy and long wanted to convert a pony for her dream but never found a suitable pony. Mother was last on the list because of her connections to Celestia but when granny had to use the Rebirth on her she decided to try and Mom's met and I bet surpassed Caddy's dream.” Aegis saw Twilight look sad by what she has learned.

“Why do I get blessed while your Twilight has to deal with all of this? My Equestria is at peace with no looming threats. The last big one was Tirek. Besides from the occasional disaster or Cutie mark Crusade I only have to worry about what royal duties I have and my magic studies. At least your Twilight has you, our friends, and family. Please tell me her family supports her?” Aegis nervously scratches her neck, a trait she got from her aunt.

“Well most of her family does but...”

“But?” Aegis sighed and let it out.

“But her mom didn't take it well. She was glad that mom was alive but from the start she wanted mom to be a unicorn again. Mom continued to refuse it. She liked being a Changeling and was proud to be a bridge between Changelings and Ponies. Mom jumped through every hoop to heal the rift between them but Velvet wanted only one thing. Mom as a unicorn again. It went so far to foalnap mom and aunty Rainbow and raise an army. I'm not sure if your laws are like here but no pony raises an army without the Princesses' approval. To do so is high treason. When it was over Aunty was unknowingly starting to become a Changeling and Velvet was deemed insane and sent to an Asylum rather then be executed or petrified like most of the other high ranks of that group.” Aegis looked over to see Twilight sad. They needed a change in topic. She looked up thinking and saw the perfect thing. She smiled and spoke. “Excellent timing. Princess Luna has arrived.” She saw Twilight look up and smile at the chariot approaching.

“I would like to see if your Luna is different then mine.” Glad for something to distract from the sad news Aegis led the alicorn to the old castle.

* * * * * *

Q Twilight smiled as she saw her old friend's chariot land in the clearing before the main doors. The lunar princess stepped off her chariot and looked at Q Twilight with a warm smile and sparkle eyes. Q Twilight was glad her relationship with Luna remained as strong as ever despite her change.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Though it would be nice if she just use her first name. “Good to see you again.”

“Likewise Luna, how was Canterlot?” Luna gave her a dark look.

“It finally happened Twilight Sparkle. I have become so angry at a noble that I have literally tossed a noble out of the castle.” Luna's look turned a little gleeful. “It was a wondrous site.” Luna glanced over and saw Q Twilight's shocked look. “Oh don't worry Twilight Sparkle. The foal lived, but learn a valuable lesson. When I say no I MEAN it. So Tia thought that I should take some time away and I was due to visit your hive, so here I am.”

“Well let me show you what we have done with your old castle.” Q Twilight led Luna inside and watch Luna take in the restoration of her old home.

“Your hive has done well Twilight Sparkle. This place is finally looking like it's old self. Especially those tapestries.”

“Rarity takes the credit for those. I swear she almost had an orgasm when she got her hooves on them. That was quite a scrumptious meal. And with the added numbers of the thestrals and the Tea'la we need the room and restoring the castle is easier then clearing more forest at this time.” Q Twilight sensed her daughter Aegis approaching and what that likely mean. Her smiled turned mischievous. “I also have another surprise for you.” Out of the hallway next to the restored twin thrones appear Aegis with P Twilight next to her. Luna had they 'huh?' look on her face as P Twilight waved at her.

“”Well this is quite a prank Twilight Sparkle. Is that Rainbow Dash having fun?”

“Nope, that isn't Dash, go ahead and use the changeling reveal spell.” Luna did and P Twilight was unchanged and Luna looked back at Q Twilight with the question clear on her face so Q Twilgith explained why there was an alicorn version of her old self.

* * * * * *

When Q Twilight was done Luna just sighed at first with a cant of her head. She then shook her head and commented.

“Life is rarely dull with you my friend. I think I know what entertained Tia the last few years of my banishment.” Both Twilight's pouted causing Aegis and Luna to laugh. Putting a hoof on P Twilight's shoulder. “Come Princess Twilight Sparkle, tell us of your world.” Aegis and Q Twilight looked at each other before following.

They spend the next few hours walking among the hallways as P Twilight told them of her home with Luna commenting here and there P Twilight was shocked to learn that Nightmare moon wasn't the twisted form of Luna but a fragment of another goddess. One that was now truly merged with her. And Discord, she admits it makes Discord logical into why he is chaotic.

Q Twilight eventually left them to spend time with Ratchet. But the two princesses watched the stars and talked late into the night. P Twilight went to bed that night in the guest room she was given with a smile. As much as things were different in this world many still were the same.