• Published 12th Nov 2014
  • 10,156 Views, 371 Comments

I'm your son too - Synthetic Soul

Twilights having a baby. At first I was happy, but now I feel like she loves that foal more than me.

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Chapter 11.

Spike’s eyes scanned the location that he now found himself in. Trapped in a magic bubble, along with Discord, Skylight, and Twilight’s friend, Spike found that the group was confined in a realm of pitch-black darkness. There was no light source anywhere, and yet, he could see all the other prisoners of Tirek clear as day.

Spike looked over to the bubble that the young foal was trapped in, and saw the child just lying there, with a glazed over look on his eyes, and a little bit of drool seeping from his mouth.

Spike turned his gaze back towards the group, specifically seeking out Discord. His eyes connected with the body of the draconequus, though the spirit of chaos wasn’t even looking at Spike. He was just staring at the bottom of his bubble, with a defeated, helpless look on his face. The others weren’t looking that good either.

“Ah can’t believe you’d do this Discord,” came Applejacks voice in an accusing tone, breaking the silence. Discords head remained motionless, though his eyes did travel to view the mare.

“We were willin’ to forgive you for all tha damage you’ve done to Equestria in the past, we offered you friendship, and you just betray us like that!”

“I…I’m sorry,” replied Discord, his voice low, and defeated.

“Yeah, well you should be!” yelled Rainbow Dash. “What kind of pony just stabs their friends in the back like that?” Instead of responding, Discord just turned his head to the side, letting out a breath through his nose.

“Friend…a friend you say?”

“What?” questioned Rarity.

“You call me your friend, yet aside from Fluttershy, I haven’t really felt like friends with any of you. Anytime I show up just to say high, you all act like I’m around to cause trouble. I know the only reason that we’re “friends” is because Celestia told you, and that’s only because she thought my magic was useful.”

“Are you trying to JUSTIFY what you did?” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“NO! It’s just that…Tirek didn’t just offer me the freedom to do whatever I wanted. He offered me the chance to be myself again.”

“What do you mean?” questioned Applejack.

“Our friendship is just Celestia’s way of keeping me from causing chaos. For me, chaos isn’t just something I enjoy, it’s a part of me. For me, not causing chaos is like…it’s like…like Pinkie Pie not throwing parties, or Rainbow Dash without her wings. I just wanted to feel like myself again.”

“Well that’s all well and good, but you took this too far!” shouted Rarity. “You’ve possibly doomed all of Equestria, and betrayed the only friends you’ve had, including Fluttershy!”

Discord looked down, feeling increasing amounts of shame.

“And not only that, but you let Tirek drain Skylight! He’s just a foal, and you let Tirek suck out his soul!” screamed Rainbow.

“I…I didn’t know he was there,” said Discord, almost to himself.

‘Hmm….it seems nopony cares that you too, where drained of their magic. You’re a baby too, and yet the only reason they are outraged is because the baby was wronged. Your suffering doesn’t mean anything to them.’

Spike listened to Clarity’s words. Normally it would make him feel sad, but without his magic, the essence of his soul, he felt even worse. The voice was louder, and clearer, and it’s words sunk deeper, making Spike wish he could just dissipate out of reality. It took all his willpower not to cry, and even then, he could feel tears pushing through.

As Spike just sat there, being tormented by the voice in his head, Discord had gone quiet, no longer responding the others anger towards him. They stopped speaking to him, and then the group just sat there, in silence.

It could have been a few minutes, maybe a few hours, Spike couldn’t tell. But eventually something happened. The eight of them were teleported out of the black abyss, into the outside world. They appeared around the red centaur himself, in a charred, barren battlefield.

“They’re release, for all the Alicorn magic in Equestria!” stated Tirek. This drew everyponies attention to who he was addressing, which to their surprise, was Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight let out a gasp of surprise, while the ponies inside the bubbles started pawing at the edges, calling out to the Alicorn Princess.

“What’s it going to be, Princess?” questioned Tirek.

“Don’t do it Twilight!” called Rainbow.

“We aren’t worth it!” shouted Fluttershy.

‘No, you’re not.’

Twilight scanned the bubbles with her eyes, and looked at the faces of her friends. Her eyes met Spikes for a second, before they locked onto her son.

“Skylight!” cried Twilight. Her concern turned to rage, and she returned her attention to Tirek. “I knew you were low down, but stealing a babies magic? That’s just despicable! Release my son and my friends right NOW!”

‘Hehe, it’s like you’re invisible. Like a ghost, dead to all those around you.'

“Please stop,” muttered Spike, quietly.

“If you want their safe release, then give me the Alicorn magic!” asserted Tirek. Twilight looked ready to kill the Centaur, stepping forward, beginning to charge her horn. “One more step, and I’ll kill them instantly.” Taking this in, Twilight retreated back to her previous position. “Give me the Alicorn magic, and I’ll let them go.” Twilight took a few moments to think, before turning her attention back to Tirek.

“Fine…I’ll give you my magic.”

“Excellent,” said Tirek. He snapped his fingers, and seven of the eight bubbles fell to the ground. As soon as they touched down, Twilight sprinted towards the group. She ran right to the group, and scooped up Skylight in her arms, hugging him tightly. Her friends gathered around her, while Spike just lay there. He felt so tired, yet he was able to lift himself up somewhat to gaze over at Twilight.

“Oh Skylight,” said Twilight, nuzzling her child. “I can’t believe this happened to you. But it’s ok now, I’m here, mommy’s here.” After a few moments of Twilight comforting her son, Tirek broke the silence.

“Now, I believe you owe me something.”

“Not yet. You haven’t released all my friends yet.” Arching his eyebrow, Tirek turned his head to observe Discord.

“Him? You want him free? After he betrayed you?”

“Release him,” stated Twilight firmly.

“Hmph. Very well,” said Tirek, snapping his fingers. The bubble around Discord fell to the ground, popping on impact. Discord used his arms to lift himself up. After a moment, he spoke to Twilight.

“Thank you Twilight,” said Discord sadly. “I’m sorry.” Twilight looked him in the eyes, before turning back to Tirek.

“Your turn,” said the Centaur, as he started to drain the magic from her body. The stream of magical energy traveled through Tirek’s mouth, into his body. Once he was done, Twilight collapsed to the ground. Tirek, now possessing all the Alicorn magic in Equestria increased in size, a magical glow surrounding his body.

Twilight, still holding her baby as safely as she could, hoisted herself up, as her friends rushed to comfort her.

“Are you okay?” questioned Pinkie Pie.

“I’m…I’m ok…I think.” Just then, Discord stepped forward towards the group of mares.

“Tirek tricked me into believing he could offer me something more valuable than friendship,” said the Draconequus, his head lowering. “But there is nothing worth more, I know that now. He lied when he said that this medallion was given as a sign of gratitude and loyalty. But when I say it is a sign of our true friendship, I am telling the truth,” said Discord, as he placed the medallion around Twilights neck. A rainbow shined across the medallion, returning the color to Twilights eyes.

“You think that might be the last one we need?” questioned Applejack.

“We have to get to the chest,” said Twilight with determination. “Tirek has gone too far. Not only did he hurt my friends, but he hurt my family as well,” said Twilight, stroking Starlight’s mane. “He made this personal. Come on, lets’ go,” said Twilight. She then galloped away, with the girls, and Discord following. But what nopony noticed, was that Spike was still lying there on the ground.

“Tw-twilight,” called Spike weakly, while reaching out to her with one arm. Not having the strength to keep it up, Spike collapsed on the ground. “She…she left me,” said Spike, with his eyes beginning to tear up.

‘You can no longer deny the truth I have been telling you. She doesn’t care about you. You aren’t her family, you aren’t even her friend. All she cared about was that Tirek hurt the baby, not you. You mean nothing to her.’

“You’re…you’re right,” said Spike. His sadness was overwhelming. It threatened to drown him in his sorrow. “You’ve always been right. And you know what?” said Spike, hosting himself up, his sadness turning to anger.

“I don’t love her either.”

Author's Note:

This is the last straw Twilight! I'm drawing the line in the sand! I'm going to pour the sand in your house, and draw that line!

This is Spike's last straw, so next chapter is the first part of the confrontation. Also, it was my birthday yesterday. This is my gift to you, even though, if you think about it, you should have gotten me something, like action figures, comic books and video games. But it's ok, I forgive you. Just send me a check in the mail, and it will all be good.

Seriously though, I hope you've enjoyed the story thus far, it's nearing the end. Until next time, make sure to brush your nails, and cut your teeth. Bye!