• Published 12th Nov 2014
  • 10,158 Views, 371 Comments

I'm your son too - Synthetic Soul

Twilights having a baby. At first I was happy, but now I feel like she loves that foal more than me.

  • ...

Chapter 13.

Twilight frantically galloped through Ponyville with her son riding on her back, being held with her magic to keep him from falling.

‘Gotta think, gotta think. Who can watch Skylight? Who’s closest…the Cakes!’

With her location in mind, Twilight began sprinting towards Sugarcube Corner. Many ponies noticed her frantic pace, and asked why she was in such a hurry, but Twilight had no time to respond. She had to find Spike. Twilight had no idea where he planned on going, so she needed to find him before he got too far.

Seeing her destination directly ahead of her, she quickened her pace. When she reached the establishment, she threw opened the door, and entered. A few ponies were sitting at tables, eating various sweets. Twilight paid them no mind, instead trotting up to the counter, where Mrs. Cake was situated.

“Twilight dear, what’s the matter? It looks like you came here in quite a hurry!” questioned the baker.

“Sorry Mrs. Cake, I can’t really talk much, I’m having an emergency. I was wondering if you could please, please, please watch over Skylight for me?” asked Twilight, with panic in her voice.

“Oh, well of course dear,” said Mrs. Cake, taking the foal from Twilight. “Just what kind of emergency are we talking about?”

“Spike ran away!”

“WHAT!” everyone in the room turned their heads to see Pinkie Pie standing on the stairs, her jaw hanging open. In the blink of an eye, she was right in front of Twilight.

“Why did he run away? Did you have a fight? Did he leave in a desperate attempt to save all those he knows and loves from a long forgotten enemy who seeks to destroy all he holds dear? WHAT HAPPENED?”

“Pinkie, calm down, give the mare some room to breath,” said Mrs. Cake, stepping in between the two. Quickly making sure the mare was calm(er), she addressed Twilight.

“Now Twilight, I’m sure he hasn’t gotten far. Kids run away sometimes, but they never go very far.”

“He ran away once before, and nearly got himself eaten by a fully grown dragon. I don’t want to take any chances.”

“Wait, he nearly got eaten by another dragon? Isn’t that cannibalism? I thought most dragons were against that?” questioned Pinkie, putting a hoof to her chin in thought.

“I…I don’t know, that isn’t important right now,” said Twilight, steering the conversation back on track.

“Do you know why he left?” questioned Mrs. Cake.

“I don’t, I mean not really. He just left me this really formal note. It didn’t even sound like an ‘I’m running away’ note. It sounded like he was quitting his job! I don’t know what it’s about, but I have to find him!”

“That does sound strange. Well don’t worry dear, I’ll take care of Skylight for a while if that’s what you need,” assured Mrs. Cake.

“Thanks Mrs. Cake,” said Twilight gratefully, before turning towards Pinkie. “Pinkie, do you think you and the girls could help me search for him?”

“Sure thing Twilight!” affirmed Pinkie with a military salute.

“Alright good. I’ll keep looking, you go get the others.” Pinkie nodded in understanding, and then the two mares galloped out of the building.

‘Spike’ thought Twilight. ‘I don’t know what’s bothering you, but I promise once I find you, we’ll fix it together!’ And with that, she continued her search, running to find the baby dragon.

‘So just why ARE we in the Everfree? I thought you said you wanted to find your own friends and family?’

“I do,” said Spike as he trudged through the dark forest. “I plan to cut right though the forest, and come out the other side. There should be another city somewhere in that direction. Besides, the Everfree is the last place she’d look for me.”

‘Isn’t this the first place she looked the last time you ran off?’

“Exactly! Twilight wouldn’t think I’d make the same mistake twice! By doing that, I’m throwing her off!”

‘Doing the same thing over again, and excepting a different result…isn’t that the definition of insanity?’

“I’m not crazy! Besides, I know that if I find a large pile of gems, it probably belongs to another dragon.”

Clarity didn’t respond. Without his distraction, Spike continued his trek. He continued his walk for quite some time, before the inevitable darkening of the sky began. The young dragon looked up to the sky to see it making its transition from blue to purple. The moon rose high, and the stars began to glow.

“Looks like I better find a place to stay for the night,” said Spike to himself. He started searching the land for any place that would provide safety from the nocturnal predators that called the Everfree their home. After about ten minutes of searching, he found a small cave.

“This should do,” said Spike.

‘Last time you said that, you nearly got eaten.’

“Yeah, I know. But this cave is way too small for a giant dragon to live in. All I need to do is make sure there are no other predators inside, and then I’ll be all good to go!”

‘And how are you going to do that?’

Taking a moment to look around, Spike’s eyes became drawn to a medium sized stick lying on the ground.

‘That’ll do,’ thought Spike. He walked over to the stick and picked it up. Holding it in front of his face, he blew a small flame onto it, lighting it up like a torch. Gripping it in his hand, he made his way to the cave, and entered. He walked about ten feet deep into the cave when he came to a dead end. After making sure there were no other entrances, Spike was satisfied, and made his way back to the entrance.

“Alright, the cave is safe. Now I just need to build a fire.” Spike began gathering sticks and other shrubbery in his arms. Once he had a decent sized bundle, he made his way deeper into the cave, deep enough that the fire’s light wouldn’t attract predators from afar.

Spike began piling the sticks and leaves on the ground, propping them up so they would burn just right. When he was satisfied, he blew a small flame on the bonfire. It ignited instantly, and lit up the small little area that Spike was occupying, as well as providing warmth.

Spike sat down a few feet away from the fire, and once he got comfortable, he laid down on his side. He lay there, getting comfortable, and waiting for sleep to take him. As he did this, his mind started to wander.

“I wonder what Twilight’s doing right now…” questioned Spike to himself.

‘She probably hasn’t even noticed you’re gone.’

Spike let out a sigh in response.

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Slowly, his eyes began to get heavier, and sleep began to take him. ‘Even if she did notice, she probably doesn’t even care.’

Twilight huffed and puffed as she landed on the ground on the outskirts of town. She had been flying nonstop, searching all over Ponyville, and the areas around it for Spike. Unfortunately, her search had been fruitless. She sat down, lowering her head.

“Oh Spike…where did you go?” she questioned to herself.

“Twilight!” Hearing the sound of her name being called, Twilight turned around to see her friends galloping towards her. She turned around to face the group.

“Did you find him?” questioned Twilight, her voice desperate.

“Sorry Twilight,” replied Rainbow Dash. “We searched in the Whitetail Woods, we checked in the direction of the Badlands, and the Dragon Territory, the way to Canterlot, we even checked the next town over. We couldn’t find him.”

“B-but then where could he be?” asked Twilight.

“What other places are left?” questioned Applejack.

“Well, I suppose that would just leave the Everfree,” stated Rarity.

“Don’t be silly, Spike knows not to go in there without one of us! He’s gotten into way to many dangerous situations in the forest to just waltz back in!”

“Well, are there any other options?” questioned Fluttershy.

“Well…no, not that I can think of. But he wouldn’t go in there again, he knows better.”

“But he’d also know that’s why we wouldn’t think to search for him there, and besides, it seems like the last option left,” said Rarity. Twilight took a moment to consider her friends words, before her eyes widened.

“Oh no…Spike!”

Twilight turned around in the blink of an eye and started running towards the Everfree forest. But without warning, a sharp pain made itself known in her rear. She stopped, and turned to see that Applejack had her teeth clamped on her tail.

“Applejack let me go! We have to go find Spike!”

“Now hold on there partner,” said Applejack through grit teeth. She then released her hold on the other mare, and began to speak.

“Now listen Twi, Ah know we need to find Spike as soon as possible, but you’ve been searching all day. Ya need your sleep. Besides, it’s night time, and all the dangerous predators will be out at night.”

“That’s why we need to find him NOW!” responded Twilight.

“Ah hear ya Twi, but that’s exactly why we SHOULDN’T go out into the forest at night, shouting Spikes name and such. Since he ran away, he probably wouldn’t want us to find him, plus our yellin’ could attract predators, which could find him before we do. Spikes got a good head on his shoulders; he knows how to stay safe. We’ll get up bright and early in the morning to search for him. You have my word.”

Twilight face took on a look of pondering as she considered Applejack’s words.

“Well…I really…I guess you’re right Applejack,” said Twilight in a defeated tone of voice. After a few moments, the mare spoke up again. “Alright girls, let’s meet in front of the castle tomorrow at sunrise. Does that sound alright?”

The girls all nodded and hummed in agreement. The mares offered Twilight a few words of comfort, before returning to their respective homes. Twilight went the same route as Pinkie, making her way to Sugarcube Corner to pick up Skylight. While they walked, they discussed what had happened today.

“I still can’t believe Spike ran away again. What did I do wrong?” questioned Twilight with her head hanging low.

“Come on Twilight, I’m sure it’s just a big misunderstanding or something! We’ll find Spike, and talk this thing out, and then we’ll have a big ol’ party to celebrate!”

“I hope so Pinkie,” said Twilight, her spirits raising some. “I just can’t help but wonder what made him wan to leave in the first place. I thought things were going good between us.”

“You know him better than any of us, Twilight. Don’t worry, we’ve had problems like this before, but we always solved them! I’m sure this won’t be any different!”

Twilight offered Pinkie Pie a warm smile in gratitude.

“Thanks Pinkie. You always know how to cheer a pony up.” The two embraced in a warm hug. When they disengaged, they found themselves in front of Sugarcube Corner.

The two walked inside, and into the establishments living quarters to find Mr. And Mrs. Cake watching Skylight play with the twins. The two mares bid each other goodbye. Pinkie went up to her room, and Twilight went over to the Cakes to thank them for watching her son. She picked up the foal, and put him on her back. She then began her journey home.

Twilight’s walk through Ponyville was quiet and peaceful. When she reached her castle, the mare and her son entered their home, and made their way up to her room.

“Spike didn’t even get to see the castle yet. He was going to get his own room and everything…. I hope he’s doing ok.”

When she came to her room, she opened the door and entered. She carefully laid her child down in his crib, and then walked to her bed, flopping down on top of the covers.

‘I hate to admit it, but Applejack was right. I am tired.’

Twilight closed her eyes, and tried to put her thoughts at ease. Slowly, she drifted towards slumber, the peaceful silence of the castle helping to lull her to sleep.

Then, just as she was about to lose consciousness, she heard the sound of crying pierce the air.

‘Sweet Celestia, not now!’

Author's Note:

Ok, finally after 2 million years, I have updated this story! And I did something this time that I've never done before; I proofread the chapter!!! So, up until this point, my entire writing process has been as such; Wing it. I realize that is not a good strategy, so I am going to be writing out outlines for all chapters of my stories, before I write the actual chapters.

Also, the last chapter of this story may take a bit longer than usual, because I am exploring a few different options for endings, and I need some time to decide which one is best.

I also made a blog post, which you should look at because it has a link to a tv show trailer that I acted in, as well as info on my stories and how I will be handling them in the future. Alright, thanks and I hope you guys like this chapter, because there will only be about 1 or 2 of them left!

Until next time...get out...