• Published 12th Nov 2014
  • 9,994 Views, 371 Comments

I'm your son too - Synthetic Soul

Twilights having a baby. At first I was happy, but now I feel like she loves that foal more than me.

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Chapter 5.

“Happy Birthday dear Skylight! Happy Birthday too you!”

“And many mooooorrreee!” sang Pinkie Pie, followed by the cheers of everypony in the room.

“Blow out the candle sweetie!” said Twilight, as she gave her child a hug. The young child just stared at the flickering little flame, mesmerized, before he dug a hoof into the cake in front of him, lobbing a chunk of cake and frosting into his mouth.

Everypony in the room laughed at the child’s antics, before Twilight levitated a napkin to the baby’s face, and whiped the colt clean of the frosting. She then levitated the cake onto the table next to his high chair.

“Alright, who want’s an end piece?” questioned the purple mare as she turned to face the group, with the cutter in her magic.

“Oh, I-“ said Spike before Pinkies louder voice overtook his.

“Ooh ooh, I do, I do!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie while hopping in the air, and waving her fore hoof. Spike lowered his arm before retreating the back of the group. No pony noticed. While Twilight distributed cake among the guests, Spike looked over to the stack of present left for Skylight. He had received gifts not only from the mane six, but also from Twilights parents, Cadence and Shining Armor, Luna, Celestia, CMC, and Spike himself. Even Flash’s parents had sent gifts, though they couldn’t make it to the party themselves.

All in all, the colt’s hoard was far larger than the presents of his last two birthdays combined. He turned back to observe that the group was still gathered around the baby and cake, paying him no mind. It would probably be a little while until the presents would be opened. Spike decided to head upstairs to his room, and read a comic. The new issue of Power Ponies was out, and he wanted to read it.

Spike made his way up the Library, and walked over to Twilight’s bed. He reached down underneath, and pulled out the latest issue of Power Ponies out from under it. He then made his way to his basket, and got comfortable, before he began reading.

But…try as he might, he couldn’t focus. It had been a year since Skylights birth, and the incident that caused Twilight to ground him for the rest of the week. Though it had faded, the memory still clung to him, engraved into his mind like a scar. He could think and focus on other things, but it was always there in the back of his mind, nagging at him.

More and more of his time now seemed to revolve around doing chores for Twilight, and less about what he wanted to do. Twilight spent less time actually doing things with Spike, and more time telling him what to do. And what she asked, he did, without raising any argument. Perhaps he was becoming more submissive, realizing his role not as Twilights friend, or family member, but rather her employee. Except he wasn’t paid, so perhaps that made him an indentured servant.

Skylight was now old enough, that when Twilight was out doing Princess duties or hanging out with friends, it was Spikes responsibility to watch the child. Though Spike would never admit it, not even to himself, he had started to resent the colt. A part of him knew that he was just a baby, and that when he was older, he would be able to do things for himself. But another part of Spike wondered if that when the Prince was older, would he view Spike as a friend or a brother? Or would he see Spike as a servant?

After failing to progress past the first page of his book, Spike decided that it was time to return to the party, before his absence was noticed. He returned the comic back under the bed where it belonged, and made his way down the steps. He saw the group finishing off the last pieces of cake. Leaving none…for him. ‘Did anypony even notice I wasn’t there?’ As the group was conversing, Spike made his way back into the group next to the gifts, and sat down. It appeared to him that he made it back without anypony noticing.

“Alright everypony, who’s ready to open presents!” called Twilight.

“Ooh, ooh I am! What did you guys get me?” questioned Pinkie Pie, only to be playfully smacked upside the head by Rainbow Dash. Everyone in the room chuckled, even Pinkie, who barely even felt it. Twilight used her magic to lift Skylight out from his highchair, and set him on the floor in front of her. All the guests gathered around in a circle, and sat down on the floor. Twilight looked to Spike, and gave him a warm expression.

“Ah, Spike, could you hand us the presents?” questioned the Princess.

“Yeah, sure,” said Spike. He reached into the pile, and pulled out a bright green package, with blue ribbon. The tag read that it was from Applejack. He walked it over to Twilight, who took it in her magic and set it in front of the child. As Spike returned to the pile, Twilight nudged the kid.

“Go on Skylight, open it!” The foal leaned forward on the box with his fore hooves, but didn’t actually tear the paper. Twilight giggled, and used her magic to tear at the wrapping paper. She opened the box, to reveal a toy tool set.

“Ooh,” said Twilight as she levitated the box set so everypony could see it.

“Ah hope he likes it,” said Applejack. “Big Mac had one like that when he was young.”

“Thank you very much Applejack. Say thank you Skylight!” said Twilight who manipulated the colt to make it appear as if he was grateful. Twilight set the box aside, as Spike brought over the next present, which was decorated with pink wrapping paper, and yellow string. This one was from Cadence and Shining Armor.

Once it was set in front of the mother and son, she used her magic to open it, similar to how she had done with the last one. Past the wrapping paper, was a brown cardboard box, taped closed. She used her magic to lift the tape off, and opened it to reveal a child sized royal guard outfit, complete with a little plastic sword.

“I know he’s not quite big enough for it yet, but hopefully he’ll enjoy it when he’s older,” said Shining armor, with an arm around his wife.

“Now Shining Armor, you wouldn’t be trying to get somepony to follow in your hoof steps, would you?” questioned Twilight playfully. Shining armor chuckled in reply.

“Well, I’d be a liar if I said it didn’t cross my mind, but whatever he decides to do will be fine with. Either way, I hope he’ll have fun with it.”

“Well thank you Shining!”

The rest of the present unwrapping proceeded rather quickly. Skylight had quite the haul from his friends and family. He received a Wonderbolts blanket from Rainbow Dash, an easy bake oven from Pinkie, an outfit from Rarity, and a stuffed bear from Fluttershy. Celestia and Luna had given him an old storybook from the castle library, although Twilight seemed more excited about the book than her son was. Twilight’s parents had gotten the colt a toy train, and Spike himself had gotten him a comic book. It was a pretty common one, but he figured that when the kid was old enough, the book would be worth quite a bit. The CMC had worked together, to make a Cutie Mark Crusaders cape for the colt. It was their way of pre-accepting him into their group.

Finally, came Twilights present. She handed Skylight over to her mother, while she left the room to retrieve Skylights present. She returned moments later with a small purple box in her magical grasp. She sat down, and set the box down, taking Skylight back in her arms. She then held the box in front of her child, and lifted the lid off the box. Everypony in the room gasped as the object was lifted.

In Twilights magical grasp was a beautiful pendant necklace, with a silver chain. The pendant itself was a depiction of her and Flash’s cutie marks. The background was composed of the shield in Flash’s cutie mark, and above that was a gem shaped like the star in Twilights mark. The light of Twilights magic caused it to shine and glimmer.
“It’s beautiful!” exclaimed Rarity. Everypony in the room looked to the pendant, before Twilight put it back in the box. She then turned Skylight so that he was face to face with her.

“You’re not quite big enough to wear it yet, but you will be soon. This is a present from your father and I. It’s our new family heirloom. As long as you have this, we’ll always be with you,” said Twilight as she nuzzled her child. Everypony in the room smiled at that. Well, except one. Spike suddenly felt a heat rush in his head, and a upset feeling in his stomach. He got up, and made his way towards the stairs.

“Spike? Are you feeling okay?” questioned Twilight.

“Yeah, I just, I’m feeling a bit sick. I think I need to use the bathroom.

“Oh, alright. Come back when you can.”

“Will do,” said Spike. He made his way upstairs, and into the bathroom. As soon as he was in, he shut the door behind him. He got up on the stool in front of the mirror and sink, and ran the water. He splashed a little on his face, and looked in the mirror. Then, upsetting thoughts wormed their way into his head.

All his life, Spike had only received birthday gifts from Twilight. Celestia would occasionally get him something, but since he moved to Ponyville, that had stopped. He had started getting presents from the rest of Twilights friends, and he had enjoyed them. But he’d never gotten presents from Twilights parents, or Shining Armor and Cadence.

‘Maybe I’m not important enough to them. Maybe they don’t think I’m as important as Skylight.’ Maybe Twilights parents, and brother didn’t view him as a member of their family. But what hurt the most was Twilight. Every year, he had gotten the same thing from her, a book. But she had gotten Skylight something meaningful, something that showed her love for him. It made Spike feel sick. He shut his eyes, and tried to direct his mind elsewhere, and make this horrible feeling go away.

“Face it, they don’t care about you.”