• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 2,424 Views, 138 Comments

Shield and Shadow Part 1: Rise and Fall - LucidReverie

Follow Spring Mist 1000 years ago as he watches Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon.

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Chapter 19: Dancing in the Dark


Spring Mist’s vision swam as he stood before Princess Luna. She sat alone, wearing her usual expression of sadness. Though now she had a brief look of interest and confusion. Despite doing nothing aside from sitting, Mist was still filled with dread, as if being in her presence was dangerous.

“We remember thee, Spring Mist,” she said coolly. “What dost thou seek?”

“Well, it appears as though I will be working closely with Your Majesties. I thought it prudent to speak with you before I began. And I wanted to apologize for the other night, so… I’m sorry, if I offended you.”

Princess Luna’s ears drooped slightly, and she shied away. “You did not offend,” she said softly.

“I’m glad to hear that, Your Majesty. I truly am,” Mist said with a soft smile, “May I ask you a question?”

Princess Luna looked suspicious. “Proceed.”

“Don’t worry, it is nothing personal. I was just wondering if you could offer any word regarding the newest star in the sky,” Mist asked cautiously.

Princess Luna looked up suddenly, as though startled. A slight pink hue emerged on her deep blue face. “Spring Mist, wouldst thou accompany us outside?” she said, standing up from the table.

“As you wish, Your Majesty.” Mist said, following.

“Please, Princess Luna will do.”

Mist nodded as he and Princess Luna walked to the exit of the room. They slipped out with nopony noticing, and soon they were walking down a dimly-lit passageway. Princess Luna spoke as she walked, dropping her formal speech, “Spring Mist, I am glad that it was you who found the star. And the meteorite.”

Mist stopped, confused, “What you do mean, Princess? You had something to do with both?”

Princess Luna turned a slight shade of pink, “All I meant was that I believe you deserve something good in your life.”

“Well, thank you Princess. But why do you think so? I’m nopony special,” Most continued walking.

“You told me the story of your cutie mark. How you suffered for your dream. I felt, at least in part, somewhat responsible for what happened to you when you were younger, and for the life you lead now.”

“How so, Princess?”

“Were it not for the night, you would be a normal pony, no ‘unusual’ interests that inspire spite. You could live a life with other ponies, friends, lovers, family. But you feel connected to the night, so you stay awake while others sleep, and you have no qualms or quarries about doing so. As Princess of the night, it was my element that led to your removal from normal society,” Princess Luna said regretfully.

“Princess, I live a normal life. I have few friends, yes, but those I do have are close and true. My family has passed, but I have those in my life as close to me as any family. And I have no real interest in bonding with another, my life is just beginning, Mist explained, trying to relieve the Princess of some worry.

“I see. Regardless, I still believe that you deserve some good.”

“Thank you Princess, but I have been unusually blessed in recent days. Life has taken an interesting turn.”

“Indeed. My sister and I discussed your position as liaison, I hope you accept it.”

“I do, Princess. It seems like a most interesting opportunity, and I look forward to it.”

“I am glad to hear that,” Princess Luna said with a smile.

They reached a doorway, which Princess Luna opened with her magic. Through it was a small balcony, overlooking the city below. Princess Luna stepped out onto the balcony and took a deep breath. Mist followed, remaining silent.

“Spring Mist, what do you think of the night?” Princess Luna asked quietly.

“What do I think, Princess?”

“What do you think?”

Mist thought for a moment, moving to the farthest point on the balcony to see as much of the sky as he could, “Well, I suppose I find it beautiful. Mesmerizing. I look into it, and I can almost see eternity, like there is nothing in the universe but me and it. I somehow find peace, escape, freedom. I gaze at the stars, and I find each one has a character, like ponies in a play: each fascinating and wonderful in itself, but all part of a far more grand performance. It’s exhilarating. But at the same time, it’s terrifying. So expansive, a pony could feel infinitesimally small, insignificant. Ultimately, it’s awe-inspiring. That it could even exist, more so that it could be crafted. Truly something wonderful, something I feel blessed to witness…”

Mist trailed off as he turned his head to look at Princess Luna. She stood, staring off into the distance. Streaks down her face illuminated by the soft moonlight. Tears. Mist was instantly filled with dread and guilt, seeing the Princess in such a state. Silence was permeated by the soft gasps for air issuing from her, sniffling sounds, stymied whimpering.

Mist finally shattered the silence. “Princess Luna, are you okay?” he asked as gently as possible.

She started, seemingly surprised at the question. Her answer was hasty, “Yes, I am… fine. I have never heard the night spoken of in such a way before.”

“Well, I mean every word of it, Princess.”

“I know, Spring Mist. And that is also why it is so remarkable…”

“Please, just ‘Mist’ will do, Princess. And truly, the night is a beautiful, wondrous thing.”

Just like its mistress. Mist shook his head, startled at his own thought, terrified that he had said it aloud. He calmed when he saw that Princess Luna had not reacted as he would have expected.

“Very well. Mist,” was her reply, quiet, but sure and steady.

“Princess, what is it like, controlling the moon, the night? If you don’t mind me asking” Mist inquired gingerly.

Princess Luna was surprised and tried to formulate an answer, “Like… no other experience. Imagine picking up an object with your magic. Only it wants to move. You don’t manipulate it, you guide it. It’s alive, and wants you there, pushing it. Even that can’t properly describe it.”

“It sounds amazing, Princess.”

“It really is. And the night, the night itself is like… like…”

“… an ocean.”

“Powerful, turbulent, graceful.”


“Mmm, it truly is.”

“I wish I could experience it,” Mist said, before another silence overtook the conversation.

The two ponies stood out on the balcony, looking out over Everfree, into the night sky. Mist again broke the silence, “Princess, may I ask you another question? Say no, if you wish…”

“What is it?”

“Why do you always seem so sad?”

Princes Luna stiffened up and looked as if she were about to leave, but instead stayed, “Mist, I do not wish to answer that question. Not tonight.”

“Fair enough. Then to change to subject, what exactly will I be doing as a liaison?”

“You will be reporting the tower’s findings and research, ensuring that We are made aware of new discoveries, theories, or any information of particular interest. You will also be overseeing the recording and submission of findings to the royal archives, and participating in the process of releasing information to public institutions. You will be reporting directly to Head Scholar Caramel Tart, as well as myself and my sister. But mostly me, as Cele- Princess Celestia is encouraging me to be more active in the astronomy tower’s workings.”

Mist’s head reeled. It was too much too soon. “Princess, I haven’t even begun actual work in the tower. My interest had been a hobby until I was asked to join. I have no idea what I’m doing. I still need to learn everything.”

“From what I understand, you know far more than most initiates, and have far more passion for the field than most elder astronomers. Caramel Tart is wise, and rarely makes rash decisions,” Princess Luna’s ears dropped slightly, “Of course, you can deny the offer if you feel you must. It is your choice.”

Spring Mist remembered his conversation with Princess Celestia how she had almost begged for his help. Most odd, but Mist could not stand to say no. Princess Luna had a similar look in her eyes now, pleading. Mist exhaled, “Of course, Princess. I will accept the offer. Just don’t expect any miracles.”

Princess Luna smiled, truly smiled. It was something completely foreign to Mist, and it caught him off-guard. He found himself lost in that smile, only to be shaken free by somepony saying something.

A guard stood at the doorway, addressing Princess Luna, “Your Majesty, the gathering has ended, and Princess Celestia has requested your presence in her quarters.”

Princess Luna’s head dropped. After a flicker of disappointment, she hardened her face into a mask similar to her sister’s. “Of course. Thank you, ser. I will see her now.” She began to trot away, but she turned back to speak to Mist, “Ser Mist, thank you for the evening. Congratulations on your success, and good luck in the tower. I expect to see the reports on the new star and the meteorite very soon. Fine evening.”

Mist bowed, “Thank you, Princess. Fine evening.”

Princess Luna turned and left, walking into the passageway from where they had come. Mist stood on the balcony, watching the spot where Princess Luna had stood just moments before. It took a few seconds to realize something of significance: he had no idea how to get out of the castle from here.

Mist looked around for anypony nearby. A guard, a servant, anypony to point him in the right direction. Mist retraced his step back to the conference room, hoping somepony would be there. When he finally reached the room, most of the tables, seats, and decorations had been removed. A pony stood in one corner, removing a banner with his magic. Mist thanked his lucky stars, and walked over.

“Excuse me, but could you direct me to the exit?” Mist asked.

The pony jumped, clearly not expecting another pony in the room. He picked himself up though as answered, “Um, yes… go through that door, take a left down the hall, then through the third door on the right, then straight on until you reach the entrance hall.”

“Many thanks, friend,” Mist said turning to leave.

He followed the pony’s instructions and eventually found himself in the entrance hall and on the way back to his house… No, the tower. I need to remember that… He thought to himself as he trotted along the path through the gardens. Mist took a side path that lead directly to The Arc. The astronomy tower was in view, its windows lit. The residents would surely be buzzing about by this time of the night.

Mist finally reached the tower, pushing the door open. Inside, assistants were gathering books, scholars moving around, tweaking instruments here and there, preparing for their nighttime duties. It was interesting for Mist to see ponies active during this hour.

Brilliant Bloom approached Mist. “Ah, Mist! How was the party?” he asked with a smile.

“Really, really, boring,” Mist chuckled, “But it was good. Had a talk with the Princesses. Very interesting.”

“Oh really? That must have been fun for you.”

“I suppose that was. Now I’m off to see Caramel Tart.”

“She’s upstairs, in her void.”


“It’s what we call her whatever-it-is – quarters, office, study, I have no idea. She has never explained it.”

“Ah, alright then. I’ll head up there.”

“Well you have to tell me all about the party when you get back down here.” Bloom nudged, hintingly.

Mist laughed, “Alright, Bloom. I’ll do that.”

Bloom departed and Mist turned to head up the stairs to see Caramel Tart.

It’ll be quite a story.

Author's Note:
So, with Chapter 18, we cleared the halfway point. With that, I have a question of you, my beloved readers:
Do you think that I should submit this to Equestria Daily, or just submit it when it's done? Or (if the quality is under par) not at all?
As always, thank you so much for reading, I hope you are enjoying so far, and I am always open to comments and suggestions, in fact I thrive on them.

May the stars bless you with their beauty, and the moon light your way in the dark.