• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 2,424 Views, 138 Comments

Shield and Shadow Part 1: Rise and Fall - LucidReverie

Follow Spring Mist 1000 years ago as he watches Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon.

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Chapter 30: A talk of the dark


Spring Mist stood outside of The Salted Clove, breathing in the cool night air. Luna was within, talking to Garlic Clove, discussing possible occupation at the castle. Mist stood outside, calming his nerves from the events of the evening. Luna had asked, not half an hour ago, for Mist to be hers, her stallion, her special somepony. And he had said ‘yes’.

Why did I say yes? Was it just to avoid another episode?

No, that was why you did it quickly. But you said ‘yes’ because you wanted to.

I did, didn’t I? Mist smiled to himself. Who would have thought I would be involved with a Princess?

Yes, nopony saw it coming. Now what are you going to do about it?

I have no idea. Just play it by ear, I suppose. Take it as it comes. Just as I’ve always done.

If that works for you, then by all means…

Thank you for your approval.

Of course. Just… be careful.


Mist turned around to see Luna emerge from The Salted Clove. Mist looked at her changed hair. It was adorable in a very odd way, but he definitely preferred her normal hair. She smiled at him as he looked her over.

“Your friend is really very stubborn. But he has agreed to record the recipe for future use,” Luna chuckled.

“Yes, he is. But you must be very persuasive if you convinced him to eventually part with it,” Mist nodded, “Are you ready to head back to the castle?”

Luna nodded, “Yes.” She lowered herself to her knees. “Climb up.”

Mist stared at her. “What?”

“Climb up. On my back.”

“Uh… I don’t know… Why?”

“So we can fly back,” Luna said innocently.

“Wait, wait. So we could have just flown down here? Why didn’t we do that before?”

“Do you think I just let any pony hop on my back and take a ride? What kind of mare do you think I am?” Luna mocked offence, “That, and I enjoyed sneaking about far more. And I got to enjoy your face when I said it.”

Mist wore his aghast expression, causing Luna to giggle a bit. He gained his composure and looked at her. She unfolded her wings, allowing him more room. Mist walked forward slowly, not entirely comfortable with this idea. "You Princesses are insane, I hope you know."

He clamored up, only managing to fit half of his body on her back, so he would still be hanging off in mid-flight. Luna looked back at him and smiled, “Comfortable?” Mist rolled his eyes. “Hold on tight. I don’t want you falling off.”

Mist grunted. “I’ll try,” he said sarcastically.

“Good.” Luna lifted off into the air. Mist’s stomach lurched, and he squeezed his eyes shut. It took a few moments, but he eventually relaxed, comforted by the warm coat right near him. He opened his eyes to see the city moving quickly below him. He quickly squeezed his eyes shut again and tried curling into a little ball.

“I don’t like flying,” Mist said, his voice muffled.

“Stop being such a foal,” Luna called back. "And stop squirming. This is hard enough without you trying to fall."

“Put me down. Now.”


“Put me down now, please.”


Luna laughed and sped up. Mist groaned and held tighter, trying desperately not to fall off or worse – lose his two dinners. Throwing caution to the wind – which was sending quite the chill through his body - he buried his head into the nearest thing he could find: Luna’s mane. Upon delving into the soft, almost ethereal, texture of the magically-charged hair, it was no longer the wind causing a chill. As the image of the night sky whipped around and enveloped Mist, he slowly drifted into a state of calm. The wind no longer blurred in his ears, no light seeped into his eyes, no chill soaked his bones - there was nothing but Luna and himself.

A deep silence fell and Mist found his mind wandering, not in frantic circles or sharp twists, but casually, calmly, like a pony would walk through the streets on a day off from work. Mist opened his eyes – he was in a vast expanse of space. Like the enchanted rooms in the astronomy tower and Luna’s study, stars dotted the area, twinkling softly. There was complete silence as Mist looked about, taking in the sight before him. It was not foreign, but it did not feel the same as in those rooms. Mist just looked, in all directions, worriless in the silence.

But that silence was broken by a soft sound in the distance. Mist looked for the source, but none could be found. The sounds seemed to grow in volume, and soon Mist could hear the sounds of crying. Mist grew concerned, but that was soon replaced by confusion: the crying had been replaced by laughter. Not joyous or light, but deep and threatening, a cackle, a chuckle. Not happy – angry. Mist looked about again, trying to find the source of the laughter; it still seemed so far away, yet so very close.

Mist began to hear whispers on a nonexistent wind. Words scattered here and there, barely audible.




…Take it…




Mist was jostled from whatever place he had fallen into. He opened his eyes to see a balcony, light issuing from within the tower. Luna’s tower. The mare herself spoke.

“Mist, you can get off now. We’re here. I hope it was comfortable.”

Mist released his grasp, his legs fighting against the movement. He stretched them out, then offered a sheepish smile. “Thank you. But I didn’t enjoy that nearly as much as you did.”

“And who said I enjoyed it?”

“The smile you are trying to hide.”

Luna released said smile, “You are such a foal, Spring Mist. Afraid of flying? You would be the laughing stock of the Pegasus colts and fillies were you one.”

“Well, I’m glad I’m a unicorn then. And I’d prefer to keep my hooves on the ground from now on.”

“Very well, we shan’t fly with you again,” Luna said, snout raised in the air.

“Good. Now, I hate to do this, but I must see your sister. I do have to put in at least some time with her too, it being a part of my new job…”

“Why? Why do you have to go?”

“Duty,” Mist said simply, “But I’ll be back soon enough, then you can pester me all night. Is that acceptable, Your Majesty?”

Luna snorted, looking haughty. “Fine. Do as you must.” She gave Mist a quick peck. “But do hurry back, please.”

Mist smiled, walking to the door out of Luna’s study. He waved a hoof at the night Princess, “I shall be back soon, milady.” He opened the door with his magic and trotted through. He breathed out a heavy sigh once the door closed behind him, and walked towards Celestia’s study.

What a night.

You could say that again, Mist.

What a night.

It is an expression.

I know… So… what was that last bit, I wonder? A dream?


Helpful, thank you.

Of course. Now, what are you going to tell Celestia?

I… Don’t know. Most of it…

And how do you feel about betraying Luna?

I’m not betraying her!

You are reporting her to her sister. Not an action conducive of mutual respect. Or helpful to a fledgling relationship with an emotionally unstable mare, for that matter.

Not talking to you about this.

Mist silenced the internal conversation as he approached Celestia’s door. He saw two guards keeping vigil. “Is Her Majesty in?” Mist asked.

“Is she expecting you?”

“I should think so,” Mist only partially lied.

“Then enter,” came a voice from within.

Mist pushed the door open and walked into Celestia’s study. The radiant mare stood near the door, awaiting Mist’s arrival. He offered a customary bow, receiving a nod.

“Spring Mist, how are you?”

“Well. How are you, Celestia?”

“Well for the most part. Do you have news of Luna? How is she?”

“Well, she’s… volatile. But ultimately she has good intentions. She just feels unappreciated, I suppose.”

“Any more episodes?”

“Not really. She seems happier to me…”

“Happier? Truly?”

“I think so, yes.”

“Did you have anything to do with it, Mist?” Celestia moved closer to him, towering.

“I just listen to her,” Mist said, worrying at Celestia’s stance.

“Nothing more?” Mist shook his head a bit too quickly. “Mist, what is it?”

Mist hung his head, “We… She… I… We’re…”

“What Mist?”

“Um… we’re… actually, I don’t really know how to say it.”

“Mist, please tell me you haven’t started a relationship.”

Mist looked guilty, “I… that seems to be exactly what happened, actually.”

“Mist, you know it can only end one way. And it won’t help her.”

“I know. We spoke about it,” Mist offered a slight smile, “And how do you know it won’t help her? If even for a short time, maybe she needs somepony to help her, listen to her, to be there for her, to –”

“Love her?” Celestia interrupted.

Mist was taken aback by the statement. It hadn’t entered his mind until now, really. He had said ‘yes’ to Luna’s proposition, and he did love the Princesses. But he loved them like he loved Equestria – duty-bound subservience. The notion that it could be a different love was… completely foreign.

Could I? Is that what I am supposed to do? Could my love for the Princess be… something else entirely? Mist was reeling through his thoughts, trying to piece information together. Celestia broke his prolonged pause.


Mist looked at Celestia, an answer firm within him. “Yes.” A statement, not a question.

“Yes?” Celestia looked at Mist, surmising his words.

“Yes. To love her. I love her. I love you both, but she… she is more to me. And for some reason or another, I am something more to her. And if this is something that will help her, then by the sun and the moon I will do it.”

Celestia arched a brow, “While I admire your tenacity and loyalty, I find I must urge you to be cautious. I will not dictate what happens – that is between you and my dear sister. But as you well know, she is temperamental at best, and unless a series of borderline-absurd or remarkably serendipitous circumstances ensue, it will end unpleasantly. Your time here will end, and hers will not. And it will hurt her. Can you do that to her?”

“Yes. For as long as she wants me to. And you would not have asked me to help her if you did not believe I could handle it. And she chose this of her own volition. Apparently I have very little choice in my life anymore. But as long as I can help, I can remain happy with that.”

Celestia smiled, “I suppose you have my blessing, then. I assume she is waiting for you?”

“Yes. And, thank you.”

“Well, go. Just… be careful.”

Mist turned to leave, “Princess Celestia, I- Thank you. For everything. My life is nothing short of amazing, and that is due almost entirely to you.”

“Mist, you make us feel… normal. It is tiresome, the drudgery of status. We can never be normal ponies. Never have friends, a normal conversation. The nobility is full of foals concerned only with power and bits. And the even the Academic Advisors, who perhaps have the most interesting things to discuss, will not do so because they fear us. So, thank you.”

Mist nodded, “I am glad to be here. I really am.”

Celestia smiled, “Go, Mist.”

Mist continued through the door, offering a nod to the guards standing outside. He trotted down the dim hall, back to Luna’s quarters. Only a short distance away from the door with the night guards posted outside, a side passage branched off.

I don’t remember that being there, Mist thought to himself, stopping abruptly. He looked down the hallway. It was unlit, shadows obscuring it entirety, preventing Mist from seeing just where it went. Mist felt unnerved by the hallway, a feeling that became exacerbated when he heard a familiar sound. One he had heard only a short while ago. Laughter. That odd laughter. Mist’s horn glowed, and he tried to push back the shadows. Those closest to him shifted away, but those deeper within refused to move. Mist approached, his curiosity taking over.

Upon closer inspection, Mist found a mass of shadow, not unlike his own conjurations. From it came that laughter, laced with the sound of crying. Mist looked around for anypony in the area. He turned back to face the mass of shadow. His vision was filled with black, and he fell into the dark.

Ah. Welcome, Mist. We have much to discuss.