• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 2,425 Views, 138 Comments

Shield and Shadow Part 1: Rise and Fall - LucidReverie

Follow Spring Mist 1000 years ago as he watches Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon.

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Chapter 3: Opportunity comes knocking


Spring Mist angled around to the edge of the crowd, trying to stay as far from the gaggling group of ponies as possible, while still keeping the stage in view. It was there where the Princesses would make their appearance, and Mist wanted to be sure to see them.

The crowd gathered quickly, forming a dense cluster of shuffling ponies, all trying to get the best spot. The guards on duty kept as much order as they could, but they were outnumbered fifty to one at this point. The troubles would not last long however, as the trumpet sound of the royal procession quieted the mob and brought them all to attention. They immediately bowed as the first royal guards passed through the crowd and toward the stage. The ponies nearest shied away from the stoic faces of the royal guards, not out of fear, Mist knew, but out of respect, making room for the entrance of the royal pony sisters, leaders of Equestria: Princess Celestia, and her younger sister, Princess Luna.

They entered the square together on a pair of chariots pulled by a set of guards each. Princess Celestia glowed with the radiance of the sun, a regal coat of alabaster, her multicolored pastel mane flowing as if blown by a breeze that was not there. Much as he loved Princess Celestia, Mist found her hard to look at for any long period of time, like looking into the sun itself. However, there was another, one Spring Mist felt far more comfortable staring at for as long as he could: Princess Luna. She was slightly smaller the Princess Celestia, and emanated a soft glow, like the moon. Her navy blue coat contrasting the bright light of the day, and her mane just like her older sister’s, except Princess Luna’s was like the night sky, a deep blue with little point of light flicking like stars. All around very pleasant, calming, Mist found. But while Princess Celestia wore a pleasant face, sporting small smile, Mist noticed Luna lacking such expression. She looked sad.

Before he could analyze more, the Princesses had moved onto the stage, and Princess Celestia had started talking.

“Our beloved subjects!” Princess Celestia began loudly, “We greet thee on this beauteous day, bringing well wishes and tidings. We have come to you on this day to issue forth a summons for service to your Princesses and all of Equestria!”

What? Mist thought ‘Service’? What kind of service?

“We wish to welcome any pony who so desires, to enlist…” Ah, just another enlistment plea, Mist figured, “…in the Equestrian Protective Services…” Military, of course “…local peacekeeping…” Hah, already there. “…and Royal Protection Forces.”

Spring Mist’s ears perked Oh? That’s odd. Asking for direct applications to the Royal Guard? That’s never happened before. This might be my chance! Mist was getting more eager and anxious by the second, and wished that he was closer to… well, where could they sign up again? Mist hoped that in his elation, he hadn’t missed that important information.

“… necessary to address Our subjects directly and ask for your service. Anypony who wishes to enlist may do so at the entrance hall of the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters on the morrow, to begin at sunrise. The summons will be valid until the week has come to a close. We bid thee farewell and a blessed day.” At that, the Princesses and their procession departed back to the castle. The crowd dispersed into smaller groups chattering away about the afternoon’s events.

And night, Mist thought, Well, I have until the end of the week. I can’t wait that long, what if they fill the position, find somepony better? I need to get there as early as possible. Too bad it’s at sunrise, I have the night to work “through, and I won’t wake up until the afternoon. It’ll have to d--”

“Talking to yourself again, Mist?” came a voice from behind him.

“Ah, uh, umm, Steel Heart, sorry. I… I didn’t realize I was talking aloud,” Spring Mist struggled out, seeing a purple Pegasus in city guard barding standing nearby.

“Ah, no harm,” Steel Heart chuckled, “So, what did you think of the announcement?”

“Aye, I found it interesting,” Mist evaded.

“You did more’n that. I know you. You’re thinking of sighing up for the Guard,” Steel Heart queried, somewhat rhetorically.

“Fine, yes. I plan on getting there as soon as I can,” gruffed Mist.

“Well, if you get in, good luck. It’ll be a shame to lose a fine night guardspony,” Steel Heart turned to resume his patrol.

Spring Mist shook his head to clear out the cobwebs. He now had hours to try to fill, and he knew that they would be torture.

He decided to head straight home and busy himself in work, a book, a starmap, anything, so long as he lost track of time and it disappeared around him.

Once home, Mist pulled a pile of books off his shelf and leapt into bed to start reading. Okay, I have a few hours before watch, he figured, finish a book, and draw a constellation or two from memory. Good plan. The hours managed to float away and soon it was time to head out for night watch. Mist packed his saddlebags, donned his barding, and exited.

He moved at brisk trot toward his usual tower and reached it fairly quickly. The same guardspony was snoring at the desk, but his presence barely registered to Spring Mist, who was determined to set up his equipment as quickly as possible and fall into his work for the rest of the night.

Mist burst through the trapdoor loud enough to startle the guardspony on the roof.

“Curses! Oh, by Celestia, what in the name of all that is sacred do you think you are doing, Mist? Trying to kill me?” Rainy Shores gasped, trying to catch his breath.

“Apologies, friend. I have come to relieve you for the night,” stated Mist.

“Relieve me?” Rainy Shores asked, puzzled, “A little early, but if you are serious, fine.”

“Yes, yes. Go. Go home. Enjoy your bed. Or better yet, first enjoy a pint on me,” Mist said as he flicked two bits at Rainy Shores.

Slightly suspicious and unwilling to look a gift horse in the mouth, all Rainy Shores could really say was “Alright, Mist… thanks. G’night.”

“Evening. Be well!”

Rainy Shores merely shook his head as he stepped through the trapdoor. “Strange pony…”

Mist quickly unpacked his bags: books, quills, scrolls, ink, and telescope all moved to their regular places. He really wished that something interesting would happen tonight to keep him busy.

Almost as if his silent prayer had been heard and answered, a few points of light darted through the night sky. “Ah! Fascinating!” Mist said as he pulled out a scroll and adjusted his telescope. Brilliant flashes of light danced across his view through the lens, falling toward the earth. Glancing at the moon, in a waning phase, and back at the falling meteors, Mist couldn’t help but think back to earlier that day, seeing Princess Luna, her subtle, soft beauty, like the moon itself. And that look on her face, etched into his memory forever. Sadness. Again looking to the meteor shower, their meaning changed. Now he saw tears. The night was crying.
