• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 2,425 Views, 138 Comments

Shield and Shadow Part 1: Rise and Fall - LucidReverie

Follow Spring Mist 1000 years ago as he watches Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon.

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Chapter 9: New discoveries and changes abound


Spring Mist bolted through the streets of Everfree like a pony on fire. He had dropped his belongings off at home and removed his barding, taking only his recorded findings with him: those of the meteorite landing, and the new star in the sky.

Mist weaved in between the ponies in the streets. Several families had been awoken by the landing and now much of the town was in a panic over the sound, fearing an attack or some other equally foolish idea. Mist had no time to stop and calm people. He had to get the information he had to the scholars at the astronomy tower as quickly as possible.

He made his way through districts, towards the academic center, or The Arc, passing the market, tavern district, middle-class homes, and finally higher-living residences. Once though, Mist darted into the gardens of The Arc, heading to the tallest tower in the complex.

The Arc was a massive section of the town, more an extension of the castle, really, and was filled with areas dedicated to various schools of study – mathematics, magic, astronomy, geology, economics, diplomacy, alchemy, engineering, and even music and art all found homes here. The tallest tower, right in the middle of the complex, was the home of the astronomy scholars, ponies dedicated to studying the night sky. Their numbers were far smaller than those in the other schools, numbering only seven compared to the average twenty or so.

Mist ran straight for the tower, ramming through the doors, startling the ponies inside. It took a few seconds to recover, but soon everypony was back to work, milling over plans and shifting instruments around, obviously planning to investigate the meteorite.

“Explain yourself,” said a pink unicorn mare loudly.

“Apologies, my name is Spring Mist. I believe I have made a discovery. A new star in the sky. And I witnessed firsthoof the meteor strike this morning,” Mist huffed, gasping for air.

The mare laughed before responding. A derisive laugh, “You? Found a new star? Highly improbable. And ‘witnessing’ the meteor strike? I doubt it. Be gone.”

Mist was incredulous, “I have proof of both claims.”

“Oh?” inquired the mare, still skeptical, “Let me see it then.”

Mist hesitantly levitated the scroll to the scholar mare. She grasped it in her own magic and pulled it open. She briefly read the notes and scoffed, “Bah. There are no stars in that region. You must have been seeing things. We will take the meteor landing information under consideration.”

“You are right. Were right. It wasn’t there before, but it appeared last night. I know the night sky. That star appeared out of nowhere.”

“Who are you anyway?” the scholar asked.

“As I said, my name is Spring Mist. I am a night guard on the Southeast Tower.”

“Ha! A guard? Well, I thank you for protecting our fine city, but leave the brainwork to the scholars, keep the muscle work to yourself.”

“I was a scholar. Attendee to Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns with the aspiration of joining your ranks in the future.”

“Oh, then way are you now a guard, pray tell?” the scholar asked bitingly.

“I had neither the bits nor the social standing to continue. I became a guard because it allowed me to serve the Princesses while offering me a chance to personally pursue my studies,” Mist was getting frustrated with telling his story. He had met too many new ponies in the last few days. “Now, are you going to listen, or will I have to go to the Head Scholar? I can do that, by my authority as guard of Everfree. Will we have any issues?”

The pink mare did not enjoy that threat, but decided it was best to not argue with a pony who could throw her in the dungeons, “Fine. We’ll investigate this ‘star’. But you had better be here tonight to point it out.”

“Thank you. And I will be here at sunset.”

“Very well. Now shoo,” Said the pink pony.

“One other thing,” Mist said. He was feeling daring and powerful today, “I want to be a part of the team that investigates the meteorite.”

“No. Absolutely not. You are no scholar, and I cannot justify bringing you along. Even if I wanted to. Which, for the record, I do not.”

“Think of me as a protection detail out in the forest. To protect you from all manner of nasty creatures,” Mist offered with a cheeky smile, “Or I could talk to the Head…”

“Ugh! Fine. But we leave soon. Thanks to your information, we now have a direction to go, so we can leave sooner. You have one hour to be ready. Then meet us at the gates. If you are not there, we leave without you. Understood?”

“Yes ma’am,” Mist said, beaming. He turned and bolted out of the tower. His next stop would be the guard barracks to talk to Captain Rockhoof.

Mist was galloping once again through the streets. In the short time he had been in The Arc, the active guards had managed to restore some order, and the citizens were definitely calmer. They all blurred past Mist regardless. He weaved in and out of side streets, finally coming to a large wooden building: The Guard Barracks.

Mist decided it would probably be unwise to burst into a room full of trained and dangerous guards, so he slowed down and opened the door, entering like a normal pony.

Mist wasted no time in seeing Captain Rockhoof. Through the entrance room where a few guards sat at a table chatting about the state of affairs in the city. Past the bunk area where many of the guards slept intermittently. Past the cell room, where petty criminals were kept until tried, but there hadn’t been a crime in so long that dust had settled in layers so thick it looked like mason forgot to set the floor and left it dirt. And into the armory, where weapons and armor were stored; most weapons just gathered rust, and at least the armor was worn frequently. In one corner of the armory was the Captain’s desk, and sitting at it was the Captain himself.

Captain Rockhoof was a large pony. Built bigger and stronger than most stallions and more than match for anypony who dares challenge. Behind the ranked armor and incredible physique, a pony could easily forget that Captain Rockhoof was a mare. She looked up from a pile of reports and saw Mist approach her desk. “Ah, Mist. ‘Ow are ya?”

“Well, thank you Captain. How are you?”

“Well, if I’m ta be honest, I’m right irritated at whatever it was that crashed in the forest this mornin’. Causin’ all kinds o’ trouble with the common folk.”

“Ah, yes, so I saw. I’d help but I have a request, Captain.”

Rockhoof looked aghast, “You? Askin’ for somethin’? I never thought I’d see the day! Well, Celestia knows you are one o’ the most deserving ponies on the guard. Whaddya need, friend?”

“I was wondering if I could have a shift off. Tonight,” Mist asked confidently.

“Well I’ll be! Here you are askin’ for a favor, and it’s for a shift off, no less! You have managed to surprise me in way’s I’d never imagine, son. I’m tempted to say yes just for doing something that crazy,” Rockhoof was laughing, loud and boisterously, “Tell me somethin’ though, is it a filly, Mist?”

Mist chuckled, “Alas, no. I will be spending time with the astronomy scholars today, investigating the crashed meteorite, and then I’ll be spending much of the night investigating a new star.”

“Huh, we’ll I can’t say I’m a little disappointed that it isn’t more exciting. But I’m happy for you, Mist. We all know you love that science stuff, more than you love guarding, that’s for sure, so it makes much more sense knowing you are going out and studying. Alright, you go have fun with your new friends. I’ll figure something out for your shift tonight,” Rockhoof offered a smile to Spring Mist.

Mist beamed, “Thank you Captain. Really, it means more to me than you know.”

“Yes, yes! Go already!” Rockhoof laughed.

Mist gave a last nod and turned to leave the barracks. He ran through the streets, making his way back home. The streets were calmer now, and Mist had an easier time moving around. It was only a short distance to his home.

Once home, Mist removed his telescope from his saddlebags, replacing it with more scrolls, quills, and ink. I headed into the kitchen area and grabbed a few items: an apple, a small bag of daisies, and waterskin. Mist looked over his gear and decided that it would be enough. He looked over at his guard’s barding. Mist floated parts of the armor over to him and chose which pieces he would take. When he was done putting his clothing on, he looked less like a guard and more like a mercenary. He decided to leave the helmet behind; it was a little too cumbersome and uncomfortable.

Mist headed out of his house and towards the main gates of Everfree, where he would meet with the scholars.

This is going to be a good day.

Author's Note:

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, to say 'Thank you'... Now I know it's not much, but getting up to 500 views put a bit of a bounce in my step. So, thank you dear readers! As you may have noticed, the updates have been doubled (had to be done, I'm sorry) and because I'm so happy, I'll even consider throwing in Chapter 10 later today. Lemme know in the comments if you want it!

May the stars bless you with their beauty, and the moon light your way in the dark.