• Published 17th Nov 2014
  • 6,578 Views, 179 Comments

The Haven - Original Usermane

At the end of 'Keep Calm and Flutter On', Discord leaves with Celestia to do who knows what. But what if he didn't...

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The Foal Shower

As was expected at a Pinkie party, there were many treats and party games, but eventually that died down and Rarity took over leading a gossip session.

“So, Fluttershy, dear, have you thought of any names?” Rarity questioned.

“Um… not yet,” Fluttershy admitted. “Even when I remind myself that it’s only due in a few months, it always seems so far off… Besides, we’ve decided to wait until it’s born to find out gender, so we’d have to come up with a name for either one just in case, and I don’t know that Discord has the stamina for such a long and serious conversation…”

“It’s brave of you to give him any input,” Rainbow said with a guffaw. “Knowing him, he’d want to name his kid something really weird like ‘John’ or ‘Sarah’!”

“Rainbow, it’s my job to break the fourth wall!” Pinkie exclaimed irritatedly.

“Pinkie, what the hay are you talking about?” Rainbow asked confusedly.

“Nevermind,” Pinkie sighed.

“That would be pretty strange,” Fluttershy agreed. “But, for me at least, it depends on what the baby is. And I don’t mean gender. After all, it could be a pony, or a draconequus, or anything in between. If it takes more after Discord, then maybe it should have a strange name. Then again, with Discord it may be strange either way…”

“You have to be assertive for once in your life, Fluttershy!” Applejack said. “Otherwise you may have no input in your child’s name.”

“I was assertive once…” Fluttershy reminisced, then shuddered. “It was terrible.” Rarity and Pinkie made faces, vividly remembering that particular incident.

“This is most definitely different,” Rarity assured. “If I hear he’s tried to name it something horrendous, I will personally march down to town hall and alter the official records.”

“That may be takin’ it a bit far,” Applejack said, raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t think he’d give it a bad name at all!” Pinkie spoke up.

“Pinkie, it’s Discord,” Twilight said flatly.

“Well, yeah, duh!” Pinkie said. “That’s exactly what I’m saying! We all know how protective he can be of the stuff that matters to him! Remember the guard dog moment? So you really think he’s going to give his first kid a name that’ll lead them to being bullied? Silly fillies!”

“Pinkie’s right,” Fluttershy said with a smile. “I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Yeah! I would never do such a thing!” Discord exclaimed, offended, popping out of Fluttershy’s hair.

“Discord, how did you get back in here!?” Twilight exclaimed, carefully noting that her force field was still firmly in place.

“Well,” Discord started. “Funny story, actually. It seems that your forcefield wasn’t calibrated to recognize me in the form of an animate pie crust. It was a simple matter of throwing myself through the open window onto the conveniently placed pillow on the floor over there and transforming back unnoticed. Then I just teleported into Fluttershy’s hair.”

“How long have you been there!?” Rainbow demanded.

“Hmm… since you were talking about Fluttershy;s mood swings,” Discord thought back. “Honestly, it was hard enough not throwing in comments back then!”

“Discord, that was one of the first things that got brought up!” Twilight growled irritatedly. “The force field was there for a reason!”

“Then obviously you need to try harder next time if you really want to keep me out,” Discord snorted. Twilight face-hoofed.

“Discord, foal showers are supposed to be mares-only!” Rarity complained.

“Fine,” Discord huffed. He snapped his fingers and the girls were met with arguably the most horrifying sight they’d ever seen: Discord as a mare. “Now your precious gender segregation is restored!” Fluttershy paled and looked worriedly at him.

“I’m not sure how to feel about this,” she said, rubbing a headache away with her hoof.

“Scared,” Applejack suggested. “Disgusted. Horrified. Take yer pick.”

“Well, I see how much my efforts are appreciated!” Discord exclaimed, pretending to be offended. “Although I suppose this does make my relationship with Fluttershy here a bit awkward.” He snapped himself into his go-to pony form, only wearing a wig. “There, now I’m just pretending to be a mare!”

“That’s not a ton better,” Applejack said, shaking her head.

“Maybe only… half a ton,” Fluttershy suggested delicately. Discord sighed and got rid of the wig, taking it off, turning it into a pizza, and eating it whole.

“There, back to my chaotic self again,” Discord said with a bow. “Are you happy yet?”

“No! You’re not even supposed to be here!” Rarity protested.

“Mares,” Discord scoffed. “So hard to please.” Suddenly, Fluttershy gasped, then grinned.

“It’s a good thing you are here!” Fluttershy said happily, grabbing his paw and placing it on her stomach. He was about to ask what she meant when he felt it and all other thoughts fled his mind.

“It kicked!” he exclaimed joyfully. He was almost immediately pushed unceremoniously out of the way as several excited mares huddled around a flustered Fluttershy, though she was glowing with happiness, as well. Literally. The baby’s magic kicked in whenever she was emotional, and this time it was reacting with sudden bioluminescence. Luckily her friends had grown accustomed to random bouts of magic and didn’t pay it much mind, focusing instead on excited squealing and feeling of Fluttershy’s pregnant belly.

Discord brushed himself off and teleported himself back into Fluttershy’s hair, where he held hope that he could remain without being disturbed or shoved again.

With the sudden and much more real-feeling reminder that the foal was on its way, Discord took charge heading up the ‘prepare the house for a kid’ campaign. He created a whole new wing inside the haven full of nothing but toys and a crib. Eventually Fluttershy convinced him to add some other practical things like a dresser/changing table. Then they took advantage of the fact that they didn’t have to pay for almost anything by having Discord just summon a supply of diapers out of nothing.

After the foal shower, Fluttershy had managed to pin Discord down and have a discussion about names, and they had it narrowed down at least a bit, but ultimately decided to wait until they saw the foal before deciding what the name should be.

Discord’s worries that the gestation period would be unnaturally short were (mostly) unfounded, but there were some elements of her pregnancy that more closely mirrored draconequus pregnancies than pony ones. For example, the chaos magic leaking out. That sort of thing didn’t happen with baby unicorns, a fact he was sure many pony mothers praised Celestia for. Which was ridiculous, because she didn’t have anything to do with it, but whatever. Another symptom, which didn’t show up until she was two months from her estimated due date, was random and intense bursts of energy, almost to a Pinkie Pie level. Discord marvelled internally that Fluttershy’s Pinkie voice was just as good as Pinkie’s Fluttershy voice. There must be a connection…

The hardest part of these energy bursts was getting her to sit still, because a pony’s uterus wasn’t as well-equipped to protect the unborn child from motion. If she moved around too much it could hurt the foal, and he knew she would never forgive herself. He took to draping himself over her and weighing her down so the most she could do was wiggle whenever she got into one of her fits.