• Published 17th Nov 2014
  • 6,578 Views, 179 Comments

The Haven - Original Usermane

At the end of 'Keep Calm and Flutter On', Discord leaves with Celestia to do who knows what. But what if he didn't...

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An Interesting House Call

About a month later, they got a rather interesting house call at three in the morning. Discord grumpily got out of bed to see what the fuss was about, since he wasn’t about to make Fluttershy do it when she could hardly move. He was both surprised and irritated to see a wide-awake Pinkie Pie bouncing urgently on his doorstep.

“Pinkie, it’s three in the morning,” Discord said flatly.

“It sooo doesn’t matter what time it is! You need to get Fluttershy to the hospital, now!” Pinkie exclaimed. Discord raised an eyebrow.

“Pinkie, I was with her thirty seconds ago. She’s fine.”

“No, you don’t understand!” Pinkie exclaimed. “My right ear itched, my tongue wiggled, and my tummy rumbled! That means that-” She was cut off by the sound of Fluttershy’s screaming. “I’m too late! Come ON, Dissy, you have to hurry!” He was already gone by the time Pinkie had finished talking.

“Fluttershy, what’s wrong!?” he exclaimed worriedly, bursting into their bedroom and immediately flying to her side. Fluttershy grimaced at him in pain.

“I think it’s coming,” she said through gritted teeth. Discord blinked uncomprehendingly for a moment.

“But it’s not due for another month,” he said blankly.

“Tell that to the baby!” Pinkie exclaimed from the doorway. “I tried to tell you, my Pinkie Sense told me a baby was coming! So get her to the hospital!” Discord didn’t need telling twice- well, three or four times, but who’s counting? He grabbed Fluttershy and teleported with her to the hospital lobby, a manic look in his eyes. The receptionist glanced up, saw Fluttershy, and immediately got her situated in the maternity ward. Pinkie had run to the hospital in almost the same amount of time it took DIscord to teleport there, so she went back into the room with him to wish Fluttershy luck.

“I’ll let everypony know when they wake up!” Pinkie said cheerfully, bouncing out of the hospital room and leaving Discord alone with his panting wife.

“This hurts a little more than I was expecting,” Fluttershy wheezed.

“I would help with that, but I don’t know how chaos magic would affect the birth, so I don’t think I should chance it,” Discord said.

“That’s okay,” Fluttershy assured, sighing in relief as her contraction ended.


“It’s a good thing I’m an immortal chaos spirit and can make myself impervious to pain when I have enough warning, otherwise this would hurt a lot more,” Discord said cheerfully as his hand nearly got squeezed to death.

“Why are you so calm?” one of the nurses who was in the room asked incredulously.

“Just delaying the inevitable,” he assured her. “Besides, what’s to worry about?”

“Your wife is giving birth!” the nurse exclaimed, looking at him like he was crazy.

“As many mares have done before without complication. She’ll be fine,” Discord said, waving his free hand dismissively.

“I would punch you, but that’s not professional,” the mare growled at him. She put a comforting hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry you got hitched to that.” Fluttershy, who was currently between contractions, giggled tiredly.

“He’s keeping calm for the both of us,” Fluttershy said. “I actually appreciate it.”

“You’re screaming less than most mothers,” the nurse said. “You seem calm to me.”

“On the outside,” Fluttershy muttered.


“Fluttershy!” six voices rang out as they entered the hospital room where Fluttershy was only being kept conscious by the frequent pain.

“Hi, guys,” she said exhaustedly.

“If I had known you’d gone into labor, I would’ve been here hours ago, forget beauty sleep,” Rarity fretted.

“Don’t be silly. Labor takes hours, and I’d hate to cut into your sleep,” Fluttershy said, shaking her head and then grimacing as another contraction started.

The friends stayed visiting with her for another two hours before they were kicked out by the nurses, since Fluttershy was close to needing to push. It was also probably good because she hadn’t had an apple, and while she wasn’t transforming yet, she was getting uncharacteristically grouchy, though that also could’ve been because of the contractions and lack of rest. Discord was occasionally patting Fluttershy’s head in support, but he knew there wasn’t much he could do, so he didn’t really bother trying.

An hour later, the nurse and doctor told her to start pushing. What had before been merely groans of pain turned into screams, and Discord winced, his conscience kicking in a bit and making him feel like a terrible being for acting so blasé about his wife’s pain this whole time.

“I need you to push harder, Fluttershy,” the doctor said encouragingly. “You’re almost there!”

“DISCORD I HATE YOUR MOTHER!” Fluttershy shrieked as she grabbed Discord’s beard and dragged him in front of her to look him straight in the eye. She tensed up and angry and painful tears streamed down her face.

“But Fluttershy, dear, you’ve never met my mother,” Discord pointed out. “Come to think of it, I’ve never met any of your family, either…”

The next thing he knew, he was waking up with an icepack on his head in a second hospital bed that had been moved into Fluttershy’s room. He sat up groggily and saw that Fluttershy was asleep. A nurse was hovering over him expectantly.

“Oh good, you’re up. She must have hit you harder than we thought,” she said. “Payback for earlier, I guess.”

“What?” Discord blinked, still somewhat dazed.

“She knocked you out,” the nurse said amusedly. “You’ll be fine, though. When she wakes up we’ll bring your… uh, foal in for you to see.”

“You hesitated,” Discord accused. “It took after my devilishly handsome looks, didn’t it?”

“Fairly half-and-half, surprisingly enough. You’ll see,” the nurse said, then left to see to other patients while they waited for Fluttershy to wake up.

Discord lounged around impatiently, both excited and nervous to see his foal once Fluttershy woke up. Eventually she woke up, still physically exhausted, but glowing proudly.

“Oh, Discord, she’s beautiful,” Fluttershy breathed happily.

“It’s a filly?” Discord asked with a grin. Fluttershy suddenly looked apologetic.

“Oh, I almost forgot! Discord, I’m so sorry I hit yo-”

“That was totally my fault. I have too much fun ticking you off when you’re emotionally unstable,” Discord said quickly. “I really need to work on that.” A nurse happened to pass by and see them both conscious and coherent.

“Do you want me to bring her in?” the nurse asked politely. Fluttershy nodded enthusiastically, and the nurse disappeared again.

“We still need to name her,” Fluttershy said. “I decided to wait for you to wake up.”

“Probably a bad decision,” Discord warned with a smirk.

The nurse reappeared a few minutes later carrying a small pink bundle, which she handed gently to Fluttershy as Discord hovered over her curiously.

“Discord, meet your daughter,” Fluttershy said softly, cooing at the sleeping infant. Fluttershy had been right in saying that she was beautiful, and he was pleasantly surprised to see that the nurse had also been right- the split was fairly even between pony and draconequus, but she certainly got the best of both, in his opinion.

She had the hind legs, body, and head of a pony, as well as her mother’s pegasus wings, all a beautiful and vibrant orange-brown color. She had Discord’s front paw/claws, positioned on her body like a pony’s front hooves, and her tail was like his, only instead of being red scales and white hair it was green and purple, respectively. He couldn’t see her eyes, as she was sleeping, but her forelock was made up of streaks of purple and dark grey and her crest was just purple.

“Are you sure she’s mine? I think she’s too pretty to be mine,” Discord cooed gleefully. “Are you absolutely sure they didn’t mix our kid up with somepony else’s?”

“Definitely ours,” she assured with a laugh. “I don’t think there are any other pony-draconequus couples in the area.”

“I guess she just got lucky genetically speaking, then,” Discord said. “What should we name her?” They got distracted when she yawned cutely and opened her eyes. “Are her eyes-”

“Two different colors,” Fluttershy affirmed fondly. “I think it suits her.” It wasn’t a lie. Only a half-draconequus baby could make having one bright purple eye (her right) and one deep green eye (her left) work for her. Discord stuck out a claw and let the filly grab at it with her small, weak talons. She attempted to eat his finger, and he pulled away just slightly. She scrunched up nose in displeasure, and Discord was suddenly being drenched with chocolate milk.

“And so it begins,” he sighed. “This’ll be interesting.” He glared down at his daughter. “Using my own trademark against me. I am displeased.” Fluttershy laughed as Discord shook himself off like a dog and vanished the cloud that his daughter had conjured up.

“What should we name her?” Fluttershy asked.

“How about ‘Sarah’?” he suggested sarcastically. Fluttershy playfully slapped at his paw. “Fine, fine. Well, especially considering that she looks very draconequus, and because it still sounds vaguely pony-ish, I happen to like ‘Topsy Turvy’. Out of all the ones we’d considered, it’s by far my favorite.”

“You’re absolutely right,” Fluttershy agreed. “Welcome to the world, my little Topsy.”