• Published 17th Nov 2014
  • 6,578 Views, 179 Comments

The Haven - Original Usermane

At the end of 'Keep Calm and Flutter On', Discord leaves with Celestia to do who knows what. But what if he didn't...

  • ...


Now that they were all settled, Fluttershy’s friends were allowed back in. When they entered the room, Discord was holding Topsy as she fiddled with his beard. The paternal look on his face was unexpected and somewhat uncharacteristic, so they paused in the doorway a minute before coming in.

“Congratulations, Fluttershy,” Rarity said warmly.

“I wanna see the baby!” Pinkie exclaimed gleefully, bouncing over to Discord and Topsy and looking down at the infant, who was just as interested in the pink blob above her as she was about everything else. “She’s so cute!”

“Her name is Topsy Turvy,” Fluttershy said with a wide smile.

“It fits,” Rainbow nodded.

“It was Discord’s idea,” Fluttershy said.

“Huh. Not as bad as I’d thought,” Rainbow said approvingly.

“Ponies and draconequi must be perfectly compatible for such a seamless offspring to be possible,” Twilight said, going into science mode. as she examined Topsy. “She’s not as horribly disfigured as I expected.” Fluttershy frowned.

“Gee, thanks,” Discord said sarcastically.

“Ah, don’t listen to Twilight,” Spike scoffed. “You know how she is.”

“I’ll admit, she’s a cute little thing,” Applejack mused. “She gets it from Fluttershy.”

“You guys are mean,” Discord accused.

“At least now we’re only playfully mean,” Rainbow pointed out. “It could’ve happened a long time ago it you guys had just told us about everything!”

“We’ve already apologized for that several times!” Discord exclaimed. “Get over it!”

Rainbow was about to retort when she suddenly lost her mouth. She glared at Discord, who started laughing hysterically. Rainbow turned imploringly to Fluttershy, who was also holding back a smile.

“It wasn’t him,” Fluttershy explained. “Discord, could you give Rainbow her mouth back, please?”

“Fine,” Discord sighed, wiping a happy tear. “I’ll admit it’s nice that it’s not aimed at me this time.”

“That was Topsy?” Rarity asked, catching on. Fluttershy nodded. “So I suppose she’ll be a bit like a baby unicorn, magically speaking? I remember when Sweetie Belle was just born…”

“Possibly worse than that, actually,” Discord corrected. “She is no mere unicorn, thank you very much. She is a princess of chaos, and will cause far more turmoil than any pony baby ever has!”

“You sound like you’re looking forward to it,” Twilight accused.

“Aren’t you?” Discord pointed out. Twilight made a face, but couldn’t deny it. “Besides, she’ll be mostly contained to the haven, so there’s not too much damage she can do, and anything she messes up I can fix, so the way I see it it’s more likely to be entertaining than anything else.”

“I suppose that’s true…” Twilight said uncertainly.

Eventually, once Topsy began throwing a tantrum because she was hungry, the other ponies left, and Fluttershy took to feeding her daughter.

Eventually a nurse came back in to do a check up on Fluttershy’s recovery and on how Topsy was doing, and once it was decided that they were both healthy, they were allowed to go home. Discord ended up carrying Topsy as Fluttershy exulted in the ability to fly again. About halfway home they were reminded by a near-transformation that she still hadn’t had her apple that day, which Discord quickly fixed before she flew off to attack the orchard. Topsy watched the whole thing with a mildly curious expression.

Once they were home, Discord took great pleasure in showing Topsy around her castle, even though she was too young to play with most of the things he had in store for her.

As happy as both of them were to have Topsy at home, the chaos magic was, admittedly, a challenge. More than once they were woken up in the middle of the night, not by her crying, but by the house suddenly deciding to spin on an axis, throwing them out of bed. Luckily, when Twilight saw how exhausted Fluttershy was, she found a spell that would limit Topsy’s magical sphere of influence, so she couldn’t affect anything outside of her room. Needless to say, they got more sleep after that.

On the one-month anniversary of Topsy’s birth, Pinkie showed up with a pleasant surprise.

“My first niece deserves the bestest monthiversary party ever!” Pinkie exclaimed happily. “So I called in some of my super-special contacts to help me plan her party! It’s all set up and waiting in the castle, so come on!” She ran off excitedly without waiting for much of a response.

“Ready for your first Pinkie party, my dear?” Discord questioned, bouncing Topsy in his arms as she laughed and giggled, a skill she’d learned fairly early in life due mostly to Pinkie and Discord’s influence. “Let’s go!” He grabbed Fluttershy and teleported all three of them to the castle’s entrance, the sudden and unexpected change of location once again causing Topsy to giggle. Pinkie, somehow already to the castle, opened the doors with a grin as confetti rained down from above her.

“Welcome!” she said happily. “To the second ever Pinkie Cheese party!”

“Cheese Sandwich is visiting again?” Fluttershy asked with a smile, and PInkie nodded enthusiastically.

“I sent him a letter asking him to help plan a stupendous party for my favorite draconepony!” Pinkie explained, ushering them inside, and bounced along as she led them to the main party. “And he accepted! It’s so good to see him again! He even gave me a new Boneless after my other one got turned into a key!” She pulled Boneless 3 out of her mane to display before putting him back in and gesturing for them to enter the throne room, where streamers, confetti, and stuffed animals covered almost every available surface.

Topsy couldn’t quite use her legs yet, but she was getting quite good at hovering short distances across the ground with her wings, so she did an odd sort of hop out of Discord’s arms and made her way over to a giant teddy bear, which she began bouncing on and laughing.

“As lively as ever, I see,” Twilight said with a smile. She tried and failed to be inconspicuous as she wrote down notes on Topsy’s behavior and growth patterns.

“She’s close to flying, looks like,” Rainbow said proudly, flying over to poke at Topsy’s nose with her hoof. Topsy sneezed and blinked up at her. “We’ll get you in the sky yet, kid.”

“You been sleepin’ any better?” Applejack asked Fluttershy, who nodded.

“The limits on Topsy’s magic definitely help. Most of the times she wakes up, she’s just bored more than anything, so as long as she can affect her own room, she can entertain herself just fine until she goes back to sleep. She only really needs something at most once a night, so we’ve been getting much more sleep, now.”

“So this is the draconepony I’ve been hearing so much about,” Cheese said cheerfully, sliding across the floor with sponges tied to his hooves. “Just as adorable as Pinkie said! Want some mayonnaise?” Topsy gave him a squinty-eyed look before summoning him a newer, bigger, and more brightly-colored hat. “Ooh, much better! Why didn’t I think of that!”

“Ooh, I want one!” Pinkie said, waving her hoof in the air and trying to get Topsy’s attention.

“How garish,” Rarity said disapprovingly. “Someday I really must teach her about aesthetics.”

“Who cares if it looks good?” Applejack rolled her eyes. “She’s only a month old, Rarity, and it makes her giggle.”

“I suppose,” Rarity sighed. “But there’s no way you’re getting me to wear one of-” At that moment, Topsy decided to spread the joy and everyone got a hat. Rarity sighed, grimaced, and gave in to the inevitable, resolving not to look up at the clashing colors.

The ponies all gathered around to play with their favorite niece while Discord and Fluttershy stood back and watched with smiles.

“Things have finally settled into place,” Fluttershy said happily. “I feel like we’re forgetting something, though…” She thought for a moment before she started laughing.

“What is it?” Discord asked.

“Well, you haven’t been in to work yet since Topsy was born, and Twilight doesn’t send letters anymore unless there’s an emergency…”

“We never told Celestia!” Discord cackled, falling to the floor. “She’s going to start thinking we do it on purpose!”


“Sister, is not Fluttershy’s due date soon?’ Luna inquired as they made the switch between shifts.

“I think it was actually a few days ago,” Celestia replied. “I look forward to hearing from them. It will be interesting to see what the first pony-draconequus cross-breed turns out like.”

Comments ( 31 )

Yeesh, you posted the whole story in one day, hence the slow traffic. No matter. Great story. Six chapters in and I'm already hooked.

Great Story! Well written, though a little rushed at times.
I must say, you managed to balance Fluttershy's and Discord's relationship astonishingly well.

Potential SPOILER ahead, if you haven't read up to chapter 30
I've read a lot FlutterCord stories and many of them were great. But what makes yours unique in my eyes is, how Fluttershy changed over time.
She became more sarcastic and assertive.
What I liked most, though, was that you made her silent behaviour so much MORE meaningful then just her beeing shy or indecisive.
You made her a little bit like Discord himself in that regard. Silently watching, thinking her part and acting towards a specific goal.

Anyway, even though one could, and I'm sure some will, argue that Discord became to soft to fast or was a little out of character because of it, personally I think he wasn't. Going with your idea, that he just never had something he really cares about and wasn't as oblivious to the concept of the needs of others as many show him to be, you really did him well.

Another part I really liked about your try on him was his relationship to the other mares.
Up to now, I either read him as being on good terms with them or as them beeing overly agressive and suspicious to him.
You on the other hand balanced that out quite well. Though you made him being well understood and loved by Fluttershy you showed the others to clearly not 'wanting' to give him a chance, DESPITE his repeated tries.

Thank you for this story. I enjoyed it very much up to now :twilightsmile:

Hope to read you're next chapter soon.

EDIT: P. S.: Whoever disliked this without at least leaving a comment describing why has already proven to have no taste whatsoever.

This was the best Fluttercord I've read in a while. I loved how the two were the focal point of the story, which should not come off as surprising. Fluttershy was ON POINT. Any story with Discord as a major character runs the risk of other players getting lost in his crazy. Especially Fluttercords, where Fluttershy is just there to react to said crazy. But not here. She wants him to have the space and flexibility to be himself and not only does she empathize, she encourages his chaotic behavior. Within "reason", of course. This is what I mean when I say these two share a special bond. These two really bring out the best in each other, but what I loved especially was how they enabled one another. Fluttershy was essentially telling her friends to let her man be her man. And that they're idiots. In her head, of course. Friendship is magic, not passive aggression.

In regards to pace, it felt a bit rushed. But that's minor.

Your Season Four was awesome.

I died of cuteness overload a few times. I got better.

I can do nothing more but agree!
I'd like to add to my previous comment, that this is, in my opinion as well, the best Fluttercord I've ever read.

AND: I like it much, much, much more than the canon version since you didn't let him betray her. That was just plain stupid of Hasbro.

What really bothered me throughout reading this was the pacing. It felt incredibly off, especially when going through the episodes with Discord added in. They felt a little too forced at times, like just adding him in just 'cause, but thankfully, you didn't do every episode. Nonetheless, when you went through two episodes in one chapter, it was a little overwhelming. It became a little better when the story went on its own path, though.

It was a decent read, though. It got a laugh or two out of me, like Discord's reaction to the pregnancy. And the two were pretty cute. Discord sometimes sounded a little OOC, but Discord is incredibly hard to write, especially for romances of all things. I don't know, I think it jumped too quickly in their feelings becoming more. For example, first chapter was a good start, but then we almost immediately jump right into Discord daydreaming about her. The time skips are most likely the issue for me. Not even that they're a problem, as writing every detail down is a bitch. Their friendship was just starting in "Keep Calm and Flutter On," so it's difficult to see feelings grow rather quickly.

I don't mean to sound harsh, because it wasn't even awful, and I enjoyed that you focused not just on their feelings, but their chemistry. As a preference, one wants to see their friendship build, because that's what started it all. Then you get into the romance, making it grow into something more. It's not my story, though, so maybe I shouldn't complain. Sorry for my rambling, take a like.

5282526 SERIOUSLY!! I get that Twilight needed to get her key at some point, but for Discord to betray the Mane 6, betray Fluttershy to do it? It winds up cheapening the events of Keep Calm and Flutter On as a result.

I agree. Original Usermanes solution was infinitely better than Habro's.

5282603 5282614 I don't want to start anything, but I disagree. I think that arc was greatly needed to expand not just on Discord's character, but their friendship. A lot of people say Keep Calm was rushed, which is understandable. However, looking at this proves that Discord still has yet to learn all there is about friendship. After a millennium of loneliness and chaos, to suddenly bounce onto the good side would just ruin a brilliant story.

Discord making this mistake proved how flawed Discord is when it comes to his selfishness, but once the light is properly shown to him, he acknowledges what an error he made and even tries to prove this to everyone, including Fluttershy, by giving sincere apologies. While this may have threatened to sever a piece of their friendship, I think in the aftermath, it'll only help Fluttershy and Discord become better friends. Because despite his mistake, he eventually realized how much it hurt to lose a friend.

5282989 Actually I appreciate your perspective. And you're right. Discord is still learning to be a friend.

i agree on that too but:
I think that this'll only true if we presume that Discord isn't that brightest in emotional and relationship related things.

On the other hand: since he's also known as a master of manipulation with great understanding of how ponies think and react it would seem odd, was he really to be so ignorant.
I agree, that 'Keep Calm' has been rushed and from a narrative perspective this clearly could be better, but if we take Discord as being as smart and a fast thinker as he is, then it's at least understandable.

I like to see him as more reflected, as having more introspective than all the other characters anyway.
for instance he has a thinking tree.
It has just never been in his nature to be caring of others, is how I like to see him.
In this regard his betrayal with Tirek would show him to be much more stupid than he really is.
Especially since he practically showed them how to open the chest and on top of that gave Twilight the last key in person.
Seeing him as having planned most of this is much more in balance with his character.

P. S.: You're right that we shouldn't start a discussion here since it'll be mostly personal opinions anyway. Anyway since you explained your opinion I had to at least explain mine as well.

P.P.S.: If you find any typos I've overlooked. Thank Apples autocorrect.

5284116 That was way too perfect a response and I love it. :pinkiegasp: <--that was my face at its perfection

HAHAHAHAHA! This was a cute read!

Hi! I read this in one sitting and enjoyed it immensely. You handled the Fluttercord romance more believably than in most stories I've read other than DisneyFanatic23's stories. It was an incredibly good angle to take for an AU and fun to see a different twist on events. I liked the double agent explanation of the Tirek. The whole reveal of the relationship was so funny and I think much more in character. Also Fluttershy and Discord, though evolved slightly differently so they had to be a little different in character due to experience, were portrayed very well!

Wonderful, just wonderful! I enjoyed the beginning, giving Discord more of a role in the story than the series gave him. And having him betray the girls as part of a plan... Ah, I wish Hasbro had done something similar. I spent the whole time wondering what his plan was, not believing he threw away his friendship with Fluttershy so easily after making That face AND after giving Twilight the hint to the keys! I just feel like it all adds up to Discord having more up his sleeve than just wanting unrestrained chaos again.

That all aside, I very much enjoyed this story! You certainly have a gift with humor, Discord was perfectly hilarious, just as he should be. (And yet, he was so precious, too.) There were definitely parts that made me just throw my head back and laugh, like the bit about Luna's hair flowing when the couple eloped, and everything regarding Twilight's interest in the baby. This was such a fun read!


[logical error: How's Discord aware of all of this if he's not with them, and is awaiting there return. Need to address that probaably].

Sorry it wasn't clear, but every once and a while the POV switches to Fluttershy, like in this case. Since Fluttershy herself is also different in this story than in the actual show, there are some scenes that would come across differently from her perspective, and I felt that it was a scene that needed to be included... sorry for the confusion. I'm going to go through and edit (though it will probably take a long time), so I'll try and fix that when I get to it. Eventually.


Checked to see if I got repies to comments. I made one in a later chapter, but some kind of break would be best. Since usually dividers / breaks, show changes in PoV / transitions. It helps the reader seperate one part of the story from another. I'm going to finish this story tomorrow, and other than the CMC chap. it's been a real joy to read and I'm honestly glad it was linked to me.

Thank you for all of the advice. I fully acknowledge that I have some serious weak points as far as my writing goes- I don't have very much experience, in the grand scheme of things. That I've gotten as much positive feedback as I have honestly surprised me, a bit.:pinkiegasp: While I doubt I'll have the time or energy to go through and do all the editing I have planned anytime in the immediate future (finals are just around the corner and I have a mountain of AP Euro homework to do), I'll definitely take all of your thoughts into acount when I get around to it! Thank you very much! :twilightsmile:


You're welcome, and I tottally sympathise. That's a lot of work, best of luck and hope you do well.

“It could’ve happened a long time ago it you guys had just told us about everything!”


“She is no mere unicorn, thank you very much. She is a princess of chaos, and will cause far more turmoil than any pony baby ever has!”


“We never told Celestia!” Discord cackled, falling to the floor. “She’s going to start thinking we do it on purpose!”


Will admit the ending fels like it's an open ended. Like the part where Tia and Luna missing out on the birth, and monthiversary is opening up for a new chapter / fic (is / was there a sequel / one shot planned)? but all in all for a first fic. It wasn't bad. Few errors, pacing was somwhat jarbled in places, and a lack of transition between new PoV's were the only substancial problems. But that's something that gets better with practice.

The story itself was rather adorable, and an interesting take on things for the most part and Topsy Turvy deserves a fic of her own :scootangel:. But all in all, was a rather good first fic. Congrats.

This is one of the main reasons why FlutterCord is one of my most favorite shippings of all time.:pinkiehappy:

I did once. I never heard anything back from them though, and it's been a long time too. :unsuresweetie:Should I be worried?


Speak for your self I've seen your comments on the last ten stories I've read.

5472059 The use of the present tense is probably intentional.

fun fact, This fanfic shares the name with the first mlp fanfic on any website PERIOD!

This is not a bad story but the other 2 Fluttercord stories I've read were better.

What a wonderful portrayal of chaos and kindness! Though there were errors I enjoyed this immensely and appreciated the development of Fluttershy and Discord's relationship. I also liked Celestia's involvement, loved the double agent Tirek plan, and adored Topsy Turvy! (Perfect name, by the way!) Overall great job!

That was great! Discord's randomness and Fluttershy's kindness and sarcasm were written perfectly! Their daughter is pretty funny too.

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