• Published 17th Nov 2014
  • 6,572 Views, 179 Comments

The Haven - Original Usermane

At the end of 'Keep Calm and Flutter On', Discord leaves with Celestia to do who knows what. But what if he didn't...

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I'm Going to Need More Popcorn

After getting back to Ponyville and having a wild party courtesy of Pinkie Pie (Fluttershy snuck some snacks into her hair for him when nopony was looking), they returned home to the cottage. Once inside, Discord slithered out of Fluttershy’s hair, returned to his normal size, and collapsed onto the couch, thanking chaos that Angel wasn’t there to challenge him for seat space.

“Sometimes I think Pinkie Pie should be the element of magic,” Discord mused. “How in Equestria does that pony set up parties that quickly!?”

“Nopony knows,” Fluttershy laughed. “She wouldn’t be Pinkie Pie if she made sense.”

“I knew there was a reason I liked her,” Discord laughed. “She was much more appreciative of my original changes, too.”

“She’d be appreciative of anything involving sugar,” Fluttershy pointed out with a grin.

“I’ll keep that in mind when I’m trying to bribe her later,” Discord chuckled. “Well, I’m off to catch some Zs.” He summoned some Zs with wings that flapped around and a butterfly net, and darted around catching his creations. “Got them! G’night, Fluttershy!”

“Good night,” Fluttershy said with a tender smile.

Things fell back into routine again, though Twilight was still having a hard time getting used to her wings. It wasn’t more than a week or two before something else crazy happened- and this time it was, actually, Discord’s fault.

Fluttershy had just gotten back from dropping Twilight off in Canterlot for the Summer Sun Celebration the previous day, and Discord had fallen asleep on Fluttershy’s couch waiting for her to get home. They were just going through their breakfast routine when a frightened Angel Bunny ran and huddled near Fluttershy for comfort.

“Oh, goodness,” Fluttershy gasped. “What’s wrong, Angel Bunny?” The rabbit gestured wildly into the living room, where Fluttershy saw all of her other animals in similar states of distress. “Oh, Discord, you don’t mind if I go see what’s wrong, do you?”

“Not at all, my dear. Do go on,” he said, waving her off. She went into the front room and tried calming her animals down.

“My goodness, what is it that has caused you all such distress?” she asked worriedly. “Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s nothing you need to really worry about.” Discord heard the door open and Fluttershy scream. The door slammed. “No, you were right! You should be worried! Very very WORRIED!”

Discord put down his cotton candy and raced in to see what was the matter.

“What is it, Fluttershy!?” he asked in alarm. Fluttershy was huddled worriedly against the door, shivering.

“The… forest! It’s growing out of control!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“Huh?” Discord asked. He frowned, looking out the window. He froze. “Oh… crap. I’d forgotten about those…”

“What!?” Fluttershy shrieked. “Are you responsible for this!?”

“... Yeesss….” Discord said with a guilty shrug. “But it was before I was reformed, I swear!”

“I think you need to explain,” Fluttershy said with a frown. Discord sighed and launched into his explanation. Fluttershy listened with growing alarm.

“Oh this is terrible!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “You mean those things will attack the Princesses!?”

“Yes, and there isn’t much time! I’m going to go warn them and we can try to figure this out,” Discord said, summoning a superhero cape to make himself seem more heroic.

“Can’t you just get rid of them with your chaos magic?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well… no. They’ve grown on their own for over a thousand years. Their power is, unfortunately, beyond my chaos magic at the moment. This may be a job for the elements, I’m afraid. Try and get your friends on the problem while I go find Celestia.” He vanished and Fluttershy summoned up her courage to make her way into town.

Discord, having ditched the cape at this point, found one of the guards within moments.

“Where is Celestia? It’s important!” he said urgently. The guard frowned at him.

“The princesses have disappeared. There’s been no sign of them since last night,” he said, and left to continue the ongoing search.

“I’m too late!?” Discord cursed. “This is bad… Twilight will need to know about the past, but if I just tell her she’ll just overreact… maybe a spell? Or a potion… Well, I didn’t want to do this, but I suppose it’s inescapable.”

He grabbed everything he thought he’d need and left Canterlot quickly to head to the first place he thought of when he heard the word ‘potions’- Zecora’s hut. He’d never met the zebra, personally, but he’d heard enough stories from Fluttershy to decide that she was the pony to go to in this situation.

He rapped on the door, shoving aside a few vines in the process, and the door opened to reveal a confused zebra, who appeared to be packing her possessions onto a cart to flee the forest.

“Are you not the chaos lord? The one who goes by the name of Discord?” she asked confusedly.

“Yep, that’s me. No time for pleasantries, I need your help,” Discord said. “Twilight may be the only one who can fix this mess with the forest, but there’s some vital information she needs to have to do so, and it’s better experienced than explained. Can you make this potion?” He summoned up a book he’d pilfered from the Canterlot library and pointed. “Just tell her some story about how it’ll only work for alicorns, so she’ll be the one to drink it.”

“While the whole situation I do not understand, I will do my best to meet your demand,” she said. “Now leave me to my work, there is no need to lurk.”

Meanwhile, Fluttershy had just tracked down her friends and joined in the conversation.

“We have to figure out something,” Fluttershy said. “I don’t know how much more of this Ponyville can take!” A vine wrapped itself around Fluttershy’s ankle. She screamed, but luckily Rainbow Dash was there to save the day. “I don’t know how much more I can take!”

“The forest is expanding, y’all,” Applejack said. “And judgin’ by how fast it’s movin’, it doesn’t seem content just takin’ over Ponyville. I reckon before long, it’ll cover half of Equestria!” ‘You don’t know the half of it,’ Fluttershy thought miserably.

“We need to work together if we’re gonna figure this thing out,” Rainbow said determinedly.

“Maybe one of Twilight’s books will have some answers?” Rarity suggested. The group all agreed and dashed over to the library.

Before long, Twilight showed up. Fluttershy was internally relieved. ‘Now we have all the elements here, if it comes to that. I wonder if Discord has warned the princesses, yet… Maybe the princesses sent Twilight here to help on Discord’s suggestion?’

“But perhaps you already know what’s causing all of this calamity?” Rarity asked Twilight hopefully. “Has Princess Celestia sent you to dispel it, post haste?”

“Not exactly…” Twilight replied. “You see, Princess Celestia is… well, she and Princess Luna are both…”

“They’re missing!” Spike exclaimed. Fluttershy gasped right along with the others. ‘He was too late! Oh, this is terrible, what do I do!? Do I tell them? Oh, but then they’ll be mad at Discord, and he doesn’t deserve it...’

“I don’t know who has taken them,” Twilight said. Fluttershy tried not to meet her eye. “But I have a hunch that we’re going to need the Elements of Harmony to get them back.” She levitated the necklaces onto her friend’s necks. Fluttershy looked down at hers and hoped that they didn’t find out that Discord was behind it, because then they’d want to use the Elements on him, and Fluttershy knew that, not only did he not deserve it, but she couldn’t do anything to him even if he did, because she’d grown to care for him too much. Living with him had made him… her best friend. Of course, she was still just as close to the girls, but Discord was… different.

“Hmm… half day, half night. Strange weather patterns. Out-of-control plants. I think I’m starting to have a pretty good idea of who we’re up against,” Twilight said tensely. Fluttershy froze. ‘Oh dear...’

Luckily, Discord had come back from his little errand into the forest and heard part of the conversation, so he was fully prepared when they summoned him, and decided that his best defense, for now, was to act like he didn’t know anything. Besides, he needed to buy the zebra time.

“Winter wrap up, winter wrap- oooh!” he exclaimed, acting surprised to see them as he wrapped himself in a towel to complement his hastily-thought-up ‘taking a bath’ routine. “Now, Twilight, you know Princess Celestia said that you were to give me a heads up before you summon me with that little spell she gave you. In case you hadn’t noticed, I was in the middle of a particularly invigorating shower.” He toweled off in an extremely exaggerated manner.

“Enough!” Twilight shouted, shoving Discord out of the way. “Release Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and stop the Everfree Forest from invading!” Discord panicked a bit on the inside, but didn’t let it show. He was trying to fix this, but the only tools he had were the ponies in front of him, and he had to wait a bit in order to utilize them properly. “Why, whatever are you talking about?” he asked, hoping to annoy Twilight into doing what he wanted- wasting time.

“Don’t you play dumb with us, Discord!” Applejack snapped. “We know you’re the one behind all of this!”

“Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love what you’ve done with the place,” Discord said, deciding to stick with the innocent routine until the bitter end. “But I couldn’t possibly take responsibility.” He looked at Fluttershy when he said this, hoping she’d catch on that he wanted to avoid taking the blame, for now Twilight would know the whole story soon enough, but that was a small price to pay to fix this mess. “I’m reformed, don’t you remember?” ‘Even more reformed than you know, actually. Who’d have thought I’d ever be this worried about the princesses? Goodness, I’m going soft.’

“Yeah right!” Rainbow protested. “This has got your cloven hoof prints all over it!” Discord scoffed.

“I’ll have you know that I have only one cloven hoof,” he informed her. He used his detached leg to kick her out of the way. “Such accusations! And here I thought we were friends!” At least, it would be much easier for everypony if they truly did see him as a friend. He wasn’t stupid. He knew they only put up with him so he wouldn’t go all chaotic again, excluding Fluttershy of course, but if they actually were his friends then they wouldn’t have to keep any of these secrets to begin with!

“Drop the act, buster!” Pinkie ordered. “We’re on to you!”

“Ladies, ladies, I’m innocent,” Discord insisted. “Would I lie?”

“Yes!” five voices chorused.

“Um… maybe?” Fluttershy said, giving him a pointed look that told him exactly what she was thinking.

“Well then, it seems we’ve reached an impasse,” Discord said. “I’m telling the truth, but you think I’m lying.” ‘Well, actually, no, I’m lying, but they don’t need to know that. Not yet, at least.’ “What do friends like us do in a situation like this, Princess Twilight?” He poked her crown playfully before realizing she’d probably take it in a threatening way. Curses. “Congrats, by the way, on the promotion. You totally deserve it.” He’d hoped that might put her in a better mood, but since his normal way of speaking generally sounded sarcastic, that didn’t work out as planned. He might’ve also been hindered by his decision to pinch her cheeks.

“I say we blast him back to stone!” Rainbow cried. Fluttershy paled.

“Works for me!” Applejack agreed. Discord gulped.

“Hear, hear!” Rarity chorused. Fluttershy whimpered. They activated their elements, and Fluttershy decided she couldn’t let this get any farther. She hurriedly flew between her enraged friends and Discord.

“Hey!” she protested in what was a loud voice, for her. “You can’t do that! What if he really is telling the truth!?” ‘Even though I know he isn’t, but still…’

“Well, finally!” Discord said happily. “Somepony who’s willing to give me the benefit of the doubt! The rest of you could really learn a lot from my dear friend Shutterfly,” he said, calling upon an inside joke that had stemmed from a game night where he’d for some reason had a lot of trouble pronouncing her name. He grabbed Rainbow Dash for good measure to complete the gag.

“Um… it’s Fluttershy,” Fluttershy corrected, just like she’d done that night when he’d first done it. Discord dropped Rainbow Dash and grabbed Fluttershy, holding her close.

“Oh, right, whatever,” Discord responded by rote. Fluttershy wasn’t really listening, because she was thinking more about how oddly nice it was to have Discord holding her like this.

“Well, if you’re not the one responsible, then help us figure out who is!” Twilight demanded. ‘Finally, something I can work with. Now how to subtly direct them...’

“I suppose I could, but after all the hoof-pointing and besmirching of my good name, I just don’t know if I’m up to it,” he said, buying himself some time. He started knitting with the vines just as he noticed the zebra approaching out of the corner of his eye with her cart. He started shaping his project into an arrow for effect. “Why don’t you ask your zebra friend if she knows anything?” Fluttershy gave him a confused look while the others turned their attention to Zecora, but he just winked at her in response.

“Zecora!” Twilight said happily, dashing over to help the zebra with her things.

“From my home I’ve had to flee,” Zecora said gravely. “The forest has grown too wild even for me.”

“Any idea why all this is happenin’?” Applejack asked.

“I’m afraid it is a mystery to me as well,” Zecora said. ‘Since a certain visitor to my hut kept answers hidden behind a mouth locked shut...’ “But I may have something that, if combined with a spell… I do not dare to use it myself, the result would be tragic. It only responds to alicorn magic.” Luckily, none of the ponies thought to ask why she carried around a potion that only worked for alicorns and had oddly specific uses.

Twilight glanced at her horn and wings and decided that she was, indeed, an alicorn. Discord rolled his eyes.

“Princess Twilight,” Zecora instructed. “You can turn the potion from purple to white. After a sip, you may see why the sky is day and night.” Twilight, trusting Zecora’s wisdom, immediately turned her horn on the potion and concentrated. Sure enough, the potion changed color. Discord kept his eyes locked on the scene. ‘I really hope this works...’

Twilight, with a little encouragement, took a sip, and they all waited for a reaction. For a moment, nothing happened, and Discord’s heart fell. ‘Did it not work?’

“It doesn’t seem to be working,” Twilight said with a frown. Immediately after she’d said this, however, her eyes glowed white and she dropped the potion, which luckily landed right-side-up without spilling, although the liquid sloshed around a little. She started making odd sounds and gestures, but didn’t seem cognizant of anything around her, so it was a little disturbing to watch, though Discord, predictably, enjoyed it thoroughly. When she woke up, everypony was giving her odd looks.

“Why are you all looking at me like that?” she asked.

“It’s just… you were mumbling to yourself…” Applejack explained.

“Ooh, and don’t forget the uncontrollable sobbing!” Pinkie added.

“We were really worried about you,” Fluttershy said.

“Well, I for one found it delightful,” Discord praised. “Sort of a one-pony theater piece, if you will. You should really consider taking it on the road.”

“Did you find out whose rump we need to kick?” Rainbow Dash asked. “And where we can find ‘em!?”

“I saw something from a long time ago,” Twilight said thoughtfully. “But it didn’t explain what’s happening, now.”

“Perhaps farther back still are the answers you seek,” Zecora said. “Another sip of the potion will give you a peek.”

“Are you sure about this?” Spike asked. Twilight steeled herself and obediently took another gulp and went back into visions of the past.

“Ah! I do hope she breaks into a song this time!” Discord said, summoning a camera. This should be the scene with him in it, so he was hoping for something more amusing. He was disappointed, however, since Twilight knew it was a memory this time and didn’t react so much. She came out of it looking puzzled.

“So, what’cha find out?” Spike asked eagerly.

“I still don’t know what’s happened to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia,” Twilight admitted. ‘And this is supposed to be the smart pony. I think it was pretty obvious that I was throwing seeds around!’ “But I think I know why the Everfree forest is acting this way.” Discord looked over his 3-D glasses at her. Had she discovered why the seeds had taken so long to grow? He’d been wondering that himself. By all rights, this should have happened ages ago while he was still encased in stone. “Something’s happened to the Tree of Harmony!”

“The tree of what now?” Rainbow Dash asked after sharing a confused look with the others.

“It’s where Princess Luna and Princess Celestia found the elements,” Twilight explained. ‘Ha! So the elements are the key to this. I thought so! Who’s a smart draconequus? Me!’ “I think it’s in danger!”

“Well alright, then!” Applejack said determinedly. “Let’s go save a… tree. Uh, where is it, exactly?”

“I think it’s in… there!” Twilight said miserably, pointing to the Everfree forest.

“Ooh, I’m going to need more popcorn!” Discord said happily. It wasn’t often that he had the chance to observe the little heroes’ adventures up-close without worrying about being discovered.