• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,346 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

  • ...


A small fire was the only source of light in the small grassland, having been brought to life by Marble and Limestone. The moon and stars were hidden by black clouds that rumbled with the power of Thor, while the winds drifted over the ponies next to the fire and dug thin fingers into their skin. And there was a chill to the air, a chill brought by the shadows, the wind and the idea that the spirits of the dead might show at any moment. It was enough to chill any pony to the bone.

Marble moved closer to the fire, trying to keep herself warm. She was nursing numerous bruises and believed that one of her ribs might have been cracked from being hurled into the side of the tree. A lance of pain would often shoot up her side, adding further evidence to support her theory. But as she glanced at where her sister lay, she kept her pain to herself. Limestone sat next to Absol, having refused to leave his side since she had dragged him out of the tree.

'It's easy to see why,' Marble thought to herself. Absol was in terrible shape. His body was laying at an awkward angle, his breathing was ragged and filled with pain, and just from what Limestone had said he had gone through, Marble knew it was a miracle that he was even alive. 'And then there's the fact that the giant insect was somehow one of the weakness that he mentioned. But how would Spiral know that? Absol hasn't even told us that.'

Absol wasn't the only being there that wasn't in good shape. Big Mac and Applebloom had been rescued, but neither of them had awaken yet after being saved. To make matters worse, both of them felt cold to the touch, almost as if their coats had turned to ice. Marble had looked them over and knew that there were no external injuries causing them pain. But she also had no idea what was causing them to stay in their slumber. She chalked it up to dark magic.

There was one, and only one, fact about the situation that brought a thin smile to Marble's mouth. It was the way her sister had been acting after the battle. To be more specific, the way she had been acting around Absol since having left the tree. She never left his side, constantly checked on him and any time Marble had offered to watch over him so that Limestone could sleep, her sister would tell her to check on the others instead.

'I should just leave it be. We're all under a lot of stress and now wouldn't be the best time to be...sisterly,' Marble thought. Then Absol moved slightly, causing Limestone to whip her head over to him. Marble saw her sisters eyes light up for a moment and in that moment she knew that she could no longer resist.

"Think he's under the same sleeping spell that our cousins are under?" Marble asked, although she already knew the answer.

"No, this isn't a spell. He's been beaten badly, to the point that I don't think we have the equipment to help him," Limestone said calmly, hiding all of the concern in her voice. Marble wasn't fooled.

"I think you should try something just to be safe. Any idea how they awakened those trapped in sleeping spells in the stories?" she asked her sister once more, a slight teasing tone in her voice.

"What? No, I have no idea how they do that and I already told you, this isn't a spell, this is head trauma!"

"Well, you could always try kissing him again."

With the speed at which stone turned to sand Limestone slowly and painfully turned to look at her sister, a look on her face that Marble didn't know that her sister was capable of making.

"You saw?" a whisper asked.

"Yep. Came back in to make sure you were okay and saw the whole thing," Marble said teasingly. It was only when Limestone began to gurgle and twitch her eyes that Marble called it off. "Relax, I said I saw the whole thing. I know that you were only doing it to save his life."

"Then why would you...?"

"Come on, you're always so bossy and fussy all the time that I have to get back at you sometimes," Marble said with an innocent smile. Limestone's face hardened into the look that Marble knew and loved, while Limestone narrowed her eyes at her sister, planning all of the diabolical ways to get her back. Then Absol weakly groaned and Limestone looked down at Absol with concern. "But all joking aside, this is the most concerned I've ever seen you look before about him. Did something...happen?"

"Damn fool saved my life and nearly got himself killed in the process," Limestone spat, though there was none of her usual temper in her words. "Against a creature that he already had a bad chance with mind you. Seems he wasn't wrong in saying that he couldn't help but help others. Even if it made him...like this."

"It just surprises me that insects are something that somepony as powerful as him would be weak to," Marble muttered, her words getting Limestone's head to snap towards her. "Come on Limey, I'm not an idiot. Why would Absol, the Pokemon that took on armies and even the king of ghosts, be afraid of a giant bug? Only if it was one of those weaknesses he mentioned. A foal could put it together."

"Right...of course," Limestone muttered. "A despite what you and him think, I do care for this lump of fur. Not just because he's our only hope in bringing down these ghosts once and for all, but because...he's saved your life and he's saved mine plenty of times now. I just...don't want to be in his debt."

She averted her gaze from Marble as she said this, clearly hiding something from Marble. But all Marble said was, "If you say so," before turning to look down at their cousins. "These two are the one's I'm really worried about. I know that Absol will be fine eventually, but the both of them were captured by ghosts. Who knows what black magic was used on them while they were imprisoned?"

"I thought about that and decided we can't take any more detours. Not with Absol-I mean, all of them in the shape they're in," Limestone muttered quickly. "That's why, once Absol is able to move, we're all heading to the nearest town and contacting the princesses. Have them come to us. I'm certain that one of the princess will know what's going on with Big Mac and Applebloom and have a way to fix them."

"Sounds like a good plan."

Limestone and Marble both yelped as Absol slowly lifted his head. His eyes were half closed and his voice was quiet to the point that he sounded like a ghost himself, but as he slowly shifted his body to face the two of them the ponies saw that his unbreakable will was still glinting in his eyes. Limestone was at his side in a heartbeat, checking on him and allowing him to lean against her for support.

"You should be resting," Limestone told him at the same time Marble said, "How are you feeling?"

"I've slept enough. And I'm...better," Absol replied to both questions. He then tried to raise himself to all fours, but Limestone put a stop to that by placing her hoof on his back and keeping him laying down with her strength. After a moment Absol gave up trying to stand. I see that I've been out for quite some time if it's night. And judging from the fact that we're all still alive, I found it you found a way to take down that beetle, Limestone?"

"I dropped a giant rock on it," she said proudly.

"A rock, eh? So, Bug types are weak to Rock types. Those two bits of information will be good to know," Absol replied.

"Two bits? Did I miss something?"

"Yes. We learned that bus are weak to rock and I learned what your type is."

"Oh really? What is my type then?"

"Bladed horn and white coat," Marble slipped in. Limestone spun towards her sister with a fury in her eyes, while Absol smirked at the response. The action caused him to grimace as pain roared through his body and he coughed weakly. Limestone rummaged through one of the bags and pulled out a Sitrus berry, which she then gave to Absol to eat.

"I'm serious about the whole rest thing. You got the crap kicked out of you in there and we can't lose you yet," Limestone said as Absol ate.

"Aw, you do care," Absol coughed with a smirk.

"If you haven't pieced that together yet, then I'm not the only rock head on this team," Limestone replied in her old tone, but this time with a smile on her face. Marble laid down her head and promptly fell asleep, figuring that she had had enough fun at her sisters expense for the day. Limestone walked over to the fire and kicked some dirt over it, extinguishing it for the night before she cast a wary look into the forest. Absol laid down his head once more, but to his surprise he found that Limestone laid down right next to him.

"I must admit, all of this kindness from you has put me slightly on edge. Are you sure you're not a ghost that has replaced Limestone?" he asked her.

"Don't read too deeply into it. I just want to make sure that you don't die in the night," she snapped back, turning to make sure her back was to him. "We need you alive and healthy if we're going to win the war against the ghosts. After that you can go ahead and die."

"There's the Limestone I know and tolerate," Absol chuckled, before his face darkened a moment later. "Limestone...thank you for what you did in that tree. Defeating that giant insect. I know it probably doesn't reflect well on me that I am afraid of insects, but that is just my nature."

"You're weak to insects, right?"

"All dark types, unless they have a certain second typing, are weak to bug types. I am no exception," Absol admitted, before his voice dropped to a near whisper. "But also...it was a half bug type that killed my mother as she tried to save me."

"Oh," was all Limestone could say. "I'm...I'm so sorry...wait, half a bug type? What was it's other type?"

"The other type I am weak to."

"Not going to tell me?"

"Spiral's forces could be listening. Plus, if I tell you this one, then you will never look at me with awe or respect again."

"Already there," Limestone smirked, before a yawn escaped her lips and she lowered her head to the ground.

"Limestone? One last question."


"I may have been delirious from all of the damage I had sustained, but when I was waking up I thought I heard your sister say something along the lines of you kissing me? Did that actually happen?" Absol asked. For a long, silent moment Limestone didn't say anything in reply. Then, she slowly looked over at Absol with eyes that seemed to be glowing red in the darkness.

"That did not happen, it will never happen, and if you mention or speak of it again, the only kiss I'm going to be giving you is the kiss of death. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, now get to sleep," Limestone grumbled as she lowered her head back down, knowing full well that she wouldn't be getting any sleep that night. "Because tomorrow you're going to be meeting the princesses. And I'm going to have to convince them that you're not the bring of disaster that everypony thinks you are and stop them from trying to kill you. Fun times all around."

"That doesn't sound fun at all."
