• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,346 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

  • ...

Testing the Waters

Twilight and her friends slowly shifted to battle positions, not sure what to make of the strange being standing before them. They had no idea where he was from, what his motives were or even what his name was. All they knew is that he seemed to bring about disasters and had a very hard time being found. That left Twilight and her friends waiting to see what he would do first.

Absol, being a gentleman, did as they wished. But not in the way they would expect.

"So you are Princesses Twilight Sparkle?" Absol asked with a smirk, one that caught Twilight off guard. "I've heard plenty about you. In fact, you're just behind Pinkie in my knowledge of the Ambassadors. According to my sources, you are quite the magic user. Probably the...what, third best in the world?"

"Well, it seems that you've heard a great deal about me, but sadly I don't know much about you," Twilight replied, not sure what to make of the beings words. "How about we change that. You can start with your name."

"Perhaps I will tell you my name. That is, if you can impress me," Absol replied with a smile, before tapping his claw to his chest. "I've heard a great deal about your magic, but I've also heard that you struggle with ghosts. And if you can't even beat a bunch of undead, well...then I've got little to fear from you."

"You want to see what I can do?" Twilight asked, her horn glowing as she prepared a stunning spell to knock out Absol. "Fine, let me show you what I can do!"

Twilight fired the spell right into the chest of Absol, who did nothing to get out of the way. Twilight and the Ambassadors watched with shocked expressions as the spell disintegrated against the chest of Absol, having done nothing to him. Absol smirked at her and she fired again, this time going for a paralysis spell. That too faded against his fur. With a snarl of fury she cloaked Absol body in magic to restrain him, but the magical barrier faded around him moments later.

"I...I don't understand," she whispered in disbelief as she took a step back from Absol, who smiled knowingly as he dusted off his shoulder.

"I think I do. Your "magic" as you call it, is very similar to a type in my world. Unfortunately for you, it seems that your magic is just as ineffectual against me as that typing was on my world," Absol said as he stretched his neck, before smiling dangerously at the group with his crimson eyes glowing. "Now then, I believe it is my turn. But since you were nice enough to humor me, I shall tell you my name. It is Absol. Now prepare...yourselves."

Twilight barely registered Absol's movement and it wasn't until he was right behind her and her friends that she realized he had moved. Her horn was faster than her legs and in a flash of light she managed to teleport her group out onto the street adjacent to the alleyway. The group had barely reappeared before Absol was on them again, his body a white blur with how fast he was moving.

Rainbow's reflexes allowed her to move before any of the other ponies and she rocketed herself towards Absol, forehooves extended as she prepared to meet him. Yet in one, fluid motion, Absol leapt slightly over her, taped his claws off of her back, and vaulted over the pony before blowing right by her. Rainbow hadn't been expecting Absol to dodge with such grace and so she had to focus her efforts on stopping before she could go after him again.

Applejack lunged at Absol and threw out strike after strike, yet with his speed and grace he was able to duck and dodge out of the path of each of her blows. And all the while he did it he had an annoying smile on his face, one that infuriated Applejack into throwing more and more blows. She let out a roar as she threw a wicked haymaker...only to blink in surprise when Absol ducked the blow, pressed his body under her and propelled Applejack over his back and onto the ground.

Rarity ripped up gems and rocks with her magic and hurled them at Absol, who kicked to the side to avoid the first salvo. But the next time she fired the rocks and stones at him, his horn glowed with a dark light before he slashed the rocks and gems to pieces. Rarity's eyes widened in shock as some of the hardest stones she knew of were sliced to bits, all the while Absol was smiling at her with a dangerous look on his face. In a blur of motion he raced up to her, staring at her eye to eye for a moment...before he extended a single claw and flicked her in the face.

Rainbow returned with a vengeance, racing towards Absol with rage in her eyes. Absol caught the oncoming mare in the reflection of Rarity's eyes and so with a single leap he backflipped over the raging Rainbow, who plowed into Rarity and sent the both of them tumbling across the street. Absol landed without a sound and flicked the dangling part of his hair to the side, before he turned to look at the remaining four ponies.

Twilight was seething with rage, yet Absol could see that her magic failing to do anything to him had shaken her. AJ was giving Absol a look like he was a fighter that she was trying to figure out and so she kept her distance for the time being. Fluttershy was standing behind the other two, observing Absol with a look of interest, yet he was slightly surprised to find that there was no fear or concern in her eyes. Only interest. And then there was Pinkie, who looked at Absol like he was a piece of a puzzle that didn't quite fit right. It was only when Rainbow and Rarity got back up did Absol sigh and stand up straight.

"Alright, I think that's enough," Absol said with a bit of a yawn. The ponies looked at him with confusion, none of them sure what to make of those words. "You are all clearly skilled. I've seen that from what little you've shown me here. However, it is also clear to me that whenever you go up against something or one that you have no idea how to fight, you go down fairly easily. That's why the ghosts have had so much success against you. And why I was able to as well."

"What the heck are you, Absol?" Twilight asked, her tone telling Absol she hadn't lowered her guard yet. "I have yet to see any being in any part of Equestria that can just...brush off spells like that."

"Like I said. You have a bad type matchup," Absol smiled back. "But I'm not here to fight any of you. If anything, I would prefer to avoid fighting with any ponies altogether, but with how things have gone for me in the past, I'm not holding my breath. But after that performance it has become clear how the ghosts were able to completely make fools out of you."

"They sucker punched us when we weren't ready. Ah don't think that yer being all that fair," Applejack argued.

"Aw, you upset that you lost because someone sucker punched you? Tough," Absol snapped back. AJ glared at him for his words, but to Absol surprise a lightbulb went off over Pinkie's head and she raced up to Absol with desperation in her eyes.

"You've seen them, haven't you?!" she practically begged Absol, who had not been expecting that kind of reaction from her. "My sister Limestone is the only pony I've met to use that phrase in a mocking tone and you mimicked it perfectly. Please, have you seen her? Is she safe?"

Despite himself, Absol couldn't help but give the pink pony a comforting smile before he flicked his head at the door to the doctor's office. As if he had summoned them, Limestone and Marble both walked out of the front door at that exact moment, taking a moment to look around before their eyes locked with their sister's.

Pinkie let out an incomprehensible noise of delight before she slammed into her sisters, pulling the both of them into a bone crunching hug. Limestone and Marble both gave her an equally bone crunching hug and Pinkie's body made a squeaking noise like one would find in a dog toy. Tears were pouring from all of their eyes as they all tried to talk over one another all at once, with none of them understanding what the other was saying.

Absol found himself smiling along with the other Ambassadors at the sight of the family reunited, before he remembered the others and looked to Applejack. "Your brother and little sister are inside of the office," he told her, gaining her attention. "They have, to the best of my knowledge, a sleeping spell on them, but other than that they are fine. You should go see them."

Applejack raced into the building without another word, passing by the Pie's who were walking over to Absol. Pinkie opened her mouth to say something to the Pokemon, choked on her tears, and settled for just pulling him into a hug. Absol winced as her grip nearly cracked his bones, but he still patted her on the back and accepted her thanks.

"You saved them," Twilight pieced together, though her words sounded like she couldn't believe it. "You're the one that managed to help them escape. Celestia said that she had heard that they might have gotten away, but..."

"Whoa there, let's get one thing straight. Marble and I escaped from the ghosts all on our own. Absol here helped us mop up a few that we hadn't finished dealing with yet," Limestone said in her usual snarky voice, but even she couldn't erase the giant smile that she had on her face. "But yeah, if you want to get technical with it, Absol did help us...a little."

"That's the most praise I've gotten out of you yet. You must really be in a good mood," Absol teased back, getting Limestone to stick out her tongue.

"Wait a moment, what about mom and dad?" Pinkie asked, looking from Absol to her sisters. "And Maud? What happened to them?"

"We...don't know," Marble whispered. "We got separated from them when we made our break away and we haven't met up with them since. King Spiral told us where they are, but considering he's responsible for all of this, we didn't know how much of what he said we could trust."

Pinkie lowered her head after hearing those words, which allowed the others to step forward and ask Absol if he had seen any of their families as well. He hated to see the sorrow and fear in their eyes when he told them that he had not, knowing their pain of losing a loved one all too well. Yet Twilight didn't ask anything about her family. She simply looked at Absol with a look that was both concerned and a little intrigued.

"So you met King Spiral and lived to tell the tale?" she eventually asked.

"Ha, we did more than that. We set his scrawny ass running back to the hole he crawled out of," Limestone bragged.

"What do you mean, we? I was the one that cleaved through him and tore apart his shadow form," Absol reminded her. All his words did was cause Twilight to shake her head and hold her hooves to her temples.

"So not only did you come across King Spiral and live, you actually managed to damage him and cause him to retreat?" Twilight asked, disbelief filling her eyes when Absol and the Pie sisters nodded. "Alright, I want to hear everything that happened, starting at the beginning. And leave nothing out."