• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,345 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

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"Well that was a bust," Ahuizotl said to Spiral. The king of the ghosts was laying in the dead fields surrounding his castle, trying to regain the power that he had lost opening the portal to the other world. "You managed to convince one of those, whatever it was to come over and all it did was get one shot by Absol. Another one of your hairbrained schemes that has failed. And yet I doubt that you will actually do what I suggest, which is sending your entire army to crush Absol, and instead think of something else foolish."

"I would suggest that you watch your tongue. Do not mistake my friendly demeanor for a friendly being," Spiral warned Ahuizotl, only for his form to shimmer a moment later from exhaustion.

"Please, in the state you are in it would only take a stiff breeze for you to fall apart," Ahuizotl mocked, before sighing and looking out over the lands. "But I am intrigued by that other world. How many Pokemon are over there? How do all these types match-up? And how come they could enter into our world, but we could not go into their's? It does not make sense."

"I can answer that last one. Because there is a being there, a being whose power far surpasses mine. A being that can control space itself," Spiral answered. He floated back into the air after he had spoken, his form solidifying into a stronger image.

"Well so much for trying to invade that world once we are done with this one," Ahuizotl said with a sigh, before noticing that Spiral was smiling. "Let me guess, you've come up with another plan?"

"I've figured out how to beat the being that prevents our passage. However, that is something that will take not only quite a bit of time to actually do, but I will need Celestia and Luna's help...let us focus on what we can do for the moment. For starters, how many of the Ambassadors families do we still have?"

"Only two. The Pies and Fluttershy's brother, what's his name? With your focus on...whatever it is on, the Ambassadors have actually managed to rescue some of their family," Ahuizotl informed Spiral. "And I would like the remind you that you informed Absol of the Pie's location, so it is only a matter of time before he finds them. You are losing what little edge you had over the Ambassadors to being with. When I first read about you, I had believed that you were an unstoppable force of evil that the King barely bested. Now I see why he was able to do it by himself. You get far to distracted by learning to focusing on crushing your foes."

"Hence why I will be giving the reigns of the world to you once we have conquered it. Ruling over others does not interest me. But it is easier to experiment on others when there are no royals trying to stop you and banish you back to the darkness. But I digress and you are right. I must start thinking more strategically."


"Leave Fluttershy's brother to be found. He is useless and I do not care if they get him back. As for who should guard the Pie's..." Spiral went silent for a long time after that, losing himself deep in thought. Ahuizotl didn't dare to interrupt this train of thought, however, as he saw the expression on Spiral's face. An expression of planning, cunning and decision making. For the first time since he had met the king, Spiral was being serious.

"Tell me again, how Hariyama came to be beaten."

"Absol struck him down in a single blow. It was quite impressive actually. Perhaps we should get another."

"Feh, these common Pokemon will not help us. But Hariyama would have beaten him, perhaps killed him, had another not interfered, correct?"

"If you are referring to Limestone, then yes, she pushed Absol out of the way and took the brunt of the attack herself. We have been having issues with her and her sister before Absol decided to fight against us," Ahuizotl said with a sigh. "The ghosts have informed me that she was the one that broke free of the ghosts that were supposed to capture her and that she was the one to convince Absol to join the ponies. Honestly, she might be a bigger problem than Absol."

"Indeed. She defeated the bug that we sent to defeat him, which it would have. She saved him from Hariyama, who would have beaten him...perhaps it is time to be rid of her," Spiral muttered, before turning towards Ahuizotl with his mask glowing. "And it is time for you to do you part in earning that world you so badly want. Tell me, what do Absol's thoughts tell him about the rock type?"

"How would I know? I can't read his mind."

"Strong to the flames and the flyers. Weak to the waves, the forest touch and the quaking ground. Yes, that shall do nicely," Spiral said before blasting Ahuizotl with his dark magic. Ahuizotl let out a scream of pain as his body was twisted and morphed by the powers of Spiral. But after a few moments the pain ended and Ahuizolt fell to the ground, breathing heavily as he glanced down at himself.

"W-what did you do to me?"

"See for yourself. Place your hand on the ground and demand it to move." Ahuizotl did as he was requested, stunned to find that a moment later the ground moved beneath his fingers, shifting and moving depending on his will. "I have granted you the ability to move the ground as you see fit. I do not know how well this will work, but I believe that you are now a ground type."

"I notice that you did not give me the type needed to defeat Absol, but rather the two mares that are always following him around. I take it that is your plan?"

"Limestone is, as you put it, the biggest thorn in our side. But while I am not ready to see Absol die, I do not care for the two that follow him. Slay them as you like, but if you do battle with Absol, please try to leave him alive. I would hate it if he were to go before I could truly use him."

"This will come back to bite you. Leaving the heroes alive is always the wrong choice," Ahuizotl muttered, before smiling with a shrug. "But I will play your game for now. Where do you want me to go?"

"Where else? To where the Pies are being held. That is where you shall kill Limestone and Marble. And without them, Absol will either fall...or bow," Spiral said with a smile, before a dark look crossed his face. "But if you excuse me, while you are doing that, I must focus my efforts. It is time I brought the greatest soul I have back from the brink. The soul...of Sol."


Canterlot was too bright for Absol's taste.

Twilight had transported him and the Pie sisters to the golden capitol, along with Rarity's father, straight past all of the security and the forces that had gathered incase the day came that the ghosts attacked Canterlot. Twilight couldn't teleport them, as Absol's natural immunity to her magic prevented the spell from working, so instead she had ripped open a vortex between where they recovered Rarity's father and Canterlot, allowing them to walk through, straight into the main castle.

"Good...we...made it," Twilight wheezed, the vortex spell nearly wiping her out.

"I am glad to see that we did. Now where are these doctors that will help Limestone?" Twilight spoke with some of the guards and they took off into the castle.

"They will fetch the doctors for you. If you wish, you can leave Limestone here with her sister until they arrive, but I we need you to come with me," Twilight said in a very urgent tone. "Celestia and Luna have been wanting to meet with you for a long time."

"Oh yes, ever couple of years they would send ponies into my domain trying to either capture or interrogate me," Absol replied with a smirk. He knelt down and allowed Marble to lower her sister off of his back and to the floor, where she made Limestone as comfortable as she could before motioning for Absol to go with the Princess. Absol nodded and, with one last look at the sleeping Limestone, walked off with Twilight.

The Princess of Friendship said nothing as she walked through the hallways with Absol, though a quick look at her face revealed to Absol that she was thinking deeply about something important. The silence was broken when the pair of them reached a pair of golden doors, that had blue highlights within them. Twilight opened her mouth to tell Absol where they were, but he locked eyes with her and she figured that he had deduced it. So without a word, she used her magic to push open the doors to the throne room.

The two princesses had been expecting them. Celestia, in all her divine beauty, stood proud and tall as she gazed down at Absol. Luna, with her mystery and calm, eyed Absol like one would if they weren't certain if who they were looking at was friend or foe. Absol walked alongside Twilight, but opted not to bow when she did to the two before her.

"Congratulations, you finally got me in here," Absol stated right off the bat, not waiting for any introductions. "So are you going to try to throw me in a dungeon or take the direct approach and just kill me? Because neither of those will end for you the way you think they will."

Celestia and Luna both raised their eyebrows at Absol's words, before they cast their gaze towards Twilight. "Forgive him, princesses, he's still in battle mode from having to fight Spiral's forces," Twilight said with an apologetic laugh before she stepped between the Pokemon and the princesses. "He's not mad at you two."

"That is not the look somepony who is not mad at us would give," Celestia pointed out, while Absol stared her down with crimson eyes.

"There is no need for such hostilities. We're all on the same side, right?" Twilight asked both sides.

"You tell me. I tried to live my life in peace in this land, but these two would not leave me be," Absol spat. "Soldiers, magicians and more, all sent to bring me in. All because I was different."

"Because you are dangerous. Because all forms of magic have no effect on you. Because you bring disaster," Luna corrected, stepping forward with narrowed eyes. "Wherever you appear, disaster is sure to follow."

"I tried to prevent those disasters. I tried to warn the ponies in those towns that they were in danger. It is not my fault they were too stupid to ignore my warnings."

"You will not speak that way of our subjects!"

"Forgive me, I forgot that it is only the royalty that is allowed to speak ill of the fools of this land."

"I would do no such thing!"

"No, you would just try to take control of them as Nightmare Moon. I've been here for a while, Luna. I've heard what you've done," Absol said in a cold whisper. "And it sounds like to me you bring just as much disaster and pain as I claim to. Yet nopony seems to want your head on a stick. Must be nice, being the younger sister of your better half."

"That tears it!" Luna roared before firing a blast of midnight magic towards Absol. A smirk crossed Absol's face as he took the blast right in the chest, only for it to do nothing to him. Luna was taken aback for only a moment, before she prepared another spell and took aim.

"Enough." Celestia hadn't shouted those words, but the tone told the everypony that the fight was over. She walked in-between her sister and the Pokemon, making sure that neither could start anything else. Then she cast a quick glance at where the magic had struck Absol, seeing that there truly was no effect. "You truly are immune to magic, even magic such as ours."

"That scare you?"

"That all depends. Yes Absol, for years we have hunted you and tried to learn what you were. But right now there is a greater threat to our lands than any you might bring and that is Spiral. Now I know next to nothing about you, but I do know that you sided with two of my subjects and have been fighting against Spiral yourself. So all I need to know about you right now is will you help us bring down Spiral?"

"Yes. But not for you and not for your sister. I may be fighting your enemy, but make no mistake I am not your friend, Sun princess," Absol snarled. "I fight to keep my promise to Limestone and Marble...and also to make sure that one filled with hatred does not rip apart any other families. We can settle our differences when all of this is over."

"Very well. As long as you are fighting against Spiral, I see no need to question anything else," Celestia said calmly. "Now then, from what Twilight has been telling me through her magic, you know the location of the rest of the Pie family? I take it you wish to save them as soon as you can?"

"Correct. Do not try to stop me."

"I would not think of it. So instead how about I offer you something instead. My sister and I will come with you, along with Twilight, so she choose to join us. I have a feeling Spiral will be guarding this group of ponies far more fiercely than the others, if nothing else but to get back at you. You could use the extra firepower."

"Very well, but I will wait until the healers have restored Limestone. i wish for her and Marble to join us as well," Absol stated, confusing the ponies there.

"And why is that? She cannot fight the ghosts like you can."

"Because while I do not fear what the ghosts will try to do to me, I do fear what she will do to me if I leave her behind. Out of everything I've seen in this land, she scares me the most."