• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,345 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

  • ...

The Arm Thrust Pokemon

Absol had noticed the ponies get closer to him the further down the path they walked. They had entered into the area that Twilight had given Absol, the place where Rarity's father was supposedly being held. A place that, at one time, he had assumed been a village of joy and happiness. But now the village was reduced to a land of despair and ruin, with fallen in houses, abandoned streets and plenty of ghosts that patrolled the area.

Twilight had spotted the ghosts first, pointing them out to the group. Yet her horn had only just begin to glow before Absol was upon them, slashing them to oblivion with swift strikes of his scythe like horn. They barely had time to let out an agonized wail before they faded back into the nothing they had come from. Absol then had turned to look back at the group, noticing that Twilight's eyes were as wide as dinner plates.

"So that's what the power of darkness does to the ghosts," she whispered. Absol didn't like the way that she seemed to be regarding him after his actions, but he couldn't focus on her for long as Limestone approached.

"Wonder what the death trap is going to be this time?" Limestone asked. When Absol gave her a look, she rolled her eyes. "Come on, there's been a death trap waiting for us at every place we've gone to. It was the giant, fire ghost at the lost tower and it was the you know what inside of the giant tree. I'm just waiting to see what comes out to kill us this time."

"As much as I hate to agree with such a pessimistic outlook, you're right sister," Marble agreed as she walked up beside them. "Spiral wouldn't leave this place undefended, nor would he miss that an Ambassador was on her way here. He will have something planned, so we should be on guard to make sure we are not taken by surprise."

"Agreed. I want Marble and Twilight behind me. Limestone, watch my left. That's the side where my horn is slower to reach," Absol instructed. The two ponies nodded and fell into their positions, but Twilight stared at Absol for a moment before shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused. Since when do you give orders and they listen? Back at the city you guys could barely go a few moments without arguing with one another and now you're acting like a team?" Twilight asked. "Are you sure you guys don't want me to call out orders? It's kinda what a ruler does?"

"Princess Twilight, just listen to the Pokemon," Limestone said curtly. "While you may be a ruler of this land, Absol and the rest of us have far more experience fighting and defeating these ghosts. Trust us and we'll make it out of this just like we made it out of all of the other messes Absol led us into."

"You are blaming me? You and your sister are the ones that brought the ghosts to my doorstep. They left me alone up until you two forced your way into my life."

"And aren't you better off for it? Now you've got two beautiful mares to talk to instead of being stuck up on that freezing mountain by yourself."

"There's that arguing I was talking about."

"Please Princess, just go along with it for the time being," Marble begged. Twilight sighed in resignation and followed along next to Marble, keeping a sharp eye on the buildings that were being covered by a fog that had not been there when the four of them had first arrived. Absol took note of the fog as well, using his sharper senses to peer into the fog to make sure that there were no surprises waiting for them. But the surprises were there.

The surprise came in the form of a large, shadowy figure whose true identity was hidden by the fog. Absol held out a paw to stop the groups advance before he slowly began to walk forward, eyes narrowed and horn at the ready.

"I can sense Rarity's father just in the building past...whatever that is," Twilight said with a bit of an edge in her voice. Absol nodded before inching closer. As he approached the fog suddenly parted around the area, allowing him to see the being that had been hidden in the fog...and how it was a being that he recognized all too well.

"A...Hariyama?" Absol said in disbelief. The being was humanoid, with huge, three fingered hands that hung at his sides. His legs were colored blue and massive in girth, which matched the rest of his massively sized body well. He had no visible mouth, but his eyes could be clearly seen glaring at the group, eyes that were tainted with a purple color and held rage within them. The being, at well over seven feet, towered over the group, making it all the more menacing.

"What the heck is a Hariyama?" Limestone asked, her voice nervous as she caught the look that Absol was giving the being.

"Hariyama is another Pokemon. This one is a fighting type, however, and hails from a different part of the lands where I live," Absol replied, trying his best to bite down the fear he felt building in his chest. He knew that as a fighting type, Hariyama was at a clear advantage over Absol. But there were also the images of the flames, the shadows that surrounded Absol and his mother...and how some of the shadows matched Hariyama perfectly.

"A fighting type?" Limestone muttered, catching on instantly.

The Hariyama locked eyes with Absol and began to walk towards him, lifting his arms and assuming his fighting stance. Before either Absol or Hariyama could begin their battle, Twilight walked past Absol and stood between the two fighters. "A fighting type, huh? Well if I remember correctly, you told me a couple of days ago that fighting types were weak to both psychic and flying types. You also said I was both of those. So if you want to stand back Absol, I can take care of this one."

"Wait Twilight, he is still a Pokemon. I do not know how he got here, but there is a chance that I can talk to him and get this sorted out," Absol begged the Princess. Twilight glanced back at Absol before nodding, stepping to the side to allow Absol to take a few steps towards the Hariyama. "Hariyama, I do not know how you got here or why you are standing before us, but I beg you to please stand aside. There are lives at risk and we must save them from the ghosts before it is too late!"

The Hariyama said nothing in reply.

"I know that dark and fighting types have never gotten along, but I know how nearly all fighting types hate ghosts types more than dark types. I also know that your species are honorable fighters and would not sit by while others are in danger," Absol continued on, though he did not like the path the one sided conversation was going. "If you work for Spiral, know that whatever he promised you will never be fulfilled. He is an evil-"

In the blink of an eye the Hariyama lunged forward, closing the gap between him and Absol with a speed that the Disaster Pokemon didn't know they were capable of making. Twilight had been waiting for the fighting Pokemon to make its move, so she was ready to hurl herself in-between the two of them and construct a barrier with her magic. The Hariyama lashed out with an open palm and struck Twilight's barrier with such force that ripples spread across the barrier while the ground cracked beneath her. Yet the barrier held.

"Nice try, big guy. But now you're in for a world of hurt!" Twilight yelled. She lowered her barrier only to fire off a blast of magic from her horn a moment later. The Hariyama hadn't been expecting the barrier to vanish, so it was caught off guard and right in the chest by Twilight's beam of magic. A roar of pain escaped the Pokemon's mouth as it was knocked backwards a bit, staggering as it held a palm to it's wounded chest.

"And there's more where that came from if you don't surrender," Twilight told the Hariyama, who had shifted it's attention from Absol to Twilight. "So how about you stop trying to hurt my friends and calm down so we can talk this out? It's better than getting blasted again by a type you don't match up well against, right?"

The Hariyama once again answered with silence, but took up its fighting stance none the less. Twilight let out a sigh as she charged up magic into her horn, waiting for the Hariyama to make its move. Once more, with a speed that one would not associate with one of its size, the Hariyama lashed out Twilight with a rapid flurry of palm strikes from its right hand. Twilight constructed a barrier to block the incoming attacks while she began to plan how to counter attack. She never got the chance.

She was so busy focusing on the palm strikes that were striking her barrier that she never noticed that the Hariyama had swing with its left hand. A hand that was covered in a dark energy. When its left hand struck the barrier, it pierced through it like it was nothing and caught the unaware princess right in her side. Twilight let out a shriek of pain as the impact ripped her from her hooves and hurled her across the street, where she slammed into the side of a building and slumped over. The notebook she had been carrying had been knocked off of her and landed with a clatter in the middle of the road.

Then the Hariyama, with the only real threat to it gone, turned towards Absol and lunged once more.

Absol saw the Hariyama incoming, knew that with the speed it was using and the force behind the attacks when and where he would have to dodge. And for a Pokemon with his speed and agility, it would be an easy task for him. Yet he found his legs didn't move, his brain refused to work and his body locked up in fear as he watched the five hundred pounds of muscles come charging towards him. And all Absol saw as the Pokemon approached was the ring of fire and the shadows of those who wanted to kill him. And he froze.

Limestone did not.

"ABSOL!" she screamed before tackling into his side. Her impact moved him out of the way just in time to avoid being crushed by the flurry of palm strikes that the Hariyama had thrown out...by placing herself directly into the firing line.

The first strike caught her square in the side, causing her to roar with agony as the five hundreds pounds of force that was all muscle slammed into her. The second palm strike drove her to the ground, where she weakly tried to stand back up to fight back. The third strike shattered her fighting spirit and drove her back down, where she let out a weak whimper as her body began to twitch. And the forth blow caused her to cease to move, leaving a broken pony that lay motionless in the center of the road.

Absol watched with absolute horror as Limestone was beaten into the road, praying that the Hariyama would stop. But the Arm Thrust had a chance to strike five times, depending on how the Hariyama felt. And as the Hariyama brought back its arm for the fifth strike, Absol knew this would be the end of Limestone. Despite knowing that she was as solid as a rock and tough as steel, he knew one more strike would kill her. Because rock and steel was the worst combination to fight a fighting type. And the thought of losing her burned away all of his fear for his own life and replaced it with the ability to act.

The Hariyama had just begun to launch its final strike at Limestone before something registered out of the corner of its eye. It turned just in time to see a blur move past it, landing behind it. The Hariyama turned around to see Absol standing with his back to the Hariyama, crouched down low as if he had just landed. The Hariyama began to move towards Absol before it noticed that the Pokemon's horn wasn't black like usual. It was instead bathed in a violet light.

Hariyama had just enough time to ponder what that meant before absolute agony coursed through his body and he fell to the ground without another sound. Just as he struck the ground, Absol rose back to his full height and spoke his finishing blow.

"Psycho Cut."

He glanced over his shoulder at the fallen Hariyama, who lay motionless. Then, the fighting type slowly began to fade away into blackness, similar to how the ghosts would sometimes vanished when Absol defeated them. After a few moments the Hariyama was no more, leaving Absol to stare at spot where he had vanished with a bitter expression.

'I am sorry.'

Then he raced over to Limestone's side, pressing his head against her chest and praying that he would hear a heartbeat. A quick moment of relief spread through him when he heard her heart beat, but that moment was then replaced with desperation as he started to search around for anything that could heal her. Marble, who could finally find the will to move again now that the fighter was gone, reached into her bag and pulled out medical supplies that she had gathered at the doctors office.

"Absol, what happened to her?" Marble asked with fear filling up her voice.

"She threw herself in the way of an attack she was four times weak to," Absol said, half in fear and half in disbelief. "But why would she do that? Why would she willingly throw herself in front of an attack that would have killed her?" Marble, upon hearing these words, looked up at Absol with disbelief.

"Because, you stupid idiot, she truly cares about you. How have you not noticed?"