• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,048 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

  • ...

A Tunnel Too Far

Sunset shimmer was a sucker for field trips: hanging with friends, getting her hands dirty, and the fresh air. So, when it was for a mundane place like the old fort that once guarded the bay many years ago, she really didn't care, as long as it was something.

They had their first few classes which went by murderously slow because of the anticipation, then started their field trip during their homeroom class. They moved as a class through the halls and to the two buses, trying to whisper so that the other classes won't be disrupted. The classes then became loud and unruly as soon as they left the doors of the school, in full excitement for the trip.

"It's gonna be cool not to be in class, but the old fort sounds so boring!" Rainbow dash said.

"Better than being cooped up inside!" Pinkie said.

"And plus a pizza dinner afterwards! count me in!" Flash inserted, Sunset and her friends sitting in the first two rows in front of him.

"I'm okay with that!" Sunset happily replied back to her ex.

The bus left the school and up the old ninety-five freeway to Baltimare. The trip would usually take twenty minutes, that was until the bus driver saw something on her GPS. She picked up her citizen's band radio that was next to her and relayed to the other bus that a major accident happened in the city, and they were rerouting everyone to the Old Fort Tunnel. The traffic was slow, going and stopping every few seconds, each stop draining the impatience of everyone in both buses, but they managed.

All except one.

Rarity was hyperventilating, and one or two minutes away from a panic attack.

"Are you okay, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"Who? Me? Of course, darling how can I not be nervous with a cramped crowded space with little to no escape if something happens and will most likely cause our doom if something does happen I can't be nervous about that right?!" Rarity nervously chuckled.

"Rarity, this thing is made of steel reinforced concrete, built to high architectural and engineering standards, and has monitors making sure that there isn't too much pressure from the bay above! it's practically safer than an overpass!" Twilight added.

"I don't know if you want to say that Twilight, you're basically inviting for it to collapse!" Pinkie added.

Rarity became pale and shoved her head between her knees. "Wake me up when we get out of this place!"

"Good Job, Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash said.

"What!? when you say something won't happen, it will!"

"Can we not!?" Applejack added.

"Fine, but I don't think playing with the forces of chance will do us good!" Pinkie said as she crossed her arms.

Just as she did, an explosion rocked the roof of the tunnel a few hundred feet ahead of them, the lights in the tunnel suddenly turning off and the screams of everyone and the rushing of the water into the tunnel can be heard.Rarity started to cry as everyone in the buses started panicking.

"Everyone! get out of the back door and start heading back to the tunnel entrance!" Celestia commanded, moving along the aisles to get everyone moving, the emergency xit bell ringing along with the sounds of chaos that was being echoed in the tunnel. Rarity was the only one who wasn't moving.

"This isn't happening! this isn't happening! I just wanna be home!" she cried.

"Flash! Get her out of here!" Sunset commanded.

"Aye!" He replied, picking her up and carried her out of the front door and to the entrance.

Sunset looked around. She knew that lives were already lost, and as the giant wave was headed to them, much more might be lost, including her classmates and friends.

Well, so much for this secret.

Sunset opened the roof exit with her magic and jumped from a seat, using her strength to crawl up to the roof.

"Sunset! We have to go!" Celestia commanded. Sunset's heart was beating, she was sweating. She had the fear of everything racing through her veins. The fear of failure also was washing over her, but, she had to do it. She raised her hand and took a deep breath. A magic barrier was instantly created, covering the entire tunnel in front of her. The water slammed against it with a tremendous fury, nearly knocking Sunset back and collapsing the barrier, but she held on.

She turned around to see that her entire class, her friends, random students, were witnesses to the raw power that was Sunset Shimmer's magic.

"Get out of here!" Sunset commanded. Sunset command jolted Celestia, who then lead the evacuation of the tunnel. Sunset knew they didn't have much time to get out, neither did she.

"Hey GLADIS! You seem silent!" Sunset hollered.

"I'm enjoying the show."

"Well isn't that nice?! Call Twilight!"


Twilight and her friends were the last to leave the tunnel, escorting a tired Flash Sentry who was carrying a sobbing Rarity. They still had to climb a hill on the outside and to a triage center that was hastily set up. On the hill, before the road dipped to the tunnel, a worried Thunder Breeze looked on, a few policemen racing to Sunset's group, and realizing she was not there.

Twilight felt the vibration from her phone and answered it.

"You okay, Sunset?"

"Peachy! Very, very peachy! Hey, pass this along to everyone: do not tell anyone else or especially my father I have this power, alright?! Celestia, Luna, our classmates. I want this magic between us!"

GLADIS hung up the phone, and Sunset knew it was time.

"Well, GLADIS, ready?" Sunset asked.

"Not really. You're the mortal one here if you drown I will still live on in the main tablet."

You bitch.

Sunset dropped her hand, and the barrier, and made a break for it. The wave was large, it was quick, and it was dragging all the cars with it. There was no car that stopped trying to change lanes, so running between the lanes was her saving grace, while the wave had to work a losing battle against gravity. Eventually, physics caught up to the wave and it finally stopped near the mouth of the Tunnel, leaving Sunset to rest her back to a million dollar car as if it was any other car.

I need to start working out and stop wearing high heels.

She eventually got to her feet and started the long, lonely walk to the outside. She was greeted with the blinding sun, and the ear piercing sound of the armada of paramedics, firefighters, and police cars. She did not stop walking until she was in the arms of her father.

"What did I tell you about playing hero. Scared me and your mother half to death there," Thunder playfully said.

"Sorry dad. What happened?"

"Dunno, we will find out who or what did this soon enough. For now, we have to work on saving as many lives as possible."

"I did all I could."

"I know sweetie, good looking out and checking if anyone was trapped in their cars still."

Not really, but okay.

A text message came up and Sunset took a look after she broke her hug from her father. It was from GLADIS.

"Look at the helicopters, one of them is not like the other."

She did, and she couldn't see it at first.

Police, News, News, News, County Sheriff, Hospital Airlift, Firefighter, County Firefighter, Civilian, News, News… Wait.

She looked to the black helicopter that was joining in the frenzy. It's door was open, and sitting next to the door, with a disgruntled face, was the familiar white suit and mask of "Masquerade". He shook his head and closed the door. After that, his helicopter flew off to the city.

Did… Did he do this to take me out?

Author's Note:

I have a skype group for fans, writers, and editors. If you want to join the madness here is the link https://join.skype.com/MkJbzfI1D8o2