• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,048 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

  • ...

Pedo Pete Part V

The assistant waited for Sunset to make the first move, which she did without fail. Her attempt to get in close with the pipe was met with a hit to the ribs and the side of the head, sending her to the ground

Ow, that hurt like a bitch.

She got up and attacked again, this time trying to be a bit faster, with the same result. She felt a bit light headed from the two blows to the head but kept standing.

She is proficient with that staff. We need a new strategy.

"Ya think?"

No magic?

"Too many people watching. We are going to have to do this old school."


"I got it!"

Sunset charged again, only to jump over the woman at the last second. The woman still did not move. Sunset took a swing with her pipe aimed for the woman's head but stopped midway, the air in her lungs instantly removed by a backward thrust by the staff. The assistant faced her and brought the stick with her, making the tip crash across her head again.

Oh for fucks sakes.

She was on the floor again, taking a bit longer to get up.

"That's it, kick her ass!" Risky screamed, his hand clamped around Fluttershy's thick hip like a talon.

I have detected a fatal flaw in her strategy.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

I needed you to get hit by her before I can analyze. The gloves in her hand have all indications of being magnetic.

Sunset realized the fact and smiled.

"Alright, I know how to finish this."

Sunset charged again, waiting for the rib shot, which painfully came. She absorbed the hit and held on to the staff by trapping the pole between her side and upper arm. That window gave sunset enough time to let go and hold on to the stick with her hands, trying to yank the pole away from the assistant. The assistant tried to swing left and right but was tired of trying to move the mass of Sunset's body.

"It's over!" Sunset screamed as she attempted to lift the woman. The first few times were unsuccessful, but in a situation like that, a little bit of magic did not hurt. A faint aura of opal lit her hands, and Sunset's opponent felt lightweight. She lifted the woman and the staff over her head and slammed her down to the ground like a sledgehammer to the asphalt. The woman landed with a thud and did not move afterwards.

"What?! What the hell?!" Risky screamed, letting go of Fluttershy. She slipped back into the room as Risky began to pull his hair. He knew now that in fact he just messed with the wrong teenage girl.

* * *

"Dammit, you are good." Risky Line commented as Sunset checked the woman's vital sign by pressing her front and index finger against her neck.

Unconscious, but still alive.

The fire in Sunset's eyes never faded as she began her slow walk to the fire ladder, with the assistant's collapsed quarterstaff in her hand.

"You have bested my best assistant, and you have beaten my men. I guess I'm all that's left for you to attack. But, before you do consider this: Bye!"

However dramatic his escape dialogue was, it was short lived. He slammed face first into the glass of the sliding door, with an audible thud that was heard from Sunset's spot, which was halfway across the yard and was slowly getting closer, like the last grain of salt that was gradually approaching Risky's time left of freedom.

He desperately attempted to open the door, but the sliding door refused to yield. His appeals became harder, with the same sound coming from each yank was confirming the fact that during the fight, Fluttershy slipped away from Risky Line and locked herself in the room, leaving Risky Line to fend for himself.

"Open the door! She is coming! Open the door!" he cried over and over, only to receive a fearful, but angry death stare from Fluttershy. She was on the floor next to the bed, with one hand covering her cleavage, the other shielding her crotch from Risky's view.

"Fuck!" He screamed as he looked back, realizing that Sunset was mere seconds from arriving at the fire escape ladder. As soon as he heard her boots stepping on the iron bars, he made a break for it. He ran to the fire ladder and began to scramble, the sound of his socks meeting the metal was nearly heard.

He ran up the many stories and quickly exhausted his lack of stamina. He looked down in exhaustion only to see Sunset walking up the ladders, enjoying the cat and mouse game. He tripped on the edge of the roof, scraping his knee on the coarse tiling. He pulled his right pant leg up as he was on the ground, and pulled the small revolver from a holster that was tied to his ankle. He cocked the hammer while he was still on the ground and waited for Sunset to show, hoping to blast her back to the Stone Age.

She never arrived.

He slowly got up, his finger still on the trigger, ready to fire. He stood there still aiming, waiting in anticipation and in fear for Sunset to show at least the top of her head. Suddenly, he heard an unexplainable noise from behind him, and whatever was happening behind him was emitting a bright opal color.

He didn't hesitate to turn around with his gun, and unload his revolver into the figure that was standing in the middle of the orb, which had the same silhouette as Sunset Shimmer. The silhouette jerked back with each bullet it took until the sixth and final round sent the silhouette off the roof and to the alley below.

Risky Line wanted to wait for the 'thud' but grew impatient. He began to walk the long walk to the fire escape while talking to himself.

"Step one, find Sunset's friend. Step two, flee to the southern border with her, step three, make her my wife and-"

Like a field mouse on a summer's day, he did not see the predator snatch him off the ground until it was too late. His screams were heard as the winged devilish creature flew off into the moonlight, its target firmly grasped in its right claws.

* * *


"Sweetie?! Where are you!?" Thunder Breeze screamed. The background noise of the police station became abuzz with the sudden realization that his daughter was still alive.

"I'm alright. Fluttershy and I are safe. We are in the projects with the radio tower."

"I’ll be on my way. Did pedo Pete…"

"No, he didn't touch me. But Daddy, she was here, she saved me. "

"I see."

"Daddy I got to go, I'm going to find Fluttershy."

"Wait, sweetie-"

Sunset Shimmer hung up on her father, mostly 'concerned' for the well being of her friend. In truth: she did not want her father to question why the occasional thug would run from her shouting "It's the She-Demon!"

Glad to see he has been dealt with

"Likewise, GLADIS. Also, good job coordinating our roof takedown."

Your species' belief that there is no creature on this planet that can snatch a grown human from the air makes it all too easy.

She giggled as she continued down the dilapidated halls


Fluttershy sat there and pondered her situation: She had been shot at, kidnapped, was face to face with a monster, nearly raped, clothes ripped off, and her best friend was some ass kicking machine. Still, she had to count her blessings that it didn't get any worse than that.

She had no idea why she was still sitting there, her bra and panties in full view and her clothes hanging off her body, but she was just too tired to do anything else. That was until she heard the knock on the door.

"Fluttershy! It's Sunset!" The familiar voice cried out from the other side of the door. The young woman raced to the door and pelted her friend with hugs and kisses to the cheeks.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Fluttershy said, glad to finally see a familiar face again.

"No problem Fluttershy, I couldn't actually leave you alone like that"

"I didn't know you can do all that!" Fluttershy said as she calmed down.

"I… I try. I'm just glad you're safe, and we can go home now."


Thunder breeze was not the first to arrive but was the most frantic in getting there. Many in the force were willing to ignore the fact that he swerved through traffic to get to the projects, but under the circumstances they would have done the same. He parked his squad car in the project yard, with the rest of the cars that arrived including a SWAT armored transport. He took one look at the radio tower, and couldn't believe his eyes.

What in the-

He stepped out and approached the crowd of officers looking at the same thing he was while sharing one pair of binoculars amongst each other.

"How long has he been up there?"

"Dunno, Chief. He has been up there since the chopper arrived before us."

On the top of the radio tower, with the entire world watching from the television helicopters overhead was Risky Line wrapped in duct tape near the top.

More police, fire department and multiple ambulances arrived and began to prepare for the extraction of Risky Line and the recovery of the missing girls. Seeing how his daughter was no longer in danger, Thunder Breeze decided to get Risky down instead of finding his daughter in the building, and left the task to the young kevlar-clad sergeant that was with him that night when Sunset arrived, her first day back from maternity leave.

"I'll find her, Sir!" She said as she lead the thirty or so hostage rescue team members into the building with their rifles drawn.

The next step was to climb into the cherry picker and ride the way up to Risky, whose voice was shot by the time they arrived to cut him off.

"Risky, Risky, Risky. I have been waiting for this for a long while. Allow me to savor this moment as my men cut you down."

He stood silently as his men used scissors to cut the numerous layers of tape that would have been needed to keep him suspended. Thunder Breeze just stared into Risky Line's scared eyes, his smugness emanating from every pore of his body

So, would you like me to read your Miranda?"


"Sunset! Holy shit are we glad to see you!" The woman said as she turned the hallway. Sunset was walking Fluttershy out of the project, with a blanket wrapped around her. The rest of the HRT laid down their arms and stopped in front of the girls.

"Where's my father?"

"He went to cut down Pedo Pete, sent me to get you."

"Victor gets the spoils?"

"Very much so, Sunset Shimmer. He won, we won, society won the day today."

They surrounded the girls and began to escort them back out of the building, keeping their eye out for any ambushes.

"Where is Pete?" Sunset asked.

"Whoever got their hands on him, and we assume the She-Demon, tied him with duct tape on top of the radio tower. I like She-Demon, but that's not sadistic enough for that guy."

They walked out into the light of the yard to see the paramedics loading the injured assistant to the ambulance, a handcuff tied to her gurney. Sunset spotted her father behind Risky, preparing to get him into an armored paddy wagon, ready to be transported to the station with an armada of squad cars to escort it.

By chance, Risky looked to see Fluttershy heading his way, slowly. The officers escorting the girls were trying to wait until he was inside to get them to the chief.

Risky began to struggle, to fight.

Be began to scream as well, even if each word was like a dagger to the throat. He did not care about the pain at that point, only about the young woman he had become infatuated with.

"Pink hair sweetie! I'm sorry! Please! Let us get married! We can have a life together!"

His fight for her ended quickly, as he was given a few jabs with a baton and the steel doors closed behind him.

With that, the nightmare was over.

The world was watching, news cameras and helicopter shots were capturing the moment when the father reunited with the daughter.

Sunset walked Fluttershy to an empty ambulance and helped her into it, with a fresh pair of clothes waiting for her. When that was completed, there was nothing left to do but to run into the arms of her teary-eyed father.

"You won't believe the day I had," Sunset said tearfully as she held her father tightly.

Author's Note:

I have a Skype group for fans of my work, pre-readers, proofreaders, and editors. If you want to join this group (and Skype is free to get and register btw) add me (louisros1990 is mine skype) and tell me you want to join the group.