• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,048 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

  • ...

Pedo Pete Part III

Wake up, sleepyhead.

Sunset Shimmer could have done with more sleep that morning, seeing how she only had three hours at best. She still had to be up and ready for school, which would start in a few hours.

Sunset's desktop computer screen turned on, which showed her browser and the many tabs to go with it, all of them were news stories from what happened last night.

She-Demon strikes again.

>Pedo Pete confirmed for #rekt.

Thunder Breeze responds to threat to daughter by launching late night raids against child sex trafficker.

Pedo Petes trafficking ring busted; top lieutenant shot by gun-wielding cheerleader.

Sunset was too tired to show any emotion from all the stories that included the raid, the reports of the "gun-wielding cheerleader", and the thirty teen and pre-teen girls that were rescued from Pete. She was all-around happy with the amount of coverage her late night antics were getting.

"Enjoyed it? I know stuff like this can sometimes overwhelm you."

My CPU output was at over 100% capacity.

"Ok, maybe you enjoyed it too much… I hope that was battery acid coming from your USB port," Sunset said, removing her clothes and was nude in full view of GLADIS.

I don't know if you show your fleshy body off to everyone, but wouldn't they ask questions with all those discolorations?

Sunset looked at her body to see what GLADIS was talking about: she had bruises all over. She assumed those came from the battle with the guards and their electrified batons.

"Not a problem."

Sunset's index finger lit up a bright opal as she pressed on each bruise firmly for a few seconds, causing the bruise to disappear. It took a few minutes and a few scans by GLADIS, but Sunset's skin was back to normal.

The smell of eggs and bacon overwhelmed Sunset the second she opened the bathroom door after her shower. She made her way downstairs to see her mother only cooking for two. Her dad was nowhere in sight.

"Wheres dad?" Sunset asked. Her mother was still in her silk pink nightgown cooking the bacon, which with any other woman would be excruciating when the popping oil would land on skin, but a woman with many years of burns while cooking under her belt? It was child's play.

"Sometime in the middle of the night, we woke up to see that she-demon thing stand in front of our bed. Nearly gave your father a heart attack. Anyway, she gave him a hard drive and told him that it contained the location of every brothel and list of every girl Pete had. He left for work with it the second she disappeared. That was maybe around three AM?"

Okay, I had around four hours of sleep.

Sunset also felt sore all over her body, even her arms. Those were the same arms that struggled to put the food in her mouth: Eggs, bacon, chopped potatoes with melted cheese on top, with a side of toast and homemade peach jam. Hazel Cinnamon was reading the newspaper as she ate.

"What do you think of the She-Demon, Mom?" Sunset asked.

"Well, I know that your father loves her, he says that any little bit helps to help the citizens of the city. The city council hates her and wants her rotting in a prison cell or on a dissection table. Your father keeps butting heads with them over it. Personally, I really have no opinion. I know I sound like a idiot for saying I don't care about current issues, but I'm paid to cook, not spout opinions."

The sound of a police siren was heard outside, which was explained by Hazel.

"Oi! That reminds me: Your father has an officer assigned to bodyguard you for a while… Pedo Pete has been known to follow through on threats. Now go, I don't want you late for class."

They shared a hug goodbye at the door, and as soon as she was on her way to the driveway Hazel locked the door behind her. It was a precaution in case Pete wanted to go after the wife as well.

* * *

"What did you do to piss off my father this time, Solar Sword?!" Sunset asked, observing the young assistant chief of police waiting for her on the hood of his car.

Solar gave her a sarcastic smile. "He can't trust anyone else with his iddy widdy pwincess."

"Clearly not, especially when who he sent did hit on me…"

"I thought the pizza was enough for you to stop bringing it up."

"Who were you trying to fool with that buyout, you or me?"

Sunset smiled as she walked past him on the way to the passenger seat, not without exchanging a fist bump with the officer.

"Where to, Miss Daisy?" He asked as he got in his squad car.


"You got it."

Sunset's phone rang as soon as they left the driveway.

"Is that your boyfriend?"

"Friend," Shimmer explained as she observed the caller ID.



"Hey Flutts, what's up?"

It was hard to hear the soft-spoken Fluttershy over the sound of the barking dogs behind her, but Sunset managed.

"I'm at the animal shelter and I missed the bus, I hate to ask you to pick me up but can you?"

"Sure! You'll have to be in the back of a police car though. I'm being escorted by a police officer to school."

"THE BEST ONE IN THE FORCE!" Solar hollered in pride.

"Thank you Sunset, you're the best!"

"No problem," Sunset said as she hung up.

"Where is she?"

"Animal Shelter."


"Thanks again," Fluttershy said as they exchanged a quick hug. Sunset opened the back door up for Fluttershy and closed it after she got in, which had plastic chairs and little to no leg room.

As they drove, Solar Sun turned off the police scanner and put on the radio, which landed on a talk station.

"Change it if you like, Sunny."

Instead of changing the station, she turned up the volume because they were talking about She-Demon. They went back and forth, discussing the creature in length. One of the guys was loud, obnoxious and very opinionated, and sounded like he developed his opinions on things on the fly. The other was calmer and was the one in the duo that had the wealth of information.

Sunset Shimmer was tempted to fire a magic beam into the radio because the loud one called the She-Demon a "Batman-wannabe that can't even save herself from a paper bag."

"What about you, Solar? What do you think of the She-demon?" Sunset asked as they stopped at a red light, only a mere block or two away from their high school.

"Well, other than doing our jobs better than we are, I'm not really on board on that... thing being our savior. I've seen too many 'hero' types either have the fame get to their head or they taste greed and turn.

The light turned green and the car moved forward. It only made it halfway into the intersection before being hit by a black SUV. It slammed into Solar's side of the car and whipped them around like a merry-go-round. Pieces of broken glass, plastic, and items not bolted down, flew ini every direction. Sunset’s head landed on the airbag, but the pain was still excruciating.

"You okay, girls?" Solar asked, looking back at the girls. Both shook their head, but were nursing the soreness in their necks.

"Looks like that was no accident. Stay quiet." Solar said as he observed the black-clad men with automatic rifles in their hands.

* * *

Solar Sword got out of the heavily damaged car and used what was left of his door as protection.

The three men fired shot after shot at him, only to either not hit him or get the bent and broken squad door. Sunset knew they were for her, but that was not her biggest concern.

She had a passenger.

Sunset crawled out of her door, using the car itself as cover.

"Get your friend and find somewhere to hide!" Solar commanded.

Sunset opened the back seat, and Fluttershy also crawled out, crying in fear.

"Now!" Solar screamed, standing at the car door and firing his service pistol in rapid shots, giving the girls a chance to run. He didn't last long and was hit in the shoulder. Sunset heard the 'thud' of Solar's vest. She took a quick look to see him howling in pain on the ground, blood pouring from his wound.

They ran down the street, with her pursuers getting back in the van. Fluttershy was slow, so a rapid escape was out of the question.

"Through the alley!" Sunset commanded, hoping to lose them in one of the houses if any of them had a gate to the alley. Fluttershy listened and they found themselves running down an alley with no gates and no way to jump over the massive concrete walls.

Celestia dammit.

The situation turned further south when she realized they were cut off. A white, windowless van blocked their escape route, the damaged SUV was blocking the way they came from.

The girls backed away as the occupants of the windowless van and the SUV slowly converged on them. Fluttershy was on her knees, sobbing into her hands and slowly accepted her fate, as girls around the city were told what would happen if they were taken by Pedo Pete and his roving kidnapping vans.

Sunset was at a crossroad at that point: Either expose her powers, further endangering her family and friends and exposing she did not belong to this dimension.

Or, get them to let Fluttershy go in exchange she would get willingly captured and get taken to Pedo Pete, with either going horribly right or she will have to take it in the cooch…literally.

"If you let my friend go, I'll surrender!" Sunset screamed. The guys stopped to consider the offer, but their ringleader spoke out.

"That girl looks like she wants to have a good time. Don't know, I think Pete would love to ravage two lovely teen bodies at the same time to make a statement to your bitch ass pops."


They rushed the girls. Sunset fought back, managing to find off the attackers away from her and Fluttershy. They were caught off-guard by her ability to fight. Punches were dodged, kicks turned unto leg sweeps. They were losing the fight and they knew it.

The men backed away, Sunset stood ready for another round, smiling and even taunting her opponents to come get her. Their response was quick and fierce. The men from the SUV side charged. Sunset turned to face them but felt the sting of a few small pricks on her back. Those pricks soon became unbearable as she felt the surge of electricity run through her body. She wailed in pain and she fell on her hands and knees.

That cheating bastard is using a taser.

Sunset Shimmer had a change of heart as soon as she saw one of the men tackle the defenseless Fluttershy off her knees. She began to scream bloody murder as they tied her up with rope.

You arrogant little bitch! Why did you think not using what you had would work out! Hell, you even turned off GLADIS! I don't care what happens to me now, I got to get Fluttershy out of here!

Sunset attempted to stand, only to be met with the current again. She screamed in pain, it was unbearable and her muscles spasmed violently, but she stood. She began to raise her palm to the men, her magic locked and loaded. The men and Fluttershy were watching the superhuman feat of the Chief's daughter. She almost got the beam off, until…

"NIGHTY NIGHT, BITCH!" One of the men cried from behind her. Sunset only had a split second to prepare for the metal end of a lawn shovel crashing into her temple. The effect of the blow to the head plus the still active taser finally subdued Sunset Shimmer, who collapsed on her side. Her last memory before she blacked out was of Fluttershy, tied up and on her knees again; the image of her reddened eyes and still falling streams of tears burning right into Sunset’s soul, with Fluttershy's apology to go along with it before she began to sob uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry Sunset.” She sniffled, “I should of ran faster."

Author's Note:

I have a Skype group for fans of my work, pre-readers, proofreaders, and editors. If you want to join this group (and Skype is free to get and register btw) add me (louisros1990 is mine skype) and tell me you want to join the group.