• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 7,048 Views, 193 Comments

The Devil Inside - Chelis

The permanent opening of the portal between Equestia and the alternate human world allows Sunset Shimmer to use her magic again

  • ...


At the same time as the investigation was going on at both the asylum and Ember's office, an alarm clock was going off in Sunset's room. Sunset slammed the snooze button with a fist and opened her eyes to her room, brightened and colorful with the morning light. Each wall held photos or memorabilia of her life: photos of friends, concert tickets, and other things. She got out of bed and stretched, her pajamas hugging her body tightly in the slightly cool room, the faint sound of the AC flowing in the vents

On her desk, among the clutter of papers and textbooks was her tablet starting up, as well as her favorite program.

"Good Morning," GLADIS said.

"Morning!" Sunset said as she finished her stretching. " I have a feeling today is going to be a great day,"

Last time you said that you were kidnapped by Risky Line, who is dead by the way."

"Wait, what?!"

The newspapers headlines were flashing all over the tablet's screen

Risky Line is dead, Lizzie is missing and presumed escape. From what the reports are saying she had something to do with his death since his head was nearly split in half by a sharp object.

Sunset huffed as she continued to stretch. "I can take her again, no problem."

"Is that confidence or arrogance," Gladis asked?

"I'm not going to lie, arrogance. I would love to see them try to take me down," She said as she walked in the bathroom for her shower, her clothes hanging at the far end of her bathroom counter. Sunset took a quick shower and when she got out, The news of Ember's death just came across GLADIS

There's something else you should know, Ember-”

"Sunset! Breakfast!" Sunset heard.

"Tell me later, I'm off to school!" Sunset hollered as she took her backpack and ran off, not even grabbing the HUD contact lenses.

"Morning mom!" Sunset said as she dropped her backpack at the door of the kitchen, giving her mom a hug from behind before settling down to the table. Her breakfast was crepes, which was filled with strawberries and blueberries. It only took her a few minutes to scarf down the food, and she gave Hazel one last hug and hurriedly left to walk to school with a spring in her step.

The weather was clear and warm as sunset stepped out of the house and into the morning. She took a deep, breath and began her walk to school, the feeling that the day would be an amazing day did not leave her mind. She would meet her close circle of friends in front of the school's statue and walk on to their first class, and the beginning of a great day

* * *

Sunset was in the third period, which was one of the few classes where she didn't get a seat that gave her a good look outside, in fact, the teacher had the windows closed to show the class a slideshow presentation on early history.

While that was happening, a five van convoy pulled up to the school. When the vans stopped in the parking lot, a full army full of men in suits. Each one with a pair of sunglasses and slick hair. They split into three groups, each one walking straight to a door. As they entered, the last one to get in locked the doors together with three large zip ties. Once he was done the three groups converged down the halls, headed straight to the principal's office.

Sunset Shimmer had her head in her hand like a stand, nearly dozing off in class when she felt her phone vibrate in her jacket's inner pocket.

She waited for the teacher to continue to write on the board when she slipped the cell phone to her knee to see what was the message. She was half expecting something unimportant when she saw the message from a number she didn't save on her phone or one she recognized.

"Sunset, this is Techie Dagger, a detective for Baltimore PD. I have a reason to believe that you might be in danger. If you hadn't heard by now: there was a riot at the institution, Risky Line is dead. Lizzie escaped, Ember Velvet was found murdered. I think this all comes back to you since you had a run in with Risky and Ember and Lizzie was a classmate. GET OUT OF THERE NOW! I AM ON MY ON MY WAY TO GET YOU MEET ME AT YOUR HOUSE AND I WILL TAKE YOU AND YOUR MOTHER TO HEADQUARTERS!"

Sunset was numb, she knew Techie Dagger in passing but never spoke to him. She couldn't stop thinking of Ember, the many sessions they had, the help that Ember gave her. The care that she received from her and not a chance to fully thank her for talking to her.

She was about to burst into tears when the teacher started to yell.

"Sunset Shimmer! Are you texting in class?"

Sunset could speak as she began to tear: "I…I"

The intercom became alive and a studdery Principal Celestia could be heard

"C-can all students report to the Auditorium for an emergency assembly. Do not pack anything, do not use the restrooms, head straight for it. "

Everyone was confused about it but began to stand.

Even Twilight was confused by the message.

"What do you think is going on Sunset?" Twilight said as she turned around. Twilight did not see the Sunset Shimmer she knew at Sunset's desk. Instead, a dusky haired woman was sitting there, nearly on the brink of tears.


Sunset didn't say a word but had a finger to her lips to keep Twilight quiet.

They both got up with the class and went to the gym. Many of the students became scared when they saw two armed men guarding the doors.

"Gladis, what's the situation?" Sunset whispered as she kept her eyes closed to activate her HUD.

Nothing happened.

Sunset had a wry smile as she hung her head when she realized her cockiness had finally caught up with her. "Of all days…"

Everyone sat on the floor, looking around at the many armed thugs as what was assumed their leader walked up to the mic, dragging Celestia around by the back of her neck.

"Everyone, these gentlemen don't mean any harm, as soon as their demands are met they will release us!" Celestia said nervously.

"I never said that!" he shouted as he shoved her away from the microphone.

"Listen Up you little brats!" he said.

"Sunset, what's going on," Twilight whispered. The rest of the girls were also there, looking at the dejected sunset shimmer.

"Get away from me" she whispered back

"Sunset, we can help"

"No you can't, just go before they are on to me! Please, i'd rather know you are safe-"

"Sunset Shimmer!" The leader shouted.

Her friend's eyes perked up and realized what was going on.

"You have gone far enough with you and your fathers bullshit. We are going to say this once: show yourself and accept your bullet to the brain or we will shoot one person on the hour, every hour!" He said.

Author's Note:

I have a discord group for fans, and people who want to help edit. If you want to join the madness here is the link https://discord.gg/uAk5aAP