• Published 18th Jan 2015
  • 7,711 Views, 249 Comments

Forced Adoption - Cool writer

Every orphan dreams of getting adopted. But they all would like some say in it.

  • ...

13 The Pony Dare

Jason and Starswirl were in an argument on how much Starswirl actually knew, based on what Celestia had told Jason. Things were turning ugly. Fast.

"I don't think your all your cracked up to be, dumbeldork."

"You wouldn't understand, child!" Starswirl shot back. Amy was sitting on the metaphorical sidelines of this fight, shaking her head.

"I bet I could understand your 'oh-so-complicated' 1 + 1." Jason taunted.

"Why you little..." Starswirl turned red. After that insult, Starswirl knew exactly what to do. So he ignited his horn. "You know I don't need a simple potion to make you into a little... 'fuzz ball'." Jason turned white.

"You wouldn't." Jason pleaded. Starswirl grinned. He would, and did.

4 hours later...

"Never... again." Jason muttered as he stood up from his "all four's" position. He and Amy were in the children's room at Canterlot Castle, where Jason had been moping.

"But you look so cute!" Amy replied to Jason. Jason turned red.

"I hate that unicorn." Jason muttered, vowing revenge.

"Well at least you were cute." Celestia teased her human "brother." Luna giggled. Jason just rolled his eyes.

"But... what was it like?" Amy asked. Jason thought for a moment, on how to respond.

"It was... actually kinda nice," Jason admitted. "You feel warm and soft... a little bit itchy. But overall, not too bad." Jason didn't seem all too mad about it. He realized this. "But I didn't like it," Jason added quickly.

"I bet you did." Amy accused.

"Why would I like being turned into a miniature horse against my will? At all?" Jason asked Amy. Amy's eyes brightened.

"That's the wrong question!" Amy said, in an old man voice for some reason. "The right question is," She returned to her usual voice. "How much will you like it for?" Jason knew exactly where this was going. He didn't like it very much.

"Is that a dare?" Jason asked. Amy grinned.

"No, It's a bet." She said. Celestia and Luna were looking at the two humans and their interactions.

"Who can be a pony the longest?" Jason asked, not-so-secretly he was nervous. He really didn't want to go through with this.

"I'm gonna have to decli-" Jason began. He was interrupted.

"Boooooo." Celestia booed. She was such a teenager. Jason sighed and tried his sentence again.

"I'm going to have to decline." Amy began to laugh.

"Silly Jason, thinking you have a choice." She laughed. Her tone suddenly dropped to a deadpan serious one. "No, you're doing this." Jason sighed in defeat. Some small part of him knew this was how it'd turn out.

Only 2 minutes after this occurred, the event was retold to Celaria from the mouth of little Luna. Celaria didn't know whether to be excited that her "son" was choosing to be one of her kind (even if it was a bet) or concerned that Amy persuaded him so easily. Choosing the optimistic route, Celaria called for Starswirl, as well as began to plot a convincing lie. Probably the griffin lie. That one always worked. Then, she set her mind to more pressing matters: her relationship with Amy. Amy clearly didn't like her, and Celaria didn't entirely understand why. But she was beginning to.
But that wasn't the problem, the problem was that Celaria needed Amy to like her. Celaria was pulled out of her thoughts as Starswirl entered the room. Celaria then began her conversation.

"I think he spiked it." Jason remarked on his potion. His was a brown-green and Amy's potion was violet pink.

"Well you don't want to be a girl do you?" Starswirl asked. Jason rolled his eyes.

"Why does brover and Sistow hate mommy?" Luna whisper asked Celestia. Celestia shrugged.

"Ok, we all set?" Amy asked, her eyes competitive. Jason gulped.

"Down the hatch." He said with a shaky voice. They both gulped down the test tube size vial they held. Jason felt the strange feeling from before, but it was different. "Hey, something's not right." Jason said, looking at Starswirl.

"Well, maybe that's because I didn't put enough diluted quicksilver in, you might actually see yourself change!" Starswirl said excited. Jason gulped.
"Here we go."