• Published 18th Jan 2015
  • 7,713 Views, 249 Comments

Forced Adoption - Cool writer

Every orphan dreams of getting adopted. But they all would like some say in it.

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20 Stories of days gone by

"Wow! Video games must be awesome!" Luna said excitedly. "I think Minecraft and Portal are the ones I wanna play the most." Harmony nodded.

"Those are the fun ones." He replied, grinning. It felt good to him, taking a moment to remember the best of his old world, even though he had to snip some details out, here and there. But, all in all, any sorrow he felt vanished.

"Tell me about your human life," Luna asked. Harmony fell silent. But, after a moment, he sighed and began to tell the story.

When I was very young, my parents died because of a car crash. I was heartbroken for the longest time, and I was again, every time that time of year came around. But, I was dragged out of the dumps, kicking and screaming, by Amy. She refused to let me ever be sad. When Christmas or my birthday came, she would do something, anything, to get my mind off of the event. One time it was skating, one time a scavenger hunt, one time it was paintball... it was always something big! And... I enjoyed all of them, and the effort Amy- I mean, "Golden Pond" put into them. They were the best.

"Wow, those sound like good times," Luna said. Harmony smiled, still thinking back on them.

"Yeah, they were." Harmony laughed slightly. "You know what?" He asked what he now came to terms with, was his sister. "I don't feel bad about living here anymore." Luna smiled widely. She turned and got right up in Harmony's face.

"So... You're staying?" She asked excitedly. Before Harmony could really ponder the answer, Luna shot up from the ground like a rocket. "HE'S STAYING!!!" She cried out. Then, Luna flew off to tell her sisters the news.

"Wait! I didn't say that!" Harmony called out, but Luna was too far gone.

"We're staying?!?" Pond asked Luna excitedly. Luna shook her head vigorously in response.

"You get to stay!" Luna repeated, hugging Pond. They both began to dance around in a circle, ecstatically.

"We have to tell Tia!" Pond said with elation plastered on her face. Both of them shot off down the hall to find their other sister, and give here what they thought, was factual information.

Celestia was sitting at the desk in her room, facing an enemy that has plagued all people and ponies for generations: homework. Celestia may have graduated middle school a long time ago, but she still was given homework to keep her knowledge sharp. Her concentration was shattered by her sisters racing into the room, calling her name loudly as the did so.

"Tia Tia!" Luna panted excitedly. Celestia levitated the chair around, so she could face her sisters.

"Luna, I'm doing school work." Celestia addressed her sister in an annoyed way.

"We're staying!" Pond blurted out. Celestia blinked a few times.

"You and Harmony... are staying in Equestria?" Celestia clarified in monotone. Both Luna and Pond nodded their heads, confused at the lack of emotion given from their Sister. Celestia's face lit up. She then wrapped her hooves around Pond and weeped tears of joy. But, just then, in stumbled a wheezing, panting Harmony. Pond turned to face him

"Wow! I can't believe you actually agreed to live here in Equestria for the rest our lives! I thought you had your heart set on going back to earth and being a sad-sack again, but no! You want to live here were we have a mom, a family, friends, and-" Pond was cut off by Harmony regaining his breath.

"We're not staying." Harmony said.

"WHAT?!?!" The three girls exclaimed.

"Wuna here just jumped to that conclusion from me saying the living here wasn't so bad, after all." Harmony explained. If you were there, in that room, your heart would snap if you could see the faces of the girls. It was more than "distraught," or "sorrow." It was absolutely soul crushing for Harmony to have delivered the clarification. Luna was on the verge of sobs, and Celestia wasn't far behind. But, instead of crying, Celestia dried her eyes and flew out the nearest window angrily. Pond was about to fly after her, but Harmony stopped her.

"It's best I talk to her." Harmony said. He turned to walk out the door and chase after Celestia. "My name is 'Harmony' after all, better live up to it." He joked as he left the room, leaving a very sad Luna and Pond behind.