• Published 18th Jan 2015
  • 7,708 Views, 249 Comments

Forced Adoption - Cool writer

Every orphan dreams of getting adopted. But they all would like some say in it.

  • ...

9 Trapped

After one explanation later...

Amy was now filled in on the whole story, the tedious explanation filled with interruptions from both parties telling the story I will spare you.

"I'm still mad though," Amy and Harmony said, at the same time.

"Just... not too much," Harmony admitted. He then pointed a newly regained finger at Celaria. "You still should have at least asked." Celaria nodded.

"Yes, I'm privy to my mistake," Celaria said, exasperated at having to admit this over and over again. "Now, I think I'll have to make some arrangements for little Amy here." Another grin came across Celaria's face. Amy didn't really care.

"Yeah, so I was thinking WE," Amy said, wrapping her arm around Jason. "Should be going home." Some shock crossed Celaria's face. Jason (as he was deciding to go back to) felt that this wasn't because they decided to go home. She lifted one hoof behind her head and began to rub it nervously.
"Heh hehe... About that..." Celaria said, shakily. "Remember that unicorn that found you earlier yesterday?" She asked Jason. "He was coming to tell me the world traveling spell needs to be altered after each use, because the walls of the word adjust to keep it from being replicated... and that he had a warning about the first adjustment..." She gulped. "And that it would work two more times... at the most..."

"WHAT!?!?" Amy and Jason shouted in unison. Jason sank to his knees.

"I don't think I can stand up," Jason said. "Also I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Are you saying... we're trapped here!?!" Amy asked. Celaria gulped and nodded slowly. Anybody that knew Amy knew that she was normally calm and could go off from time to time. Her reaction to this information would shock any of those people, as long as they were not subjected to the same news. Amy was filled, with steaming hot, pure and unbridled, rage. She took a few (hundred) deep breaths, attempting to calm down. It helped, but ultimately failed. She was furious!

"So now you've abducted TWO CHILDREN!!!" Amy shouted, as calm as possible for her. She started making grasping motions with her hands, combine that with her face... it was unnerving to say the least. "And you've TRAPPED THEM, in another DIMENSION!!!" Amy muttered, angrily. "Who do you think you are?" She questioned the large alicorn. This question seemed to "irk" Her.

"I," She said. "I am Queen Celaria." Celaria looked as though this would render Amy speechless, have her bow down to her.
This didn't even phase her.

"So," Amy said. "You're a queen, so what?" Celaria was quite surprised to hear this. She was more surprised when Amy continued. "That doesn't mean you can kidnap children." Celaria was hurt. She had never paid any mind to the two's arguments, but now that she was listening she heard the words being said.

"I did not kidnap anypony." Celaria defended. "I adopted him." She smirked at what she thought was an excellent comeback.
It wasn't.

"Did you sign any papers?" Amy asked, smirking.

Celaria stuttered a "N- no". "Did you even ask anybody?" Amy knew she won this battle of wits. Celaria nervously scratched the back of her head with her hoof.

"No..." Celaria trailed off.

"That's what I thought," Amy said, clearly the victor. "So, I think you owe us an apology." Amy nodded towards Jason/Harmony, who had curled up in a ball laying on his side, on the floor. The two girls just looked at each other, shrugged, and continued.

"So when can we expect to be sent back to earth?" Amy asked. She narrowed her eyes. "And keep in mind 'never' Is an unacceptable answer."