• Published 18th Jan 2015
  • 7,713 Views, 249 Comments

Forced Adoption - Cool writer

Every orphan dreams of getting adopted. But they all would like some say in it.

  • ...

8 Reunited

The "mother" and her "son" were sitting at the table, having an important talk.

"... I would also like to tell my friends what happened." Harmony stated. Celaria had explained to him that she had placed a potion in his drink, one that would change him into a pony for 24 hours, at which point he would go back to human. This was yet to happen.

"How many items does one human need?" Celaria asked. "You want an 'iPhone' ... What is it? Magic?"

"No, It's not magic... It's a communication device." Harmony replied. Celaria nodded in understanding.

"Ok, to get this straight: You want to get some of your items, explain the nature of the situation to your friends, and invite the female I saw earlier to live with us?" Celaria clarified.

"Her name is Amy," Harmony muttered. Celaria grinned.

"Ok then, we know what we're doing!" Celaria said as her horn began to glow. Harmony's eyes widened.

"Wait! I didn't mean right-"

Amy was pacing up and down the hall, worried about Jason. She had been able to maintain herself, but she was still scared. The police said that they had been drugged, and Jason had been kidnaped. They didn't know the motives or had any suspects. But suddenly, she heard a big "POOF!" from the unaltered party room.

"-Now!" She heard Jason say. She stopped, and bolted to the party room door, and flung it open. Inside the room had.. a small green horse with a strange main style... and color. It was blonde, and the main color of the horse was green. There was something else in the room.

"YOU!" Amy said when she realized it was the giant winged horned horse that took Jason. "What have you done with Jason? WHERE IS HE!?!" The big horse looked over at the little horse.

"Are all humans so angry?" She asked the little horse. The little horse made a mad face.

"You kidnaped me with no explanation left behind for her, of corse she's angry." The little horse responded. It was a he.

"What are you talking about?" Amy asked.

"Timey wimey, Amy." The little one said, not looking away from the big horse and holding up a hoof as though he was saying: "Wait a minute," to her. Amy's eyes bulged.

"How do you know my-"

"I said timey wimey Amy." He said again. He then realized something. "AMY!" He said. He then realized something else and blushed. "Amy! It's me! Jason!" The small horse called out. It did sound an awful lot like Jason, Amy thought to herself. The large one looked confused.

"What kind of name is 'Jason'?" She asked out loud. The small one looked annoyed.

"It was my name before you changed it! Thanks for asking, by the way." "Jason" finished quietly.

"So, let me get this straight," Amy began.

'That's been said quite a lot today." Harmony realized.

"This thing, abducted you, changed your name, and turned you into a horse-"


"Whatever." Celaria and Amy interrupted each other quickly. "And now she's gonna abduct somebody else?" Celaria put two and two together about who Amy was.

"Oooooh so you're Amy!" Celaria exclaimed. Harmony blushed. He knew what was coming next. "Harmony here was wanting me to see if you could-"

"Please stop." Harmony said, face hoofing. "I can't take it. Please, take me back until your 'pony-drug' wears off." Celaria sighed.

"If that's what you want." She groaned. "I'll only take you back here one last time, you got that." She didn't wait for an answer. Her horn began to glow, just like before.

"Oh no, you don't!" Amy said. All she could think of as she lunged at the two was that, they looked so much like a dematerializing TARDIS. She felt like Captain Jack for a moment, clinging to the side of the TARDIS as it flew through the time vortex. She struggled to stifle a squee.

POOF! The three appeared in the children's room Harmony had been in before the game, where Tia and Luna were playing dolls. When they did, Harmony was flung backward and Amy landed on top of him.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight!" Amy said to the stunned Harmony. To be quite frank, every pony in the room was shocked by Amy's sudden appearance.

"New sistow!" Luna exclaimed happily, popping up from where she sat and running over to. Amy double took, and stood up. Harmony was too embarrassed.

'Why does she have to see me like this?' Harmony thought to himself. Amy started talking.

"What do you mean?" Amy asked. Tia spoke up.

"The last time she brought one of you... things home," Tia nodded toward harmony. "He was our brother." Amy realized something.

"You... are Jason's new sisters?" Amy asked, and confused Tia and Luna.

"Who's Jason?" Luna asked, Tia nodded in agreement. Now it was Amy's turn to be confused.

"He's your brother... I think." Amy responded. She then remembered something Harmony had said back in the party room. "You said something about a... changed name?" Amy asked Harmony. Harmony blushed.

"Yeah... they changed my name..." Harmony said, slowly. "... To... Harmony..." He finished the sentence as though it was hot. Amy knew her friend well. He was embarrassed.

"Ohh. That's sweet." Amy said in a mock baby-talk. Harmony blushed. A couple of small zaps emanated from Harmony, and one smoke bomb, and when the smoke cleared he had turned back to Jason, the human she knew (and sorta' loved). Harmony took a moment to look at himself, and sighed with relief.

"Oh thank god!" He said. "Being a pony's exsausting!"

Author's Note:

And by popular demand, He's a human again! :raritywink: