• Published 25th Dec 2014
  • 2,630 Views, 55 Comments

On Call and Battle Ready - Solum

Spike is finished with his training. He returns home, but for how long before Equestria needs him?

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Spike sat at the booth with his chin resting on his hand. It was amazing how much he missed over the past year. While listening to the idle talk between friends, Spike noticed the Rarity kept looking away form him. This wouldn't usually bother him, but she would only do it when he returned her glance. Throughout the two hours the group spent at the table, Rarity never made eye-contact with him.

"-the animals just haven't been the same since Angel died." Fluttershy said sadly, looking down at her lap. "and I miss him, too."

Spike rubbed her back gently. He didn't bother saying anything, the damage of losing a friend was already done. After a minute of silent crying, Fluttershy looked up to him.

"I just feel like I could have saved him." Her lip quivered.

"Fluttershy," Spike placed his hand on her cheek and made her look at him. "You did everything you could, he was an old rabbit. Everything dies eventually."

Fluttershy nodded and wiped her eyes. "Oh, I know, Spike."

Spike smiled warmly, causing Fluttershy to smile back. Returning his attention back to the group, Spike spoke up. "Well, I know we all want to sit here and talk all day, but I have a itch to scratch."

Apple Jack tilted her head. "What'd ya have in mind?"

"Well, this is my first day off in a entire year and I don't want to spend it inside." Spike grinned. "It's been so long, maybe you guys could show me around."

The five friends beamed at this news. They stood up from the table and grabbed Spike from his arms, leading him out of the Sugarcube corner.

"I specifically said, 'Twilight, be sure to have this treaty done on time and be at the meeting at an appropriate hour,' and what do you do?!"

Twilight sat with her head in her hands. "I-I got it done... it was just not my best work." Her words died a little at the end. Twilight didn't know how to feel, Celestia had never yelled at her before. But the yelling was nothing compared to the glooming danger that she help put over Equestria's head. If things don't simmer down with the Prench, Equestria will be at war for the first time in centuries. And it would be mostly her fault...

"Not your best work? Not your best work?!" Celestia looked like she was going to explode, her eyes glowed white and her hair turned yellow. The Royal Guards saw the transformation and quickly left the room.

But Celestia looked down at her fear struck student, she saw her error for going to anger so quickly. Celestia sat back down and sighed, her eyes and hair losing color. Slumping into the big chair and tapping her fingertips together, her mind was moving a mile a minute.

"We have a problem, Twilight." Celestia stated calmly, Twilight kept her gaze on her. "A problem that I have not had to deal with for a long time. The Prench ships sit just out of earshot of our homeland, their cannons awaiting orders from a man that wants war. In these dark times we must stay collected." Twilight nodded at her. "You must go, Twilight. I have a lot of planning to do and I don't need you here."

Twilight couldn't find any words to say. She left the room in silence.

The doors closed and Celestia sighed again. A minute in the quiet and Celestia's ears fluttered. She turned her chair around.

"For being a bat pony, you are oddly loud, Sargent Echo"

A dark blue stallion stepped out of the shadows. His silver spiked hair almost shined in the candle light. "Well, I guess that's why I find it easier to distant myself from the target."

Celestia gave the young soldier a smug look for a second, it dissipated quickly after. "Tell me, Echo, do you think the emperor is bluffing?"

Echo played with the crystal amulet that hung around his neck. "The Prench king was always a difficult read, but does a Goddess really need a mortal's opinion?"

"Sometimes I enjoy the second viewpoint." She watched him as he took a seat next to her, kicking his feet up on the table as he sat back. He seemed very laid back for being on the brink of all-out war. His glowing red eyes shifted to Celestia.

"I say you can never truly know what's going on in that head of his, we'd better keep an eye on him." Echo gave the best advice he could think of.

Celestia stood up and started to walk away. "Come with me, Echo. I have a special mission for you."

Echo raised an eyebrow, but compiled.

After walking around for a few hours, Spike remembered he had to be home before dark. The five friends moaned at Twilight's orders. He walked each of them home and received four hugs and four kisses on the cheeks. The last one he dropped off on the way back to the library was Rarity, who gave him a simple goodbye. He didn't want her to get off that easily, he had to stop her.

"Rarity, wait." She turned to an opened armed Spike. "I don't get a hug?"

She shifted in her feet and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Spike, but I can't."

Spike was confused, his arms dropped to his sides. "Wait, why not? Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is fine, Spike. I just can't hug you." Rarity said, looking down at her feet.

Spike's ear fins drooped. "I-I don't understand."

"Spike, I'm married." She looked up watery eyes. "I can't... just can't." Rarity turned and quickly went inside the boutique.

Spike stood alone out in the street. "Married?..." Spike couldn't help feeling abandoned by his crush. She had moved on, without him. He started the long walk home with a new dark cloud looming over his head. He would have liked to talk to her, but right now all he wanted was to get home so he could cry in private.

I was gone for too long.

Twilight gently landed in front of her castle. Even when so far from Celestia, she could still feel her teacher's disappointment. She was about to unlock the door when she saw Spike walking solemnly towards her. His head was hung low as he walked, he looked just as miserable as she was. Spike didn't notice Twilight until he was right in front of her. Upon seeing her, he snapped upright and quickly put on a grin.

"Twilight, you're back!" He ran up and hugged her. She returned the embrace and stepped back, looking him in the eyes. "What's the matter, what'd Celestia want?"

She avoided his gaze. "I'll explain later, Spike. How did your day go?"

Spike rubbed the back of his head. "Well, up to the last point, it was going perfectly."

Twilight met his stare again. "What happened?"

"Uh, it's Rarity." Twilight's eyes widened.

"Spike, I'm so sorry." She rubbed his shoulders. "I should have told you beforehand she was married."

Spike nodded slowly. "It's fine, Twilight. I'm happy for her." They both saw through that lie, she didn't call him on it though.

They were both silent for awhile before Twilight thought of a solution. "Spike?"


"It's still pretty early." Spike gave her a puzzled look. "You wanna go talk about our problems over some drinks?"

He paused, then smiled. "Alcoholic drinks?"

"Yes." Twilight giggled.

Spike offered a hand to her. "I would love to."

Twilight blushed at the gesture, but accepted his hand none the less. They turned from the house and walked back into town together.