• Published 25th Dec 2014
  • 2,633 Views, 55 Comments

On Call and Battle Ready - Solum

Spike is finished with his training. He returns home, but for how long before Equestria needs him?

  • ...

Dark Gloom

Spike could only feel the anger in the room, with it was the heat that was also radiating from Celestia. He couldn't hear the rant she was spilling, mostly because his brain was too busy trying to recover from this hellish headache. For all Spike knew, she could just be mad at a servant for spilling her dinner on her favorite rug or something.

Spike heard Twilight say something, she was just about as coherent as Celestia... by that I mean not coherent at all. Although Spike had a good hunch that Twilight's comment was intended to calm the Princess, it did not... opposite actually. Celestia's mane changed to a bright yellow and the room continued to burn. She somehow was able to yell louder than before, which didn't help Spike with his ability to understand what she was saying. Luna was abnormally silent throughout her sister's yelling. All she did was stare angrily at Twilight.

Spike looked over to the officer who was looking for him. I think Celestia called him Ego? Really? Ego? Must have been a little asshole growing up to be stuck with a name like that. From what Spike saw, the dazed pony had about the same self awareness as him... Which is pretty impressive coming from a man who, not even twenty minutes ago, was talking to his own helmet. 'Ego' blinked slowly as he stared into the Princess's intense glow...

Oh right. Celestia.

Spike returned his focus to the sun goddess. It was worse than he thought, but luckly, she was starting to dim down a bit. Still having an inch to scratch, Spike raised his claw slowly. After a while, Celestia took notice to the annoying waving appendage. Her expression softened a bit as she stared at Spike.

"What is it, Spike?" Her voice was clammed but still had a shape edge.

Spike's face twisted, as if he was surprised that she addressed him. "...Oh, I have a question."

Celestia cupped her forehead in her fingers and sighed. "Yes, I already knew that." She fell back into her throne, exhausted from scolding for so long. Her mane returned back to it's original color, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "What is your question?"

"Why were you summoning me?" Spike asked. "Especially so late in the evening?"

"Well, I could have had you here sooner if somepony hadn't gotten HIGH on his mission..." A glass flask appeared in front of Echo. "Echo, be a dear and open your maw for your princess."

Echo squinted at the bottle of strange liquid and shrugged. He didn't actually hear Celestia's order, he was just thirsty. Snatching the flask from thin air and popping of the cap, Echo swigged the potion. Even from a distance, Spike saw his eyes shoot open and instantly clear. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes.

"Huh-wha?" Echo looked around, fear quickly swelling in his expression. His gaze came to the princess's. "...shit..." He stood quickly and bowed. "Princess, my sincerest apologies. I did not expect such a conclusion to such an easy-"

"Save it, Sir Echo." Celestia was not taking his excuses now. "I will deal with you later." Echo shifted uneasily.

Luna spoke up from her seat. "Spike, the reason we called you here is for your orders."

Spike's eye widened with confusion. "Orders?! I'm barely out of basic, how could I have orders already?"

"I'm afraid we have a dire problem that need to be fix immediately." Luna's poser swayed a little. "We need you stationed in Prance as soon as possible. You are the only one we could trust with this mission."

"What of the other warriors?" Twilight chipped in, stepping closer to the thrones. "Certainly, I'm not the most qualified candidate, right?" The sister's adverted their eyes from her. "Right?"

Standing from her spot, Celestia sighed again. "I'm sorry, Princess Twilight, but this matter is no concern of yours." Celestia's horn glowed, causing Twilight to slowly float.

"No! Wait!" She cried, trying to wiggle from the magic grip. "SPIKE!"

"You are dismissed, Twilight." Celeste's horn flashed.

"SP-" Twilight was gone.

"Twilight!" Spike tried reaching out to her but only caught empty space. He quickly spun on his heels. "What's the meaning of this?! Where did you teleport her to?"

"Settle Spike, Twilight is safe at home, I assure you." Celestia sat again. "Echo, you are also free to carry on. This meeting will continue privately." The bat pony snapped a salute and turned, exiting the room with haste.

"Why?" Spike's words cut through the air. "With all due respect, Princess, I demand some damn good explaining."

"Understood, and you will receive it." A chair popped up from behind Spike. "We might be here a while."

"-IKE!" Twilight felt the familiar tug of gravity again. Almost by pure habit, she opened her wings and slowly descended.

Twilight looked around to find that she had been placed back into her crystal castle. Instantly she started to panic. While speeding to her room to pack, she could only worry about what Celestia's plans with Spike were. She knew that the conflict with the Prench was a definite factor, but what exactly was she sending him to do?

Twilight flew up the steps with a lightning speed. If she was going to help Spike, she was going to have to meet him halfway to the east coast. Her magic was not strong enough to teleport to him right now and she would bet every penny she owned that Celestia is sending him to the northeastern front. The coastal fortifications over there were the first line of defense if the Prench ever tried to advance. The last time Twilight checked, Celestia needed extra troops along the beaches and that's exactly where she would find Spike.

The purple mare ran through the already busted down door and started packing. She magiced her essentials (mostly scrolls and extra ink) into a bag and made her way to the exit of her home. One more quick check to make sure she had everything and she was on her way in record time!

Twilight opened the door and froze, a shadowy figure stood just outside of the light given off the doorway.

"Going somewhere..." The dark stranger breathed out heavily, a trail of fog lingered along side his words. "Princess?"

Twilight stepped back into her home, a bead of sweat formed on her temple. Her instincts made her body tremble. She moved to slam the door but the figure moved with a quickness that surprised her. Falling backwards, Twilight retreated in fear. His hand locked the door open, she had seen this nightmare before. The stranger had a permanent black smoke that followed his movement. The shadow pushed the door open and lurched closer to the princess.

His breath as cold as his voice, the intruder spoke, "Mind if an old friend stops by for a visit?"

Twilight took a defensive stance and charged her horn, aimed and fired a powerful blast at the dark fog. The purple bolt flew right through the smoke, making it disappear. Twilight scanned the room nervously, his presence was still weighing down on her. He was too quick for her, especially in the dark.

"Now now." A echo filled the room. "Is that any way to treat a guest?"

"What do you want with me?!" Twilight cried.

A cold whisper filled her ears. "It's not what I want from you..."

Twilight felt a painful grip wrap around her horn. She screamed in agony and was brought to her knees. She opened her eyes wide to the owner of the powerful grasp. Panning up to see the dark king in his true form, she squeaked fearfully at his twisted smile.

"It's what I will have from your kingdom!" His arm cranked to the side. With a quick flick of his wrist, Twilight's horn snapped at the base.

Purple glowing shards and tears of pain, together, fell to the floor.

Author's Note:

Man, bootcamp was a bitch and A school is even worse. A few days ago, some one brought my attention back to this story and gave me the motivation to update... FINALLY, right? Anyways, sorry for being a lazy piece of shit, hopefully this makes up for it...