• Published 25th Dec 2014
  • 2,633 Views, 55 Comments

On Call and Battle Ready - Solum

Spike is finished with his training. He returns home, but for how long before Equestria needs him?

  • ...


Echo flew high over Ponyville, searching for the library. Celestia told him it would be easy to spot. Echo remembered her directions.

"It's a big ass crystal tree. It's literally impossible to miss."

He chuckled at how burnt out Celestia is. But she was right, Echo saw the castle of 'friendship' sitting just on the outskirts of town. He descended to the front step of the huge library and knocked on the double doors. While waiting for some pony to answer the door, He noticed that all the windows on this side of the building were dark.

He stepped back from the door and looked again. They can be asleep now, it only ten o'clock. Echo floated up to the top windows and looked in.

"Princess Twilight?" he said quietly, hoping someone would turn on a light. "Private Spike?" flying around the building, Echo came to the conclusion that they weren't home.

But that's strange, where could they be at this time?

Twilight and Spike arrived at the local pub to spot a few drinks. They walked inside to see the tables crowded, as per usual. Thankfully, the music in the bar was low enough to talk over. As they took some empty seat at the bar, a skinnier fellow took their order of drinks. Spike was going with hard liquor while Twilight ordered a fruity martini. Spike laughed at her for this, but Twilight changed the subject by calling him a alcoholic.

Spike decided to tell her what happened to make him upset first. He told her about when she left in a hurry, how the others caught him up to what went down when he was gone. He talked about how they walked up and down the streets of Ponyville, looking at all the new shops that popped up around town. Spike truly enjoyed the day with his friends, it was when he dropped off Rarity at her house that the bomb was dropped him.

"She told me she was married and," Spike paused, sadness developing on his face. "She just left after that. No hug at all."

"I'm really sorry, Spike." Twilight hugged one of his arms, trying to comfort. "I meant to tell you sooner, truly."

Spike took another drink from the whiskey bottle, sighing heavily. "It's okay. The news was going to crush me either way." He stopped to look at Twilight. "So, why were you down in the dumps today?"

"Oh, right." She remembered. "You know how the Prench are sitting out over by the east shore?"


"Well, about three days ago, Celestia ordered me to write a peace treaty to help calm down their forces. Today, Celestia and I had a meeting with the Prench emperor... and things didn't go as well as planned." Twilight shifted nervously.

Spike saw her discomfort. "I'm guessing he didn't agree with the terms?"

"It wasn't the terms per say he didn't agree with, I kind of didn't get done with writing them."

"Oh, so that's why you were in such a hurry today." Spike took another drink.

"Indeed. The rough draft I had was sitting at home and the meeting was going to take place any minute." Twilight explained. "So, when I left you guys at the Sugarcube Corner, I had to get home, write the rest of the treaty and hightail it all the way to Canterlot." Twilight continued the story exactly how it took place, but before she finished, Spike was laughing into the table. She couldn't help but giggle a little herself.

"Spike!" She smacked his chest light heartedly. "This is serious, I might have just started a war!"

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Spike toned down his laughter to a chuckle. "Sorry, I can't help it. But boy, if it's not the funniest way I've heard someone start a war."

Twilight's smile disappeared, grabbing his attention. "But, what will happen if this is a war? I'll be responsible for who knows how many ponies' deaths and most importantly, your departure."

It was now Spike's turn to comfort his friend. "I'm sure everything will turn out okay, Twilight. The emperor will probably see that he was acting a bit brash and eventually call off his fleet."

"But he said-"

"Yes, I know what he said." Spike smiled. "But threats are just threat, nothing more."

Twilight nodded. "I just don't want to lose you again."

Blushing, Spike tapped his drink against hers. "You never lost me, Twilight. And you never will." He downed another swig. "Now, come on, drink. I Don't want to be the only one trying to get wasted over here."

Twilight rolled her eyes and giggled. She finished off her martini and ordered another one.

Echo tapped his chin in thought. If they weren't here, then they must be out... and the only places still open are the bars, that was probably his best bet. Echo turned from the doors and walked into town.

After a few minutes of walking he came to the center of town. Looking around at all the pubs, he was surprised. Usually the smaller towns didn't have so many bars.

Well, better get started, Celestia's not going to wait all night.

The empty bottle of whiskey hit the table, Spike burped loudly. He threw his arms up and gave a "WOO!".

Twilight found herself impressed that he could drink so much and not pass out. "You're lucky you're not a pony, or you'd be dead right now."

"Yuh, bein' a dragon has a lot of perks." Spike nodded and said with a slur. "But I do believe I've hit my limit."

"Well, that's good." Twilight laughed. "We wouldn't want to drag your ass all the way home."

He grinned at her. "Shit, who says we have to go home?"

"We certainly can't stay out all night." Twilight retorted.

"Can't we?" He raised an eyebrow.

She rolled her eye. "Okay, smart guy. How would we stay out for the rest of the night?"

Scratching his chin, Spike leaned back. "Well, the bar doesn't close for at least another couple hours." He pondered some more. "And it isn't that cold out... Yeah! We could like sleep on a hill under the stars or something."

"Really?" Twilight criticized. "You want to sleep outside?"

"Oh, don't look at me like that, it would be fun!" He tried to defend his plan.

"Uh-huh." Twilight glanced at the bar's clock. "Okay, big guy. Let's get back home, it's way pass your bedtime." She jeered with a smile.

"Bedtime?" Spike laughed. "I'm too old for a bedtime."

Twilight stuck out her tongue playfully. "Maybe you should act like it."

Spike drew back clumsily, throwing his hand over his forehead and putting on his saddest face. "Oh! Oh, I'm hurt now, Twi." He's acting was clearly being fabricated. "I'm gone for an entire year and this is how you treat me? And you the Princess of friendship?"

"Oh, stow the bellyache, Mrs. Dramatic." She stood from the bar stool and placed a hand on his shoulder, ushering him up. "Come on, Spike, it's late. Get up."

"Nooo..." Refusing lazily, Spike moaned as he was forced up. "I don't wanna."

"Yea, yea." Twilight let him lean on her for support. "We have to get back and put you to bed."

Muffling a laugh, Spike booped her nose. "You have to get me in bed." He let out his giggles making Twilight blush deeply.

Shaking the red off her cheeks, Twilight steadied him. "Ha, ha." She said sarcastically. "Get moving, goofy."

Twilight forced Spike forward and they slowly began making their way through the crowds of other inebriated pony-folk. Spike found himself saying and waving goodbye to all the ponies in the bar before Twilight managed to get him out the door. As they came outside, Spike slipped out of her grip. To her dismay, he felt there was a need to play 'Catch the drunk dragon before he breaks something' before they retired for the night. However, the chase didn't last long after Spike tried vaulting a park bench and face-planting into the dirt. Twilight was going to laugh, and then yell at him, but he had fallen asleep before she caught up to him.

Giggling, Twilight dragged him home, stopping every once in awhile to scold his unconscious body.

Echo stumbled out of the bar in a haze.

"Well, he's not in THAT bar." He laughed to himself. "I know... 'cause I checked."

His words were slurred and he felt little emotion towards his current mission. What he did show emotion for right now was some munchies. Rubbing his empty stomach, Echo thought back to what went wrong.

Okay, so ordering that drink wasn't too smart, that's were it started... And accepting that hit from the 'special cigarette' wasn't good either...or the second hit... or the third. But I got this, OK... Step one; get munchies. Step two; eat said munchies. Step three; get Spike and bring him to Celestia... And make sure not to look any guards in the eye.

With his mental list he set off towards the nearest 24/7 minimart.

Author's Note:

Chill the fuck out, people, I updated... Drop me a like, it helps. Or don't. Do what you like really.
