• Published 28th Feb 2015
  • 9,806 Views, 577 Comments

Spiders and Magic III: Days of Friendship Past - Maximus_Reborn

Peter finds himself in a far future where Empress Chrysalis and the changelings have taken over the world. Is the future truly set?

  • ...

Memories of the Heart

Chapter Five “Memories of the Heart”

Sweetie Belle gripped the arm of her chair and inhaled deeply before squeezing her eyes shut. “Okay. On three. One... Two...”

The unicorn screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice reverberating off the walls of her private chamber as Peter quickly pulled the crystal shard out of her shoulder with a swift jerk. Without pausing Sweetie Belle used her telekinesis to quickly guide a needle through her skin, stitching the wound shut with rapid movements. Finishing her suture work, the mare gave herself a shot of antibiotics, wincing as she injected the medicine into her sore shoulder. Sweetie Belle swiftly found a pair of pills before swallowing them afterwards.

Admiring the unicorn’s work, Peter raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you’re not a nurse?”

Chuckling weakly, Sweetie shook her head. “I’m in no way qualified to be a nurse, Peter. What little I know has been taught from others.” After a moment, she leaned back into her seat and exhaled. “That’s much better.”

Peter smirked, settling into his own seat at the round table. “I think you’re being modest. Your movements are very practiced and efficient. That’s something that comes from a lot of experience and training.”

Sweetie Belle smiled wryly to herself. “I... I honestly wish I could argue with that.” Her gaze shifted back to the stallion. “I’ve used these skills far more than I wish I’d have had to. For my sake as well as many others’.”

Peter smiled. “Somehow, I’m not surprised. You’ve always been one to look after others. I’m glad to see that hasn’t changed, even now.”

The mare’s cheeks took on a shade of pink as she looked away. “Somepony has to, right? It takes my mind off of how dreary things have become.”

The stallion nodded, looking about his surroundings. “I can see how hiding underground like this can be pretty gloomy.”

Sweetie Belle sighed. “Yeah... It certainly can be.” A quiet calm fell on the room for a moment before Sweetie gasped, “Oh. I almost forgot.” She reached into her suit, retrieving the moon-shaped crystal before offering it to the stallion. “Here.”

Peter took the stone, nodding. “Thanks, Sweetie.”

As the stallion handled the gem, Pinkamena entered Sweetie Belle’s quarters with a dull expression, giving everypony in the room a quick glance before slipping into her seat. Nearly an hour had passed after the rebels returned to base after infiltrating Canterlot Castle. Pinkamena had been rushed to the infirmary, only to check herself out the second she regained consciousness.

Sweetie Belle gave the mare a warm smile. “How’s your head feeling, Pinkamena? Need me to get you anything for it?”

Pinkamena frowned, resting a hoof over her head. “No. I’ll live. A concussion isn’t the end of the world.”

Rainbow Dash entered the door soon after, taking the seat in front of her mechanical wing. “Finally awake, Pinkie?” she grinned as she began to fiddle with the prosthesis, eliciting a groggy groan from the earth pony. The mechanism of the wing had been dismantled entirely, with nuts and bolts scattered across the table. The pegasus took hold of a screwdriver and began straightening a few of her wing’s gears. “I really hate tinkering with this thing.”

Peter leaned forward, taking a closer look at the device Rainbow was working on without leaving the crystal unattended. “I told you all Skittles was a closet dork.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “I don’t really have a choice. Not flying is not an option.” she let out a long sigh. “I just wish these things weren’t so damn flimsy.”

Peter smiled, returning his full attention to the crystal. “If you give me a bit of time, I can make modifications to your wing later if you want.”

Rainbow grinned, nodding. “Fine. I guess I could use an egghead’s touch.”

“Ah never thought Ah’d hear that come out of your mouth, Rainbow,” snarked Applejack as she entered the room. “Twilight must be laughin’ in her grave right now.”

Rainbow set down her screwdriver. “Okay, okay! I get it, alright? So, maybe I’ve done a bit of reading and dabbling in mechanics, but I am definitely not an egghead.”

Peter paused, managing a small smile. “Really? Well, when I get back to my timeline, I’ll make sure to invite you when I make modifications to the Spider-Mobile.”

Rainbow released a small squeak, giggling. “Really?! That’d be awesome!” She paused as she stared off into nowhere for a moment. “Uh, I mean, I’m sure the me back then would really like that. Just be sure to tell me how fast it can go and how fluid it handles. I’d be all over it.”

Applejack snorted, stifling her laughter as she sat across the table from the pegasus. “And be sure not to let young me inside that rollin’ toaster. Ah can’t say Ah’m a fan of that thing.”

Rainbow Dash grinned, looking at the blonde from the corner of her eyes smugly. “Oh, come on! It’ll be fun! I’m sure she’ll love it!”

Applejack folded her forehooves. “No, thank you.” Turning her attention to the stallion, she watched Peter stare fixedly at the crystal he held with a soft gaze. Applejack leaned back in her seat and propped her hind legs up onto the table. “Okay, Pete. Ah understand why we went after your gauntlets, but can you tell us what’s the big deal with that there crystal?”

Peter opened his mouth to answer, but the crystal suddenly emitted a bright motes of light which formed into an image that hovered over the gem. It was small and ephemeral, as if it could disappear any time. A curl of sky blue light surrounded a figure of an alicorn with her eyes closed. energy particles circled around the alicorn hovering over the crystal. Princess Luna opened her eyes and smiled gently at the group of ponies around her. Applejack tipped her chair backwards in surprise, then scrambled to her hooves and leaned over Peter’s shoulders.

Rainbow Dash reacted just as well, dropping her replacement wing on the table in her shock. She rushed to the stallion’s side in an attempt to clearly see the alicorn’s tiny, glowing form. Sweetie Belle squeezed in over Peter’s free shoulder, leaving Pinkamena with only the option to peek from over Applejack’s head. They all stared at the small image for what felt like ages. The princess passed her gaze between everypony, settling it on the stallion at the center.

“Greetings, everypony. It is good to see you all again,” Luna whispered, her voice soft and slightly distorted. The princess again looked to each of the ponies’ faces before a look of sadness graced her features. “I believe it would be safe to assume that some of you are no longer with us?”

Applejack reached out to her, only for her hoof to pass through the alicorn’s ghostly image. “How is this possible? We all thought you were dead, Princess.”

A sad smile formed on the alicorn’s face as she shook her head. “Unfortunately, that is very much the case, Applejack. This is only a tiny remnant of my spirit. Moments before my death, I managed to send a part of my consciousness into Celsius. All I could do was wait, unable to move, hoping for somepony to locate me. I’m... very fortunate it happened to be Peter.” She paused to brush a hoof over her eyes, managing a smile. “I always knew you would come back, Peter. I… I can’t put into words how much I’ve missed you. All of you.”

Sweetie Belle leaned forward with a hopeful smile. “Does this mean you can return?”

Luna’s eyes softened. “Young Sweetie Belle. By the stars, how you’ve grown.” The princess fell silent, averting her gaze to the ground. “Honestly, I wish I could, but my time is very limited. It took so much energy just to sustain this form over the years. Celsius is all but depleted. I’m afraid I’ll disappear here shortly.” The crystal cracked, causing the alicorn’s image to slowly dissipate. “All I can do now is say my goodbyes to you all.”

Rainbow Dash stared with a saddened gaze. “Princess Luna…”

Peter stood from his seat and lifted the crystal, making certain his gaze stood inches from Luna. “Just like that?! You survived for this long just to give up? Give me time, Luna! I can find a way to save you! I know I can!” A second crack spread throughout the jewel, causing a small light to glow from within. Luna’s form had nearly faded from existence, yet she stood with a content smile, even as tears formed at the corners of Peter’s eyes. “No! Please! Don’t give up!”

Luna shook her head, extending a fading hoof. “Please do not grieve, Peter. There’s nothing that can be done for me. I’m living on borrowed time. I’m very lucky to have even been granted this opportunity to see you all one last time. From here, I’ll soon be reunited with my sister.”

Peter slammed a hoof to the table. “There has to be a way! Something has to--”

Applejack rested a hoof on the stallion’s shoulder, catching his attention before closing her eyes and shaking her head. “Let her say her peace, Peter. Just look at that thing.” She pointed a hoof to the all but shattered crystal in his hooves. “She... doesn’t have much time.”

Luna rubbed her eyes, giving the earth pony a warm smile. “Thank you, Applejack.” Returning her gaze to the stallion, the lower lip of her now forced smile all but began to tremble. “As long as you’re alive, that’s all that matters to me. You are my best friend, Peter. Even now, I still love you, and I will never let go of these feelings. I only wish I could have--”

The light in Celsius dimmed before shattering in the stallion’s hooves, the crystal disintegrating into dust. Sweetie Belle gasped and took a step back, covering her muzzle with a hoof as tears swelled up in her eyes. The rest of the girls lowered their heads in mourning as Peter fell to the ground.

Staring at his trembling hooves, Peter watched helplessly as the fine dust particles spread before falling to rest on the floor below and fading into nothingness. “Luna… Why? Why did you give up?” Tears began to quickly roll down the sides of his cheeks. “Why did it have to end up this way?”

Several hours had passed; yet for Peter, it felt as if an eternity was crawling by. He sat on the edge of a rooftop, staring at the earth perched overhead. Their location underground prevented anypony from gazing at the night sky, but Peter reached out, imagining that Luna’s stars were within his grasp. Sweetie Belle quietly opened the door behind the stallion’s position, closing it before taking a seat on the available spot by his side. Peter acknowledged the mare’s presence with a small glance while letting out a somber sigh.

Sweetie placed a hoof over the stallion’s shoulder. “You really should try to get some rest, Peter.”

Peter shook his head. “I thought I could save her, Sweetie. When I found that crystal I had so much hope, but all I could do was watch as she disappeared without a fight. If only I had just been there. Celestia, Twilight, Luna, Mayday... none of this would have happened.”

Sweetie’s eyes softened. “Peter. It’s not your fault that this all happened. Nopony could’ve known that you would disappear so suddenly.”

“I already failed my wife and daughter. Now, I let my best friend down.” His shoulders slumped. “Nothing’s changed. Not one bit. I have all this power, but I still always find a way to fail those closest to me again and again. What if I really can’t make a difference? What if I fail again? What if I can’t make it back to my own timeline after everything is said and done?”

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “You shouldn’t put thoughts into your head like that.” She scooted a little closer to the stallion. “Circumstances fall beyond our control sometimes. But as long as we try our best, we can’t have any regrets. Princess Luna made the most out of her situation. She even had a smile on her face until the very end. If she could still find a way to be happy, I think you can, too. After all, I think you made things easier for her.” The stallion shot the mare a befuddled expression, and Sweetie Belle rubbed his shoulder affectionately. “That’s the difference you make on those around you, Peter. You give them hope. Something to believe in. Princess Luna was finally able to rest in peace because of you.”

Peter glanced at the mare from the corner of his eye before sighing. “It almost doesn’t feel like that.”

Sweetie Belle extended a hoof to the stallion’s face, turning his head to face her. “You’re still not convinced? Everypony within the base finally believes that we have a legitimate shot at putting an end to the changelings’ reign because Spider-Mane is here to help us.” The unicorn’s smile widened, remaining earnest. “Applejack and Rainbow Dash hated each other for over twenty years, and they were able to come back on good terms thanks to you. Plus, I haven’t seen Pinkamena this lively in years. She hides it well, but I can tell she’s happier deep down.”

Sweetie Belle turned around and grinned as her gaze settled on Pinkamena, who was sleeping against the wall several hoof-lengths behind their position. “She’s determined to make sure you don’t disappear again. So am I, and everypony else here.” She returned her gaze to the stallion and brushed a hoof through his mane. “We all believe in you, Peter. So cheer up. Okay?”

Peter was slow to respond, staring at the mare with uncertainty, but his disposition faltered, allowing a smile to take form. “Thanks, Sweetie Belle. I really needed that. If so many ponies are counting on me, then I can’t give up that easily.”

Sweetie Belle giggled softly. “That’s more like it!” The mare glanced off to the side, as if contemplating something. She stood up from her seat and cleared her throat, unaware of the pink glow burning in her cheeks. “I… never had chance to thank you for earlier.”

Peter chuckled as he forced himself to a standing position. “Don’t mention it.” Before the stallion could take another step, Sweetie Belle pressed her warm lips against his cheek. Every muscle in Peter’s body locked involuntarily as his eyes grew as wide as saucers. “Uh…”

Blushing, Sweetie Belle pulled away and took a few steps back bashfully. “Thank you for saving my life, Peter. I wouldn’t be here right now if not for you.”

“S-sure. No p-problem,” Peter stammered, his face practically burning. Sweetie trotted off without giving the stallion time to recollect his nerve. After an embarrassing amount of time, Peter shook his head madly. “Come on, Parker! Get it together! You’re married! Twilight would kill you if she saw you like this.” Just as he readied to leave the rooftop, a surge of electrical energy emitted from his body before causing his form to fade momentarily. Once it dissipated, Peter held both hooves away from his face. “There it is again. What the heck is going on?”


Within the walls of the Crystal Empire’s castle, Trixie entered the throne room before lowering her head out of respect. “Empress Chrysalis. There has been another skirmish. The rebels attacked the hive in Canterlot Castle. Many were slain. Reports indicate the remaining wielders of the Elements of Harmony, the rebel force’s leader, and Spider-Mane were at the front of the attack.”

Chrysalis snarled before kicking her table across the room. “Disgusting ponies! They’ve grown exceptionally arrogant to have the audacity to attack my children!” The changeling queen took several deep breaths before exhaling slowly. Her slitted eyes gazed at the land behind the open window across from her line of sight. “Peter Parker has already become a greater nuisance than anticipated. We must eliminate him before their confidence rises any further.” Chrysalis scowled before averting her emerald gaze towards the unicorn. “Trixie, I believe it is best for you to remedy the situation… personally.”

“Peter Parker…” Trixie whispered, droning off as the amulet around her neck glowed. She shook her head. “I am… not certain that is wise, Empress.”

Chrysalis paused, her eyes widening. “You dare doubt me?” The changeling queen vanished from sight, materializing inches behind the unicorn before lifting her into the air. “It would seem you are in need of some more... persuasion.” Four strands of magical energy lowered from her horn before each lassoed around Trixie’s hooves. Chrysalis channeled her energy into the mare, releasing the unicorn from her grip and laughing as her puppet’s eyes flashed to a bright shade of crimson. “I am your Empress, one and all. My will is all you shall obey.”

Trixie’s eyes shot open, matched only by the widening smile on her features. “I exist… only for my Empress!”

“And Peter Parker?” Chrysalis questioned through hissing laughter.

Trixie nodded feverishly as a red aura emitted from her eyes. “An obstacle. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

“Good. Now go,” Chrysalis ordered as the threads of magic faded. Trixie simply nodded before slipping her black hood and cloak over her body. As the unicorn quietly stepped away, Chrysalis furrowed her brow. “Find a way to draw him out.”


A grey unicorn trotted through the halls with a small box, her golden armor clinking with each step. She quietly excused herself as she made her way to the rebel leader’s quarters. Only those with business could enter, but Sweetie Belle was a friend, and a lenient one at that. The blonde could barely contain herself as butterflies filled her gut. She’d had to make a delivery a few days ago to Manehattan, only to return just this morning, and so much had transpired, at least from what she gathered. It was impossible to even fathom how he came back, especially after all of these years.

She was just a filly when she saw him last, but the memories that stallion had left were everlasting, of a pony most idolized. However, her mother was enamored with the stallion, coming off as a complete fanmare even after the pair became very close personal friends. Nostalgia set in of a simpler time, when the most troubling dilemma the unicorn had to endure was her mother’s clumsiness. A somber sigh escaped from the mare’s mouth before she stopped in front of Sweetie Belle’s door. The unicorn gave a trio of knocks, pausing to give whoever was inside time to gather their nerve.

“H-hello?” she stammered, lowering her body. The unicorn chastised herself, the reluctant knight. Suddenly, her bright yellow irises settled on a familiar sight of crimson and blue. A pair of gauntlets sat on the table, next to an array of beakers and tubes housing various substances. The stallion in the chair turned to acknowledge the mare, his hazel gaze warm and welcoming. The armored pony inhaled sharply, unable to contain her smile as she removed her helmet. His shaggy mane was exactly like she remembered. “Wow! You really did come back!”

Peter tilted his head to the side. “Huh? Who are…?” He paused, staring intently at the mare’s grey fur, blonde mane, and golden irises. His eyes widened. “Derpy? No. You’re…” The stallion trailed off, his gaze settling on the pony’s horn. As if something clicked in his mind, Peter hopped from his seat and approached the mare with a look of awe. “Dinky?!”

The mare nodded eagerly before leaping into the stallion’s waiting hooves. Dinky’s smile only grew as Peter’s warmth enveloped her. “I really missed you,” she squeaked, nuzzling into the stallion’s chest.

Peter’s eyes softened as he gently tightened his embrace. “Hey, Dinky… It hasn’t been that long for me, but I missed you, too.” The pair eventually parted, allowing the mare to brush a hoof over her wet eyes. Peter arched a brow as he glanced at the unicorn’s armor. “So, you’re part of the rebel forces, huh?”

Dinky’s eyes widened before she straightened her posture and poked out her chest. “Yeah! I’ve been here as long as Captain Sweetie Belle, but I’m still just a cadet,” she weakly added, blushing. Dinky sobered as she sighed. “I really joined so I could be a hero like you, like my mom used to like.”

Peter’s ears lowered into his mane at the mention of Dinky’s mother. “Past tense. It sounds like Derpy didn’t make it.”

Dinky shook her head. “No, but…” She trailed off as a look of determination formed on her face. “I-I’ll keep working hard! Someday, I’ll be a hero and make Mom proud!”

Peter managed a small smile before placing his hoof over Dinky’s head, mussing her mane. “She’s already proud of you. I am, too.” The mare’s face brightened as the stallion gave her a confident smirk. “I’ll find a way to fix this. I promise.”

Dinky’s eyes widened at a belated realization. “Oh! I almost forgot. I have a delivery for you.” She reached into her box and retrieved a set of crystals. “These came from the catacombs underneath Canterlot.”

Peter nodded, taking the gems into his hooves. “Thanks, Dinky. This will make things a little easier. I’ll be able to recreate my anti-magic webbing in no time.”

Trixie wandered through the outskirts of Ponyville, staring at the dry area where the river once lay. “This place…” she whispered, placing a hoof over her beating chest. It was alien yet familiar, as if a part of her had a connection to this once beautiful river. “I remember this place somehow...” Trixie scoffed as the Alicorn Amulet flashed to a shade of crimson. “Foolish sentiments. It does not matter.”

“You’re all fools! There is a way to bring them back! I’ll find it! Just you watch!”

Trixie blinked, droning off before a throb of pain pulsated through her cranium. “Damn it,” she cursed, clutching at the side of her head. Flashes of a surprisingly nostalgic life filled the mare’s mind. Bizarre memories of delusion, grandeur, and desperation proceeded to invade the unicorn’s psyche. These thoughts had continued to haunt Trixie as of late, yet she couldn’t understand why. Images of a stallion flashed throughout her eyes this time, adding a great weight to her shoulders. “That stallion… Peter Parker...” she murmured to herself, holding a trembling hoof inches away from her face. “What... is this? Why am I...”

“As if I need the lot of you! Once I dispose of Chrysalis, I’ll rebuild my family with this amulet!”

Trixie grimaced. The inside of her chest hurt at the mere thought of that stallion’s name. “Peter…” She fell to the ground, straining as multiple images were ripped from the depths of her memories. Tears subconsciously streamed down the mare’s cheeks. There was an inexplicable pain and warmth inside her, yet she couldn’t comprehend any of it. A part of her seemed to desperately cling to the memory of Peter Parker. She clutched at her head. “Why do I feel… attachment to that stallion? Why?!”

A steady buzzing suddenly invaded her mind. ‘My will is one, and my love is all,’ Chrysalis’s voice echoed throughout the confines of Trixie’s thoughts before the amulet emitted a bright green light. Trixie’s violet pupils faded, matching an emerald shade similar to the jewel around her neck. Every image of Peter Parker began to warp, fading from existence and freeing the unicorn’s mind. ‘I am all that matters now.’

Trixie stared into the distance, all form of emotion having left her face. “Yes, my Empress.”

“Something’s just come up,” Sweetie Belle declared, entering the war room with a stern expression. “Trixie’s been spotted on the outskirts of Ponyville.”

Applejack furrowed her brow. “That’s a might unusual... It ain’t too often she leaves the Crystal Empire. What’s she up to?”

Sweetie Belle shrugged. “That’s the really unusual part. She’s just... standing still, staring off into space. She’s been like that for a few hours now.”

Pinkamena narrowed her eyes. “That mare doesn’t make a move without Chrysalis’s orders. I don’t like it. This might have something to do with our raid in Canterlot.”

Sweetie nodded. “Right. I’ve advised everypony to steer clear of the area for now. The last time we engaged Trixie, she took out an entire unit without even blinking. I’m not about to take any chances this time.”

Rainbow Dash huffed. “Smells like a trap to me. How do we play it?”

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “We don’t play it. I feel our best move is to just watch for now and prepare ourselves for anything."

Peter entered the room with a befuddled expression. “What’s going on? Dinky told me that we’re under high alert.”

Pinkamena leaned against the wall and folded her forelegs across her chest. “It’s a security measure. Trixie’s been spotted near the Whitetail Woods where the lake used to be.”

Peter’s eyes softened as he glanced off to the side. “The lake, huh?”

Pinkamena frowned. “What is it?”

Peter pursed his lips before scratching the back of his head. “Nothing. The lake is sort of our spot. Whenever Trixie was upset or I needed a place to think, we always seemed to head to the lake.” The stallion lifted his gaze until it met Pinkamena’s. “Is she there alone?”

Pinkamena was slow to respond, staring intently at Peter. “Supposedly, but I wouldn’t recommend you approaching her. For all we know, Trixie could be doing this to draw you out.”

Peter walked past the pink mare before retrieving Twilight Arms, sliding the gauntlets over his forelegs. “It’s not like I can turn down the invitation. Keep everypony back. I’ll go after Trixie alone. With my anti-magic webbing and Twilight Arms, I’ll be able to stand against her.” The stallion readied to exit the room, but Pinkamena stepped in front of the door. Peter shook his head. “Pinkie, I just watched my best friend die. I can’t just turn my back on my big sister. Not when I might be able to save her.”

Save her?” Pinkamena scoffed coldly. “Did you even listen to us before? There’s nothing left to save.” The mare approached the stallion, unwavering as her face stood inches from his. “Trixie willingly gave herself to the Alicorn Amulet. What little bit of her that was left after that was wiped out the moment Chrysalis took over her mind. She’s just a drone. Nothing more than a living, emotionless tool. That thing is no longer the Trixie you remember.”

“That thing? How can you just say that?!” Peter shoved the mare to the side before walking for the door. “She’s still Trixie, even if you can’t see it. Just stay out of my way!”

Pinkamena did not follow, only watching with a hard glare. “If you go out there, are you truly prepared to do what needs to be done?” Her voice was surprisingly cold, unfazed by the stallion’s reaction. “You can’t just let her go if you find that you have an opportunity to defeat her for good.”

The stallion halted, turning back to the pink mare. “Just what are you suggesting?”

“Oh, grow up. You know what I mean, Peter,” Pinkamena retorted, narrowing her eyes. “Trixie is one of the greatest obstacles preventing us from winning this war. Are you willing to let her go, knowing that she will only continue to slaughter more innocents? I doubt she would want to be a part of that, if her consciousness was still there. Do what needs to be done, Parker. You’re the only one capable of putting an end to her. You’re a hero. Act like it.”

Peter offered no response as he turned his back to the mare. He remained silent, only stealing a glance back at Pinkamena from the corner of his eye. The stallion galloped away, rushing past everypony in his path. Pinkamena scoffed before tightening the strap to her sword’s scabbard over her shoulder. Just as the pink mare readied herself to pursue the stallion, Applejack placed a hoof over her shoulder.

“Don’t you worry about Pete. We couldn’t change his mind no matter what,” the blonde calmly suggested, shaking her head. However, a smile surfaced on her freckled face. “Ah’m confident he can handle this, but we’ll still be backing Pete up if he needs it.”

Pinkamena turned away with a huff, tossing the mare’s hoof off before throwing herself down into her seat. “He’s still a child. He clearly doesn’t realize the gravity of that mare’s continued existence.”

Applejack shook her head. “Hold on, Pinkie. We’ve been dealing with this for over twenty years now. Pete’s only been here for a few days. It’s a lot to take in at once. Put yourself in his shoes for a minute. How would you feel if you had to kill Maud all of a sudden?”

Pinkamena inhaled sharply at the mention of her sister’s name, looking away from the blonde mare.

Applejack frowned. “Yeah. Ah thought so.” She let out a hard sigh. “Pete has it really hard right now. He’ll come around eventually. Let’s just trust him on this one, okay?”

The pink mare nodded weakly, getting up from her seat and leaving the room in uneasy silence.

Sweetie turned to Applejack with a frown. “Did you really have to bring up Maud?”

Applejack nodded, shooting the unicorn a stern glare. “Ah didn’t like doing that, but it was the only way to get her to understand Pete’s dilemma. Pinkie’s shut herself down so hard that she almost can’t feel anything anymore… especially sympathy.”

Sweetie hesitated for a moment before reluctantly nodding. “You’re right. Sometimes, we need to be reminded of those we’ve lost so we don’t lose sight of the reason why we’re fighting in the first place.” The unicorn let out a sigh before straightening her posture. “With that said, I want you to watch over Peter, Applejack. If things start to look bad, report back immediately. We can’t take any chances of losing him if his emotions cloud his judgment.”

Applejack winked. “You got it, Rarity Junior.”

Peter traveled through the barren remains of the Whitetail Woods, pausing once a cold breeze brushed through his fur. The earth had grown dry, unable to sustain the life of the trees as their bark rotted and leaves fell. Dust spiraled through the wind before scattering. The Whitetail Woods only resembled a graveyard now. Peter slowed to a halt once his gaze settled on an individual in the distance, a majority of their figure masked behind a black cloak.

The stallion’s eyes softened upon recognizing the pony’s silver-blue mane. He slowly closed the distance, never averting his gaze. Trixie kept her back turned to the intruder, even as her ears perked at hearing his approaching hoofsteps. Once they were mere hoof-lengths apart, the mare slowly turned around with her head lowered. The Alicorn Amulet glowed brightly before magical energy erupted from Trixie. Tremors coursed throughout the ground as cracks ripped the land asunder.

“Trixie? Do you even remember me?” Peter asked, his voice barely above the hint of a whisper.

No verbal response was given from the mare. Peter cringed as his spider sense blared out of control, sending violent throbs pulsating through his cranium. Tremors rushed through the earth before the ground split apart. Trixie lifted her head as the magical energy spiraling around the vicinity levitated her frame from the ground. The mare’s emerald irises glowed, matching the brightness illuminating from the amulet. All signs of emotions had long left Trixie’s face, leaving only a distant expression in its place.

“Peter Parker…” she whispered, frowning. “I only know that you are… my enemy.”

Peter shook his head, standing firm even as the surrounding winds intensified. “Trixie… I’m so sorry.” The stallion lowered into a defensive stance before slamming his hooves together. The gauntlets released a loud clang as electrical energy surged, generating a shockwave. Trixie sped towards the stallion, forcing Peter to leap towards his foe and rear a hoof back. “Please forgive me!”