• Published 28th Feb 2015
  • 9,805 Views, 577 Comments

Spiders and Magic III: Days of Friendship Past - Maximus_Reborn

Peter finds himself in a far future where Empress Chrysalis and the changelings have taken over the world. Is the future truly set?

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Peter rested on the plush comforts of the bed, never averting his gaze from the open window across from his position. He watched the tranquil beauty of the clear blue skies, losing himself in each cloud that blissfully drifted aimlessly about. The faint sounds of birds chirping reached the stallion’s ears, their harmonic whistles easing into his soul. Conversations carried on between the villagers, although Peter cared not for the specifics of what they talked about.

It was just another day within his home around the neighbors, Ponyville, and the Treebrary. It felt wondrous for these things to be back to normal. The world was whole. His friends and family were still alive. Everything should’ve felt right. Yet it didn’t. Memories of that dreadful future remained rampant, and sleep was lost to endless nightmares. The friends he had lost and the trust he had betrayed filled his heart with heavy guilt.

Several days had passed since Peter returned to his timeline, but he had not yet truly spoken about what had transpired to anypony, at least not in great detail. The stallion forced the lump in his throat down with a swallow. He wanted to free himself from what lingered in his heart. Peter glanced off to the side once somepony entered the room, recognizing the violet coat of his beautiful wife. Peter pulled himself to a sitting position before turning to face the mare as she approached him.

Twilight let out a relieved sigh, taking a seat on the available spot on the bed next to the stallion. “Pinkie’s watching over Mayday for the rest of the day, and Spike will be with Aunt May until tomorrow. That means we have the house to ourselves.” Using her magic, Twilight stretched and pulled her mane back before putting it in a ponytail. The mare turned, making certain that her violet irises were centered on Peter’s hazel gaze. “We need to talk. You’ve been unusually quiet since your accident in the cellar. What’s wrong?”

Peter pursed his lips before letting out a defeated sigh. “I can’t hide anything from you, Twilight.” An awkward silence filled the room, adding to the stallion’s unease. “So much had happened in that terrible place. I really want to forget most of what happened, but I can’t sleep at night.” He slammed his eyes shut before taking a hold of Twilight’s hoof, stealing a glance at the engagement ruby necklace she wore religiously. “I did something terrible, and I’m afraid that I’ll lose you because of it. I won’t lie to you. I just can’t do that. You deserve to know the truth.”

Twilight tilted her head to the side. “What are you talking about?”

Peter walked across the room, inhaling deeply before opening the closet. “There’s no point in me explaining what happened. I’ll just show you.” He removed a cloth, revealing a crystal ball. Placing a hoof over the orb, Peter returned his gaze to the mare. “I want you to look through my memories.”

Twilight alternated her widened gaze between the stallion and crystal ball. “Peter… what happened there?” Her husband didn’t respond, only lowering his head shamefully. He placed his horn against the orb, earning a hesitant expression from Twilight. After a moment’s pause, she mirrored his actions before channeling her own magic into the crystal ball. The energy spiraled around the stallion’s horn before an electrical surge sparked within the orb. Images began to form, first revealing the desolate remains of Ponyville. Twilight inhaled sharply at the sight. “By the stars…”

The following experience was reminiscent to years ago when Twilight bore witness to Peter’s life from his perspective, but this was different, very willing on his behalf unlike the accidental viewing then. The world was in ruin, ruled by the changelings. Twilight recoiled upon seeing the battle-hardened Pinkamena for the first time. It was surreal that the embodiment of laughter could turn into something so cold. That was only the start however, for it only worsened. The image faded, morphing to the scene of a grave. Peter was lost in sorrow, rubbing a hoof over the name inscribed on the makeshift tomb.

Twilight’s complexion paled. It was her grave. She had died, and Peter was forced to accept the news. Revelations soon came, from none other than an aged Sweetie Belle. The truth behind the invasion, Princess Celestia’s assassination, Luna’s death, Trixie’s descent into madness, and the argument that destroyed Applejack’s and Rainbow Dash’s friendship all played in rapid succession, each alternating after the last. Twilight’s heart sank once news of Mayday’s fate surfaced, forcing the mare to fight back her building tears.

Images of Peter holding Mayday’s teddy bear flashed across the crystal ball’s projected screen. Twilight sniffled at the sight. She loved Mayday with all of her heart, but Peter always praised the ground their daughter walked on. Twilight could only imagine how the loss affected him. It was only the start as the casualties mounted, and Peter was losing himself to despair after experiencing the deaths of Luna, Trixie, and Dinky in a three day span. Darkness began to fill the confines of the stallion’s mind, evident by the blurred images inside of the crystal ball.

Twilight inhaled sharply once Peter collapsed into Sweetie Belle’s hooves before the pair did the unthinkable: infidelity. A sharp twinge pulled at the mare’s chest, threatening to break. Her husband, the pony she had sworn eternal love to, had slept with another mare. Rage began to settle in, apparent by Twilight’s shaking hooves, but she froze once the image dissipated entirely. Suddenly, Twilight’s own image formed at the center of the orb.

The projection was angelic, with the mare’s smile holding a glint of light. Peter’s hoof reached out, but the mare turned her back to him. Yet he continued to chase after the princess, even as their distance grew. The image again morphed, settling back to moments ago. However, Peter was not with Sweetie Belle. He was making love to Twilight, all while whispering sweet nothings in her name and apologizing endlessly. Even then, his wife was at the center of his heart and never left.

Peter’s voice echoed throughout the crystal ball. “I just want to be with you again, Twilight. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t be doing this! Please take me back! I don’t deserve you, but I can’t live without you! I’m sorry!” Those words never ceased, becoming more desperate and somber with each repetition. Fresh tears streamed down Twilight’s cheeks. Any hint of anger she harbored diminished, with undying love taking its place. The memory faded, with Peter’s voice whispering one final time. “I love you, Twilight.”

She had enough. Twilight shoved the crystal ball away and pushed it to the ground, freeing the stallion from the spell. The magic spiraling around his horn dissipated, allowing Peter to wake, but before he could react, Twilight wrapped her hooves around his neck. She buried her face into his chest before sobbing uncontrollably. Taken aback, Peter gazed at the mare with a bewildered expression, but he eventually recollected his nerve, pulling her body into a warm embrace.

“I’m sorry, Peter!” she cried out, her voice muffled.

Peter’s eyes grew wider as they softened. “Why are you apologizing? I’m the one that cheated.” He glanced off to the side, his ears drooping into his mane. “I’m sorry. I know what I did was wrong. I can’t even forgive myself for what happened. I want to take it back, but I can’t.” Tears began to stream down the stallion’s cheek. “I don’t deserve to be your husband, so… I understand if you want to leave me.”

Twilight placed her hooves over Peter’s cheeks, making their teary gazes met. “It’s not your fault.”

Her voice was fragile, cracking through a sob, yet it was sweet, ever earnest. As his wife sat underneath him, doing her best to mend his broken heart, Peter could only yield to his emotions. His tears continued to fall, seeping into Twilight’s hooves, and she caressed his fur, whispering sweet words meant only for her husband’s ears. It was her turn to support him in his time of need. Nothing had changed, nor would she want it to. Eventually, both of their tears ceased mutually.

Twilight sniffled. “You’ve been through so much. It’s a miracle you’re still in one piece. That’s what I care about the most. I’ll never leave you, Peter.” She ran a hoof over her necklace. “You thought about me the entire time. How can I hate you for that? You have no idea how much I love you.” Inhaling deeply, the princess let out a deep sigh as an agitated expression formed on her face. “I don’t like what happened regardless.” Her eyes softened once Peter’s demeanor shrank. She shook her head before managing a smile. “But… I do understand, and I forgive you.”

Peter’s lips quivered into a relieved smile. “Thank you, Twilight.”

Twilight brushed the side of her head against Peter’s affectionately before sighing. “Let’s just… not talk about that anymore.”

The stallion took in the mare’s sweet scent, managing a nod. “Yeah. That’s a good idea.”

They remained as such for a small duration, never leaving each other’s side. Twilight glanced to the crystal ball laying on the bed. “What happened after that?”

Reaching out for the crystal ball, the mare went to position it once more. However, her husband’s hoof placed itself upon her own. Peter shook his head. “I… don’t think it’s a good idea for you to watch anymore past that.”

Twilight tilted her head, giving him a curious look. “I’m curious, but I am also afraid. So…” she paused for a moment before looking aside. “Just tell me then. What happened next?”

Peter pursed his lips, recoiling. “We confronted Chrysalis the following morning. We managed to win, but…” He paused to shake his head grimly. “Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie… they didn’t make it. Right after the fighting was over, the spell wore off, and I woke up here again.”

Twilight bit down on her lip before she smiled appreciatively. “I’m glad you stopped me, Peter. I… I don’t think I could’ve bore the sight of watching my friends die.”

Peter pulled back, taking a seat in front of Twilight before grabbing a hold of her hoof. “I couldn’t have done it without them. It’s thanks to them that I’m able to realize how much my family really means to me. I made a mistake, and I want to make it right.” Their gazes were only inches apart, and Twilight felt the temperature in her face increase as a result. Peter chuckled sheepishly, unaware of how rosy his cheeks had become. “You’re really the only mare for me, Twilight. That’s why…” He scratched the back of his head somewhat nervously before he continued. “I’d really like to have another child with you.”

Twilight’s mouth fell agape, unable to contain the squeak that escaped from within. Before long, the princess nodded feverishly. “Oh, Peter! I’d love to!” If Peter’s hooves weren’t on her shoulders, Twilight would’ve been bouncing in place. She paused, waving her hooves frantically. “Are you sure? I mean—”

That same moment, Peter leaned forward and captured the mare’s lips in a passionate kiss. A wide smile formed on the stallion’s face as they parted. “I’ve never been so sure about anything before in my life. I love you, and I want to show how much I want to raise a family with you. Let’s expand it.”

Twilight practically beamed, her smile matching the glow of the sun. “Okay, but let’s prepare ourselves this time. Mayday was… a surprise, to say the least. We should create a schedule and checklist.” The mare’s horn glowed before a clipboard levitated across the room. “We can start by remodeling the Treebrary while we pass the time.”

Peter exhaled, pulling the clipboard away before tossing it behind his shoulder. Twilight frowned, only to let out a surprised peep when the stallion wrapped his hooves around her body. He led them to the bed before stretching out, never averting his gaze from hers. They snuggled into each other, sharing a light kiss before Twilight turned around and pressed her back against Peter’s chest. The stallion held a hoof over the mare’s stomach, earning a content sigh for his action.

“We have plenty of time to talk about the details. Let’s just enjoy the moment,” Peter whispered, his hot breath brushing against the mare’s ear.

Twilight shuddered involuntarily, leaning further into her husband until she was able to capture his lips once more with her own. “Fine. We’ll do it your way. For now.”


Black Cat scaled the side of a building with a knapsack, pausing to glance at the night lights. Baltimare was a beautiful city, especially at this hour. She exhaled, opening a window near the top floor before entering a condominium. Treasures were organized throughout the room, and they shone brightly once the mare found the light switch. Felicia removed her mask, tossing it across the room before tossing herself onto the nearest couch. She lacked the energy to immediately remove her skin-tight attire, but the mare managed to steal a glance at the knapsack.

“Nice place you got here,” a male’s voice stated, causing Felicia to flip from the couch and land in a defensive stance. Her posture lightened once she found Peter standing across the room, poking a golden jar with diamonds embedded in it. “It certainly took you long enough. I would’ve baked a cake if I’d known I’d be waiting this long for you to show up.”

Felicia’s eyes widened. “How did you find me?”

“Wikipedia,” Peter muttered, earning a blank expression from the mare. Slow to respond, Felicia furrowed her brow. She lowered herself into a defensive stance, prompting Peter to wave his hoof dismissively. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to throw you back in the slammer. Even if I did, Princess Celestia would just let you right back out. It’d be a waste of taxes.”

Felicia chuckled. “If we had any taxes, you mean.” she eased her posture, taking a more relaxed stance. “I take it you’re the stallion I was to be expecting?”

Peter turned away from the treasures. “In the flesh.”

The mare smirked to herself. “I knew something seemed strange about this job. What, with it not being a direct request from Celestia, that is. She usually gets a kick out of telling me what danger I’m going into. She presents herself as a goodie-twoshoes up front, but I know the truth about that mare. She takes great pleasure in messing with and getting a rise out of others indirectly.”

Peter arched a brow. “Are you suggesting that our fair princess is a closet troll?”

Felicia frowned, bemused. “Yeah. Pretty much.” she paused a moment before narrowing her eyes. “Wait a minute… Just how did you find out about me anyway?”

“It’s a long story. Celestia was surprised when I told her that I’ve known for a while. I learned it from a future fan of yours,” Peter murmured, trailing off once Felicia tilted her head in confusion. Clearing his throat, he continued. “I know you act as Celestia’s personal extractor.” He grinned. “It’s pretty fitting. I’m happy to see that you’re adjusting pretty well. I guess working directly under Celestia has its perks, huh? It looks like you get paid more than I do.”

Felicia closed the distance between herself and the stallion, smiling. “That’s because my services require me to constantly go into enemy territory alone to steal something of value. Your services are only required for the highest of emergencies, Mr. Knight, and superheroes aren’t exactly needed twenty-four/seven. You’d be surprised at how many dangerous artifacts there are in this world.”

Peter shrugged. “Fair enough. I can believe that easily.” He sobered, glancing off to the side where the mare’s knapsack rested. “Speaking of which, did you find it?”

Felicia scoffed, waving a hoof dismissively. “All too easy. It was sitting in the basement of some old mage’s house. It’s just been sitting there for Lord knows how many years.” She walked to the knapsack before tossing it to the stallion. “What’s the big deal with this thing?”

Silent for a duration, Peter reached into the knapsack and pulled out something that was all-too-familiar to him. “The Alicorn Amulet is a powerful relic that was stolen from Celestia hundreds of years ago. It’s meant to augment an alicorn’s power, but it can corrupt the minds of anypony else that tries to use it. Only alicorns can properly wield it.” Placing the amulet back into its knapsack, he tucked the relic away. “I’m going to take it back to Celestia. She’ll lock it away somewhere safe.”

The stallion opened the window, leaning against the railing, but Felicia reached out, spinning him around. She eyed the stallion with a disappointed pout. “Oh, don’t leave so soon. We should catch up.”

Peter held a hoof out to the mare, shaking his head. “Unfortunately, it’s currently past my curfew. I’m already lucky that I’m not in the doghouse, and I’d like to keep it that way. Besides, Twilight would go bonkers if she found out Black Cat had escaped, and she would outright murder me if she learned that her husband, who had locked said thief up, was having a midnight snack with her.” He hopped onto the railing, sitting in a perched position before sharing a glance with the mare. “By the way, I’m really happy that you’ve found your place here.”

Felicia managed an earnest smile. “I’m honestly enjoying myself. The adventures are fun, and the pay is nice. To top it all off, it’s all legal.” She took a few steps back, allowing herself to fall onto the couch. Sobering, the mare’s eyes softened. “I guess even a two-bit thief like myself can find a purpose in this world...”

Peter grinned, earning a confused expression from Felicia. “You’re not a two-bit thief. I’ve always known how great of a girl you can be. You’re just finally using your talents for the greater good.”

Felicia waved her hoof dismissively, ignoring how hot her face had grown. “The downtime is also a perk, I guess.” She inhaled deeply before letting out a deep sigh. “Well, since you know where I live, you’re obligated to visit from time to time. If you don’t, I’ll make certain to drop by Ponyville.” Felicia gave the stallion a playful wink. “I might do that anyway. Sounds fun.”

Peter chuckled nervously. “I’ll make note of that.”

As he turned to leap away, Felicia called out to him. “Peter?”

Looking over his shoulder, he raised an eyebrow back at her. “Yeah?”

Her expression eased into a gentle smile. “Thank you. I really mean it. I wouldn’t be here like this if you hadn’t stopped me before. Looking back, I’m very grateful for that.”

Smirking, the stallion shook his head. “All I did was lock you up. You were the one who changed your ways.”

“As much as I hate to admit it, you always did know what was best for me. It just took me forever to finally realize that.” She looked about the room before setting her sight back onto him. “Even so, I wouldn’t change a thing. It brought me here after all.” She pursed her muzzle into a small pout. “Well, except maybe allowing myself to escape from a certain spider’s web.”

Peter chuckled, pausing to analyze the web-shooters on his hooves. “Sorry, but this spider’s already caught somepony in his web.”

That same moment, the stallion hopped from the window and sped into a freefall before swinging from a strand of webbing. Felicia watched the spectacle with a soft sigh and a knowing smile. “Let’s just hope this one never takes you for granted like I did.”

In the alternate future, there lay a world under reconstruction. Ten years had passed since the era of Empress Chrysalis had finally come to an end. The entire changeling race had buried themselves underground, never to be heard from again. The remnants of the world’s inhabitants lived in New Canterlot, a small yet expanding utopia. At the center of the village was the castle. Although it paled in size compared to the structure of old, it was sturdy and stood as a beacon for the new age. Ursa slept in a curled position just outside of the castle grounds, waking to glance at nearby spectators before drifting back into a slumber.

Within the castle itself, Sweetie Sun Belle held a conference with the officials of the village. The unicorn had matured further and acted as a kind, charismatic leader, guiding everypony that was willing to follow. Pinkamena Moon Pie watched the meeting from a distance with her hooves folded. She acted as Sweetie Sun Belle’s bodyguard usually, all while upholding her new responsibilities. Over time, both mares had come to understand how Celestia and Luna’s powers were passed on to them. It was a contingency plan. Princess Celestia had stored a fraction of their power within Twilight Arms.

Pinkamena furrowed her brow. It seemed that Peter and Twilight were meant to succeed Princesses Celestia and Luna should anything have happened, but extreme circumstances led to this. Peter disappeared, and Twilight died before he could come back. Much good it would’ve done. Peter’s magic was still sealed away in spite of Princess Luna’s passing. He called it a ‘multiverse theory.’ I call it a ‘headache.’ Time travel is way too complicated for my taste. At any rate, that all changed when Peter gave Twilight Arms to Sweetie Belle. We didn’t get it right away, but we came to understand our purposes soon enough.

The earth pony inhaled deeply before letting out a sigh. She quietly exited the throne room and ventured into the library. Countless portraits decorated the walls, showing off the past, present, and possible future. Most of the paintings had been saved from the old Canterlot archives. Pinkamena paused, staring somberly at her own picture with Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy. It had been taken the day after Nightmare Moon was defeated. Pinkamena’s gaze lowered to the ground. Even now, as she held a hoof over her chest, the pain had not subsided.

Pinkamena removed the black patch from over her blind eye, pausing to wipe away the tear that rolled down her cheek. I’m the only one left now. I really hate it. I wish they were here. They’d probably find it funny that things turned out this way. Who would’ve thought? Me? Pinkie Pie, the co-ruler of Equestria. I’d laugh if it wasn’t so pathetic and surreal. Either way, I’m here, and I have to do this for them.

Keeping her blind eye closed, she opened her good one before glancing at the next portrait. It was of Sweetie Belle and herself. The sun rose behind the unicorn while the moon did the same after the earth pony. “I really must talk with the locals. They’re praising us as gods when we’re no different than them. It still overwhelms me to have this power. I so much as blink and the moon rises. I wonder if it was like this for Princess Luna? I’m just happy Sweetie Belle learned how to control her powers. She was always a quick study. It’s no wonder everypony looks up to her.

She snorted before brushing a hoof through her mane, narrowing her gaze at the lone grey strand amidst the flow of pink locks. I’m aging much slower than usual. I don’t believe I have eternal life, but I can’t say for certain. Everything still feels the same as far as I can tell. That’s saying a lot, considering that I’m fifty-five now. Regardless, for the sake of my friends, I have to fulfill my responsibilities. No matter my lifespan, I‘ll follow Twilight’s example.

Pinkamena glanced off to the side, settling her gaze on the orange-tinted sky. The sun had nearly disappeared behind the horizon, indicating it was nearly time for the moon to rise. That also signified another nocturnal watch for the new mare of the night. Pinkamena then turned to the portrait at the center of the room. It had become a daily ritual of the mare to gaze upon the picture, for it meant the most to the new life she and Sweetie Belle led.

It was of Equestria’s Liberators, what everypony called the group that vanquished Chrysalis and the Changeling Empire. Rainbow Dash, Sweetie Belle, Applejack, and Pinkamena stood behind Peter Parker, the unsung leader of the uprising. A stallion, once lost and believed to have died, returned to reunite his allies and defeat a tyrant before disappearing again. It was a tale of fantasy molded into reality, spread by Sweetie Sun Belle and Pinkamena Moon Pie to the populace. The world would forever remember Equestria’s guardian, Peter’s legacy, and how he, alongside his friends, paved the way for the future.

Pinkamena managed to hold a warm smile once the sun finally set. Night settled, and the stars began to shine. The mare’s milky eye glowed once she opened it, causing the moon to fully rise amidst the blanket of the dark sky. Pinkamena straightened her jacket before standing upright. Pausing to gaze at the portrait once more, she ran a hoof over Peter’s image. Her smile grew in width, showing teeth, and the temperature in her chest rose, giving the mare a renewed sense of warmth.

“I really miss you, Peter. I hope we meet again really soon,” she whispered, giggling before leaping outside.


Three years had passed since Peter’s time-traveling experience. Multiple paths had opened to prevent the future from shaping catastrophically, but he knew of only one true alternative to take. Chrysalis marched through Canterlot boldly, ignoring the glares and wary glances some ponies held towards her. Like a true queen, she walked with dignity and grace, all while holding her head high. No changeling accompanied the mare, leaving her to walk to the castle alone. There was something amiss about Chrysalis, as some spectators seemed to notice and watched with bewilderment and awe.

Her hide was considerably lighter in color, not as desolate as its normal shade of black. Chrysalis flicked her head, whipping her silky blue-green mane back. It practically shone, glowing under the sun. Perhaps the most unusual physical change Chrysalis showed were the light grey spots scattered across her body and legs. The holes that had once plagued her husk were filled in. If not for the bright blue-green wings on her sides that still resembled that of a bug to some degree and her jagged-shaped horn, Chrysalis almost matched the appearance of an Equestrian equine more than a changeling. With her tall and slender figure, one might have even mistaken her for an alicorn.

A pair of knights stood in front of the castle’s doors, reluctantly stepping to the side once Chrysalis neared. She entered without pausing, glancing at her surroundings. The throne room had been emptied, devoid of life with the exception of three individuals standing near the center of the vicinity. Once hoof-lengths apart, Chrysalis stopped in her tracks to acknowledge her audience: Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance. The alicorn sisters held cautious glares towards the changeling queen while their niece only gave a nod.

With the exception of Luna, Chrysalis had met these ponies before, but nopony had left a cherishable impression on either side. One was left with a crashed wedding, another dealt with the aftermath of the invasion, and the last was exiled, never to be seen again. However, circumstances and fate led them here. Suddenly, a bright burst of light erupted at the center of the group. The energy dissipated, revealing Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Peter Parker. Cadance welcomed the couple with a smile while Luna weakly mirrored her actions.

Peter chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head with a hoof. “Sorry we’re late. Family matters.”

The tension in the room had not lessened, particularly between Celestia and Chrysalis. The princess was visibly skeptical and cautious, leaning away out of instinct, and the queen could not hide her doubt and uncertainty as she failed to keep her gaze from the ground.

Peter stepped between them and shook his head. “Come on. We knew this day was coming. If we’re going to move forward, we have to learn to respect each other.” Celestia hesitantly nodded, sighing before lowering her guard. Peter faced Chrysalis, raising a hoof. “It’s like I promised. We’re equals here. You know how hard it was for us to make it this far. Heck, it took me forever just to make it into the hive… with your changelings constantly chasing me away.”

Chrysalis alternated her gaze between the stallion and alicorns. After a duration, she managed a half-hearted smile. “I suppose you’re right. I couldn’t begin to understand why such a stupid stallion kept coming back every day in spite of our warnings. After a week straight of such nonsense, I finally decided to hear him out.”

Twilight laughed, patting Peter’s shoulder. “My husband is very stubborn. What you saw was his ‘no matter what it takes’ mood.”

Chrysalis nodded. “At the time, I only wanted him to leave us alone. If I heard him out, he would no longer disturb the hive. Just the mere presence of a high-ranking Canterlot official sent them into disarray. However, I can say that turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for my changelings. It still doesn’t seem real that somepony was that willing to help us.” Pausing, she inhaled deeply before letting out a defeated sigh. “I still can’t believe I let you talk me into this, Peter,” she lightly declared, her voice sweet. The mare shrugged. “However, I do this for my subjects, and turning down such an offer would throw our entire race into the danger of extinction.”

Peter nodded, sharing a smile with Twilight before returning his gaze towards Chrysalis. “I’m a knight of Equestria. It’s my duty to protect the land and everypony on it. Equestrian. Ponies. Griffins. Changelings. Whatever else. There’s no difference. We can all live together. The past three years have led us all here. It’s time to start over.”

“Peter’s right. Just because somepony’s different doesn’t mean that we can’t adapt and live as one,” Twilight lightly declared, placing a hoof over Chrysalis’ foreleg. “Peter and I have spent these last three years trying to understand you and how your means of feeding work. So far, our studies have led to wondrous results. You look so healthy!”

Peter snorted. “Yeah. I may have to call you ‘Spot’ from now on— Ow!” Twilight’s hoof was swift as per usual, striking the back of the stallion’s head. Wrapping a hoof around his wife’s shoulder, Peter grinned in spite of her bemusement. “It’s like I told you. Love is better when it’s given, not taken. It’s not something you can manipulate or mold to your liking. It’s just something that we feel, and if there’s somepony special in your life-- whether it’s your spouse, a friend, or family member-- we’ll share that affection genuinely. We trust you, Chrysalis. That’s why we’re here now.”

Chrysalis’s eyes softened. “Thank you. You’ve both been very patient and generous with us. I look forward to the days ahead. I’ll inform my changelings that we’ll be moving to Ponyville to help with the renovations to the village.”

Peter chuckled. “That sounds good, but we have to do something else first.” He turned to the three alicorns standing nearby and motioned a hoof. Cadance was the only one to react, stepping forward until she was mere hoof-lengths from the changeling queen. Peter shifted his gaze between both mares. “I think it’s time we started getting along.” He trailed off, giving Celestia and Luna a stern expression. “I mean all of us. A little trust goes a long way.”

Cadance nodded eagerly. “‘Make love, not war’ as they say. I trust Peter’s judgement. You have the Crystal Empire’s support. Your changelings are welcome in my kingdom.”

Chrysalis’s eyes widened. “Just like that? Even after what I did to you and your husband?”

“Your means may have been… less than ideal, but you were only doing it to save your people,” Cadance countered, never losing her smile, “Everypony deserves a second chance. That’s what Peter and Twilight are always saying, and I wholeheartedly agree with them.”

Chrysalis inhaled sharply once her horn glowed momentarily, emitting a soothing flow of emerald energy before dissipating. She extended a hoof to Cadance, and the alicorn accepted the gesture with hesitation, shaking it. “Thank you,” Chrysalis whispered, her voice light.

Suddenly, the entire circle grew mute as Princess Celestia approached Chrysalis with a narrowed glare. The recent history they shared was widely known. Cadance watched with concern, switching her gaze between the two monarchs. Twilight prepared to step in, but Peter placed a hoof on her shoulder and shook his head when she gave him a worried glance. Luna kept her distance and maintained her silence.

Celestia blinked, noticing everypony’s change in demeanor. She held a hoof over her mouth, stifling her laughter. “Oh, my goodness. Would you all lighten up? I look serious for a few moments, and everypony’s walking on eggshells.”

Luna released an exasperated groan, slapping her own forehead with a hoof. “By the stars.”

Peter glanced off to the side, blurting out, “Man. She really is a troll— Ow!” Twilight’s accuracy remained true, slapping the back of her husband’s head.

Chrysalis let out a relieved chuckle at the lightening of the mood. “Well, I imagine you can see why I would be so tense standing under an intense gaze like that, given our… history.”

Peter shrugged. “Oh, that’s nothing. I’ve given Luna a concussion before, and she still glares at me to this day about that. She doesn’t mean it though.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Why does that honestly not surprise me? Only you could do something that stupid to such an important authority figure and get away with it.”

“It was out of self-defense. We’ve been over this,” Peter weakly declared, brushing his hooves together nervously as Luna’s glare intensified. Out of instinct, the stallion walked up to the mare and wrapped a hoof around her neck. He brushed the top of his head against the underside of her cheek. Luna’s eyes widened as her cheeks glowed to a bright shade of pink. Oblivious, Peter chuckled. “Did I mention she’s my best friend?”

Luna cleared her throat, glancing to the side. Even now, the idiot got to her without trying. “Why must you do this to me?” She smiled inwardly. ‘And why must I enjoy it so…?”

Chrysalis arched a brow, chuckling under her breath. “I’m glad to see we’re all getting along, but we do have business to attend to.”

Celestia waved her hoof dismissively “Indeed. I’m still surprised, however. When I first heard that Twilight was communicating with you, I didn’t know what to think. I personally asked her what she was thinking. Her answer was simple: she wanted to help you.” Trailing off, she shared a smile with Twilight before returning her gaze to Chrysalis. “It will be beneficial for everypony if our races joined together. I accept the terms of the peace treaty,” Celestia stated, lowering her head out of respect. “The world as a whole will be slow to accept the change, but I want you to know that the changelings have our undying support.”

With a simple set of words, the entire world had been thrown into disarray for Chrysalis. She and her changelings had been reprimanded for many countless things. The changelings had been ostracized by society for eons, but on this day, they were set to walk along the road of acceptance. Twilight bounced in place with her ponytail following her motions, whooping cheerfully behind Chrysalis while Peter held a smile. The queen gave the stallion a friendly wink, all while the temperature in her face rose from excitement. The future was indeed changing, but it was towards that of peace and hope.

Chrysalis paused, as if a late realization had come to mind. She turned her gaze towards Twilight. “Oh, forgive me. I should have said this sooner. Congratulations on your offspring, I see your pregnancy is off to a healthy start. ”

The Changeling Queen’s words echoed in the great hall as everypony in the room froze, with Peter’s and Twilight’s complexions quickly paling.

Chrysalis glanced curiously about the mixed expressions of the ponies in the room. “Did... did nopony else notice? She seems to be about a month along.”

Cadance sped forward, capturing Twilight in a embrace. “You’re pregnant?! Again?! When were you going to tell me?!”

Twilight stared blankly at nothing in particular, even as Cadance’s hooves tightened around her neck. “We… well, we were going to surprise you with the news tonight.”

Celestia and Luna blinked, giving the changeling queen a mutual expression of confusion. Chrysalis’ horn glowed momentarily. “I could sense it. I wondered why Twilight was emitting more love than usual.” Oblivious, she turned to Peter, who was gaping.

Turning to the elder alicorn sister, Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. “Is reproduction always this celebratory amongst ponies?”

Celestia covered a laugh with a small nod. “The gift of life truly is a magical thing to us, yes.”

Chrysalis smiled. “Wonderful. You must teach me more about this, Peter.”

Eventually, Peter let out a defeated sigh and shrugged. “And I have to teach you how not to blurt out secrets.”

“You have a lot to teach me, Peter,” Chrysalis replied, managing a smile as her horn glowed once more, “and I look forward to all of it. Well... mostly all of it anyway.”


Two years had passed since that day, but time crawled within the pits of Tartarus. Tirek opened his eyes and glanced to the side once Discord materialized into existence near him. The centaur merely huffed as his partner came and went at his own leisure. If anything, their alliance was insubstantial at best.

However, Tirek managed a rare smile this time. “Only one month remains until we are ready to carry out our plan. The Sinister Six’s potential is truly unmatched. Equestria will soon be ours.”

“Yes, indeed,” Discord chuckled, waving his glowing talon until an image formed before him and Tirek. The Sinister Six stood together. Carnage laughed maniacally as tendrils whipped wildly from his body in response to his slithering, snake-like tongue. Electro scowled, channeling electrical currents through his horn. The Green Goblin smiled wickedly while Adagio Dazzle mirrored his actions. Sonata Dusk gritted her teeth, growling playfully, and Aria Blaze only exhaled in exasperation at her friend’s action. Discord squealed. “Oh, what a chaotic lot. I’ve really outdone myself!”

Once the image faded, Tirek eyed Discord with a furrowed brow as the spirit snapped his fingers. A sunhat fell over his head while a pair of sunglasses slid over his eyes. Suddenly, a shirt with flower decorations materialized over his body. Tirek only shook his head once Discord lifted a suitcase.

“Going away on another venture? Our time grows short,” Tirek muttered, a hint of annoyance filling his voice.

Discord waved his paw dismissively. “I am in dire need of a brief vacation, my friend. Once the show starts, I won’t have the chance to rest.” The spirit playfully winked at Tirek. “I’ll return two days before the deadline.”

Disappearing in a burst of light, Discord appeared in the realm of the astral plane before sitting on his suitcase as if it was a chair as he unfolded a map. “The same old chaos gets stale after a while. I could use a breath of fresh air. Now... where should I go? It’s been eons since I last went on a good vacation.” Taking several long moments to examine his map, Discord’s expression soon lit up with surprise. “Ooo! Now this looks promising!”

With a destination in mind and a snapping of his fingers, Discord vanished from the astral plane before reappearing in an all-too-familiar garden. “Huh. Would you look at that? It’s all so similar, yet... different.”

Walking a yard from his location, he came upon a large stone statue. It bore a striking resemblance to his form, that of a female draconequus. Analyzing the statue from top to bottom, Discord smirked. “I must say, I’m rather easy on the eyes as a female.” After a short pause, a small blush formed on the draconequus’s face before he waved his talon dismissively. “Oh, you’re just saying that!”

Clearing his throat to compose himself, Discord folded his arms behind his back. “Seeing as you and I are one in the same, I imagine you know why I am here. Right, Eris?” After a brief pause he nodded. “I agree, we both could use a bit of fresh chaos. I also have a stallion that I would absolutely love for you to meet, and I assure you, he is quite chaotic. However...” Crossing his arms, Discord frowned. “In this dominion, the spirit of Chaos is suppressed and still encased in stone. A truth that cannot be ignored or broken by outside influence.”

His usual cheerful expression turned uncharacteristically serious as he placed a talon against his chest. “After all, even I cannot break ‘the rules...’” After a brief pause, he nodded. “Indeed. There are always loopholes. For example...” Discord placed his talon against the statue’s forehead before his expression lit up with an almost child-like glee. “They never said which one!

Energy spiraled around his limb and spread across his body. A bright light erupted once the chains of magic connected at the chest, and a shockwave erupted as a result, causing a smoke cloud to spread out. Everything cleared, revealing Discord petrified in stone. A figure hovered over his form, giggling. She held a fanged smile, gazing at her male counterpart.

‘Now, Eris. I really need not remind you, but do remember our agreement. You’re to come back in twenty-eight days, I have important business I must attend to in such time,’ Discord’s voice declared in her thoughts.

Eris grinned, holding out her talon until a golden apple fell into its grasp. “Sounds quite fair. I’ll make the most of it.” Taking a bite out of the sweet treat, the chimera smiled. “Do be sure that ‘she’ doesn’t get into too much trouble while I’m away. Things can get a little... chaotic around that mare.”

With a snap of her finger, the female draconequus vanished, leaving behind a fleeting message in her stone-encased counterpart’s mind. ‘Enjoy the show, Discord. If your Peter is every bit as chaotic as you say he is, I’m quite certain my lovely Patricia will not disappoint.’

‘Embrace me...’

Peter blinked, rubbing a hoof over his eyes. A low yawn escaped from his mouth. The horrific visions that plagued his sleep had not stopped, only minimized over the past five years. A voice constantly called out to him during the nightmares, ever reminding him of his failures in a future that would no longer come to pass. The visions flashed across his mind and played back memories he wished to forget: Applejack falling before Chrysalis, Rainbow Dash meeting her end, Pinkamena taking her final breath. They alternated in rapid succession before settling on a lonely Sweetie Belle. The image faded, morphing into that of Twilight. Darkness enveloped everything, consuming his entire body. Peter reached out, surrendering to unconsciousness momentarily.

Just rest… and embrace me.’

“Peter?” Twilight called out, freeing the stallion from his self-induced trance. He shook his head, finding himself in the comforts of his home. Twilight furrowed her brow, pausing to lay down on the rug before brushing the wrinkles out of her sweater with a hoof. “You dozed off again. Are you feeling tired already?”

The stallion readied to respond, but a small sound reached his ears. A foal snuggled its way underneath into Twilight’s side, pulling at her wing. His coat was reminiscent to Peter’s, though it was a darker shade of brown. The foal’s eyes were large and glossy, as violet as Twilight’s. His mane resembled Peter’s unkempt style, although the lone violet strand in the middle of it and his tail matched that of his mother’s. Unlike Mayday, a small horn protruded from his forehead.

The foal cooed playfully, earning an exhausted smile from Twilight. They’d brought the bundle into the world eleven months ago, expanding their family further. Twilight decided to name the baby unicorn after the biggest inspiration in Peter’s life, his Uncle Ben. The world would welcome Benjamin Parker Sparkle with open hooves. Peter chuckled once Mayday emerged from behind Twilight, hovering in the air as she braided her mother’s tail. Days like this one were quite the norm, with the children driving her to exhaustion, but Twilight loved every moment, smiling earnestly.

Peter grinned. “What can I say? I don’t have your stamina, Supermom. Are you having fun?”

The bags under Twilight’s eyes couldn’t hide the blush filling her cheeks. “Always…”

Brushing aside the dark memories in his head, Peter approached his family with a smile. The stallion pulled his daughter into the embrace, lightly bumping the tips of their noses together. Using his free hoof, he gently scooped Ben up and kissed the foal’s forehead, earning a gleeful squeal for his action. Twilight pulled herself from the ground, sharing a loving gaze with Peter before leaning forward and pressing her lips against his in a passionate kiss.

It had been eight years since Mayday was born, seven years ago when Peter Parker married Twilight Sparkle, and Ben was nearing his first birthday. The nightmares had not ceased for Peter. He remembered losing what was most important in his life. That fear would forever remain intact, but Peter swore to protect his family until the end of time.

‘Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.’

- Henry Van Dyke

The End…

Comments ( 59 )

"Patricia", wait does that mean we might get a rule 63 fic?:pinkiehappy:

The pics for the story were great and I liked how Peter made peace with the Changelings. Awesome way to conclude the story.

Twilight placed her hooves over Peter’s cheeks, making their teary gazes met. “It’s not your fault.”

You're a forgiving pony, Twilight.

Peter pulled back, taking a seat in front of Twilight before grabbing a hold of her hoof. “I couldn’t have done it without them. It’s thanks to them that I’m able to realize how much my family really means to me. I made a mistake, and I want to make it right.” Their gazes were only inches apart, and Twilight felt the temperature in her face increase as a result. Peter chuckled sheepishly, unaware of how rosy his cheeks had become. “You’re really the only mare for me, Twilight. That’s why…” He scratched the back of his head somewhat nervously before he continued. “I’d really like to have another child with you.”

Oh my.

Twilight practically beamed, her smile matching the glow of the sun. “Okay, but let’s prepare ourselves this time. Mayday was… a surprise, to say the least. We should create a schedule and checklist.” The mare’s horn glowed before a clipboard levitated across the room. “We can start by remodeling the Treebrary while we pass the time.”

You never change, Twi.

“Wikipedia,” Peter muttered, earning a blank expression from the mare. Slow to respond, Felicia furrowed her brow. She lowered herself into a defensive stance, prompting Peter to wave his hoof dismissively. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to throw you back in the slammer. Even if I did, Princess Celestia would just let you right back out. It’d be a waste of taxes.”

Fair enough.

Peter arched a brow. “Are you suggesting that our fair princess is a closet troll?”

Yep. Admit it, you've winded up a few people in the past just for some harmless fun before, have you not?

Silent for a duration, Peter reached into the knapsack and pulled out something that was all-too-familiar to him. “The Alicorn Amulet is a powerful relic that was stolen from Celestia hundreds of years ago. It’s meant to augment an alicorn’s power, but it can corrupt the minds of anypony else that tries to use it. Only alicorns can properly wield it.” Placing the amulet back into its knapsack, he tucked the relic away. “I’m going to take it back to Celestia. She’ll lock it away somewhere safe.”

Good idea.

She snorted before brushing a hoof through her mane, narrowing her gaze at the lone grey strand amidst the flow of pink locks. “I’m aging much slower than usual. I don’t believe I have eternal life, but I can’t say for certain. Everything still feels the same as far as I can tell. That’s saying a lot, considering that I’m fifty-five now. Regardless, for the sake of my friends, I have to fulfill my responsibilities. No matter my lifespan, I‘ll follow Twilight’s example.”

Good on you , Pinkamena.

Chrysalis alternated her gaze between the stallion and alicorns. After a duration, she managed a half-hearted smile. “I suppose you’re right. I couldn’t begin to understand why such a stupid stallion kept coming back every day in spite of our warnings. After a week straight of such nonsense, I finally decided to hear him out.”

Stupid or brave?

Twilight laughed, patting Peter’s shoulder. “My husband is very stubborn. What you saw was his ‘no matter what it takes’ mood.”

Oh yeah.

Chrysalis nodded. “At the time, I only wanted him to leave us alone. If I heard him out, he would no longer disturb the hive. Just the mere presence of a high-ranking Canterlot official sent them into disarray. However, I can say that turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for my changelings. It still doesn’t seem real that somepony was that willing to help us.” Pausing, she inhaled deeply before letting out a defeated sigh. “I still can’t believe I let you talk me into this, Peter,” she lightly declared, her voice sweet. The mare shrugged. “However, I do this for my subjects, and turning down such an offer would throw our entire race into the danger of extinction.”

That would indeed be bad.

Peter snorted. “Yeah. I may have to call you ‘Spot’ from now on— Ow!” Twilight’s hoof was swift as per usual, striking the back of the stallion’s head. Wrapping a hoof around his wife’s shoulder, Peter grinned in spite of her bemusement. “It’s like I told you. Love is better when it’s given, not taken. It’s not something you can manipulate or mold to your liking. It’s just something that we feel, and if there’s somepony special in your life-- whether it’s your spouse, a friend, or family member-- we’ll share that affection genuinely. We trust you, Chrysalis. That’s why we’re here now.”

You had that comig Peter.

“Your means may have been… less than ideal, but you were only doing it to save your people,” Cadance countered, never losing her smile, “Everypony deserves a second chance. That’s what Peter and Twilight are always saying, and I wholeheartedly agree with them.”

You're a forgiving pony, Cadence.

Celestia blinked, noticing everypony’s change in demeanor. She held a hoof over her mouth, stifling her laughter. “Oh, my goodness. Would you all lighten up? I look serious for a few moments, and everypony’s walking on eggshells.”
Luna released an exasperated groan, slapping her own forehead with a hoof. “By the stars.”
Peter glanced off to the side, blurting out, “Man. She really is a troll— Ow!” Twilight’s accuracy remained true, slapping the back of her husband’s head.

And it is hilarious!

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Why does that honestly not surprise me? Only you could do something that stupid to such an important authority figure and get away with it.”

OH yeah.

“It was out of self-defense. We’ve been over this,” Peter weakly declared, brushing his hooves together nervously as Luna’s glare intensified. Out of instinct, the stallion walked up to the mare and wrapped a hoof around her neck. He brushed the top of his head against the underside of her cheek. Luna’s eyes widened as her cheeks glowed to a bright shade of pink. Oblivious, Peter chuckled. “Did I mention she’s my best friend?”

Not recently, no.

With a simple set of words, the entire world had been thrown into disarray for Chrysalis. She and her changelings had been reprimanded for many countless things. The changelings had been ostracized by society for eons, but on this day, they were set to walk along the road of acceptance. Twilight bounced in place with her ponytail following her motions, whooping cheerfully behind Chrysalis while Peter held a smile. The queen gave the stallion a friendly wink, all while the temperature in her face rose from excitement. The future was indeed changing, but it was towards that of peace and hope.


Celestia and Luna blinked, giving the changeling queen a mutual expression of confusion. Chrysalis’ horn glowed momentarily. “I could sense it. I wondered why Twilight was emitting more love than usual.” Oblivious, she turned to Peter, who was gaping.

Fair enough.

Turning to the elder alicorn sister, Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. “Is reproduction always this celebratory amongst ponies?”


Two years had passed since that day, but time crawled within the pits of Tartarus. Tirek opened his eyes and glanced to the side once Discord materialized into existence near him. The centaur merely huffed as his partner came and went at his own leisure. If anything, their alliance was insubstantial at best.
However, Tirek managed a rare smile this time. “Only one month remains until we are ready to carry out our plan. The Sinister Six’s potential is truly unmatched. Equestria will soon be ours.”
“Yes, indeed,” Discord chuckled, waving his glowing talon until an image formed before him and Tirek. The Sinister Six stood together. Carnage laughed maniacally as tendrils whipped wildly from his body in response to his slithering, snake-like tongue. Electro scowled, channeling electrical currents through his horn. The Green Goblin smiled wickedly while Adagio Dazzle mirrored his actions. Sonata Dusk gritted her teeth, growling playfully, and Aria Blaze only exhaled in exasperation at her friend’s action. Discord squealed. “Oh, what a chaotic lot. I’ve really outdone myself!”

Tirek, Discord, Carnage, Electro, Green Goblin and the Dazzlings. Well f*ck.

Walking a yard from his location, he came upon a large stone statue. It bore a striking resemblance to his form, that of a female draconequus. Analyzing the statue from top to bottom, Discord smirked. “I must say, I’m rather easy on the eyes as a female.” After a short pause, a small blush formed on the draconequus’s face before he waved his talon dismissively. “Oh, you’re just saying that!”
Clearing his throat to compose himself, Discord folded his arms behind his back. “Seeing as you and I are one in the same, I imagine you know why I am here. Right, Eris?” After a brief pause he nodded. “I agree, we both could use a bit of fresh chaos. I also have a stallion that I would absolutely love for you to meet, and I assure you, he is quite chaotic. However...” Crossing his arms, Discord frowned. “In this dominion, the spirit of Chaos is suppressed and still encased in stone. A truth that cannot be ignored or broken by outside influence.”

Discord, AND Eris? Oh boy.

Energy spiraled around his limb and spread across his body. A bright light erupted once the chains of magic connected at the chest, and a shockwave erupted as a result, causing a smoke cloud to spread out. Everything cleared, revealing Discord petrified in stone. A figure hovered over his form, giggling. She held a fanged smile, gazing at her male counterpart.

Well then.

With a snap of her finger, the female draconequus vanished, leaving behind a fleeting message in her stone-encased counterpart’s mind. ‘Enjoy the show, Discord. If your Peter is every bit as chaotic as you say he is, I’m quite certain my lovely Patricia will not disappoint.’

Oh you are GOOD.

The stallion readied to respond, but a small sound reached his ears. A foal snuggled its way underneath into Twilight’s side, pulling at her wing. His coat was reminiscent to Peter’s, though it was a darker shade of brown. The foal’s eyes were large and glossy, as violet as Twilight’s. His mane resembled Peter’s unkempt style, although the lone violet strand in the middle of it and his tail matched that of his mother’s. Unlike Mayday, a small horn protruded from his forehead.


The foal cooed playfully, earning an exhausted smile from Twilight. They’d brought the bundle into the world eleven months ago, expanding their family further. Twilight decided to name the baby unicorn after the biggest inspiration in Peter’s life, his Uncle Ben. The world would welcome Benjamin Parker Sparkle with open hooves. Peter chuckled once Mayday emerged from behind Twilight, hovering in the air as she braided her mother’s tail. Days like this one were quite the norm, with the children driving her to exhaustion, but Twilight loved every moment, smiling earnestly.


Huh. I honestly expected this to go for longer.

This is my least favorite of this series. Not to say it's bad, it just didn't appeal to me. It's still very well written, though!

The darker tone just doesn't do it for me.

Anyway, looking forward to the next one!

Do you have a plan for Starlight Glimmer, the Smooze and Trouble Shoes?

Well, a lot going on here. I'm happy to see Peter took the diplomat route with Chrysalis, and I sure as hell did not expect Discord to trade places with Eris, or for there to even be an Eris. I'm also surprised to find there are rules that even they must follow.

Epic battles are coming, a planet ready for war, yeps its gonna be good, however, since carnage is gonna be in play, do think of adding Agent Venom to the history at any point?

Well I guess some good came from spending through that nightmare in the future with all the knowledge Peter's gained from it. He helped ponykind make peace with Chrysalis and the Changelings, locked away the Alicorn Amulet so Trixie would never have to use it and even after sleeping with Future Sweetie, Twilight has forgiven him about it knowing that he was thinking about her the whole time. And now they have another addition to the Parker Family, Benjamin Parker Sparkle.

The future Peter's been through remains as an alternate reality with Sweetie and Pinkie leading and rebuilding ponykind. And they learned that Celestia had passed some of her and Luna's power into Twilight's Arms and intended it to be passed on to Peter and Twilight should anything happen to her and her sister.

And now the Sinister Six is almost ready to make their grand entrance. And it's taken them eight years in Tartarus to prepare them. EIGHT. BLOODY. YEARS!!! What the hell have they been doing this whole time?

Nice way to set up the R-63 side story.

Spider-Mane may have survived and prevented the Age of Chrysalis, but the worst is yet to come....

In this blogpost Maximus said that there will be a rule 63 fic about Patricia. And I guess that after that we will get the long sinister-six fic.

:pinkiesad2: Man tears -aka teen tears- have been shed this day. This was a great way to end this arc of the series, I can't wait for the next instalment !!

Wow... This is awesome.

Oh and Discord/Tirek are dicks here.


So Discord chaos magicked himself into the Rule 63verse of Spiders and Magic? I can deal :ajsmug:
Nice setup for later story btw :twilightsmile:

Also, what does Mayday's Cutie Mark mean? "I'm the daughter of Peter and Twilight"? :derpytongue2:
I really hope not, cuz that's a lame life talent :rainbowlaugh:

Oh dear.... A R63 fic?
Good luck.the events are going to be either subtly or drastically changed, and I HOPE it's for the better.
Like the picture qazse provided. But that makes me worry more.

5943448 that would be awesome to read

Hm... either Discord is super conniving and had this all planned from the start, to eliminate every baddy at the same time, or Eris'll fall for Peter in the BlackCat kind of way, OR.. he's really a super genius villain. Either way... I look forward to what is about to hit the fan.

That was great can't wait for what's next Part. hope to here to see it soon:twilightsmile:

What an ending and what a time jump too to keep the storyline going. I mean just wow. I wonder how every pony feels about Baby Ben ?

Also, nice way to show that the future Peter went to is not possible, but it's now an alternate future/reality.

I do wonder....why not bring in the likes of Kraven or Doc Ock into the new Sinister Six ?

Overall this was some ending and I do wonder how does Shining Armor feels about Equestria making peace with the Changelings ?

Also, Pinkie Pie and Baby May ?!?
Baby cakes episode or not, some pony should keep an eye on those two.

Great ending as Peter and Twilight each become stronger from this.

Truly you are a wonderful storyteller. I cannot wait to see this story series continue.

Sorry to say, in the end I had to down-rate this story.
I've been enjoying this series because of it's romantic elements.

But this story went too dark - and Peter's infidelity broke the romance and has thus ruined the rest of the series for me. To my mind you really had no reason to go there.

Forgiveness is one thing, and life can continue on. But in the end, broken is still broken.
Peter's continuing nightmares seem to show that he has a new guilt/failure complex. And this will continue to torment him - and us the readers.

So - no thanks, I don't want to read about Peter's ongoing guilt complexes anymore.

1. Twilight's face when she has the bags under her eyes!HAHAHAH:rainbowlaugh:

2. Twilight's body is going to be f:twilightangry2:cked up if they keep having foals like this.


I hope to see Deadpool in the fall of spider mane. Deadpool vs Discord or Deadpool vs Carnage.

1. They're all screwed against the new sinister 6
2. You need to put a link to the person's fimfiction page who does your art. It's fantastic
3. Is the next story going to be, basically, a continuation of this, just in an alternate dimension?
4. This was amazing. Too bad it's over. :fluttercry:

Well this story could really shift gears fast, starts out nice and sweet like most of the stories. Then base jumps off the edge and into dark and dreary, before rocket packing back up to the sweet and sugary at the end.

It was okay.

Good job, you've certainly given me a lot to talk about.

One thing I would like to see explored is the relationship between Peter and his kids, especially Mayday. Doesn't she have powers in the comics? I think there's a lot of great story potential there.

Regardless, I can't wait for part four. :moustache:

I was kinda expecting to see alternate future Sweetie either pregnant or with a small foal around the right age to be Peter's offspring ... :scootangel:

5945933 Haha. I hope to see you review this piece soon, my friend. Luckily, one of the main driving points of Part IV will be Peter's relationship with Mayday, as she will be one of the main characters of the story. We'll be seeing plenty of Mayday in Fall of Spider-Mane. :twilightsmile:

5945824 Well, she doesn't have a fimfiction page, but she DOES have a deviantart. Here's the link.

5945893 Huh. Well. I'm glad you didn't hate it at least.

5945307 Ah, I see. Well, I can't please everyone. It's a touchy subject, yet... I understand your downvote. It's a shame that you didn't catch WHY Peter did what he did or the nightmares. Ah, well. Take care.

5943528 Well, I've come to accept that's why this fic is the least popular of the series. My readers just aren't fans of overly dark, I guess.

5943448 Yep. We sure are. :pinkiehappy:

Honestly I should have expected Chrysalis getting help in this way, but I didn't. So color me surprised.
Great chapter though, a lovely epilogue :twilightsmile:

Still, Peter can't seem to get any rest from villains, can he? Poor guy.
And now with two kids, he has even more to lose. But at the same time, it also means he has even more to fight for.

Can't wait for more! :pinkiehappy:

5944707 me too
5946539 hope u r making the sequal to this story bcause I'm itching to read the next story

My reactions to this moments:

He scratched the back of his head somewhat nervously before he continued. “I’d really like to have another child with you.”

Woah, dude, whoa! I'm happy for that, but take it slow, okay, Pete? After all, Belacron wasn't builted in 1000 years. :rainbowderp:

Cadance sped forward, capturing Twilight in a embrace. “You’re pregnant?! Again?! When were you going to tell me?!”

Forget what I said before... :ajbemused:

I liked it, a little sad but it was good. And there seems to be no loophole so that is also good. Waiting for Spider IV, just a question... Is going to be sad like III or a little more happy?

5946539 Cool. Do you know if she charges commission for each piece?

aww yissss carnage is here! is going to combine with spidermane? kinda like the web of shadows combination? cause if he did, you would be the best writer I have ever read off of.... if that makes sense.

While this whole story felt unnecessary, I'm going to wait to see if it pays off in the end.
It was still enjoyable overall, and I'm looking forward to the last installment.

So uh... Is the ends of the earth armor gonna be featured in the next one?

Read this story and the previous ones.
Good, very good...
Why Wade has not make other appearence there?
Vote (saga and this story): 10+++

‘Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.’

- Henry Van Dyke

Dude, where in the Universe you find this lines? They are very deep :pinkiegasp:

5946539 the best series ever. my next story will have this spider-man in it. just as soon as I get finished with my first.

you are an artist, Maximus, you take your stories like a ball of clay and mold it into a little statue. you are a true artist in my book.

you know I'm actually calling an audible and actually making a request, Fluffle puff, yes I am asking for Fluffle puff to be the changeling queen's roommate. I'm also requesting 'the mouth of madness' Fluffle puff's sister you know that thing from the second halloween special? wouldn't be interesting? What having Chthulu as a neighbour is could be interesting mwhahahaha especially if the littlest parker started calling her auntie hahaha!

Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows!

This story made me actually cry so many times, and I'm an 18 year old guy for fuck's sake. I'll admit, it mostly came from the thought of Twilight and poor Mayday not surviving and meeting such gruesome fates that brought me to tears. The entire scenario with the Parker/Sparkle family by itself was some of the most tragic stuff I've read since I became attached to the individual characters over the short time I took to read the first and second parts. All in all, bravo good sir. Bravo.

You.. son of a... you actually made me cry through most of this story. Unforgivable!

:pinkiesad2: *Sigh* But... this was also another incredible story, I enjoyed it a lot, and was glad for the... happy ending.

Out of all the deaths though, Luna's had me whimpering the most as she's my favorite out of all them. Now.. on to the finale.

Comment posted by Vizl deleted Dec 11th, 2015

Hello Maximus! I think finally reading through this, and giving my review on it has been extremely LONG overdue. This story has been sitting in my 'Read Later' box for quite sometime and I decided that tonight would be the night that sat down, read through it in an all out blitzkrieg, and remove it from that list of stories! :twilightblush:

Anyway, on with the review. After browsing through the comments, I've noticed that there were a lot of individuals that were dissatisfied with how this story turned out. Now take for granted this story was not as good as the first, or the second books, but I still found it enjoyable. I'd like to compare "Spiders and Magic: Days of Friendship Past" to the season finale of season five. It showed us a very grim future for Equestria and the world, when the forces of good/light don't have all of the cards in their hand. There's a reason as to why certain things play out the way they do. With Peter gone, there was really nothing standing in Chrysalis' way of conquering the world.

It may have been dark, but let's be honest with ourselves, aren't all post apocalyptic stories dark? Look at the Hunger Games Series for crying out loud! The whole main plot of the series revolves around futuristic-gladiator fights that pit freaking CHILDREN against each other! And for what? So the capital can prove a point to everyone in the country of Panem that you don't try to usurp the Capital's dictatorial rule over the country? Other notable mentions that match this story's dark tone are The Matrix Series (robots rule the world), X-Men: Days of Future Past (everyone practically dies or is enslaved by sentinels), Star Wars Episode III (most Jedi get slaughtered due to Order 66 and Anakin freaking kills children), etc. :rainbowderp:

I can see why some people did not enjoy this. You can't please everyone and everyone is entitled to their opinions. However, I feel that it was a good story in the series. A little unsettling to see Peter's happy life get ripped away from him, but by no means was this story bad. That's just how these type of stories play out. :applejackunsure:

Besides, everything turned out well in the end anyway. Peter restored peace to the dark future world he traveled to, made sure to have the Alicorn Amulet locked away, got to return home to everything he loves, and helped finally make peace between Equestria and the Changeling hives. :twilightsmile:

All in all, this was story was a good way for me to wind my evening down, and it helped me knock another story off of my to-do list. I'm really excited for the story where the Sinister Six make their grand appearance to our heroes! It will surely be one tough battle, that's for sure. And like many other have stated, it would be cool and extremely funny, if Deadpool somehow managed to find his way into Equestria. Heck, it would be even better if he ended up teaming with the good guys to stop Discord and Tirek's group! Maybe even have Wolverine and a couple others make appearances as well? :trixieshiftright:

With this, I end my ridiculously long review. Thanks for the enjoyable read once again Maximus! I shall be going to sleep soon. Sorry for the lateness of this, and I look forward to reading the Rule 63 fic, and the smack down fest that is sure to follow after it! :pinkiehappy:

~ Super-Brony12

Has anyone ever seen the old TMNT cartoon, back in the early 2000's? If so, does Pinkie remind you of... Leonardo, I think it was, in the future without Donatello?

6474404 You should've worded that different. It sounds like you wanna mak- *Chrysalis impales me* *wheezing* I regret nothing...

7009120 Yeah. This story is homage to that episode of the 2003 TMNT series episode 'Same as it Never Was'.

Peter: Donatello. Smart and kind one who gets sent into the bad future.
Twilight: Splinter. Sacrifices herself to save the others.
Pinkie: Michelangelo. Funny one turned badass who lost a body part of some type.
Sweetie Belle: April. Leader of the rebel group.
Rainbow Dash: Raphael. Hotheaded one who disagrees with the decisions of another.
Applejack: Leonardo. Forced to make a decision that ruptures a friendship with another.


7009753 Subtle, yet plays a big role. I like it! Very well done!

Character development, and a changeling Queen allowed to make the right choices, yay~

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