• Published 28th Feb 2015
  • 9,805 Views, 577 Comments

Spiders and Magic III: Days of Friendship Past - Maximus_Reborn

Peter finds himself in a far future where Empress Chrysalis and the changelings have taken over the world. Is the future truly set?

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End of the Line

Chapter Nine "End of the Line"

Twenty-two years ago, Chrysalis had achieved the ultimate goal. She and her changelings had conquered Canterlot, killing both Celestia and Luna as well as half of the wielders of the Elements of Harmony. Their victories would continue to flourish as the rest of the world fell under the might of Empress Chrysalis. All signs of resistance were snuffed out, leaving only a small, ragtag group of ponies to oppose the new world order. Eventually, they, too, were wiped from the face of the planet.

Chrysalis had truly won. It was surreal, but it was reality, one that the changeling queen would revel in for years to come. She had done everything in her power to ensure that her changelings thrived. Now it was on the verge of being lost due to the brash actions of a pony that had supposedly died twenty-five years ago and his hopeless followers. Chrysalis growled under her breath. She would not fall to the one that threatened everything that she had built.

Pinkamena was the first to leap from Ursa’s head. She unsheathed both her blades, gripping one with her teeth while holding the other with a hoof before landing gracefully in the throne room. Applejack followed, bouncing from the side of a support column and performing several flips until she reached the ground. Sweetie Belle vanished from sight, materializing in a burst of light on top of a broken slab of marble before lowering herself into a defensive stance. Rainbow Dash took flight and sped through the air, slowing to maintain a position in the air near her companions. Peter readied himself to leap, pausing to rub the blue star over Ursa’s forehead before flipping from his position.

Slamming Twilight Arms into the ground upon landing, the stallion stood upright on his hind legs as traces of electricity surged across the metallic surface of his gauntlets. “Knock, knock!”

Chrysalis glared intently at each of the intruders, managing a grin after a brief hesitation. “So… the remaining wielders of the Elements of Harmony, the leader of the fallen resistance, and a dead Spider-Mane have come together. How appropriate.” Particles of dark, green and black energy spiraled around the changeling queen’s body, causing her slick mane to whip about wildly as she slowly approached the group. Her irises glowed, and strong gusts of wind roared out. “This day is twenty years overdue. Now, it is time I finally put an end to your pathetic lives!”

Everypony steadfastly held their ground as Peter stood defiantly against the Empress, glaring. “Give it up, Chrysalis! Your reign of terror is over!”

Chrysalis smirked as her hooves levitated from the ground. “Is it? Is it really?” Her horn emitted a bright light. “My changelings! Gather before me!” That same moment, dozens of changelings entered through the doorway and surrounded their queen, each showing their fangs as they hissed at the intruders. Ursa growled before her ears twitched at a sound, leading the bear to direct her line of sight to a sound coming from below. Dozens of brutes galloped across the Crystal Empire, speeding towards the castle. Chrysalis cackled maniacally and extended her hoof. “Kill them all!”

Applejack and Sweetie Belle reached into their pockets and retrieved small pellets. Before the changelings could reach the group, both mares threw the items to the ground, and clouds of smoke quickly spread out and engulfed everything in the immediate vicinity. The bug-like creatures hacked and wheezed, struggling to clear their throats while others instinctively shielded their eyes. Rainbow Dash burst out of the cloud, punching every changeling in her path before taking flight. The others spread out, dividing the changeling forces inside the throne room to the best of their abilities. Peter turned to share a glance with the astral bear perched above.

“Ursa! You have to buy us time!” Peter declared, pointing a hoof towards the approaching hordes of brutes outside. “Don’t let any of them through!”

Ursa nodded, freeing herself from the outer walls of the castle. She fell to the ground, generating an earthquake potent enough to shatter the crystal buildings under the transparent bear’s feet. Nearby brutes took flight, attempting to bypass the astral creature. Ursa reached out, capturing the changelings in her paws before crushing them with prejudice. As more neared from the side, she threw a wide slash with her claws, disemboweling those in her path. Their numbers only grew, as did Ursa’s fury, and both forces attacked each other relentlessly, neither faltering.

Peter watched the spectacle with a wary gaze. “Be careful, girl.”

Meanwhile, a group of changelings charged towards Sweetie Belle, forcing the mare to disappear from sight before they could reach her. The bug-like creatures skidded to a halt, analyzing their surroundings. Sweetie Belle materialized a few hoof-lengths behind their position, shooting each directly in the back with a beam of magic. Applejack swayed her upper body back as a changeling lunged out with its fangs drawn. Landing on the back of her shoulders, she countered by driving her legs into her attacker’s gut with a vicious kick powerful enough to send it skyward.

Rainbow Dash soared through the air, grabbing a prone changeling before throwing it at the pack chasing her. Most saw it coming with the exception of one, causing both creatures to collide in midair and crash to the ground. The pegasus dashed between a pair of crystal columns before making her way back to land behind Sweetie Belle, sliding across the ground to take out the legs of the nearest changeling. Just as the creatures originally pursuing Rainbow Dash readied to squeeze through the tight opening, a net of webbing formed at the last moment. The changelings resembled flies as they helplessly flew into the gossamer trap, their combined momentum sending them careening to the ground.

Stuck fast, they couldn’t free themselves in time before Peter landed by their side and unleashed countless strands of webbing, trapping the bug-like creatures in cocoons. Spider-Mane shot a strand onto the ceiling, catapulting himself high across the room. Pinkamena raised her blade, blocking a changeling’s attack as it lowered its fangs inches from the mare’s face. She lunged forward, driving the tip of the sword held in her mouth through her attacker’s neck. Pinkamena freed her blades as other changelings neared, disappearing in a blur before skidding to a halt behind the group.

Suddenly, the bug-like creatures stopped in their tracks as wide gashes opened in their exoskeletons, blood spraying from the wounds. Applejack dove through the air, delivering a spinning kick to the nearest changeling before following with a straight punch to another. One of the bug-like creatures lunged at both mares, but it was stopped in mid-flight via telekinesis, evident by the particles of energy enveloping its body. The changeling was launched across the chamber, bursting through a stone wall before Sweetie Belle materialized alongside Applejack and Pinkamena in a flash of light.

Peter swung on a strand of webbing, releasing it once Rainbow Dash neared his position. The pegasus captured the stallion’s extended hooves in her own, and she glided towards the rest of the group. The very second Peter landed, he ran forward, and every mare followed his lead, engaging the remaining changeling forces. Chrysalis stared intently at the ponies, gritting her fangs. The changeling queen roared at the top of her lungs as a sword materialized by her side, its form jagged and as black as the darkest void. Chrysalis lifted the weapon with her magic and galloped ahead, prompting the entirety of her changeling forces to charge behind their queen.

Both groups never relented, meeting head-on. As the others separated from his position, Peter ducked underneath a diving changeling and grabbed its back hoof before throwing the creature into a group of its own kind. Chrysalis materialized inches behind the stallion, swinging her blade in a wide slash. Peter’s sixth sense blared in response, sending pulsating throbs through his cranium. The stallion spun around with his hooves raised, managing to block the sword directly. Both of their weapons met with a loud echoing clang, generating a shockwave of conflicting blue and green electrical currents. Peter and Chrysalis stood within the blast’s epicenter, glaring as they strained to gain an advantage.

“Do you miss your lovely Twilight Sparkle?” Chrysalis chided, grinding her blade against the stallion’s gauntlets. “Well, don’t fret. You’ll be seeing her again soon enough!”

“Just shut up!” Peter growled, spinning his hoof and deflecting the queen’s momentum to the side. He slammed his hoof into the underside of her jaw, launching her body into a crystal wall. “You don’t even deserve to say her name!”

Peter hopped high into the air and dove, landing a fierce kick onto his foe’s chest, sending Chrysalis bursting through the crystal and crashing to the ground. The stallion sped into a descent with his hoof reared back, ready to strike the empress once more, but a pack of changelings intercepted the stallion, tackling him out of midair. Each creature held one of Peter’s limbs as they fell to the ground, but before they could land, the stallion wiggled his hooves free at the last moment. Peter quickly ensnared the horde of changelings into a webbed prison, latching their strands onto the ceiling.

Taking advantage of the reprieve, Chrysalis forced herself to a standing position and unleashed a massive wave of magical energy from her horn. Peter’s sixth sense blared, forcing the stallion to turn and see the attack speeding towards him. Out of instinct, he raised his hooves to block the pulse-like projectile. Although Twilight Arms managed to cancel out the black magic, it could not minimize the force behind the blow. Peter was rocketed backward by the blast, shattering a marble wall upon collision. A portion of the foundation fell, with a column landing on the stallion.

Changelings advanced to his position, but Sweetie Belle cut them off, blasting each with magic. She held her position, defending the pinned stallion. The energy in Chrysalis’ horn dissipated while she cackled before disappearing in a burst of light. Elsewhere, a horde of changelings had the remaining rebels surrounded from every angle. Pinkamena tightened her hold on both of her blades while Applejack raised her hooves defensively with Rainbow Dash lowering into a defensive stance. They stood on their hind legs with their backs against each other, even as the enemies’ numbers continued to grow.

“Like old times, huh?” Applejack chuckled, tightening the bandages on her forelegs with her teeth.

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Yeah. Different kingdom. Bigger stakes. Same stupid changelings.”

Pinkamena huffed. “Would you expect anything else?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged, smiling half-heartedly. “I don’t know. I thought I was smarter than this. I guess I’m turning into an idiot like Peter. I mean… coming here of all places? It screams ‘suicide.’”

“We’ve always been in way over our heads, Rainbow,” Applejack snorted, alternating her emerald gaze between the advancing changelings and her friends. “Nightmare Moon. Discord. Sombra. Do Ah need to go on?”

Pinkamena’s lips managed to curl into a smile. “Yet we’d do it all over again if we had the chance, am I right?”

Rainbow Dash shared a glance with both ponies, chuckling. “No doubt about it.”

Applejack grinned, resuming a defensive stance. “Then why’re we just standin’ around? Come on! We’ve gotta buy Pete a little more time. Keep the changelings busy!”

All three ponies separated, dashing in different directions. Applejack unleashed a flurry of attacks at the nearest changeling, delivering a straight punch and backhoof across the jaw before finishing with a spin kick to the torso. The force of the blow broke its chitinous shell, sending the destroyed husk flying into the distance. One changeling flew forward with the speed of a missile and narrowly missed Applejack as she sidestepped the attack, leaving it to smash into the ground headfirst. The earth pony delivered an overhead strike to her nearest foe, shattering its exoskeleton skull upon impact. Applejack paused, taking in deep, labored breaths while she forced herself to stand upright.

Faster than anypony could react, Chrysalis materialized inches behind the mare. Peter strained as he attempted to free the heavy crystal from over his body. His eyes widened in horror as he peeked up to the sight several yards away. Time all but slowed to a stop for the stallion as Chrysalis raised her blade, before thrusting toward the unaware mare. Peter could only stare as the black blade ran the mare through her back, all the way to the hilt. Applejack's eyes widened, slowly looking down with a shaky gaze to the bloodied metal protruding several inches from her stomach.

An immediate yank ripped the blade back out the way it had come. The mare’s eyes glazed over at that moment as her body fell limply to the ground. The entire battlefield grew mute, even as the fighting continued. Peter screamed while Sweetie Belle mirrored his actions. Rainbow Dash’s heart stopped at the sight. There had been decades’ worth of hatred between herself and Applejack. Just recently, it had been quenched for the most part, but something lingered, particularly within the pegasus. She took in labored breaths through gritted teeth, glaring venomously at the one that had just murdered her friend.

Throwing caution to the wind, Rainbow let out a guttural roar as she flew down from her spot by the ceiling, generating a rainboom as she sped towards Chrysalis. The rainbow-patterned wave erupted violently, knocking down everypony below to the floor, enemies and allies alike. Several changelings in the immediate vicinity of the mare all but disintegrated to ash, and the force shattered a majority of the surrounding crystals.

The upper half of the Crystal Empire’s castle exploded, giving way to the force of the point-blank rainboom. The force blew away the massive slab of marble, but Peter’s body was sent tumbling as well, leaving his skull to bash into a crystal. Stunned, the stallion fell to a hunched position. Suddenly, a bright light flashed through his mind, and images appeared before his eyes, alternating between Princess Luna and Rainbow Dash charging towards Chrysalis with tears in their eyes. Peter slammed his eyes shut, recoiling as the sharp bolts of pain rushed through his cranium.

Once the visions ceased, Peter’s heart stopped at a realization. “Rainbow! No! Stop!”

Rainbow tackled Chrysalis to the ground, only for the changeling queen to shift her momentum and hurl the pegasus across the room with a toss. Dash’s back cracked against the marble wall, and her replacement wing fell from its hinges, landing by the mare’s hoof as she forced herself to a standing position. Chrysalis galloped towards the pegasus with her sword raised. Rainbow broke one of the wing’s razor-sharp metallic feathers free and threw it to the greatest of her ability once her foe was within hooves’ length. Chrysalis managed to deflect the wayward projectile with her sword before taking a wild swing.

The pegasus ducked underneath the attack and countered with a swift kick to the back, knocking Chrysalis to the ground. The memories continued to alternate, shifting between this timeline’s past and present for Peter. He could only watch as Rainbow Dash made the same critical error as Luna did, losing herself to blind rage. She readied herself to pounce upon Chrysalis, leaping into the air.

The changeling queen grinned in spite of the mare’s rapid advance. “Fast—” she began, sidestepping the tackle with a spin. “—But not fast enough!

With the momentum of her spiraling dodge, she followed through with a wide, countering slash that cleaved through the assaulting mare. Peter watched with a stunned expression as blood sprayed from the wide gash spread across Rainbow Dash’s chest to her hip. The force of the blow sent the pegasus flying until she struck the ground with a grim thud.

Rainbow strained to breathe, coughing up blood from her mouth as she quickly bled out. She saw Applejack’s prone figure, even as her vision blurred. Using what little remained of her strength, Rainbow dragged herself across the floor until she was inches away from the earth pony. However, before she could reach her, a downward thrust impaled her, pinning her to the floor.

Chrysalis slowly chuckled before erupting into roaring laughter as she pulled the blade out of the now lifeless pegasus.

Roaring at the top of his lungs, Peter shook his head free of the cobwebs and sped towards the changeling queen. “You’ll pay for this, Chrysalis!” A pair of changelings attempted to halt the stallion’s progress, but they were swatted aside, each in a different direction. Chrysalis snapped her head around as Peter neared. The stallion reared his hoof back, and Twilight Arms glowed in response, channeling electrical currents across its metallic surface. “I swear, even if every breath in my body is spent trying! I swear! You will pay!”

Chrysalis smirked. “Ah! There you are, I had wondered where you—”

Before the changeling queen could hope to have finished, Peter sped across the short distance to her with lightning speed, slamming his hoof into the bridge of Chrysalis’ muzzle. Her exoskeleton cracked while a shockwave was generated from the impact. The stallion followed with a backhoof across the jaw, further damaging the hardened exterior before delivering an uppercut fierce enough to send the changeling queen skyward for several yards. Using all of the power in his legs, Peter hopped high into the air until he was positioned above Chrysalis. With both hooves raised, the stallion dealt an incredible blow to the back of his foe’s head.

Chrysalis sped to the ground with the force of a bullet, shattering the castle tiles and creating a dust cloud upon her crash landing. Peter soon landed a few hoof lengths from the wreckage, eyeing the damage warily. Suddenly, Chrysalis erupted from the ground, sending shards of crystal and stone flying about. Before anypony could react, Spider-Mane’s limbs were enveloped in magical energy. Peter was levitated from the ground as Chrysalis glared intently at him.

“Twenty-five years and this is the best you can do?!” Chrysalis huffed, paying no mind to the blood dripping from the cracks in her exoskeleton. Bemused, the empress frowned. “Truly pathetic.” Chrysalis raised her head, in turn sending Peter flying into the wall. Tremors coursed throughout the entire castle from the impact. Peter fell for several seconds, landing stomach-first, inches from the changeling queen’s hooves. Chrysalis scowled at the sight. “Disgusting, loathsome creature!”

Energy spiraled from the atmosphere and took shape into a small orb over her horn. Chrysalis shot the ball into Peter’s chest, and the projectile carried the stallion across the room, blasting his body through several walls of crystal. Eventually, the energy ball dissipated, leaving Peter to bounce across the floor for several meters before skidding to a halt. Pinkamena stole a glance at the wreckage from the corner of her eye. She proceeded to run to Peter’s position, only to have her path cut off by several changelings. Before they could react, an array of magical beams sped into their chests, killing each changeling instantly.

Sweetie Belle materialized a few hoof lengths away from Pinkamena, sharing a glance before Chrysalis teleported in-between the duo. A shockwave erupted around the changeling queen’s position. Sweetie Belle was struck from the impact, her body rising into the air and then falling a couple of stories before landing on the back of her head a few hoof-lengths from Peter’s form. Pinkamena flipped out of the attack’s range, landing in an upright defensive stance. Chrysalis sped forward, swinging her blade via telekinesis. Pinkamena raised her sword, blocking it directly. Both opponents glared at each other maliciously, straining as they held their ground.

“Insignificant wretch,” Chrysalis growled, taking a step back while Pinkamena did the same. “Personally killing you will be an added bonus to today’s great victory.”

Chrysalis thrust her sword forward, forcing Pinkamena to sidestep the attack. The earth pony threw a kick as a counter, but the magical energy surrounding the changeling queen’s body ensnared her leg before swinging her entire frame. She burst through the throne room’s chair, shattering the crystal. Chrysalis fired a bolt of magic, the energy disintegrating everything in its path. Pinkamena flipped over the projectile and landed directly behind the empress. The earth pony threw a wide kick, followed by a backhoof, and Chrysalis dodged both attacks accordingly. However, Pinkamena captured her opponent’s head and neck in her hooves, throwing the changeling queen across the room.

Chrysalis bounced off the back of her head and skidded to a halt. Pinkamena retrieved both of her blades and hopped high into the air, landing roughly on her foe’s chest. She pinned the empress down, raising her swords high. However, Chrysalis’ form morphed, fading before taking a new shape. Pinkamena’s eyes shot open as a familiar grey sight took form before her. It was a mare she knew all too well. Her irises matched her straight violet mane. Although her gaze was blank and expression stoic, it sent shivers through Pinkamena’s spine. Her expression softened as she instinctively lowered her blades.

“Maud…?” she whispered before a sharp pain tore through her chest. The mare’s form retook that of Chrysalis, with the changeling holding a dagger into the earth pony’s heart before breaking the blade off. Pinkamena’s strength faded at an exceptionally fast rate, and her vision blurred. She dropped both blades before hunching over, coughing up blood. She gritted her teeth, holding a hoof over the hole in her chest. “You…!”

Chrysalis grinned, standing over Pinkamena’s figure. “It’s funny. Your sister fell for the exact same trick.” She raised her blade high over the mare’s head. “I guess foolishness runs in your bloodline. Allow me to extinguish the last of it.”

Peter screamed at the top of his lungs, tackling the changeling queen from behind. His momentum carried both himself and Chrysalis through the shattered wall and over a cliff until they eventually crashed to the ground, cracking the crystal. Peter shook the cobwebs from his head, stealing a glance at the large opening in the destroyed ceiling. Chrysalis growled, striking the ground with her hoof before forcing herself to a standing position. Magical energy spiraled around Peter’s body, ensnaring him. Chrysalis stomped toward the stallion, levitating him until his face was inches from hers.

“You should have stayed hidden, Peter Parker,” she hissed, glaring, “Now… I will crush you like the bug that you are!”

Peter scoffed. “Bad guys always seem to have the nasty habit of celebrating before they actually win.” The stallion refused to free his glare from Chrysalis. “This whole attack was a diversion to get you into position to do this!”

That same second, Peter raised his hoof and fired a strand of webbing, latching it onto Chrysalis’ horn. The gossamer spread upon making contact, covering the entire appendage. The magical tendrils holding Peter dissipated from existence instantly, dropping the stallion. Chrysalis’ eyes shot open at the sudden turn of events, but before she could respond, Peter punched her in the side of her head.

Dazed and disoriented, Chrysalis was helpless as the stallion hopped onto her back, firing a number of strands of webbing to various anchor points along her body and the ground. Once her senses cleared, the empress found her entire body cocooned in thick webbing. Chrysalis’ horn glowed, but the webbing absorbed the magical energy before it could generate into a spell.

“What is happening?!” Chrysalis yelled, bewildered. She attempted a second spell, only for it to fail as the first had. She bellowed, straining to free herself from the steel-like gossamer trap. “No! I am Empress Chrysalis!”

Peter bit down on his lip and whistled, holding the high-pitched sound for several seconds. Tremors coursed through the castle’s walls with each thunderous footstep that approached from the outside. A shadow engulfed the area, prompting everypony to turn their attention to the opening where the ceiling used to be. There, Ursa stood with a ferocious expression, her crimson eyes centered solely on Peter and Chrysalis. The stallion shot a strand of webbing onto the upper wall, yanking himself across the room until he landed a few hoof-lengths from Sweetie Belle and Pinkamena. Afterwards, Ursa roared at the top of her lungs before raising one of her paws high over her head.

“I AM EMPRESS CHRYSALIS!” the changeling queen continued to scream, failing to free herself. Ursa’s paw sped down and centered on her position. Chrysalis watched with a horrified expression as the inevitable neared. “NO!”

Her screams were cut off once Ursa’s massive paw crushed her frame entirely, destroying that entire section of the castle. Rays of magic erupted from underneath the astral bear’s paw, racing into the sky before scattering into numerous rays of light. Every changeling in the vicinity hissed out in pain as bright aura ripped itself from their hides, soaring into the atmosphere. Peter watched in tired fascination as neon lights burst throughout the land, rising from the dank depths of the earth.

The land itself brightened somewhat, with the sun’s rays peeking through the diminishing dark clouds. The pods in the hatcheries and surrounding camps cracked before bursting, allowing some of the captives to slither free and collapse onto the floor. Ursa lifted her paw, revealing the cracked husk that was Chrysalis. The exoskeleton disintegrated into dust before the wind carried the particles away in a breeze.

Peter peeked up, sharing a glance with Ursa. He only smiled. “Good girl.” His smile quickly faded once he spotted the horde of changelings around him. They were withered and dry, pale comparisons to their previous forms. They were actually pathetic, shivering out of fear. Peter gritted his teeth as his hoof trembled with rage. He closed his eyes, growling as his body emitted a dark aura. “Leave. Now!”

The changelings ran without hesitation, upon settling their gazes on Spider-Mane and the Ursa Major. Without their queen, the hive mind laid broken and shattered. Peter watched with a somber gaze as the bug-like creatures retreated. Once they had all departed, he opened his eyes and directed his gaze skyward. The aura surrounding his body dissipated.

"It's over," he sighed before his eyes shot open at a belated realization. "Oh, God. Pinkie! Sweetie Belle!" The stallion turned around, racing to what remained of his friends. Sweetie knelt next to Pinkamena, staring bleakly at the wound in her chest. Peter stopped, sliding one hoof behind the earth pony’s head and taking hold of her hoof with his other. “Come on, Pinkie. We have to get you to a doctor.”

Sweetie Belle shook her head, sniffling. “Peter… Pinkamena’s wound is… fatal.”

Peter’s eyes widened and his mouth trembled, but he only glared at Sweetie Belle. “You don’t know that! Don’t you get it?! We’ve won! If we hurry, we can still save her!” Sweetie Belle slammed her eyes shut, fighting back tears as they fell. Peter’s own eyes swelled, matching his aching heart. He turned his gaze to Pinkamena, caring not that tears streamed down his cheeks. “Listen to me, Pinkie! You can’t die! We’ve already lost Applejack and Rainbow Dash! We can’t lose you, too! Please! Just…” He broke down, sobbing. “Pinkie…”

Pinkamena’s eyes fluttered open weakly, revealing glazed irises. “Peter? Did we…?”

Peter nodded. “Yeah. We got her.”

Although her breathing was strained, resembling the sound of glass scratching against a rough surface, Pinkamena found a way to smile. “That’s… good. I knew we could count on you…” She paused, raising her trembling hoof before placing it over Peter’s cheek. “Don’t be sad. I have no regrets. I’ll be with everypony soon...” She coughed, fighting the immense weight of closing her eyes. “Peter. I don’t want to leave with any regrets. Promise me… that you’ll smile.”

Peter’s tears continued to stream down his cheek, yet he found a way to hold a smile. “Cross my heart…”

Pinkamena coughed out a small laugh. “...And hope to fly…”

Both ponies paused, Peter lowering his forehead until it rested against Pinkamena’s before they finished together. “Stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Pinkamena sighed, sharing a final glance with the stallion before allowing her eyes to close. “I’m… so very happy that you came back… Peter…”

With one final breath, Pinkie’s hoof fell to the side. A calm breeze brushed through the vicinity. Yet the mare held her smile, even in death. Peter and Sweetie Belle sobbed uncontrollably at the loss of their last friend, with the stallion apologizing repeatedly while the mare muttered countless prayers. Even with their bruises and wounds, nothing compared to the pain their hearts currently bore. The bright blue aura in Twilight Arms faded, leaving the gauntlets a cold shade of metallic grey.

Peter eventually stood, gently laying Pinkie’s head down. He tossed the gauntlets to the side. “My friends. My poor friends.” He shook his head, rubbing a hoof over Ursa’s fur once she lowered her head near his position. “This world. It’s a nightmare.”

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “It was a nightmare, Peter, but you, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkamena saved our world.” A warm smile formed on her face. “You gave us all hope again.”

Before Peter could respond, electrical currents rushed over his body. He held his hooves out, staring as they faded from existence. “Sweetie! It’s happening again! Something’s pulling me—! It’s stronger this time!” His voice distorted, matching his dissipating figure. Peter’s eyes widened at a realization. “The time spell! I think it’s finally wearing off! I can’t stop it!” He reached out to the gauntlets nearby, just inches from his reach. “Sweetie! Twilight Arms are yours now! Use them to protect what’s left of this world!”

Sweetie Belle reached out with a hoof. “Peter! No matter what happens, there’s always hope! Please! Don’t lose faith!” Peter’s body had completely vanished from sight, and his voice echoed throughout the airwaves before dissipating. A somber gaze formed on the mare’s face. She placed a hoof over her chest, smiling. “And… thank you… for everything.” Her ears perked at a faint sound. Sweetie lowered her head, inhaling sharply as Pinkamena shuffled slightly. “Pinkie?! Y-You’re—?! How?!”

Pinkamena coughed out a weak chuckle. “I’m way too happy to… die just yet.” She winced in pain, opening her glossy eyes to share a smile with Sweetie Belle once she knelt back by her side. The broken blade materialized next to Pinkamena’s hoof in a burst of light, landing on the ground. The wound on her chest had healed, closing off before fur grew back over the area. “All of that fighting. It… would be a waste if I died so soon… right?”

Sweetie Belle fought back her tears, brushing a hoof over her wet eyes. “You’re right.” Ursa lowered her head, gazing at both ponies. Sweetie forced herself to stand upright. She made her way to Pinkie, lifting her friend’s hoof and holding it over her shoulder, allowing Pinkamena to lean on her for support.

Pinkamena let out a weak chuckle, “Thanks, but I’m alright,” she said, lifting herself from Sweetie Belle to stand on her wobbly yet firm legs. She glanced to Twilight Arms before slowly reaching down and picking one up. “So… he’s really gone this time... isn’t he?”

Sweetie joined the mare by her side, picking up the remaining gauntlet and staring at it longingly. “Yeah… he really is. Peter’s paved the way for us. Now, we have to see things through.”

A short silence passed before Sweetie slid the gauntlet she held on her right forehoof. Glancing up to the mare across from her, she gave her a small nod. Pinkie paused briefly before returning with a nod of her own, sliding her gauntlet on her left forehoof. The gauntlet in the pink mare’s hoof emitted a dark blue aura briefly, dissipating after a duration. Pinkamena’s milky eye glowed momentarily.

The moon shone, disappearing from sight the moment the mare shut her blind eye. Sweetie Belle yelped involuntarily, blinking wildly before looking down to a stirring sensation in her own gauntlet. Moments later, a warm-white glow slowly began to envelope the weapon, before suddenly giving off a grand luminous light of a long awaited radiant dawn. In that same moment, the sun rose, giving light to the world and chasing away all forms of darkness.

Sweetie Belle stared at the sky with her mouth agape. “What’s going on?”

Pinkamena nodded inwardly and chuckled, all while keeping her blind eye closed. “So, that’s how it is…” She placed a hoof over the unicorn’s shoulder and gave Sweetie a warm gaze before walking over to and climbing on top of Ursa’s head. “Come on. We have a lot of rebuilding to do.”


An explosion erupted, sending tremors coursing through the walls of the cellar. Twilight rushed down the stairs in a gallop and skidded to a halt. Her wide eyes flashed over the scene before settling on the burn marks etched into the floor. Mayday’s teddy bear sat inches away from the spot, virtually unharmed. Twilight cried out, desperate to find her husband, but there was nothing to find. Peter was gone. However, a surge of electrical energy ran across the room before a small explosion of light erupted. Twilight shielded her eyes with a hoof. Once the light diminished, the mare turned to the scene, gasping aloud upon spotting Peter laying on the ground. Twilight ran to his side, kneeling.

“Peter! Are you okay?” Twilight questioned, furrowing her brow at his damaged costume and numerous wounds. “What happened? Why are you hurt?”

Peter’s eyes shot open. He jumped up, analyzing his surroundings frantically before settling his gaze on the mare. “Twilight?” The mare let out a surprised squeak as the stallion wrapped his hooves around her neck. “Twilight! You’re alive!” He smothered her with kisses before resting the side of his head against her shoulder, all while tightening his embrace. “I love you so much! I’m never letting you go again! I promise!”

From a distance, Discord watched from the safety of the astral plane in a theater seat with a bag of popcorn in his lap. The end credits began to scroll down a projected screen, with ‘Peter Parker’ labeled at the end of each line. The spirit applauded, whooping. “Bravo! Bravo! Encore!”

Discord grinned uncontrollably, squealing at a point. “What a show! Now, that was the most chaos I have had in a millenia! I must admit, some moments had me on the edge of my seat, and I was afraid I’d have to get directly involved to bring you back. I can’t, on a good mind, have the main star dying before the big picture, you know! As usual, you defy the odds and survive, Peter!”

The spirit leaned back, crossing his leg as his smile widened. “Quite the adventure, really. Apocalypse? Who would have thought? Oh, Peter Parker. You do not disappoint. And that ending! What a twist! The brave heroine valiantly gives her life, only for the audience to find out she survives! Well…” Discord waved his talon, causing the theater chair and projector to vanish. “Peter won't find out anyways, but if you ask me, Pinkie earned her happily ever after. The poor thing had been through so much after all.”

Nodding to himself, the spirit turned before materializing out of existence. “I suppose my surprise can wait a little bit longer. You deserve a small break after all, Peter. I’ll be back soon enough.”

To be concluded: The Epilogue