• Published 28th Feb 2015
  • 9,807 Views, 577 Comments

Spiders and Magic III: Days of Friendship Past - Maximus_Reborn

Peter finds himself in a far future where Empress Chrysalis and the changelings have taken over the world. Is the future truly set?

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Cost of Power

Chapter Six "Cost of Power"

In the dead of night, the full moon sat in the midst of the star-patterned sky. Peter walked out of the Treebrary with a content smile before stretching his limbs high overhead. He shivered involuntarily as a cold breeze brushed through his fur. Snow continued to fall, prompting Peter to retrieve a blanket before venturing outside. The stallion arched a brow upon spotting Trixie lying on her back at the front of their home. She shifted her head as Peter found a place in the snow by her side, only to turn her violet gaze back to the sky.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea for you to be out?” Peter questioned, throwing the blanket over the mare’s body.

Trixie rolled her eyes. “You can’t expect me to stay indoors for the rest of the winter, Peter. Besides, Glacius is gone. I can safely enjoy the scenery.”

The stallion chuckled. “You sound like Twilight.”

Trixie pulled the blanket against her body, managing a smile. “We are sisters now, so that doesn’t surprise me. I’ll take it as a compliment this time.” Both ponies sat in a comfortable silence, admiring the night’s tranquil beauty. “Are you excited?” Trixie lightly questioned, clutching her blanket.

Peter smiled, chuckling. “Yeah. I’m going to have a daughter. I almost don’t know what I’m going to do with myself.”

Trixie huffed. “I just pray that your daughter doesn’t look like you. That would be rather unappealing.”

Peter rolled his eyes. “I know that’s supposed to be an insult, but I’m actually agreeing with you.”

Trixie turned her head until she could gaze at the stallion with a warm smile. “I mean no harm, Peter. I’m positive Mayday will be a beautiful filly. I’d be lying if I said her father wasn’t quite the looker.”

Peter managed a smile before sobering. “Honestly, Trixie… I’m scared.” The stallion raised one of his hooves, holding it next to the milky orb in the sky. “Am I really fit to raise a child? What if I screw up somehow?”

Trixie snorted involuntarily before succumbing to a short burst of laughter. “It’s amazing how you can be so insecure at times. Quite frankly, if I was worried, I would have told you long ago.” She stared blissfully at the star-patterned sky for a short time. “I honestly believe you’ll make an excellent father. Twilight and I have told you many times that you’re at your best when you don’t overthink things. Just do what comes natural to you.”

Peter smirked. “You sure say some cool things every now and then. Thanks, Trixie.”

Waving her hoof dismissively, Trixie only shrugged. “I will be there to make sure you don’t do anything overly stupid. Somepony besides your wife has to keep you in check.”

The stallion closed his eyes with a grin. “I’m counting on you, Auntie Trixie.”

The mare groaned at the stallion’s playful tone, unaware of how hot her face had grown. She glanced off to the side, desperate to repel her blooming cheeks and hide her growing smile. “Shut up.


Particles of energy spiraled into Trixie’s horn before she unleashed a beam. Peter swayed his body to the side, dodging the attack, and the projectile cut through every tree in its path, continuing until it met with a boulder. An explosion erupted, generating a shockwave potent enough to disintegrate everything within a few yards to dust. The stallion galloped towards the mare, even as she levitated high into the air and fired three beams in his direction.

Peter leapt to the side to avoid the first, managed to slide underneath the second, and flipped directly over the third, all in perfect sequence. As the stallion closed the gap between himself and the mare, Trixie’s irises vanished behind a blinding light. Peter hesitated once they were inches apart, stopping his hoof in mid-punch before it could connect with the mare. Trixie’s magic snaked around the stallion’s chest and neck before spinning him high into the air, slamming the pony on the back of his head. The earth cracked, causing a crater to spread.

“Is that all you have, Parker?” Trixie scoffed, levitating over the stallion’s body. Her eyes widened before a wicked smile formed on her face. “I’m going to destroy you! Your pathetic resistance! Everything!”

Peter forced himself from the ground, shaking his head. “Of course I hesitate. Even when you’re trying to kill me, I act like an idiot and hope you’ll stop. If I don’t fight you, I’ll get killed.”

Trixie laughed, her horn becoming enveloped in a cascade of magical energies. “It doesn’t matter what you do. The end result will be the same!”

Punctuating the mare’s message, tremors rushed throughout the ground before several of the dead trees freed themselves from the earth while hovering around the unicorn. Energy enveloped each tree and transformed each into a razor-sharp spear. Black aura morphed their jagged figures and slick designs, matching that of the Alicorn Amulet. Trixie disappeared from sight before materializing a few hoof-lengths away from Spider-Mane. Once her horn flashed, half of the spears lunged out in response simultaneously. As their crimson tips neared Peter, the stallion contorted his body and narrowly dodged the attack.

Peter’s eyes softened in spite of his sixth sense blaring wildly at the mare’s malicious intent. “Trixie? Do you not remember me at all?” he whispered, his voice frail and uncertain. The mare’s expression remained cold and robotic as she lifted all eight spears with her magic. The stallion swayed in response to each attack, back-flipping once the spears attacked from overhead and slammed into the ground where he previously stood. Peter shook his head. “After everything we’ve been through, you couldn’t have forgotten! You were Twilight’s maid of honor, Mayday’s Auntie, and a sister to me! I’ve already lost most of my family! I don’t want to lose you, too!”

Trixie scowled before extending a hoof, causing all eight spears to join together and deliver a wide slash. “Then allow me to reunite you with your loved ones.”

Peter ducked underneath the wave as it sliced through the boulder several meters behind his position, splitting the stone in two. “So then it’s true. You really are just a puppet now.” The stallion grit his teeth in frustration and punched the ground before shooting the mare a glare. “Chrysalis has sunk her teeth into you too deep. I have to stop you if it means I’m going to save Twilight, Mayday, Luna, and everypony else.” Peter’s expression softened. “I have to... stop you to save you. I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

“Your arrogance makes me sick,” Trixie declared, clenching her alicorn amulet. “I have the ultimate power! I am second only to Empress Chrysalis! You are nothing compared to me!”

“The amulet.” Peter narrowed his eyes. “I guess I’ll just have destroy it then. That’s the only way I can save you!”

The mare narrowed her eyes in return and smirked. “I’d like to see you try.”

Trixie lined all of the spears behind her position, firing each at the stallion alternatively. Peter stood up on his hind-legs and ran towards the mare in a sprint. One spear quickly approached, forcing the stallion to sway his head to the side as he ran by the sharp weapon without losing momentum. Two more spears split apart and attacked Spider-Mane from both his sides at the same time. Peter dove into the air with his hooves fully extended, managing to slip over and under the dual attack. Three spears jettisoned towards the stallion, their blurred images reminiscent to that of energy beams.

Peter reached out with Twilight Arms, capturing one of the spears in his grasp. He spun the weapon around with great velocity, propelling it with enough force to deflect the incoming beams as they neared. The stallion reared back, throwing his spear towards the mare. Trixie’s eyes shot open as she used a shield she conjured up to block the projectile, but the force of the blow drove her back, staggering the mare. Peter shot a strand of webbing onto Trixie’s chest before snatching the thread. Spider-Mane drove his gauntlet directly into the Alicorn Amulet once the unicorn was within range, cracking its crimson exterior. Trixie disappeared from sight, materializing several yards away from Peter.

Energy seeped from the amulet, like blood dripping from an open wound. Trixie held a hoof over the gem before clutching at her cranium. Bolts of pain struck portions of her brain, triggering flashes of a different life to appear across her vision. An image of a train took form before morphing to that of two ponies, a stallion extending a welcoming hoof to a mare. Trixie’s eyes softened upon realizing that the ponies were Spider-Mane and herself. The images vanished from her mind, allowing the unicorn to channel her energy. Traces of magic enveloped her body, levitating her hooves inches from the ground. Both ponies stared intently at each other for what seemed like an eternity.

The conflicting energies of Trixie’s magic and Peter’s gauntlets spiraled across the breeze, generating an electrical spark upon meshing together. Both ponies narrowed their glares at that precise moment before dashing to the side, all while never losing eye contact. They matched speed, the wind whipping their manes about wildly. Sprinting on his hind legs in an upright position, Peter raised his hoof to block a magical slash of energy once Trixie closed the gap. The mare spun around until she was directly in front of the stallion, firing a beam directly at his chest.

Peter ducked underneath the projectile and drove his hooves into the ground, skidding to a halt. Once his momentum ceased, the stallion threw a fierce punch, but Trixie vanished from sight before the attack could connect. The mare materialized behind Peter in a flash of light with a spear levitating by her side. The stallion’s eyes shot open as his spider sense blared. Peter raised his hoof by the side of his head, deflecting the spear as it grinded against the metallic surface of Twilight Arms without turning around. The stallion spun around with his hoof reared back, but Trixie generated a shockwave around her body, sending Peter spiraling across the air.

Shooting a strand of webbing onto the rocky side of a mountain, Peter pulled himself to its position and clung to its surface. A fireball soared, detonating upon striking the rock several hoof lengths away from the stallion. Trixie aimed her glowing horn at Spider-Mane as it unleashed an array of infernal orbs. Standing upright, Peter sprinted across the mountain wall as two of the fireballs detonated just behind him, and the third exploded directly in front of his path. Peter never faltered, dashing through the cloud of flames until the path was clear. Trixie materialized in a flash of light several yards away in midair before flying towards the stallion with a spear in her magical hold.

Peter hopped away from the wall, spinning horizontally before punching the spear’s tip directly. A shockwave erupted from the impact, sending tremors coursing throughout the mountain. The force caused the stallion to careen to the ground, but he spun several times, managing to land perfectly on his hooves. Peter narrowly ducked his head underneath a crimson slash of energy. The stallion turned, spotting Trixie poised to attempt a second slash. Spider-Mane raised his hoof and fired a ball of webbing onto the mare’s horn, and the gossamer spread upon making contact, covering the entire appendage. Before Trixie could react, Peter lunged forward and drove his gauntlet into the amulet a second time.

The blow sent Trixie rolling across the ground for several yards before she skidded to a grinding halt. The mare’s breathing grew ragged, like glass scratching against a rough surface. The crack on the amulet’s surface had spread, and its energy pulsated, matching that of a rapidly-beating heart. Trixie’s eyes dimmed, fading to a pale shade of crimson, yet the mare smirked before standing defiantly, allowing the small embers escaping from the cracks in the amulet to burn away the webbing stuck to her fur. Energy from the atmosphere spiraled into her horn before waves of crimson erupted around the mare.

“I am the Great and Powerful Trixie,” she husked, coughing as a bright light emitted from her horn. The surrounding winds blew wildly, and tremors coursed throughout the earth. Trixie never averted her gaze from the stallion, all while maintaining a confident smirk. “It’s time we end this.”

“Trixie…” Peter whispered with guilt evident in his eyes. The ache in his chest was heavy, making it difficult to breathe, yet the stallion pushed onward, stealing a glance at Twilight Arms. “Let’s just get this pointless fight over with.”

The world fell silent as both ponies charged at each other at full speed. A long streak of crimson energy followed Trixie’s horn while a trail of blue aura snaked behind Peter’s gauntlets. The earth shook as two opposing forces met in a clash, yet nothing reached their ears. Once inches apart, Trixie unleashed a wave of energy, and Peter lunged into the sea of crimson with his hoof fully extended. The stallion closed his eyes, slipping into the void of his sixth sense. Peter’s eyes shot open before he ripped free from the tide and slammed his hoof directly into the Alicorn Amulet. A shockwave erupted between the pair as Trixie was blown back.

The Alicorn Amulet split into two halves before dissolving in a flow of crimson and emerald mist. A bright light burned, filling the entire vicinity as the mare’s black cloak morphed to a violet shade with a star-patterned design. Peter reached out for the mare’s hoof, but Trixie only stared at the stallion with a glazed expression as her frame faded into the light. Electrical currents escaped from Twilight Arms before the gauntlets’ glowing aura dissipated. The light from the explosion faded, allowing the stallion’s sight to clear. Peter’s eyes widened upon spotting Trixie lying on the ground. The stallion quickly galloped to the mare’s side, dropping his gauntlets by her legs before sliding a hoof under her back.

“Trixie,” he whispered, gently nudging the mare. No response was given, forcing the stallion to brush a hoof over Trixie’s cheek. “Oh, no. Why are you cold?”

Trixie’s eyes weakly fluttered open. “That’s because… I’m dying, you idiot,” she coughed with a half laugh, turning her head until her violet irises settled on the stallion. She managed a small smile before lifting a hoof. Trixie strained to breathe. “It took you long enough… to come back. I was beginning to think you’d never show.”

Peter stared with his eyes wide and mouth agape. “Dying? No. No, you can’t be dying! I destroyed the amulet! H-how are you dying?!”

“My very life was tied to the Alicorn Amulet. It could only be safely removed by the wielder. Should anypony remove or destroy it,” Trixie coughed out, her voice beginning to waver. “Their death would be certain.”

Peter was slow to respond, his words having fallen into the bottom of his throat. “Oh, God. No... Trixie, I... I.” He shook his head furiously before slamming his eyes shut. “Damn it! No! This wasn’t meant to happen! I was supposed to save you, not--!”

Trixie managed a weak laugh as her eyes glazed over. “Listen to me, Peter. You did save me. I never would’ve… been able to remove the amulet myself. Chrysalis took over my mind. I lost all of my will.” Tears formed at the corners of the stallion’s eyes as he struggled to not succumb to his sorrow. Trixie watched Peter with a saddened expression. “I couldn’t control myself, but I was still aware of what was happening. I-I... I’ve done so many unspeakable things, Peter. I was trapped in a nightmare, unable to wake up. I’m just... so happy that it is finally over, and that I can at least die as myself. My only regret...” she trailed off, choking back a sob and hard gasp, “is that I couldn’t be here with you longer.”

Peter’s lips quivered as tears streamed down his face. “I’m so sorry…”

Trixie inhaled sharply, only to weakly exhale. “I sought out the Alicorn Amulet just so I could see you again. I finally achieved my goal, and I don’t even get to savor it.”

Peter gritted his teeth, forcing a smile. “You’re my sister, right? You… have some of the Parker luck.”

Several seconds of silence passed before her breathing quickened, shallowing. She shivered involuntarily, clutching at Peter’s hoof. “N-No! D-Don’t leave me alone again, Peter. I’m... I-I’m so scared... Peter...? Peter?” The mare’s free hoof reached out for the stallion, failing to find its target. “Peter, w-where are you?”

The stallion took in a shaky breath, pulling the mare close with a strong embrace. “I-I’m right here, Trixie. I’m not leaving you.”

Trixie closed her eyes as her expression eased into a soft smile. “Good... Don’t ever leave me again...” she breathed out softly, all tension leaving her body as she eased into the stallion’s embrace.

A cold breeze brushed a few strands of her mane to the side. Peter’s hooves trembled, as if Trixie’s limp frame was too much to hold. Memories of his failures plagued his mind, and turmoil proved to be the void stuck within his soul. Peter could only yield to that familiar sorrow, burying his face into Trixie’s cold neck.

Nearly an entire day had passed, yet it seemed like an eternity for Peter. The stallion resided in himself, staying within the confines of his bed. He lay on his side, staring at nothing in particular with a somber gaze while Mayday’s teddy bear rested by his chest. His ears perked as the door behind him creaked open, but Peter kept his back facing whoever was entering, making no motion whatsoever. Applejack entered the room, quietly closing the door with her back hoof once she was inside. An uneasy air filled the room as the mare took a seat on the edge of the bed, making the simple act of breathing for both ponies unusually difficult.

“Ah thought Ah’d let you know that we buried Trixie out at Winsome Falls,” Applejack whispered, brushing her hooves together, “It felt appropriate to let her rest with the rest of your family.” The stallion offered no response as he pulled the teddy bear against his chest until a squeak was heard. Applejack’s eyes softened at the sight. “Ah know how you feel, Pete. Looking at you reminds me of how Ah acted after Apple Bloom passed away.”

Peter’s grip on the toy loosened before his ears perked. Applejack acknowledged the stallion’s reaction with a nod. She at least had his attention. “It was rough there for a long time. Ah couldn’t eat or sleep. All Ah could think about was how Apple Bloom died in my hooves. My parents managed to protect me before they died, but Ah couldn’t do anythin’ to save my little sister in return. Ah was alone, Peter. Big Mac. Granny Smith. Braeburn. Aunt May. You. Apple Bloom. Everypony important to me was gone. My whole family was gone. Ah thought about putting an end to it all. Life was… it just felt… meaningless.”

The stallion turned his head slightly. Applejack managed a smile as she brushed a hoof over her bandaged foreleg. “Luckily, Ah remembered how Big Mac went down fightin’ those changelings so Apple Bloom and Ah could escape. Even Granny Smith went out swingin’. Then, Ah thought about you, Pete. No matter how hard things got, you never gave up. All of my friends and family were fighters. Ah had somethin’ to live for. It’s what Apple Bloom would’ve wanted. So, Ah trained hard so Ah could get back at those changelings. Ah know it hurts really bad, but we need you to keep standin’, because you’re our hero. You’ve given everypony hope again.”

Peter’s eyes softened as his ears lowered. Applejack nodded her approval before standing from the bed. “You’re not alone, Pete. We’re all with ya ‘til the end. Try to cheer up. Pinkie’s been gloomier than usual since yesterday. Maybe you should talk to her?” The blonde’s eyes widened as a late realization came to mind. She leaned back and slid a hoof into her pocket before retrieving a small photograph. “Ah almost forgot. Ah stopped by the Treebrary after we buried Trixie, and Ah found somethin’ Ah thought you might want.”

Finally turning from his side, Peter forced himself into a sitting position before settling his gaze on the item being offered to him. The photograph wore decades of age with small tears at the edges, but the image at the center remained perfectly clear and visible. It had been taken years ago, even by Peter’s count. He sat at the center of the picture with Twilight leaning back into his hooves, the mare still being pregnant with Mayday at the time. Aunt May hugged her nephew from behind as Spike embraced Twilight’s bump. Trixie held a confident grin for the camera while lying in front of everypony. It was the first true family photo they had taken together, and it wouldn’t be the last.

Peter inhaled deeply, nodding before exhaling. A lone tear streamed down his cheek. “Applejack… thank you.” The stallion accepted the photograph, laying it on his pillow alongside Mayday’s teddy bear. “There’s still a lot to do. Everypony’s counting on us, right?”

Applejack smiled. “Yeah.”

Peter sat at the table, managing to slide capsules into the web-cartridges with his teeth. “This was so much easier with Twilight’s help. I really can’t wait to get back home already. I just hope I can find a way.” The stallion mused as he furrowed his brow before reaching for another capsule. “Even though Luna’s gone, I still can’t use my magic. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I’m in the wrong timeline? By that logic, my Luna is still alive, and her Nightmare Moon seal is still intact. That’s about the only logical explanation I can come up with. Either that, or the explosion that sent me here disabled my magic. That certainly sounds like my brand of luck.”

A soft set of knocks were heard at the door before it opened, Sweetie Belle entering the room with a smile. “It’s late, Peter. Why aren’t you in bed yet?”

Peter chuckled. “I slept plenty today. I just thought I’d refill my web-cartridges while I had a moment.” He lifted one of the capsules in his teeth before dropping it into an open compartment in his web cartridge. “If I’m lucky, I’ll finish this by morning.”

Sweetie Belle tilted her head to the side as she watched the stallion. “Is that what you’re doing? Hang on.” Energy emitted from her horn before magic enveloped the many capsules sitting across the table. Every compartment hatch slid open, allowing the capsules to levitate into their homes, and Sweetie Belle giggled upon completing the task, winking at the stallion. “There. Now, you no longer have a reason not to rest.”

Smirking, Peter could only shrug. “You sound like my wife.” The stallion glanced off to the side, sobering. “I’m beginning to think I might not get to go back home. It wouldn’t be the first time I went on a one-way trip.”

“You’ll find a way to get back. Don’t worry,” Sweetie lightly declared with an earnest smile, “And when you do, you’ll find a way to prevent all of this from happening. I still have faith. I just think you should help us finish this fight first.” The mare patted the stallion’s shoulder affectionately. “I understand there’s a lot on your mind, but try to pace yourself. You’re only one pony, and you can’t do two things at once.”

Shaking his head, Peter chuckled. “You really sound like Twilight now. Whenever I get depressed, she always finds a way to cheer me up.” The stallion turned his back to the desk and stretched his limbs without leaving his seat. He rubbed a hoof over his eyes, yawning. “Twilight’s always there to make sure I stay on track. You’ve been doing that for me, too. Thanks, Sweetie Belle. I mean it.”

Sweetie Belle quietly nodded, smiling at the stallion. A flurry of thoughts raced through the mare’s mind as she nervously brushed her hooves together. Peter remained oblivious, returning his gaze to the web-cartridges. Sweetie edged closer to the stallion as the temperature in her face rose considerably. She cast aside her doubts, caring not for the repercussions that were sure to follow, yet her heart rate quickened, unable to contain its excitement.

Peter let out a low yawn as he pushed the web-cartridges to the end of the table. “I’m going to crash for the night. You should--”

The stallion’s eyes shot wide open the very second something warm fell over his mouth. Sweetie Belle captured Peter’s lips in her own with a kiss, leaning into the act of affection while the stallion struggled to recollect his wits. His mind begged to part, but his body betrayed him, his muscles locking involuntarily. Peter’s mind screamed both out of horror and desperation. The stallion nearly pleaded for his spider sense to activate with the aggression of a thousand tsunamis, something to render him unconscious, give his mind amnesia, or kill him so that Twilight couldn’t do it first.

Fortunately, Sweetie Belle pulled away and held a hoof over her mouth. The mare’s face was as red as a tomato, and Peter’s burned a similar shade. The stallion shook his head madly, prompting Sweetie to quietly retreat before he could hope to say anything. Peter let out a defeated groan as he threw himself onto his bed. Whatever Sweetie Belle was thinking, it was wrong. Peter buried his face into the pillow, resisting the urge to smother himself. Slamming his eyes shut, he rolled to the side. If anything, he was just as much at fault for not stopping it sooner.

Peter pulled Mayday’s teddy bear from under the sheets and held the fuzzy toy against his chest. “I’m sorry, Twilight.”

Sweetie Belle trotted down the hallway, never lifting her gaze from the ground. Just as she neared her personal quarters, the mare collided into another pony.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” she whispered, bowing her head before rushing into her room.

The pony smiled. “It’s quite all right,” Her eyes flashed to a shade of green momentarily. “It’s quite all right.”

To be continued...