• Published 6th Jan 2016
  • 2,723 Views, 27 Comments

Anti-Loyality - SlayGuy295

Rainbow Dash will be corrupted by a virus and it will change her image. Worst of all, she will betray her family and friends.

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Chapter 2: The Corrupted Friendship

Twilight was in her room, by herself. Laying in bed and sobbing over her argument with Rainbow. She kept blaming herself for causing her best friend to be feared by others and became isolated. Now, she wonder what will happen to Rainbow Dash right now.

Her door was opened and Starlight Glimmer stepped into her room. "Twilight," she said. "Are you alright?" The princess of friendship didn't respond. She walked over to her and sat on the bed. "Do you need anything before me and the others head out?" Silence came from the sadden pony. "Alright... I'll just-"


"Shhh," Starlight rushes towards and hug her. "Twilight please calm down. None of this is your fault. Rainbow Dash is under a lot of stress and just need some time to herself. I'm sure she will come back and all calm down."

"But what if she doesn't come back? What if she will never come back home and abandon us?"

"This is Rainbow Dash we're talking about. She will come back home and she will forgive you. I know it. Trust me."

The young princess wrapped away the tears and hugged Starlight one more time. "Thank you, Starlight. I really needed that."

"That's what friends for." Finally, the young princess is all calm now. "Do you want to come with me and the others at Pinkies place?"

"No thank you. I just want some time to myself. You can go on without me."

"All right Twilight." Starlight got off the bed and headed toward the door. Before she left, she almost forgot to tell Twilight one more thing, "Oh Twilight. I forgot to tell you this, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are in the guest room. Applejack said that they wanted to spend the night here."

"That'll be fine, Starlight."

Finally, Twilight is by herself again. She began taking a nap, relief from this stressful day.

Meanwhile, in the guest room, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were completely bored. They usually like to try to get their cutie marks, but now they already got them. Then suddenly, Applebloom shouted with joy, "Ha girls, I go a idea!! How about we went on a grand tour around the castle, see what Princess Twilight got."

"Alright," Sweetie Belle agreed.

"Okay," Scootaloo agreed as well.

When they opened the door, they began their adventure of touring around the castle. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were excited about seeing the whole castle for the first time. Scootaloo, however, uses to be excited as well, but now she's all down. Finally, Applebloom turned around and noticed that her friend is down and asked, "Scootaloo, what's wrong?"

The young filly look back at her friends and respond, "Oh...sorry girls it's just... I don't want to talk about it."

"Come on Scootaloo. You can tell us anything."

She was quiet for a while. She finally spoke, "Alright. It's just I feel all down about Rainbow Dash, after she came back from Canterlot."

"Oh yeah. I remember those scratches she gotten since she returned home."

"Yeah. I feel very bad avoiding her since I sawed those scars. It's just I thought she might have done something very bad back in Canterlot is the reason why she got those scars."

"Now you mentioned it, my sister said once they were in Canterlot they had fought a monster and save all of Equestria."

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle added. "And Rarity said that Rainbow Dash gave it all and after it was all over she was unconscious for a few months."

Scootaloo was surprised by what really happened to her role model. "Oh man. Now I know how she got those scars. I feel so bad for her. I wish that I shouldn't have avoiding her."

Both of her friends walked towards her side and support her. "It's alright Scootaloo. Maybe if you apologize to her, then she will feel better again."

"Yeah," Applebloom agreed. "She'll forgive you. You know why... because you two are sisters. And sisters always forgive each other."

Thanks to her friends, Scootaloo began to cheer up a bit. "Thanks girls. I really needed that."

"Now come on! Let's get back to our grand tour!" Finally, the Cutie Mark Crusaders resumed their adventure.

Their next stop is the meeting room. The three fillies were amazed by the main seven meeting room. What really catch them is the map of Equestria. They jumped onto the table and viewed the whole map. Applebloom spoken first, "Wow! This map is amazing! You can see all of Equestria."

"Oh look," Sweetie Belle shouted. "Theirs our home! There's Canterlot! Manehattan! And the Castle! I think I could see our treehouse?!"

"Now we know how our sisters and the others know where they can solve some friendship problems," Scootaloo added.

"Amazing! I hope someday they will-" Suddenly, Applebloom was cut off when the candles just faded at the same time, leaving the room in total darkness. The room regained some light when the map started to glow. "What just happen?"

"I don't know," Sweetie Belle respond. Before they could act, they heard something flew by them. "Uh Twilight? Was that you?"

The unknown pony flew by them again, causing a scare to the young fillies. Scootaloo spoke nervously, "Hello... who's there?"

Finally, the flyer landed where they can see it shadow, but could see who it is or what it look like. Then, she spoke, "Hello girls."

Scootaloo recognize the voice. "Rainbow Dash?"

The others responded, "Rainbow Dash?"

"Is that you?"

Rainbow responded, "Of course, Scootaloo. It's me, Rainbow Dash."

Applebloom was curious by her tone and questioned, "Rainbow Dash? Are you okay? You sound... different. You don't sound like yourself."

"It's fine kid. I'm fine."

Sweetie Belle noticed it too. She asked, "Rainbow Dash... you're starting to creep us. Can you please come closer so we can see if you're alright?"

"Nah, I'm good. Come on down you three. There's no need to be afraid. Just trust me." The three fillies came down off the table and move towards her, cautiously. "See, that wasn't so bad. Can y'all tell me where's Twilight? I wanted to speak with her."

"Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo said. "Can I tell you something?"

She was silent for a while and responded, "Sure."

The young filly took a deep breath and confronted her sister. "Rainbow Dash... I am sorry. I am sorry for avoiding you ever since you came back. I was just afraid what you have become since you were away. But now I know what really happens to you... I-I-I am so sorry for abandoning you. Can you ever forgive me?"

She was quiet for a while now. Finally, she answer, "Yeah. Sure. Whatever."

Scootaloo couldn't believe of what she just said. She knows the real Rainbow Dash would never ignore her apologizes like this. "Rainbow Dash, what's wrong with you?!"

She rushes towards the young filly and roared, "Don't you ever yell at me like that!"

He little sister kneed in fear by her approach. Rainbow calmed down and started to pet the little Pegasus. "Don't be afraid, Scootaloo. Forgive me for my harshful approach. I'm just in a little bit of a hurry, that's all." She draw her hoof away and began nuzzling Scootaloo mane. "Just tell me where's Twilight and later on we can catch up."

"R-R-Really? Do you mean it?"

"I do."

Suddenly, before she tells her, the candles just lights up the whole room. When the light reaches Scootaloo, it revealed her role model sinister face, causing her and her friends to scream in horror. "R-Rainbow?! What happened to you?!"

Behind them, a shock voice occurred, "Rainbow Dash?!"

All of them turned and spotted Twilight. The Cutie Mark Crusaders shouted with joy as they were rushed to her, "Twilight!"

Suddenly, Scootaloo was pulled by her sister and grabbed whole of her. Twilight draw her attention from the two fillies and turned to Rainbow Dash, seeing her holding her sister smiling sinisterly. She demanded, "Let her go, Rainbow Dash. Let her go!"

Rainbow laughed and respond, "Oh I am sorry, princess. Scootaloo is my sister, not yours. That's why she's belongs to me. Not to you, princess."

Scootaloo is scared by her evil sister attitude. She cried in fear, "Rainbow please stop! You're scaring me."


Twilight spoken again, "Rainbow stop. You're scaring Scootaloo. You're scaring the girls. You're scaring me. I'll do whatever you want, just please let her go."

The possess friend was silent for a while and kept looking back at her sister and the princess. Finally, she answered, "Fine." She shoved her sister towards Twilight.

After Twilight lets Scootaloo go to her friends, she conforted her confront her possess friend. "Rainbow, what happened to you? Who done this to you?"

"None of your business. I'm just here for vengeance."

"Revenge for what?"

"Revenge on you and this corrupted kingdom. All I have to do is to take care of you and bring balance to this filthy world."

Twilight shook her head by this new Rainbow Dash. "Who done this to you, Rainbow? Just tell me who it is and we will take care it... together."

"Spare me your lies, princess. I know how this kingdom can be corrupted so easily. You princesses ruled this kingdom for far too long. When all of you are dealt with, the world will be peace. I will bring peace to his empire and peace to everyone!"

"His? Empire? Who is he? TELL ME!!"


"Rainbow Dash, me and Celestia are trying to bring peace to Equestria. Never to bring chaos and corruption!"

"He opened my eyes and revealed the truth about y'all sinister plot to destroy us all! Letting Princess Luna, Nightmare Moon, to run free and forget about her sinister crimes. Letting Discord, the one who bring pain and suffering to our friendship, to ran free and spread his disease to make others suffered as well. Letting our enemies, Trixie, Flam and Flim, to roam free and hoping to come back and murder us! Before you became a princess, you were free and awesome. Now, here you are spreading this corruption to Equestria!"

Tears were spilling from the princess eyes after listening to her friend cruelty speech. Even the girls were crying as well. Twilight cried in pain, "Rainbow... you're hurting my heart. I don't know who you are anymore. You're not the Rainbow Dash I remember. The real Rainbow I know is a daredevil, the best flyer in Equestria, a hero, my loyal friend. I know she's still alive in there. Just come back to us please."

"Sorry to break it to ya, princess. But the Rainbow you're talking about... is gone... forever. Enough talking. Time to finish my job."

"Don't do this Rainbow."

"Time to die."

Twilight turned towards the others, "Girls, get somewhere safe. Now-"

Suddenly, she was tackled by her friend and crashes towards the wall. Twilight fired her friend away and ready for a fight. Both of them rushes towards each other in full force and began fighting each other. Every punches they throw at each other, Twilight is gaining pain and brushes. However, her friend doesn't feel a thing. Before she could throw another fist, Rainbow punched her in the face and tackle her to the ground. She quickly used her magic to rid her friend off. She then rushes and shoved her against the wall.

As she was holding the possess Rainbow, she warned her again, "This is your last chance Rainbow! Surrender or I won't hold back anymore!"

Rainbow laughed and respond, "That's what you princesses always do to others. Always hiding y'all full potential. That's why y'all are so weak and deserve to fall."

Then, she break free from the princess and began punching her best friend in the face repeatedly. Next, she tackled her to the ground and resumed torturing her.

Sick of tired of watching this, Scootaloo quickly rushes to her idol, even though her friends try to hold her back but failed. She then try to pushes her sister and pleaded, "Please Rainbow stop! Please stop hurting her! PLEASE!!"

"GET AWAY FROM ME TRAITOR!!" Shockingly, she slapped her little sister across the face. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom rushes to her friend aid.

Twilight was enraged by what her best friend just done. Her horn started to glow while roared, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" Then, blasted her off of her and forcing her towards the tree stump, causing her to scream in pain before hitting the ground. The princess just realized what she has done and rushes towards her aid. "Oh my gosh! Rainbow I am so sorry. Are you o-"

Suddenly, Rainbow punched her away. "Stupid princess. You always show mercy to your victims. So gullible." She dashes to her and shoved her against the wall. "PREPARE TO DIE!!"

She began punching her in the stomach so she could hear her suffer. Then, she began to punch her in the face repeatedly. The Cutie Mark Crusaders watch helplessly at the innocent princess being punished by her possess friend.

Then suddenly, before she lay a last punch, she was blasted across the room, which freeing the princess of friendship. Everyone turned towards the shooter and it was Starlight Glimmer. Behind her is the rest of the girls, including Spike. Applejack and Rarity rushes and comfort their sisters. Spike rushes to Twilight aid.

The rest of them for shocked by the appearance of their best friend. Fluttershy slowly walked towards her best friend. She whispered nervously, "Rainbow... is that-"

She was pulled back from Twilight and tell her, "Stay back Fluttershy. Rainbow isn't herself. Someone corrupted her mind and filled with lies."

The possess Pegasus laughed, "Please, no one brainwashed me. My eyes were revealed the truth about your sinister plot to destroy our lives. Me and my master will bring peace this world and rid with you princesses. And the first princess I am going to kill is you."

The girls were heartbroken by their evil friend. Then, they in front of Twilight and stood tall. Starlight spoke towards the sinister Rainbow in courage, "If you want to hurt Twilight, then you have to go through us Rainbow."

Rainbow Dash shook her head in disappointment towards the brave mares and spoke, "Fine... I'll take y'all out first." Finally, she roared in anger and rushes towards her best friends.