• Published 6th Jan 2016
  • 2,723 Views, 27 Comments

Anti-Loyality - SlayGuy295

Rainbow Dash will be corrupted by a virus and it will change her image. Worst of all, she will betray her family and friends.

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Chapter 7: The Beginning of the End

Twilight and Starlight were escorting Scootaloo through the dungeon, showing fear on their faces. They've stopped at Rainbow Dash cell, showed that she's all chain up. The two mares opened the cell door and let the young filly in, but kept an eye on the prisoner.

Scootaloo stood in front of her cursed sister and call out to her, “Rainbow Dash.” Sadly, Rainbow head remains low and didn't say anything. “Rainbow, please say something,” she cried. She still remain silent. “Rainbow please!”

Finally, Rainbow Dash lifted up her head and noticed her sister appearance. “Ha kid,” she said. “Do I still look scary to you?”

Scootaloo didn't respond, but she began turning around slowly. However, she try to look directly at her possess sister, even though she's too scary to look at.

Rainbow Dash sighs and spoke, “I couldn't blame ya. If I looked myself in the mirror, I would be creep out as well.” She began to leak tears out of her eyes and cried, “Scootaloo, I'm so sorry for trying to kill you back there! I should have been strong enough to overcome this! If I could've control this darkness, I would've never hurt you! I'm so sorry for slapping you and even trying to kill back at the castle! I am the worst sister ever! In fact, I don't even deserve to live after what I’ve done to you!”

Then, the young filly refused to listen to her sister blamed herself for the things that she would never done. She rushed to her sister and did something that'll catch a major surprise to everypony. She fly to her sister and wrapped her hooves around her neck. Twilight and Starlight were speechless from Scootaloo first flight. Rainbow Dash stopped crying when she felt her little sister hug.

“Rainbow Dash,” she cried with tears running down her cheeks. “Stop blaming yourself! You hadn't done anything to me! You were controlled by a monster! You have no idea what to do? So, stopped blaming yourself for the things that you haven't done!”

Rainbow Dash hugged her sister back and smile for her first flight. She hold Scootaloo and drawn her chin towards her face. “Scootaloo,” she said. “I can't believe that you have taken your very first flight.”

Scootaloo was surprised as well. She just realized that she just had taken her first flight. The younger sister smile back and nuzzles Rainbow Dash. “I can't believe it as well,” she cried.

“I’m so proud you, squirt. I promise when I'm back to my normal self, we can fly together through Equestria… as sisters.”

Finally, the sisters bonding time ended shortly when Twilight and Starlight entered the cell. “Scootaloo,” the princess said. “Can you go join the others? We want to speak with Rainbow alone.”

“Alright.” Scootaloo flown slowly to the ground. As she was heading out, she shouted out, “Goodbye Rainbow! See you real soon!”

“Later squirt,” Rainbow Dash responded. As the cursed pony turned her friends, her smile faded. “So… how long am I going to be like this?”

“Until we find a cure for you condition,” Starlight answered. “It may take us days, weeks, or months. It would probably take us a year to find the antidote.”

“So that's how long that I’m going to be here, huh.”

“I’m so sorry, Rainbow.”

“It's alright girls. I would've locked myself up after what I’ve done to all of you. Anyway, I am the one who should've say sorry to you guys. I'm sorry for hurting you, torturing you, and even bring up the past.”

“It wasn't your fault, Rainbow Dash. It's your father who’d done this to you. You were under his spell and you couldn't control yourself.”

Starlight look at Twilight and they both nodded. “I’m going to leave you two alone. I am pretty sure you two need to catch up.”

After Starlight left them, the princess rubbed her head from this awkward moment. She finally spoke to her locked up friend, “Rainbow… you were right. It's my fault… if I was strong enough back then when we fought Monster X, then none of this would've ever happen. You wouldn't have those scars, everypony in Ponyville wouldn't have been afraid, and you wouldn't have never turned into this. I am the worst friend ever.” Twilight began to cry about all of the crimes that she had caused to her friend.

Rainbow Dash finally shouting at her best friend, which ended her tears of sorrow, “Twilight stop it! Stop blaming yourself for the things that you've never done! I was just angry about what happened to me and I have no rights to blame you for it. You aren't responsible for this whole mess! Please stop blaming yourself!” Twilight began to form a smile from her friend encouragement. “Now come here and give me a hug.”

Twilight reached to her best friend and formed a big hug. Both of their tears of joy were running down their faces. As they were separating, both of their faces were blushing.

“Sorry for asking this too soon, but do you know who's your father and maybe where he is?”

“I-I'm so sorry Twilight, but I don't remember. To be honest, I don't even remember how I became this. I last remembered when I entered the everfree forest and after that everything kinda went to a blur. I'm sorry.”

“It's alright Rainbow. At least, we have a clue to his whereabouts.” Twilight began to leave Rainbow cell and spoke to her before she left, “I’m sorry Rainbow, but I have to meet up with Celestia and the others. There's a lot of explaining for what happened to you. I swear that we will find a cure for you.”

“I know you will,”Rainbow boasts her hopes up. “See ya later, Twilight.”

“Goodbye, Rainbow Dash.” Finally, the princess left her best friend alone, leaving her resting from the tragic night.

Twilight entered the throne room and joined the others. Everypony were waiting for the princess to return with news. Princess Celestia returned and landed in front of the others. “Listen everypony,” she said. “After Rainbow Dash has been secured, I sent a group of scouts to patrol the Everfree Forest for any suspicious activities. Let's hope we get words of the one who's behind this disaster.”

“Let us also hope this horrible situation will end soon,” Luna added. “And may we all lay rest after what happened this night.”

Before the princess exited the room with her sister, Starlight shoved Twilight for warning the princess about her cursed pony father. Luckily, the princess of friendship stopped Celestia from leaving and warned her, “Celestia… It's her father. Rainbow Dash father did this to her. She even told us while she was possess.”

Celestia looks at her sister with worry on their faces. Twilight already know that there's something suspicious going on her. It's obviously that they're hiding a secret from them. Finally, she stepped towards them and demanded, “Princess, what's going on? Do you know who's Rainbow father? We want to know who's her father.”

Everypony were staring at Celestia with concern, which caused her to be afraid of telling them the truth. Her sister drawn her attention and nodded. The princess warned them before she explains, “What I’m going to tell y’all isn't easy for me to say.” Everypony stared at each other with worry before refocused on the princess. Finally, she took a deep breath and revealed the truth. “Rainbow Dash is my daughter.”

Everypony, except for Pinkie Pie, gasp in shocked by the discovery. “Mmmm not surprise,” she said. They all turned to her with a confused look. “What? Both of their manes are the same color.”

“But who's her father,” Starlight asked.

Celestia sighed and answer, “Rainbow father… and my husband is… Sombra.”

Everypony gasped in horror from this unbelievable truth. Pinkie Pie both mane and tail buffed in horror and spoke in terror, “Now… I… Am… Shocked!”

“Your highness,” Rarity said. “How did all of this happen?”

“Yeah,” Fluttershy said in a low tone. “Why do you married that awful monster?”

Then, Princess Celestia took another deep breath and explain everything. “It happened a long time ago, after me and my sister became princesses. We were so young and peaceful back in the day, not a care in the world. Suddenly, my whole life changed when I met the love of my life. During my visit at the Crystal Empire, I met a wonderful researcher and a gentlecolt named Sombra, before he became evil. We spent the rest of our lives together and enjoyed ourselves as beautiful couples. We explored the world and witnesses amazing things that no pony could ever seen. Until, all of that changed when he asked me to marry him.

“It was the most happiest day of my life, because he was the very first who asked me to marry. We even made love after our wedding. Then, our lives gotten even better when we have a baby. Rainbow Dash was so beautiful when she was born. Actually, her real name is Aurora. Me and Sombra promised that we will always stick together and love our little Aurora.

“Sadly, our future together has not come true. While he was exploring around the Crystal Empire, Sombra was consumed by the darkness and became evil. He has hidden the Crystal Heart and announced himself ruler of the empire. After I’ve received the message, I was heartbroken, because my true love is gone and was replaced by an evil counterpart. In order to bring peace to the kingdom, my sister and I must face him.

“I tried to convince him to surrender and come back to our family… but the Sombra I knew and loved was gone. So, we have no choice but to kill him. However, Sombra will never die due to the sinister darkness within him. I was afraid that he will come and take away my daughter. In order to keep my little Aurora safe… is to give her up.

“I’ve abandoned my only daughter and given her a new home, where she could be safe.” Before she could come to her conclusion, tears were dripping from her eyes and cried, “I have lost everything! I lost my husband! My daughter! And my family!” Celestia wrapped away the tears and resumed speaking, “Sadly, this is the price to pay for falling in love with someone that I used know.”

After she was done explaining about her history with Sombra, most of the ponies in the room sobbed over the heartbreaking story. Cadance ended the moment by asking Celestia another big question. “Celestia,” she said, “I need to ask you something right now. During my fight against Rainbow Dash, she’d mentioned that you have lied to me and Twilight about us being your daughters. Please tell me that's not true… or is it.”

The princess turned to her sister for answers, but Luna turned away from disappointment. Celestia slowly turned to Twilight and Cadance and answer, “I am so sorry... but you two aren't my daughters.”

Both of them were shocked by Celestia response and so were the others. “Then,” Cadance said, “who's our mother?”

Princess Celestia mourned and explained to them about their real mother. “Your mother named is Amore. She was our older sister. However, she wasn't an alicorn yet, but she still become a princess. She was the true ruler of the Crystal Empire. Me and Luna always visit her once in awhile for dinner and tea time. She even introduced me to Sombra. During our wedding day, she was the one who announced me and Sombra as husband and wife. Until, everything changed when my husband became evil.

“When me and Luna arrived to the Crystal Empire, we try to rescue Amore first, but we couldn't find her. I demanded Sombra to release her, but…” Celestia stopped and sobbing, which bring fear to the young princesses. Finally, she wrapped away the tears and finished, “Amore, your mother… is dead.” Twilight and Cadance were shattered by the fate of their true mother. “Sombra has destroyed your mother before we could arrive.”

Twilight shook her head repeatedly, because she refused to believe her teacher story. Cadance fallen to the floor and crying over the tragic fate of her true mother. Her husband, Shining Armor, rushed towards her and comfort her sorrow. The younger sister rushed to her siblings, joined their hug, and began sobbing. Celestia wrapped her wings around them and whispers, “I am so sorry, but you two have to know the truth sooner.” The cries of the two sisters echoed the room.

Meanwhile, in the dungeon, all was quiet in the prison hall. One guard was guarding Rainbow Dash cell until his shift was over. Then suddenly, the cursed pony began crying in pain. She pleaded to the guard, “Guard! Please I need help!”

He turned to Rainbow Dash and spoke, “Princess Celestia is trying to find a cure for your disabled body. Now be quiet!”


“There's something wrong with you, but like I said the princess is finding a cure! NOW BE QUIET!” Suddenly, Rainbow Dash didn't respond and were quiet. “Finally, about time you stopped whining. Why don't you listen to me in the first place?”

She was still silence and didn't move a muscle, which brought disturbance to the guard. “Prisoner?” He opened the cell and check on Rainbow Dash condition. He lay his ear towards her chest, but her heart wasn't beating. “Oh no.”

After Twilight and the other were calmed down, they were dismissed and began getting the filles, so they may head back home. While they were trotting through the halls, the girls were concerned about Twilight. She's still down about the truth about Rainbow Dash real parents and her real step mother.

Applejack lay her hoof on her friend's shoulder and asked, “Sugarcube, are ya alright?”

She slowly turned to her caring friends and responded, “Yeah… I'm fine. It's just… all of this is a lot to that, you know. Rainbow Dash is actually Celestia daughter, Celestia and Sombra are married, and Cadance mother, well my step mother, is dead.”

“It's alright sugarcube,” Applejack cheer her. “We all had been through rough times. Like ah have to learn the truth about my parents.”

“Like I learned try to stand up for myself and never hurt my dear friends,” Fluttershy said.

“Like I have learned never forced my friends to all of the work for me,” Rarity added.

“Like I have to learn to never take away other talents and never make yourself better than everyone else,” Starlight added.”

“Like I learned to never mixed baking soda with vinegar, because it really makes a big mess,” Pinkie added, even though it doesn't related to the conversation. The others stared at her and she spoke, “Oh sorry! That was all I could think about! I'm still freaked out that King Sombra is Dashie father! I mean Mind Blown!”

“Thank you girls,” Twilight said. “I really needed that. I'm also surprised that King Sombra is-” Suddenly, she stopped and began thinking about the evil tyrant. “Wait a minute!”

“What's wrong Twi,” Applejack asked.

“I don't understand. Why would King Sombra sent Rainbow Dash to attack me and the others instead of himself? If he was alive this whole time, then why didn't he done it earlier? Why didn't he assist his own daughter while she was attacking Celestia?”

“What do you subjects,” Starlight asked.

“Maybe he was planning to do something big that he didn't tell Rainbow Dash about. But why didn't he-” She stopped and thinking of what's King Sombra master plan. Finally, Twilight was shocked and hurried to the throne room. “Girls come on!” The others followed her without asking why.

Back in the throne room, Princess Celestia sat on her throne and stared at an old photo. The photo on its is herself, her righteous husband, and her adorable baby daughter. Tears are dripping from her eyes about the lost of her once perfect family.

Suddenly, a guard stormed into the room with Rainbow Dash on his back. Celestia was alerted by their presence and rushed to them. “Soldier,” she spoke. “What happened to her?”

“I don't know what's wrong with her,” he reported. “I check her pulse and heart, but they're remain silent. I don't know what to do.”

“Bring her to me.” After the guard placed the unconscious body to the princess, Celestia used her magic to scan her daughter body. Then, her magic detected a virus source in her lungs. “There's a virus inside of her. It's blocking her lungs! She can't breathe!”

“What should we do, your majesty?”

Celestia lowered her head and answered the solution. “There's only one way to save my daughter. I must extract the virus from her and into me.”

The guard gasps of the princess suicide plan. “But your majesty… you’ll die.”

“It's the only way to save my Aurora. It’s a price to pay for keeping the one I love alive.”

Finally, Celestia brought her daughter towards her and used her magic to extract the virus from her. The virus slowly excused from Rainbow Dash and into her mother. After she was finished, she nuzzles her daughter mane and whispered to her ear, “I love you… my little Dashie.”

Then suddenly, she was cut off by the guard sinister laugh occurring. She was confused why he was laughing at her end. She stared at his eyes and they're began to change. His eyes turned into dark green and his laugh change into a deeper tone. She already know who he is and was shocked.

Smoke of shadow came out of the guard, leaving the guard unconscious. The smoke form into, none other than, King Sombra. “SOMBRA,” Celestia cried as her husband laughed. “WHAT HAVE YOU-”

Then, the princess began to cry in pain from the virus inside of her. She slowly trotted away from her husband while screaming in sorrow. Sombra shouted with joy, “AT LAST!! AT LONG LONG LAST I FINALLY DID IT!! Now, I finally have my vengeance and brought my lovely wife to her knees! I HAVE DONE!! I HAVE FINALLY GAIN CONTROL EQUESTRIA!!!”

Twilight and the others rushed into the room and founded Sombra stood before Rainbow Dash. “SOMBRA,” she yelled at the tyrant. “WHAT HAVE YOU-” She stopped and spotted Celestia, suffering. “CELESTIA!!”

“STAY AWAY FROM ME,” Celestia cried in pain. “RUNAWAY NOW!!!”

Then, what happened next will change everything. The girls watch Celestia horrified by her transformation while King Sombra was laughing. The princess body began to grew up a couple of inches. Her golden crown grew horns while her eye colors turned into dark violet. Finally, her mane dissolved and bursts into flames.

Celestia brought mighty infernos across the room, which destroyed every windows of their history. Her flames surrounded the girls while her laughter brought great fear to them, but brought excitement to King Sombra. Then, her roar echoed across the room in Equestrian voice, “PREPARED TO FEEL THE WRATH OF NIGHTMARE STAR!!!”


Comments ( 5 )

Oh no, Celestia has been corrupted! Quick, jump inside of her and finish the button-mashing combo!

Or, you know, whatever you do when this isn't Saints Row IV....

Nice picture of Rainbow Dash, very scary like.

When will we learn who Sombra's appreciate is

MORE MORE MORE:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

MOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRE!!!!!!!!!!! :rainbowhuh:

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