• Published 6th Jan 2016
  • 2,724 Views, 27 Comments

Anti-Loyality - SlayGuy295

Rainbow Dash will be corrupted by a virus and it will change her image. Worst of all, she will betray her family and friends.

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Chapter 6: Mother And Daughter Bonding Time

In the medical room, Cadance and the other wounded were being treated bushes and cuts. After the doctors and nurses leave them be, Cadance regained consciousness and looked upon her husband. She slowly gotten out of bed and trotted to him. She slowly shaking her husband and whispered, “Shining Armor… are you alright, baby?”

He turned around to his wife and responded, “Yeah… yeah I'm alright, honey.” They both nuzzle each other, but Shining Armor pull away. “Cadance… I'm so sorry for letting this happen to you. I should've been strong back there… I could've beat her, but-”

She cut him off with a kiss, climbed to his bed, and lay by him. Cadance whispered to her husband ear lovingly, “Don't be hard on yourself. You try to defend me with all of your strength. You even gave it all back there. That's what really matters right now. I love you, Shining.”

“I love you too… honey.”

They connected their lips together and formed a very long kiss. Until, they interrupt, “Aaaaaaaaaw!” They turned around and found Lieutenant Sword Light in the room with them. He shook his head and said, “And I ruined the moment.” The two couples began giggling.

Then suddenly, the door bursts open and the two princesses and Starlight entered the room. After they've found the two couples, whose are fine, they were shocked by the trickery. “Cadance,” Twilight said confused. “Shining Armor? Y’all are alright?”

“Um,” Cadance spoke confused as well, “of course we're alright.”

“Twilight,” Shining Armor said, “what's going on? Why do you think we're in trouble?”

“Because we heard that Rainbow Dash is plotting to harm you two,” Princess Luna explained to them. “It would appear that she had lied to us.”

“What about the filles,” Starlight asked.

Out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie appeared behind them and spoke quickly, “Donotworryaboutthembecausewhenwerushestothegirlsbuttheywerealright. SoIhurryallthewayoverheretowarnyouallaboutthat-” She stopped for catching her breath and resumed, “SoIjustgobackandtelltheothersthatIalreadytellyouguysarealrightbye!” Finally, she left them be.

After Twilight finally understand what Pinkie just said, she's trying to figure out what's Rainbow Dash next sinister plot. “If Rainbow wasn't going to to harm Cadance nor the filles,” she explained to them, “then who's she going to attack next?” She was thinking about the actions of her best friend. She already knew that her best friend has harmed her, her sister, and her aunt. Finally, she knows who will be the next victim and screamed, “CELESTIA!!”

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia was sitting on her throne, awaiting for the meeting. She was cut off by her guard announced to her, “Princess Celestia.” She looked down on the stallion. “I would like to inform that Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance has made it to the castle and awaiting for the meeting.”

“Thank you captain,” she responded. “Please tell them to wait a little longer. I have matters that I must saddle.”

“Yes, my lady.”

After the guard exited out of her sight, she grew smile into a frown. “Alright,” she said, “come out!”

Then suddenly, Rainbow Dash flown down to the floor and stared angrily at her mother. She spoke with no love in her voice, “Hello… mother!”

As the corrupted pegasus marches towards her mother, Celestia spoke with disappointment, “Aurora, what have you done?! You have harmed your own cousins, murdered my soldiers, and merciless beaten your own aunt! These crimes that you have committed cannot be undone!”

The rainbow pony laughed, “Oh, so what my crimes is no way bigger than yours?!”

“What are you talking about?!”

“Don't play dumb with me, mother! You know what I'm talking about! About all of those times when we see each other and you never told me that I am your daughter! The time when we reform my stupid aunt! The time when you visit Ponyville a couple times! The time when you awarded me for winning the Pegasus Compilation! The times when me and my friends attended the stupid lame gallop and that dumb wedding! Dare I say more! The list goes on and on! Oh, here's the best one of all! The time when I was with you when I entered to a coma! All of those times you could've said that you're my mother, BUT YOU NEVER DID!!!” After she was done speaking, tears were leaking from her eyes.

“Aurora, please you have to understand that I never tell you, because I don't want to endanger you. I don't want your father to take you away from me and your friends. However, it would appear that I have failed to protect.”

When the young pony wrapped away her tears, she smiled and says, “So… you were trying to keep me away from my own daddy. You know what… I am glad that you didn't tell me the truth! I am happy, because I’m not a part of your and the other stupid alicorns plot to destroy Equestria! I WOULD NEVER DESTROY MY HOME!!!”

She was shocked by her daughter believing in such lies from Sombra. Celestia shook her head in disappointment. “Aurora… your father had lied to you. I would never harmed my own citizens of Equestria. Your father had lied and brainwashed you, so you may joined his side. He will do anything to gain loyalty to poor innocent ponies, even you.”


“I do care about you, Aurora.”

“Oh really! Where were you when I was bullied and beaten by a group of gayass colts?! Where were you when I was expelled from high school for protecting my friend from some jerks?!” Then, tears began to reform and she cried in sorrow, “WHERE WERE YOU WHEN MY ADOPTIVE PARENTS DIED AND I WAS LEFT ALONE IN THE DARKNESS WITH NO ONE TO TAKE CARE OF ME AND LOVE ME LIKE I AM THEIR DAUGHTER?!! WHERE WERE YOU?!!!” Rainbow began sobbing in front of her mother.

Celestia, too, was heartbroken by her daughter dark past. “Aurora, I'm so sorry for what happened to you when you were young. But what are you doing now is worst. You are better than that. Please come back to me, my sweet little Aurora, and I will help you. I will always stand by your side and never abandon you.”

After she'd looked up, Rainbow Dash stared at her mother kindhearted and lovingly face. The evil pegasus laughed and responded, “No thanks… princess. I will never betray my father like you had betrayed me all of these years. In fact…” She spread her wings and stared sinister at Celestia. “... daddy said that I have to wait for him, so the both of us can take you down. Then, I began to open my own eyes. I have beaten the weak and pathetic Nightmare Moon. How hard is it to take you down?!”

Princess Celestia already knows that she had no choice, but to fight her own daughter. As the both of them ready themselves for battle, she pleaded to her one final time, “Please don't do this!”

“I’m going to end you,” Rainbow responded.

Finally, they both charges at each other in total rage. Rainbow Dash flown high and going to tackle her mother, but luckily Celestia teleported out of plain sight. She reappeared behind her daughter and then blinded her with brightest of light. After she regained sight, the possessed pony founded four copies of her mother. All four of them began charging her magic. The young pegasus began punching each one, until she found her real mother. Before she reached the last one, her mother already fired and send the rainbow pony flying off across the room.

When she'd gotten back up, she found a sword by her and grabbed it. After she'd seen her daughter grabbed a weapon, she conjure up her old sharp spare. Rainbow Dash rushed in for the kill, but her mother manage to block her attack. Then, Celestia grabbed her and thrown her towards the wall. The sinister pegasus kept drawing a bunch of attacks, but she was repeatedly thrown to the wall and the ground. Suddenly, the enraged pony roared into the air and began swinging her sword at her mother, but the princess kept dodging her attacks. Finally, the princess blasted the sword out of her daughter hoof and shoved her down to the floor.

As she was holding her daughter down by the head, “Rainbow Dash, you have lost! Your father had abandoned you and lost respect towards you! You were foolish enough for trying to face your own mother!” Celestia released her daughter and began trotted away. “I shall ordered my guards to take you to the dungeon. I swear in my define power to find a cure for you, Aurora. Till then, you shall remain in your cell.”

As she slowly gotten up, Rainbow Dash grew even more anger than before. She watched her mother walking away from her, just like she'd abandoned. Then, she roared in rage as she rushed toward her mother, “I’LL KILL YOU!!!”

Rainbow Dash was about to strike her mother with a final blow, until she was shoted by a single blast. Both of them founded Twilight appeared in the throne room, with smoke coming from her horn. The furious pegasus roared and rushed at her best friend, but the princess of friendship released a long beam at her. The beam pushed the possessed rainbow pony to the wall and held her there.

Then, Celestia joined her and also released a beam at her daughter as well. Luna and Cadance rushed into the room and also blasted beams at Rainbow Dash. The four alicorns beams formed into one and bring great pain to the young pegasus. Finally, they've ended their beams and stared at the pony.

Rainbow Dash, with smoke coming out of her, slowly stood up and walked towards her mother. As she stood in front of Princess Celestia, she did nothing but stared into her mother's eyes. Suddenly, she began to throw weak punches at her mother chest while she's crying. She repeated punching her mother, until she lost the will to live.

Finally, she stopped her attacks, hugged her mother, and resumed sobbing. Celestia wrapped her wings around her daughter and nuzzles her rainbow mane. Twilight and the other princesses joined them and began nuzzling the young pony. Only the cries of Rainbow Dash echoed through the room.