• Published 6th Jan 2016
  • 2,722 Views, 27 Comments

Anti-Loyality - SlayGuy295

Rainbow Dash will be corrupted by a virus and it will change her image. Worst of all, she will betray her family and friends.

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Chapter 4: Why Does Love Have To Feel Like A Battlefield

The group were riding in the chariot, driven by two pegasus guards, and heading to Canterlot. They must warn Princess Celestia that their close friend, Rainbow Dash, is possessed by an unknown threat and is planning to take over Equestria. They also brought the Cutie Mark Crusaders with them, just in case their possess friend won't attack them again.

Twilight, who's still wounded from her best friend attack, grew worry about the safety of Cadance, Luna, and Celestia. Most importantly, she's worry about her best friend, Rainbow. Then, she was cut off by the voice of the baby dragon, “Twilight… are you alright?”

She turned towards Spike and the others, with concern look on their faces. She responded, “Sorry girls. I'm just down about what happened to Rainbow Dash. I don't know who's controlling her nor why. I just don't want anything happens to my family. To any of you. Most importantly, to Rainbow Dash.”

Applejack stood by her side, touch her shoulder, and cheering, “Don't worry Twi. Ah pretty sure Princess Celestia will handle this dirty mess and bring back Rainbow Dash. Everything is going to be fine sugarcube.”

Rarity added, “Indeed, darling. Celestia will free Rainbow and everything will be back to normal.”

Twilight shook her head and responded, “What about her father? Before Rainbow Dash escape, she mentioned that she and her father will take over Equestria. Who's her father and where's he hiding?”

Fluttershy jumped in, “Rainbow Dash told me that her parents passed away from a awful accident. I would never expect her father to be so evil and sinister.”

Pinkie Pie cut in, “Yeah! What kind of a heartless, soulless monster could ever do this to Dashie?!”

The princess responded, “I don't know Pinkie, I bound to find out. No matter what, we must find a way to save Rainbow Dash and protect Equestria.”

Starlight says, “Whoever this monster is, we can beat him together! For Rainbow.” Each one of the places their hooves on top hers, including the baby dragon and the three adventurous fillies.

After they were settled, suddenly they almost got hit by a beam from below. They all stared down and spotted another fight by the castle.

The crystal carriage were heading to Canterlot. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, within the transport, were talking to each other. Shining Armor spoken first, “Are you sure you sent a letter to Twilight about the meeting with Princess Celestia?”

Cadance responded while calming her husband, “Don't worry, Shining Armor. I already told you that I send a letter to her a while ago. I'm pretty sure she'll be there. I know she'll never missed a meeting with us.”

“I know that, but… I'm just uncomfortable about my baby sister being a princess. I mean she fought an evil invader, which almost gotten her killed, and fought Tirek. I'm just worried about her, that's all.”

Sword Light, from the attack of Monster X, cut into their conversation, even though they didn't know he was with them. “If I may interrupt your chat, my lady and commander.” He turned to his commander, “Commander Armor, I believe you're worried about your sister, Princess Twilight Sparkle, is becoming a woman. Soon, one day she'll get married and have kids of her own and-”


The earth pony quickly salute and cried in fear, “Yes sir! Sorry sir! I wish not to go back to the hole!”

The princess of love grabbed her husband's attention and says, “What he means is that Twilight is growing up. She's a brave women now and she can take care of herself now.”

Her husband sighs. “You're right. I have to admit that she's grown up now. I have to stop being overprotective whenever I am near her.”

“Also, allowing her to date any stallion she wants,” Sword Light added. There were fire in the commander eyes after the soldier has spoken. “Shutting up!”

“It's just I been with her since she was born and I always wanted the best of her-”

Suddenly, their conversation with interpreted when the carriage just stop. They were ready for the other guards to open the doors, but they never did. Princess Cadance spoken first, “Why did we stop? What are the guards doing out there?”

Sword Light opened the doors and talk to them before closing them, “I’ll check out what's going on, maiden and sir. I will come back and fill out why we stopped.” He stepped outside, leaving the them alone together.

The two couples waited for him for about ten minutes, but he hasn't returned like he said he would. Shining Armor was done waiting and was about to figure out what's going on. His wife spoke, “What are you doing?”

He responded, “He had been out there for too long. I'm going to see what's wrong.”

“Maybe we should wait for a little longer. I'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing. They're possibly fixing the chariot or-”

“No! I'm going to see what they're up to, fixed it myself, and resumed heading to Canterlot.” He opened the door and finished talking before he abandoned his wife, “I’ll be back soon. Don't worry… I’ll be fine.”

The princess has been waiting patiently for her husband return, but he didn't as well. She grew worry about her husband and the others. Finally, she's sicken tired of waiting and headed outside.

After she exited the carriage, she founded that they're a half away from Canterlot. She was shocked by founding the three guards lying on the ground, wounded. She rushed toward the drivers and tried to regain their consciousness. Suddenly, Sword Light voice occurred poorly, “They're dead.”

She turned to the breathing soldier and rushed to his aid. She slowly lifted him up and asked, “Lieutenant, what happened?”

He responded while breathing hard from the pain, “It was an ambush. I founded the drivers dead and… she attack me.”

“Who's she? Who's the attacker?”

“None of that matters. My lady… you must save your… husband.”


Suddenly, her husband was tossed and crashes towards the carriage. She was terrified by the current event and rushed to her husband. Before she can get any closer, a dark sinister voice spoken, “Lay a hoof on him and I will snap his pretty neck instantly.”

Cadance kept her distance from her injured husband and demanded the attacker, “Come out and show yourself! I will make you pay for hurting my husband and my soldiers!” The attacker stepped out of the shadow and revealed herself. When she entered the moonlight, Cadance has already recognized the intruder mane, rainbow colors. She was shocked by her appearance and say confused, “R-Rainbow Dash?!”

Rainbow Dash giggle and says, “S’up princess.”

“Wh-what happened to you?! How did you become like this?”

“Oh, it's just a wonderful gift that my own daddy gave me for being a good filly. Jealous. Admit it, you're jealous.”

“Rainbow Dash, I demand you to tell me why are you attacking us!”

“Oh, I don't know. I just like to beat up and kill others just for joys and giggles.”

“Enough games! Answer my question right now!”

“Don't play dumb with me princess. I know everything about y’all nefarious plot to destroy Equestria.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don't pretend that you don't know anything about this. I sawed all the facts and evidences. Letting Princess Luna, aka Nightmare Moon, getting away with murder. Letting Discord, the chaos monster, to walk among us freely. Letting Sunset Shimmer, a traitor to Equestria, to roam free from her crimes and she could've turned everypony into her slaves. Most importantly, letting Starlight Glimmer, who stolen innocent ponies cutie marks and serve her, to be redeemed without suffering any punishment. You princesses are trying to use them to destroy Equestria and kill billion of innocent lives.”

“Rainbow Dash… we would never do anything like that. We just want to bring peace and love to others… to make Equestria great-”

“You hesitated twice! That means y’all are plotting to destroy everyone!”


The rageful pegasus rushes and punch her in the face. The princess turned with a disappointment on her face. A single drop of blood was leaking from her mouth. After she wrapped the blood away, she slapped the possess pegasus. Rainbow Dash gotten up and smiled from the princess reaction. “Nice girly slap princess,” she mocked. “Now, let's fight.”

They both charges at each other into battle. Rainbow noticed that the princess horn is charging up. The princess of love fired her beam, but the corrupt pony jumped into the air and tackle her. She held down the princess upper legs and spoke, “Look at that… another princess gotten beaten by a powerless pegasus.”

Cadance stopped struggling and was shocked. “What,” she said. “You hurt Twilight!” She try to fight back, but Rainbow outsmarted her and grabbed hold of her head. As the possess pony laughed, the princess demanded in anger, “Rainbow Dash! Release me now and you shall not suffer the consequences for harming the daughters of Celestia!”

The rainbow pegasus bursts out laughing from her demands. “Nice one,” she laughed. “Don't you mean nieces of Celestia?!”

“What are you talking about?! Me and Twilight are the daughters of Celestia! My mother told me!”

“Well well well. Looks like Celestia is a backstabbing liar. She even lies to her nieces.”

“You're lying. My mother never lie!”

“Am I lying, princess? Am I?”

“N-No! This isn't you. Someone is controlling you-”

“No one is controlling me. I'm a free pony. It's just my daddy opened my eyes and revealed the truth about you princesses. I mean Twilight put up a good fight, but just a little punches and even some bones broken can really put-”

Then, the rage princess blinded the corrupt pegasus and knocked her off of her. She stood angrily and shouted, “YOU WILL PAY FOR HARMING MY SISTER!!”

Cadance began firing at the sinister pony, but the evil pegasus regained sight and started dodging each blast. While every blasts she kept dodging, Rainbow Dash mocked the princess about lack of aiming. Unfortunately, the princess has ran out of stamina to fire. The corrupt pony smile sinisterly and says, “My turn.”

She dashes towards the exhausted princess and gave her an uppercut; Princess Cadance has fallen to the cold hard ground. She made her to the injured princess and lifted her chin up. “It's nothing personal,” Rainbow Dash said, “it's just business!” She was about to end the princess life with a smash, until she was blasted in the chest.

Finally, Twilight and the others backed up the princess aid. She looks towards her sister and see horrible wounds. “Cadance,” she says. She turned and spotted her brother, who's also wounded. “Shiny.” She turned to her best friend and roared in anger, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!” Then, she began firing at her best friend rapidly, but the rainbow pony was dodging. “WHY ARE TRYING TO KILL MY BROTHER AND SISTER?!!”

She yawned and stood right in front of Twilight. Rainbow Dash pushed her best friend to the ground and say, “Sorry I had to cut this fight short, but I have to be somewhere right now. Sooo… LATER SUCKERS!!!” Finally, she escaped into the night sky, abandoning her friends once again.

Twilight was about to hunt down her best friend, but Starlight grabbed her attention. “Twilight,” she said, “we can worry about her later. Right now, we have to take your sister and your brother to Canterlot to get help.”

She looked back at the sky and responded, “Alright, let's go.” Finally, they grabbed the wounded aboard the chariot and headed towards Canterlot.