• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 11,292 Views, 600 Comments

Prisoner of War - Radiant

When captured by the enemy, can one soldier remain loyal to his country?

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Chapter Four

Yet another shove propelled me into the cell the guards had chosen for me. To be fair, I’d earned it this time. Following the princess’ orders, the guards had stripped me of everything I’d been carrying, and they’d completely overdone it. Nothing had been ignored, pens, watch, ID card, pack of gum. Hell, they even took my dog tags. My bitching about how they were overkilling the process didn’t help, or stop them. That wasn’t what had earned me the handling I was receiving. No, that had come when they’d taken my phone.

There wasn’t anything particularly special about the iPhone itself; it couldn’t make calls here, no data, no internet, the games were all boring at this point. The one thing that made the device so important to me, was the music stored on it. That music was the thing that was getting me through the day-to-day, here in Equestria, as well as at home. I found it comforting to get lost in the familiar songs when there wasn’t anything going on, or when the day had been particularly stressful… like today. I probably shouldn’t have given them any clues about how important it was to me, and I probably shouldn’t have lunged after the phone as they took it, and I definitely shouldn’t have smacked the guard who was taking it. The ensuing scuffle didn’t take more than five seconds to be resolved, and ended with me being magically restrained and held against a wall. That might be why the guards went through the extra effort to take everything. At least they hadn’t gone so far as to take my uniform. In the end, for reasons I can’t even guess at, I’d been allowed to keep the watch, dog tags, and my favorite hat.

Stumbling, but managing to stay on my feet, I managed to stop in the middle of the cell. As the door slid shut with a distinctive clang, I spun to face the front of the cell.

“Oh, come on!” I said, raising my still shackled wrists. “You aren’t seriously going to leave these on me, are you?”

Lieutenant Steel, who had been turning to leave, stopped and looked back with a blank expression. Several seconds passed, which had me thinking he was going to just leave me as is.

Surprisingly, his horn lit, making me flinch… again, and the shackles opened. “I was seriously considering it, especially after earlier.” The restraints floated away, and through a gap in the bars on the door. Without another word, Steel turned and left.

That left me alone, unless you counted the pair of guards, one unicorn and one pegasus, assigned to watch me, standing across the hall. I could already tell that we’d be having all sorts of stimulating conversations. It’s always the uptight guards watching prisoners. Is it too much to ask for someone who will talk, even a little? It’s going to get boring here in no time. Of course, even if they would, it was probably a bad idea for me to talk with them anyway. Inhaling deeply, I sighed and turned to examine my new accommodations.

The cell wasn’t that big, eight feet wide, by ten feet deep, but bigger than I was expecting. Along the left wall was a bed, sink with a small mirror over it, and a toilet. The right and back walls were bare. It appeared the whole thing was carved out of stone, rather than built. The front of the cell was something you’d expect to see in an older prison, vertical bars, and a sliding door. There was single light source in the center of the ceiling, as well as a lack of windows. The bed was only a twin size, but after sleeping on the ground for the last month, that bed looked wonderfully inviting. Maybe I’ll get some sleep for the first time in a while… probably not. The whole cell was clearly set up for ponies, since everything was lower than I was used to.

Ignoring the enticement of the bed for now, I walked to the sink, pulling off, then throwing my uniform top onto the bed. Leaning over, I braced both hands on the sink and looked into the mirror. I was the kind of person that could disappear into a crowd, and I kinda liked it that way. Right now though, given how the day had gone, I was a mess. There were clear indentations in my dark hair from my helmet pads. My face was streaked with a mixture of dirt and sweat, and my eyes gave away just how tired I was. I was also developing a decent amount of stubble. They took me in front of their princess looking like this?

Giving the knobs a twist, I got the water flowing. Splashing and scrubbing my head, I cleaned up as best I could. I’d have greatly preferred a shower, but since that wasn’t an option, I had to make due. Taking several swallows from the tap, I shut off the flow and let the excess water drip off my head for a few moments. Lacking a towel, I opted for using my tan undershirt to dry my head. My head mostly dry, I looked back into the mirror as I tucked my shirt back in. My gaze lingered on a scar on my right cheek. It was a memento of one of the worst days of my life. The scar started halfway up my cheek, and ended to the side of my right eye.

The sound of hoofsteps stopping at my cell door broke me out of my reverie. Looking, I saw a unicorn guard standing at the door. He looked just like every other unicorn guard I’d ever seen. Gray coat, typical gold armor, white-ish tail that matched the plumage on their helmet, and brown-ish eyes. Behind him, I could still see the other two guards, so this one was new. It wasn’t till he turned to the other guards that I noticed something different about this one. On the right shoulder of his armor was a small red cross. Unless that means something different here, he’s probably a medic.

“Lieutenant Steel ordered a quick medical examination of the prisoner. I need to get in the cell.”

The other unicorn nodded. Walking to the door, he produced a key. Before he opened the door, he gave me a stern look. “Don’t try anything funny.”

I straightened, popping my back as I did, and turned to face him. “Sure, whatever.” Not like I’d accomplish much anyway.

The guard opened the door and the medic entered slowly. Folding my arms, I watched him as he stopped a couple feet away.

“What do I need an examination for?”

The medic looked up at me. “The lieutenant said you may have been hurt. I’m here to find out.”

“I’d rather you didn’t.”

“And I have orders.” His horn lit, causing me to flinch. I need to get that under control. “This is happening, whether you like it, or not.”

I thought about resisting, but I had no defense against their magic. As punishment, they’d probably put me back into restraints, and I was enjoying what little freedom I had.

“Alright, fine. Do I need to do anything?”

“Just hold still.”

The medic closed his eyes and relit his horn. I managed not to flinch this time as an amber glow surrounded me. It felt weird, like I’d built up a static charge, though my hair wasn’t standing on end. A few moments later, the sensation, and the glow, faded and the unicorn opened his eyes.

“I’m hardly an expert on human anatomy, but nothing’s really jumping out to me. Your shoulder has some slight bruising and you're a little dehydrated, but otherwise fine. Drink some water.”

I groaned and facepalmed. I couldn’t help it. ‘Drink water’? Here too? It’s got to be a military thing.


“Inside joke, don’t worry about it.”

Eyeing me for a moment, the medic said, “If you say so.” Turning, he walked out of the cell, which was closed behind him. The other unicorn resumed his position across the hall, once again leaving me alone, relatively. I checked my watch. 19:12. Might was well try and sleep. God knows I need it. Stepping to the bed, I moved my top and flopped down. As soon as I was horizontal, my exhaustion from the day caught up with me. I was suddenly too tired to even take off my boots. Reaching into my right cargo pocket, I pulled out my boonie, and placed it over my face to block the ambient light.

My eyes slowly opened, and I groaned. Of course. My hat was still over my face, which told me I hadn’t really slept. Despite the cover, I could tell the light in the cell had been turned off at some point. I’d somehow managed to fall asleep rather quickly, which was odd. Waking up in the middle of the night, though, was normal. Removing the boonie, I hit the light on my watch and checked the time. 01:33… Fucking insomnia. Sighing, I rolled out of bed and headed to the sink. After downing several swallows of water, I turned, intending on trying to return to sleep. I happened to glance into the hallway before I got back into bed, and what I saw made me pause.

Instead of two guards, there was only one. There was just enough light in the hall for me to see this pony was different from the others. The armor was a dark color instead of gold, the low light made it hard to tell. There was a cats-eye, or something, in the chestpiece, instead of a star, and that piece itself was dark. Again, the lighting made it difficult to tell colors for sure. The plumage was some kind of fin or frill. It reminded me of some depictions I’d seen of dragons. It wasn’t the armor, however, that kept me staring. This guard sported a gray coat, like the unicorns, but he was definitely not, a unicorn. His ears had tufts of fur on the ends of them, and his amber eyes looked like a cats and seemed to glow faintly. I also noticed the light faintly glinting off a fang, further distinguishing this pony from the others I’d seen. That’s different… and kinda cool. I was so busy studying this pony, that I didn’t even realize I’d walked to the front of the cell. My study of the guard must have bothered him, because he fluttered a pair of wings, which immediately drew my attention. What were those? Bat wings or something?

The guard must have had enough of my staring, because he coughed and said, “See something you like?”

“Dude, have you seen yourself?” I know I shouldn’t have said anything, but I couldn’t help it.

My question must have caught him by surprise, since he didn’t give me a real answer. “Uuhhh…”

“You look fucking awesome!”

This was something the guard clearly wasn’t expecting. He just stood there, blinking at me.

When he didn’t respond for nearly a minute, I reached through the bars and snapped my fingers. I think I broke him. That did the trick. The guard shook his head, then eyed me suspiciously.

“What are you up to? Trying to get on my good side or something?”

“What? No. I’m just curious. I haven’t seen any ponies like you since I’ve been here. Plus I’m bored. What kind of pony are you?”

The guard, still watching me suspiciously, hesitated before answering, “I’m a bat pony.”

”Bat pony?” I echoed. “Nifty. Why haven’t we see you guys before?”

“We’re mostly nocturnal.” As soon as he said that, his hoof shot to his mouth.

Oops. I grinned. While I wasn’t sure that was war critical intel, it was still an interesting tidbit that he probably shouldn’t have said.

My smile vanished as a new voice came down the hall.

Sergeant Clipper! You were told not to talk to the prisoner!”

Sergeant Clipper flinched as his name was said, his ears pinning back to his skull, then turned to look in the direction of the speaker. The sound of hoofsteps preceded the appearance of another bat pony. This one looked just like the sergeant. Surprise, surprise. From the reprimand, this new pony was either his partner, or a superior. I’d bet on the latter. That was confirmed when Clipper saluted.

“My apologies, Sir.”

Turning, the officer looked me up and down. “Did he at least say anything useful?”

“No, Sir.”

“Shame. I’d love to be the one to tell Princess Luna we found out where his friends are hiding…” Too bad you’ll never learn that from me. The officer turned to Clipper. “You said you could handle this post alone, yet when I come to check on you, you’re chatting away with the prisoner. Do I need to assign you a partner, or just reassign you?”

Sergeant Clipper shook his head. “No, Lieutenant. I said I can handle this, and I intend to.”

Eyeing the sergeant for a moment, the lieutenant finally nodded. “Alright, but if I find out you’re talking to the prisoner again, you’re getting replaced, extra duties and losing that promotion you just got.”

“Yes, Sir!”

Turning, the officer gave me one last look, which I returned, then left the way he’d came. When I couldn’t hear his hoofsteps anymore, I huffed.

“Officers...” Looking to Clipper, I found him glaring at me. “What?” The glare intensified.

“Hey, that’s on you. You shouldn’t have responded to me.”

I didn’t think his look could get any harder, but it did.

I held up my hands. “Look, I’m sorry, alright? Guard duty fucking sucks, I’ve been there. Having someone to talk to helps pass the time. Besides, I know I shouldn’t be talking to you either, but it beats lying in bed hoping to fall asleep at some point before sunrise.”

Sergeant Clipper’s glare lessened a bit, but didn’t leave, and he still didn’t respond. “Fine, enjoy your boring-ass shift.” I spun and returned to the bed, doing exactly what I’d wanted to avoid: hoping to fall asleep before sunrise.