• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 11,262 Views, 600 Comments

Prisoner of War - Radiant

When captured by the enemy, can one soldier remain loyal to his country?

  • ...

Chapter Seven

Something wasn’t right. What, exactly, I didn’t know. When I opened my eyes, my suspicions were confirmed. I was lying under a tree. What kind, I didn’t know, and it didn’t matter. What was I doing, lying under a tree? I didn’t remember everything that had happened, and what I did remember was hazy, but I was certain I shouldn’t be lying under a tree.

Sitting up, I noticed several more things that solidified the fact that something was going on. In every direction, as far as I could see, there was nothing but blue skies, with clouds lazily drifting along, and rolling green hills. As near as I could tell, I was under the only tree, anywhere. On top of all of that, I couldn’t feel any of the pain that I should have felt from my injuries. What the actual fuck? Did that bastard kill me? If he did, then why can I kinda remember what happened? ...Shit, for all I know, this is what death is like.

While I was trying to figure out what the hell was going on, I heard the sound of steps behind and to my left, and turned to look. Standing a short distance away, but still in the shade of the tree, was Princess Luna. I wasn’t expecting to see a princess here, though I didn’t know what I was expecting to see here, and I quickly stood.

She must have seen my confusion, because she raised a forehoof and said, “Relax, Corporal Duran. All is well.”

“So, I’m not dead?”

Luna lowered her hoof and shook her head. “No. You are merely unconscious and currently recovering in the castle infirmary.”

I sighed. “That’s a relief… Wait. If I’m unconscious, where are we?”

The princess smiled and approached. “We are in the realm of dreams, one of my domains as Princess of the Night.”

I mulled that over for a second. “So, I’m just dreaming?”

Luna stopped an arms length from me. “Yes, and no. You are dreaming, however, this is not a simple dream.”

“That means this is one of those… uh…” I twirled my hand around as I trailed off, trying to remember the word, then snapped my fingers as it came to me. “Lucid dreams, right?”

She nodded. “Precisely.”

“Nifty.” Looking to my right, I imagined a pine tree on the top of the next hill over, and was mildly surprised when one appeared. “So this is what it’s like. Every time I realize I’m in a dream, I wake up.”

I looked back to Luna. Her smile had faded. “Unfortunately, you suffered significant head trauma, and are currently unable to wake as a result.”

That information kinda killed the mood. “How bad?”

A look of sorrow came to the princess’ face. “In addition to your other injuries, your skull was fractured, and you have a concussion.” At my grimace, she added, “Do not worry. You have been treated, and appear to be recovering well.”

“Don’t concussions mess up your brain?” I gestured to the sea of hills. “Shouldn’t this be impossible, or, at least, unstable?”

“As I said, you are recovering well, and you have been… for the last four days.”

I stood there, dumbstruck. It’s been four days?!

“Corporal?” The concern in Luna’s voice matched her expression.

Blinking, I slowly turned and sat down, looking out over the hills. “It feels like I was just knocked out. Four days...” I wonder if anything big has happened.

“Sadly, that is the truth. Till now, you have simply been unconscious, lacking even your dreams, and we have been unable to reach you.”

I looked up at the princess. “So what is the purpose of all this? Why are you here, talking to me this way?”

“After what had happened, my sister and I wished to assure you that you are being cared for, and will come to no further harm. This is currently the only way to do so.”

“Oh… Well, that’s good to know, I guess. Thank you.”

Luna smiled again. “You are welcome.”

I returned to staring out across the landscape, and silence reigned for a short time, till something occurred to me. “Princess?”


“Not to sound ungrateful, or anything, but…” I looked back to her again. “What were you doing at my cell that night?”

“I was wondering if you would ask me that.”

I frowned “It seems highly unlikely, to me, that you just happened to show up right when you did.”

“Ah, yes. I can see how it may appear to you.” Luna surprised me when she moved, and sat down beside me. “In spite of what you may believe, my being where I was, was purely coincidental.”

Even after what she had just said, I still gave her a skeptical look.

“As I said before, dreams are one of my domains. It is my duty to patrol the dreams of my ponies, and ward them of nightmares. While you may not be one of mine, I am able to see your dreams just as easily as those of my subjects.”

I interrupted Luna before she could continue. “You can seriously see my dreams?”

She nodded, looking mildly annoyed. “Indeed. Did I not just say that? Your dreams, as well as all your fellow humans in Equestria. Some memories as well.”

I’m not sure if I understood how all this dream stuff worked, but I’m pretty sure I paled when she said that. “If you can do that, why haven’t you–”

“Discovered where you have been hiding, and removed you from our land?” Luna interrupted.

I nodded

She sighed. “It is… complicated. Simply put, it comes down to our ethics.” I was about to ask for clarification, but Luna stopped me with a raised forehoof. “If you wish to know more of the details, you will have to ask Celestia.”

Frowning, I gave the princess a curious look. “You can’t tell me?”

“Oh, I could. However, my sister will be the one to have that discussion with you.”

“Any particular reason why?”

Luna shrugged. “It is her turn. I explained last time.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh-kay…”

“We seem to have gotten off topic. You were curious as to why I was present to save you when I did?”

Blinking, I nodded. “Yes.”

“The answer is simple: dreams.”

“Dreams?” I echoed.

“Yes. Yours were… interesting. You appear harbor guilt over something which you had no control over, unless my interpretation of what I saw was incorrect. Additionally, your dreams seem to stop suddenly and randomly.”

“That would be the insomnia.” I said, ignoring her first statement.

“Ah. You suffer from a sleep ailment. Does it stem from your guilt? Or is there more to it than that?” Luna was giving me a look of intrigue.

I looked away. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“As you wish.” She paused for a moment. “To finally answer your question, I was curious as to why your dreams were so frequently interrupted, and felt I should find out for myself. I arrived at your cell to find those two guards in the midst of their deplorable act. Had I made my decision later, or not at all, you would have certainly died.”

I had looked back while Luna was talking. “So, it was purely coincidental.”

The princess nodded. “As I said it was.”

With a small laugh, I laid back, putting my hands behind my head. “Looks like insomnia was beneficial… for once.”

“I must say, you are a very lucky individual.”

“If that’s the case, I should spend some time in Vegas. I’d rake in the money.” I sighed and closed my eyes. “Still, doesn’t always feel that way.”

“I can understand your feeling that way, if what I have seen is any indication.”

“Not sure I like you being able to see into my mind that way, and I still don’t want to talk about it, Princess.”

I heard her shift next to me. “Very well. I will stop prying.”

Silence once again settled. It drug on to the point of awkwardness, then Luna spoke, “May I ask you something, Corporal?”

“Go ahead.”

“Your demeanor… For being a prisoner, you seem to be very unconcerned about the position you are in. Why is that?”

My eyes opened and I stared at the canopy of leaves. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Luna watching me. “When I was first caught, I was freaking out, even if I didn’t show it. Not knowing what was in store, my mind went pretty wild with possibilities. I guess being unconcerned and not being completely serious is a coping mechanism. Knowing what I do now, however, I don’t see much reason to waste energy worrying about it. You ponies seem to be a pretty decent… uh... people? ...Yeah, we’ll go with that. You guys are better than some from back home.”

The princess looked thoughtful. “Hmm, interesting. Additionally, we are two countries at war, and you are being held against your will, yet you do not seem to harbor much, or any, ill will. Do you not hate us?”

I glanced over to Luna for a moment. “No, I don’t.”

“Even after what happened? You do not hate Prism and Cobalt?”

I sighed. “Oh, I would love to bash their faces in, after what they did, but I don’t hate them, at least not to the point of killing them.”

“Fascinating. My sister and I thought you would have developed a strong dislike of us, based on that experience.”

I shrugged. “We’re at war. Shit happens.” It dawned on me a second later, that I was talking to a princess and that was probably something I should have worded differently. When I looked at Luna, she was giving me a weird smile.

“Well, someone is certainly relaxed. Could it be that you feel you can trust me enough to be so informal?”

I thought about that. Do I? Both she and Celestia have both assured me that I’ll be treated fair while I’m here. Plus, Princess Luna did save me from those two guards. Maybe I do… I really shouldn’t though, she’s a leader of an enemy nation… but they haven’t done anything questionable to me. Those guards had to be acting on their own, so that’s on them, no one else… The Army would probably skin me alive for talking to her like this, if they ever found out… God damn I hate this shit.

“You do not have to answer.” Luna said, cutting into my thoughts. “I would ask that you explain your last statement. ‘Shit happens’ is quite vague.”

She was still wearing the strange smile from earlier. Dream, or no dream, hearing a princess say that was completely unexpected.

“I, uh…” I cleared my throat. Fuck it. “I meant exactly what I said: shit happens. You can’t always control what’s going on, that’s war. Plus, war changes a person, and not always for the better. I’d bet those two have lost friends in the fighting, and they want vengeance or justice for them. I know what it’s like. Can’t really blame them for it.”

Luna nodded. “Sound reasoning. Were you not speaking from experience, I would have to question the legitimacy of what you just said.”

It suddenly occurred to me that Luna’s willingness to sit and talk with me might be from ulterior motives. I’m a fucking idiot.

Pushing myself upright, I eyed the princess. “You did what you said you came here to do, you told me what was happening, so why are you still here?”

“Can a princess not have a simple conversation?”

I gave her a flat stare. “You have the time to chat with a prisoner, with all your duties, and a war going on?”

“It is a slow night.”

This time, I just kept staring.

“Oh, now you become suspicious?” At my continued stare, she rolled her eyes. “Very well. My reasons are personal. I simply wished to talk to one of you, to see what you might be like as an individual. Of course, I could not just do so, for obvious reasons. I was presented with an opportunity when we captured you. Had our conversation not happened this way, I would have spoken with you in person at some point.”

“So, this isn’t some kind of interrogation technique?”

Luna shook her head. “It is not. I am merely satisfying my own curiosity, and it is a slow night.”

“You’re not going to use anything you learned against me?”

“No. Even if that were my intention, I suspect to use what I have learned would be counter-productive.”

I gave a shrug. “Yeah, probably… I have a question for you, princess.”

Luna’s head tilted to the side. “Yes?”

“Why is it that you’re being so nice? Celestia said I’d be treated fairly, but you seem to be going through an awful lot of trouble for me.”

She smiled. “My sister and I both wish for the same thing: to resolve this war, peacefully if possible, and a peaceful coexistence. It is our hope that your treatment reflects this desire. Now having talked to you, a soldier of the nation we fight against, I believe it is possible.”

My eyebrow rose. “Just from talking to me, you think it’s possible? You do realize not everybody shares my views and opinions, right?”

Still smiling, Luna nodded. “I am aware. I am also aware that, while not the same as yours, others may have at least a similar outlook.”

“Well, don’t be too disappointed if it doesn’t work out. We can be completely irrational at times.” When her smile faltered, I gave one of my own. “Still, it’d be great if everything works out the way you’re hoping. It’s always nice to have more friends, there are enough people to fight as it is.”

Luna’s expression fell. “Indeed. From what we learned before the war, conflict seems to make up a large part of your history.”

My expression matched the princess’. “Some say it’s in our nature... and between you and me, I’m getting tired of it. Tired of wondering if today will be my last day, or if I’ll even wake up at all… Even more than that, I’m tired of losing friends. I’ve only been on two deployments, including this one, and I can already count the number of friends I’ve lost on both hands.”

“This does not sound like something you should be telling me. In fact, based on what we’ve seen from you, in the short time you have been held by us, you have been less than forthcoming. It makes me wonder: why are you talking with me?”

I paused. “Honestly, I don’t know. Maybe you’ve used some kind of magic on me. Or maybe you just put off some kind of aura of trust.” Sighing, I laid back down. “Hell, maybe it’s just this.” I gestured at the dreamscape. “This is the calmest I’ve felt in a long time. Most likely, my brain just got rattled too much. Regardless, I just… I just want to go home and for my contract to end, so I can try and get on with my life… what’s left of it.”

“Believe what you will, but I have not done anything you to… other than bringing you into this dream.” Her tone shifted to one of sincerity. “I wish I could help you, but unless you help me, I cannot.”

“And I can’t help you.”

“Not even to help yourself?”

I shook my head. “I’d probably be executed for treason, which definitely doesn’t help me.” I should probably wrap this up, I’ve been stupid for long enough. “I hope you’ve enjoyed this talk, Princess, because after I wake up, there probably won’t be many talks like this one. It’ll be back to business.”

Standing, Luna sighed. “I suspected as much. Thank you for at least speaking with me, it was rather informative.” The princess faced me. “While there are no detrimental effects from a dream such as this, I will leave you be.”

I smiled and nodded appreciatively. “You’re welcome. It was a nice break from the stress of reality... and thanks again for what you did.”

The princess returned my nod. “Till we meet again, in the waking world.” With a flash from her horn, everything faded.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long to get up. Between finals, and work, I've been busy.