• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 11,292 Views, 600 Comments

Prisoner of War - Radiant

When captured by the enemy, can one soldier remain loyal to his country?

  • ...

Chapter Five

The sound of something clanging roused me from my sleep. I’m not exactly sure when I managed to fall asleep, but it felt like it had only been five minutes. Not ready to wake up for the day, I rolled over and tried to ignore the noise. My legs ached like hell, and I wanted nothing to do with anything that would make me use them, which included getting out of bed. If anything, my ignoring the noise only caused it to become louder.

“Ugh… The fuck do you want?

“I have your breakfast.” The voice I heard sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t place from where right away.

My stomach chose that moment to inform me on how hungry I was, by growling loudly. Sighing, I rolled back around, and sat up on the end of the bed with an unhappy groan. After I’d rubbed the sleep from my eyes, I checked my watch. What the fuck? Even held prisoner, I’m not allowed to sleep in.

Looking to the door, I glared at the guard standing there. “It’s five after six, in the morning… You couldn’t let me sleep for a few more hours?”

The unicorn ignored my look. “So, you don’t want breakfast?”

My stomach growled again, and I dropped my look. “I didn’t say that.”

The guard opened the door, floated a tray of food to me, then secured the cell. He then turned, and I caught sight of the cross on his right shoulder. That’s why his voice was familiar, he’s the medic from yesterday. I was a little surprised when he moved across the hall and joined the pegasus that was there. I wonder if that’s the same flier from yesterday, or if they’re rotating guards. My stomach reminded me, again, I had more important needs at the moment.

The selection of food I’d been provided wasn’t bad, and that kinda surprised me. A bowl of oatmeal, an apple, two slices of toast, and a glass of orange juice. I wonder how they’d react if I asked for some bacon. I was about to dig in when a thought occurred to me. Frowning, I eyed the food, then the guards suspiciously.

“We didn’t do anything to it.” The unicorn said flatly, when he saw my look.

“You’ll understand if I have trouble believing you, right?”

He sighed. “I swear by the princesses, your food hasn’t been tampered with.”

I blinked. That seemed like a pretty strong promise. I studied him for a few more moments, then returned to my food. It’s eat or starve. Might as well get it over with. Selecting the apple, for no other reason that I liked apples, I took a huge bite. Oh. My. God. This had to be the crispiest, best tasting, most juicy apple I’d ever had… ever. I looked to the guards again as I chewed, staring wide-eyed.

When I’d swallowed, I held up the apple. “What did you do?”

“I already told you, nothing!

“Bullshit. You had to have done something.”

The poor guy looked completely flustered at this point. “We didn’t… I promised that…”

“This tastes absolutely fantastic. How did you do it?”

The medic stared at me, now dumbfounded. “I uh… You... You’d have to ask the ponies at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“I just might have to do that sometime.”

I dove right back into the apple, devouring the savory morsel right down to the core. I have to admit, I was a little depressed when I was done with it. The rest of breakfast was almost a letdown after that, the apple was just that good. Using the napkin they’d also provided, I wiped my mouth clean, then set the tray on the bed beside me.

“You finished?” The unicorn was standing beside the door again.

“Yeah… thanks.”

Opening the door again, the tray floated out into the hall. I was about to lie back down, but the guard stopped me with, “Come on.”

“Huh?” The door was still wide open, and the two ponies were standing on either side. In the opening, there now floated a pair of shackles.

“... Where we going?”

This time, it was the pegasus that spoke. “Showers. You reek.”

Standing, I painfully stretched my legs, and took a few curious sniffs. Damn, he’s not kidding. How’d I miss that till now? “Not my fault I got chased through the woods by a bunch of ponies in the middle of the day.”

“Regardless. You smell awful.” The unicorn said, floating the shackles to me.

Holding my arms out, I allowed myself to be restrained, then led out of the cell.

Holy shit, that shower was great. It’d been too long since I’d had a legitimate hot shower, and it did wonders for my legs as well. Too bad the guards had to ruin it by not letting me stay under the water longer. While I’d been showering, they’d done something to my clothes, because they were clean when I got dressed. I’d even been allowed to shave, under close supervision, though having never used a single blade razor before, I cut myself a few times. The whole thing had me wondering as we walked through the halls; were they trying to butter me up, or was this their normal treatment for prisoners? Of course they’d probably never give me a straight answer if I asked.

The way to the showers from my cell was pretty easy to remember, so when we took a turn in a different direction, I had my guard up in an instant. I could only wonder where I was being taken next, though I did have a guess. A couple more minutes of walking had us standing in front of a plain, sturdy-looking door. It opened to reveal a small, bland room, and the contents of which were a dead giveaway of its purpose. Interrogation room… yay. In the left wall as you entered was a window with one-way glass. A small table sat in the center of the room, pony height of course. In front of the window there was a cushion of some kind, and on the opposite side of the table, facing the window, was a chair. Wonder what the cushion is for.

I was directed to the chair, then left alone in the room. My watch had proclaimed it 0730 when I’d been left. A half-hour later, I was still alone... and extremely bored. It was at that point I’d said ‘fuck it’ and made myself at home on the floor, using the cushion as a pillow. Some time later I heard the door open, the hoofsteps of a pony entering, then the door closing again. The steps stopped next to my head.


Opening my eyes, I saw Shining Armor standing over me. He wasn’t wearing his distinctive armor, or any kind of clothing whatsoever. His lack of clothes didn’t surprise me, we knew these ponies didn’t usually feel the need for clothes, and went around naked. Still, being an officer, I kind of expected him to have some kind of day uniform.

I sat up, eyeing him. My boredom shifted to apprehension and a bit of resentment. “What?”

“Why are you on the floor?” The curiosity was clear on his face.

“Because I’m tired and it’s easier to sleep on the floor than in the chair. What’s the cushion for, anyway?”

“It’s my seat.”

Blinking, I mulled that over for a moment, then my eyes widened in realization. “Aw, fuuuuck!” I was on my feet in an instant. “That’s nasty. Don’t you ponies just stand?”

Shining looked slightly amused for a moment. “Sometimes.” His expression then became serious and he pointed to the chair. “Sit down.”

I did as he ordered, and sat in the chair, glaring at him as he sat on the cushion. Neither of us spoke for a minute. We just sat there, me glaring, while he studied me.

Finally, Captain Armor broke the silence. “Tell me where your friends are.”

Straight to the point, I see. I didn’t answer, but I did keep glaring.

The captain’s expression hardened. “Answer me.”

I leaned forward and placed my arms on the table. “Duran, Jaden. Corporal. 523-26-3827.”

“We know that already, we’ve seen your ID.” He lit his horn. I couldn’t stop myself from flinching from the act. “Give me a real answer.” Shining Armor demanded, his voice developing an edge.

“Duran, Jaden. Corporal. 523-26-3827.”

Armor rose and slammed his forehooves on the table, the glow around his horn increasing. “Enough of that, give me a real answer!

I glared defiantly into his eyes. “Duran, Jaden. Corporal. 523-26-3827.”

In my peripheral vision I saw a magenta glow surround my shackled wrists. I was then yanked from the chair onto the table right in front of the officer. It was enough of a surprise that my defiant look cracked. “Where are your friends? Where is your base of operations?! ANSWER ME!”

The question was far from the perfect setup, but it was close enough. Closing my eyes, I looked away, feigning fear and let sorrow fill my voice. “Dantooine... They’re on Dantooine.” I’m a smart-ass, and I couldn’t resist.

Opening my eyes, I glanced back to the captain. Shining Armor’s magic had faded and he was looking at me in slack-jawed confusion. Oh god. Where’s a camera when you need one?

It was too much. I pointed at him, trying my best to not laugh. “You should see your face right now. Priceless.”

Recovering, the captain stared daggers at me. “I don’t think you appreciate the seriousness of the situation you are in, Corporal.”

I sat back down. “Oh, I understand perfectly.”

Shining Armor hadn’t moved from his place, half-standing on the table. “You’re not acting like you do.”

I just smiled and gave him an amused look… which was apparently the wrong thing to do. Before I could so much as twitch, Captain Armor had grabbed my entire body in his magic and hauled me back out of my chair.

Holding me in front of him, the captain stared me down, his expression furious. “I’m done playing games!”

Once I’d recovered, I gave the unicorn the dirtiest look I had. I did not like being held like this. It made me feel helpless, and I hated that.

The irate captain continued, “You’re going to answer my questions, so that I can end this war, or so help me, I’m going to–” Stopping mid-threat, Shining Armor blinked, his fury vanishing. Looking over his shoulder, he stared into the mirror. What’s going on? I didn’t hear anything.

A few seconds later, I was returned to my seat, as my interrogator left without another word. I frowned. Odd. He didn’t look pissed when he left. To go from livid to calm like that takes some serious control… unless it was just an act. I can’t tell if he’s that upset about the war, or if that was just an interrogation method.

My thoughts were interrupted as the door opened again. I shot to my feet, tipping my chair in the process, as Princess Celestia walked in. Bringing out the big guns already? Interesting. She looked rather cheerful as she walked to the other side of the table. Her demeanor started setting off red flags and put me on my guard. Remaining on her hooves, the princess fixed her magenta eyes on me.

“Hello again, Corporal.”

I didn’t reply. Celestia’s cheerfulness was throwing me off.

Ignoring my lack of a response, the princess continued, “I apologize for Captain Armor’s actions. He got a little carried away. May I ask how breakfast was?” Really? That’s what they’re doing, good cop, bad cop?

If Celestia was acting, she was damn good at it. I decided to humor her. Maybe I’ll learn something useful.

“Breakfast was fine.”

“Splendid. I understand you were quite satisfied with the apple in particular.”

This question was answered with a nod.

“The shower and clean uniform were satisfactory as well, I trust?”

Another nod. I’m a goddamn prisoner, not her personal guest! Why does she care about that?

“It sounds like you are being taken care of, then. Wonderful.”

I know I should have kept my mouth shut, but just couldn’t take it anymore. “I find it hard to believe you care so much, Princess.”

Celestia, some of her cheer fading, sat down. “Despite what you might think, I do care… to a certain extent. While I am not fond of the current situation that has brought you here, Equestria is a civilized country. As such, you will be treated fairly, on the condition that you behave in a civilized manner.”

“That’s… good to know.” The knowledge that I wouldn’t get abused at the hooves of these ponies was a relief. “Though, I don’t think all of your guards got that memo.”

“Yes, I am aware their actions, and they have been reprimanded.”

“Huh… So, may I please go back to my cell then?”

The princess chuckled softly. “Nice try, but you are still a prisoner… A prisoner with information I would like.” Shit. “Now then, down to business.” Celestia’s horn ignited, and once again, I flinched. God damnit! I fucking hate that. Surrounded in her golden aura, my chair was replaced back at the table.

The princess motioned to the seat. “Please, sit.”

As I sat, there was a *pop* and my phone appeared, floating above the table.

“Oh, that’s playin’ dirty.”

“I believe the saying goes: ‘all is fair in love and war’. If I must ‘play dirty’, and use items important to you, then so be it. I will get the information I want from you, eventually.”

“You can try.

The Equestrian ruler gave me a very unponylike, predatory grin. Me and my big, fucking, mouth. “Oh, I do love a good challenge.”

I gave my most defiant look, and folded my arms as much as my restraints would allow.

“Excellent.” The phone floated up to eye level with the princess, slowly rotating on its vertical axis. “You were quite unhappy to be separated from this device. Tell me, why is that? Does it hold important information?”

Depends on what you define as ‘important’. I didn’t give a reply.

Celestia pressed on. “If you cooperate, I would be willing to return this to you.”

“Duran, Ja‒”

“Is that what you are going to do, go back to reciting information you have already given us?”

My response was a shit-eating grin.

Celestia closed her eyes and sighed. “It is going to be a long day…”

Author's Note:

For the record, that social is completely fictional... I hope.

Still looking for an editor/proofreader... or just point out the errors in the comments. That works too.