• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 11,292 Views, 600 Comments

Prisoner of War - Radiant

When captured by the enemy, can one soldier remain loyal to his country?

  • ...

Chapter Nine

“I think that will be enough for today.” Celestia said, massaging her temple with her right hoof. “Are all soldiers unhelpfully stubborn, or is this something unique to you?”

I shrugged. “It’s a gift.”

Sighing, Celestia stood and started toward the door. Aside from being short, this session had something else different. The princess seemed… off. While I won’t claim to know the princess well enough to tell if something was wrong, compared to the last time I’d been interrogated by her, there was a noticeable difference. I couldn’t possibly guess at what it was. For all I knew, she’d just had it with me for the day.

Though, since we were done talking, maybe I could get a question answered. “Princess?”

Stopping, she looked back at me. “Yes?”

I shifted in my chair. “Something’s been bugging me.”

The princess gave me a curious look. “And that would be?”

“Your former guards said you could just take the information you want. Is that true, or were they just tormenting me?”

Celestia turned to face me, her expression somber. “Make no mistake, I can simply take what I want from you.”

I did my best to cover my unease, and hoped I hadn’t somehow fucked myself over. “And still you haven’t… why?”

“That is a line I am not yet ready to cross.”

I blinked in confusion. “Uh… I don’t think I understand.”

Celestia returned to the table, but remained standing. “Let me explain. While Equestria does have crime, it usually tends to be petty. Things like murder are unheard of.” I had to resist the urge to say anything. “There is one offense we have a problem with, however: mind-altering magic. These types of spells are not inherently harmful, but when used improperly, the results can be terrible.”

“Reminds me of how guns are back home, but doesn’t quite answer my question.”

The princess nodded. “Indeed, and I am getting to that. Mind-altering spells are powerful. With the right amount of skill, one could enter another’s mind and influence a decision, observe memories, learn their deepest secrets, or, with enough power erase or alter memories, or even... wipe the mind completely.”

The thought of everything that you’d experienced, all your aspirations, everything that made you, you, just… gone. I gave an involuntary shudder. Even if starting over were possible, you’d probably never be the same. I think I’d rather die.

If she noticed my reaction, Celestia gave no indication. “We consider the mind to be a sanctuary, and those who would violate the mind of another, to remove one’s free-will, receive the highest of punishments. Though I am a Princess, I will not resort to such an act… unless it becomes absolutely necessary.” Celestia locked a steely gaze on me. “You had best hope your friends do not force my hoof.”

Good thing most of the guys have a brain in their heads, otherwise I’d be fucked. Still, that doesn’t make any sense. War doesn’t make it necessary? “But, why? You could have ended this war as soon as you saw me, but you insist on this course of action.” It did occur to me that I should probably have shut up, but for some inexplicable reason, I just had to know.

“I will not abandon our morals. They have been in place too long to be simply tossed aside.” The princess’s eyes narrowed. “Tell me, Corporal Duran, if we start making compromises just because things become difficult, what is stopping us from finding other reasons to do the same? Where does it end?”

I shook my head. “I couldn’t tell you, but all your guards are paying the price for your decision.”

Celestia had her forelegs on the table and was leaning toward me in an instant, her eyes flashing. “Do you think I don’t know that?! Are you insinuating that I don’t care?!” The edge in the princess’ voice was more like that of a drill sergeant dressing down a basic training private, and her expression matched, though there was something else there too. “Do you want me to use those spells on you?”

Where the fuck did this come from? Reflexively, I pushed my chair backwards, trying to get some more distance between us. “No! That’s no–”

The princess silenced me with a wave of her hoof. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, then released it. Regaining her composure, Celestia stepped back off the table. When she opened her eyes, there was still a hint of that something in them. “I take every loss personally, and I will carry that weight for the rest of my life.”

As she said that, I remembered some of the things we'd learned about her, and her sister. If what we had been told was true, then they was immortal, and if they weren’t immortal, then they were very long-lived. Which means, she’ll feel that weight for a very long time. In a little over two hours, I had yet another example of how differently things worked in Equestria, compared to home. It left me dumbstruck.

“We have talked enough today. Your guards will escort you back to your cell.” Celestia’s horn ignited, and I shot from my seat. The chair clattered to the ground as I plastered myself against the wall, trying to get away from the princess. When I looked back a few moments later, her horn was no longer lit, and I noticed the door was now open.

“My apologies. I forgot about your phobia.” The princess was back to her unreadable expression and tone, so I had no idea if she was being sincere, or just saying that.

One of the guards peeked in as I tried to get control of my heart and breathing. “Everything okay in here, Princess?” It was Lieutenant Steel.

“Yes, Lieutenant. Take Corporal Duran back to his cell, we are done for now.”

Steel nodded. “Yes, Ma’am. Let’s go, Corporal.”

Moving to the door, I took one last look at the princess, still trying to make sense of what I’d learned. In the hall, as the guards formed up around me, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. When I looked, I saw Shining Armor standing next to the door that no doubt lead to the observation room. He did not look happy… at all. If looks could kill, I’d probably be a fine pink mist. As I was led back to my cell, I wondered if I should expect some company at some point.

“Will you stop, Corporal?”

I paused for a moment, then returned to what I was doing. “This helps me with stress, and it might help me get back to sleep.”

“I can’t believe I have to stand here and watch you do this.”

“So, look someplace else.”

“I don’t see what your problem is, Sergeant. I don’t have a problem with it.” Private Breeze chimed in.

“Ugh. What about you two? Doesn’t that bother you? ” Clipper asked, addressing the unicorn guards.

“Not watching, and not gonna watch, so not really.”

“Really, Sergeant Clipper. I don’t see why this bothers you so much.”

Sergeant Clipper groaned, and glared at Midnight Breeze, while motioning to me with a hoof. “He’s pacing. I can’t stand watching somepony pace.”

I looked back to the guard. “Good thing I’m not a pony then, isn’t it? Or maybe you need to sit down, seeing as you can’t stand it.”

Clipper’s glare was directed at me as Breeze tried not to laugh, covering her mouth with a hoof.

“You’re not helping, Corporal!”

Spinning, I faced the front of the cell. “Well excuse me for not being able to fall back asleep!”

I had tried going back to sleep, but after tossing and turning for the better part of an hour with no luck, I’d gotten up and started pacing. I’d picked up the habit in Afghanistan, during guard duty. When nothing important was going on, pacing helped pass the time while my mind wandered. It worked really well in this situation, though I didn’t know if it would get me back to sleep or not.

Sergeant Clipper huffed and looked back at me. “Can’t you just do something else?”

“Does it bother you that much?”

“I can tolerate it for a while, but after two hours, yes! It’s annoying!”

“... It’s been that long?” I looked at my watch. “Shit, I guess it has… Fine, I’ll stop.” Moving to the bed, I flopped down. It was a good thing I’d have plenty of time for naps during the day, because this was turning into a pretty bad night.


“Sure… Hey, Breeze.”


Sitting up, I looked across the hall to her. “You never answered my question.”

She looked confused at that. “What question?”

“The one from the other day, whether all bat ponies looked awesome, or if it’s just because you’re in the guard.”

“Oh, uh that… Um…”

The dim light made it hard to tell, but I guessed she was blushing, like the last time. “What? Never gotten a compliment?” Ok, so it wasn’t a direct compliment to her, but still.

The private looked away, down the hall. “No… not really.”

That was surprising. “Whaaat? With how cool you guys look, I find that hard to believe. What, with the wings, the eyes, and fangs.”

“That’s kinda the problem.” Clipper said, getting my attention. “Some ponies believe we were created by Nightmare Moon as soldiers for her eternal night, due to our nocturnal nature, and resemblance to her. Thankfully, most ponies are aware that isn’t the case. Still, being nocturnal keeps us from largely interacting with most ponies, and we’re not very wide spread either, so other ponies can be nervous around us.”

“Oh... Well, I don’t know who Nightmare Moon is, but for what it’s worth, I stand beside my previous statements.”

“Thanks.” Midnight Breeze had looked back while Clipper was talking, and she was giving me a small smile.

“You’re welcome.” I returned her smile. “Just because I’m held prisoner, doesn’t mean I always have to be a prick.” Since these two were being chatty tonight, I decided to keep going. “So, do all you bat ponies have the same fur color, that you also happen share with these other guards?”

Breeze shook her head. “Of course not.”

“Are you gonna give me anything more than that?”

Midnight Breeze and Clipper exchanged a look, which then spread to the other two guards. A few moments later they gave a collective shrug.

“It’s the armor.” One of the unicorns said. “It’s enchanted to make us look alike. You know, for uniformity.”

“Magic using ponies, so that makes sense. Here I was thinking your princesses went to the Emperor Palpatine School of Building an Army, and were mass-producing clones to fill the ranks.”

All four guards gave me confused looks. The unicorn who’d previously spoken, asked the question all of them were clearly thinking. “What?”

I just facepalmed. Of course they wouldn’t get the reference. “Nevermind, don’t worry about it.” After a pause, I lowered my hand. “If you look the same as the guy standing next to you, how the fuck do you tell each other apart?”

As I asked the question, the four guards straightened to attention. Princess Luna’s appearance at my cell a moment later told me why.

“It is a part of the uniformity enchantment.” The princess explained. “While it changes their appearance to match, it also allows them to see one another as they look normally.” She looked to the guards. “You chose to tell him about that, why?”

Sergeant Clipper took a step forward. “It’s harmless information, Your Highness, common knowledge. Even if he were to escape somehow, knowing that wouldn’t give him any kind of advantage.”

Luna studied the guard, then nodded. “Very well, so long as you are not just mindlessly answering his questions.”

“Of course not, Princess.”

Returning her attention to me, Luna gave me a dirty look. Uh oh… “The four of you, leave us. I wish to speak to Corporal Duran in private.”

The four guards exchanged looks again, then, in perfect unison, bowed and said, “Yes, Princess.” Straightening, they all left.

The princess stood there for a time after the guards left, still giving me that look. It didn’t take long for the silence to become too much.

“Why here, and not an interrogation room?”

“This is not an interrogation.” I’m in trouble.

“So, what brings you here this time, Princess?” I was hoping to get Luna to just be direct. I hate when people dance around issues they have with me.

The princess started pacing in front of my cell. “I suppose congratulations are in order, Corporal. You’ve managed to accomplish something that only a hoofful can claim.”

I frowned and immediately began racking my brain, trying to figure out what she could possibly be referring to. I haven’t done anything worthwhile, other than being the first guy to get caught… which isn’t anything to brag about. Coming up with zilch, I shrugged. “I give. What’s this great accomplishment?”

Luna turned, giving me a look much like Shining Armor had before. “You made my sister cry.

That was not what I was expecting, or wanting, to hear. “... Oh.”

“Oh? Oh? That is all you have to say?!” Luna’s horn lit, sending me scrambling from the bed. Planting myself on the back wall, I watched as the door slammed open, and the princess stormed in. Fuck me!

“Celestia has spent this evening in my company, sobbing!” Luna began, advancing toward me, wings flared. “She has asked, over and over, whether she made the right decisions, if she could have saved some of our ponies if she had done something differently!”

With nowhere to go, I pressed myself against the wall. My magiophobia had faded, but now I was very afraid of the very pissed off princess closing in. Fuck me!

“Do you have any idea how much stress she is under every day?!” Upon reaching me, Luna reared up. FUCK ME! She slammed both forehooves against the wall on either side of my head, a loud crack punctuating the strike. I didn’t even flinch, but that probably because I was too scared to move. To my credit, I somehow stayed on my feet, and kept control of certain bodily functions.

“Then you come along, and callously imply that she does not care about her guardsponies!” Luna growled as she leaned in, bring her nose inches away from mine. She had violence in her eyes, and I was certain, this was the end.

Slowly looking left, I saw a myriad of cracks radiating out from where the princess’s silver-shod hoof was. I closed my eyes and swallowed. Well, I’ve had a good run. Made some pretty good friends, did something worthwhile with my life. I even managed to cheat death all those times. Yep, good run.

For several seconds, the only sounds were of our breathing, then, “Why? Why would you suggest such a thing?”

Opening an eye, I cautiously looked to Luna. The rage had dwindled, slightly, but she was still pissed.

“You’re not a bad individual, even under these circumstances. A little rough around the edges, a bit of a smart alek, but you have a good heart.” Luna’s gaze bored into me, as if she were trying to fathom how my mind worked. “So how could you say something so heartless?”

I looked away again. “Because I can be an inconsiderate asshole, who speaks bluntly without thinking. I’m sorry.”

“That’s not good enough!” Luna snapped. She pushed off the wall, returning to her hooves. She turned away from me, her wings folding. “It pains me to see my sister that way, and I do not know what to do to make her feel better.” The princess took a few steps forward, and I moved away from the wall. “And here I am, with the one responsible for her pain. Retaliation could be swift and decisive, and nopony could stop me… but by law, I cannot harm a prisoner.” Luna paused, growling. “Damn our rules, and damn this war!” She punctuated each curse by stomping the floor. “It is so frustrating!”

Physical retaliation didn’t seem to fit with these ponies, especially a princess, so I asked, “Would hitting me really make you feel better?”

Looking back, the princess fixed me with a mixed look. “It might.”

“Well, if it would help you not be so mad at m– fuuuck!” The wind rushed from me with the last word, and I hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. I was going to suggest that we find something that would help that didn’t involve me getting hurt, but whatever. Before I could react, Luna’s left rear leg had come up and driven her hoof into my gut. Shit, I deserve that for so many reasons, the least of which was assuming she wouldn’t actually do it. After seeing what she did to the wall, I considered myself lucky that I only got winded. Lying on the ground, wheezing and holding my stomach, I watched the princess turn around. A small smile appeared on her face.

“That was rather satisfying.”

After several seconds, I managed, “Feeling… better?”

“More than I was. Thank you for your permission, Corporal.”

I took a deep breath and coughed a few times. “Happy to help.” Better than having her mad at me, I guess. I can’t even imagine the kind of things she could do to me.

Luna turned and started for the exit. “I do not accept your apology however. You will apologize to Celestia when you next see her. If she forgives you, so too shall I.”

Groaning, I sat up. “Yeah, I can do that.” Shouldn’t be too bad, as long as she doesn’t want to kick me as well.

“Splendid. Now…” She trailed off, tilting her head. “What could this be?”

The sound of hoof steps approached rapidly, then a night guard bat pony skidded to a halt in front of the cell, followed by Breeze and Clipper… I think. I really needed to find a way to tell them apart. They all seemed confused as to why Luna was in the cell, but that ended when the first guard saluted.

“My apologies for interrupting, Princess, but we need the Corporal.”

Luna looked back to me again, bewilderment written all over her face. I gave my head a small shake, my own expression mirrored hers.

Looking past the princess, I asked, “What could you possibly need me for?”

The guard regarded me with a serious expression. “We’ve run into a problem… with a new prisoner.”

Author's Note:

Sorry about the wait. This chapter was a little harder for me to write, especially the first part. It took a long time, and a couple rewrites, till I felt I'd gotten the wording right.