• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 1,405 Views, 83 Comments

Quest for Earth Pony Magic: the Disciple - IMN

When refugees came to Equestria fleeing war, Princess Celestia accepted them with open hooves. Ten years later, their youngest made the castle a little too much his own home; but Sun Light's leisure is about to be challenged rather unexpectidly

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Chapter X. Magical Morning Shenanigans.

“Sun Light, breakfast is ready,” Evening called for his son, only to hear a popping sound from behind him announcing that said son is already at the table.

He turned to peer through a hooded figure sitting right across his seat at the table.

“I have to get used to that,” he mused out loud the method of entry that his son had adopted in recent days, only to have the hooded figure to chuckle at him.

Evening walked toward the foal in the hoody, he kneeled behind the foal’s neck, then took a whiff. With a satisfied grin he said, “Finally, you smell clean again.”

The foal took off his hoody, what was once black fur is now a whitish pink skin, it was by some miracle that his mane remained unaffected by the medicinal shampoo which caused all his fur to fall, “Are you happy now? Having disfigured me like that?”

With a chuckle, his father replied, “Well Sunny, the doctor said your hair will grow back in a couple of days, you just need to bear with it,” taking his seat, Evening concluded, “besides, the sick leave that Princess Celestia gave you is not to end for more than those couple of days, you can still wait until then and Practice your teleportation some more.”

“I nailed my teleportation as it is evident from teleporting directly into a sitting position mere moments ago,” Sun Light took a bite out of the pancake in front of him, “Besides, Celestia is going to teach Twilight a new spell today. You think I’m going to miss that just because I’m furless?”

“Anything that tickles your fancy, Sunny,” concluded Evening as he settled in to start eating. He looked across the table to see the pinkish head as it chewed its food, then he remembered the first time that same pinkish head teleported into the living room all frightened over his most recent loss, screaming “Don’t look at me,” in the most shameful posture his son have ever displayed.

And Evening made the mistake of letting out a giggle.

Sun Light immediately teleported onto the table, a few inches of his father’s face, “Laugh it up old colt. The moment my fur grows back, you will all feel my vengeful wrath for laughing at my misfortune, starting with that overgrown, cake eating, the sun and the moon commanding princess who used the wrong shampoo and made me what I am today.”

“And until then, I am going to enjoy watching you squiggle around in all your naked glory.”

Sun Light teleported back into his seat, mumbling “naked glory” to himself. When suddenly a mischievous smile drew his face, “That is a great idea, I’ll just walk into the throne room with all my naked glory to behold.”

“I don’t think that is a good idea,” Evening replied with an eerie calmness, “You wouldn’t want to evoke the wrath of your replacement now, do you?”

Sun Light regarded his father skeptically, “my replacement?”

“Prince Blueblood has been aiding the princess with Twilight’s studies,” Evening said with a coy smile, “I distinctly remember him lecturing you for days about going out naked in public, even when your bottom was still cover in fur.”

The pink in the foal’s cheeks turned white for a sudden, “That might be a problem.”

“I don’t get it, you and Blueblood were best of friends,” Evening wore his most serious face, “something I didn’t particularly approve of at the time, but still. He helped you a lot, babysat you with Cadence, and even endorsed you in your attempt to take the national examination last year which you passed with flying colors by the way. Then all of a sudden, neither of you are talking to each other. Care to share what happened?”

“It’s nothing important.” Sun Light sighed. Evening lifted an eyebrow at his son, his expression clearly unamused. Sun Light rolled his eyes at his father, “It’s just some stupid colt stuff, okay?”

Evening cocked his head at his son, then looked down underneath the table. “Last I checked, I’m a colt as well,” Evening noted, “Am I not in prevue to my son’s ‘Colt problems’?”

A sudden redness came over Sun Light as he suddenly started fidgeting in his place. “It’s about the Craig list,” he finally said and all manner of playfulness disappeared from his father’s face.

“What about the Craig list?” he asked disapprovingly.

“I, uh… I made fun of an entry on the list regarding two colts and an odd fetish. Turns out it was his entry.” Sun Light then slammed his head onto the table while trying to hide his face from his father.

“I thought Princess Celestia explained the Craig list to you,” Evening asked rhetorically without a shred of emotions.

“She did,” Sun Light answered sheepishly from his hiding place, “It was Blueblood who introduced me to the Craig list after seeing me turning red and green from Celestia’s explanation… To make fun of me.”

“Oh,” Evening said dejectedly, “I see.”

“I don’t think it went as planned though,” Sun Light quipped.

Evening raised an eyebrow, “And why is that?”

“Because I found them funny,” A wide smile appeared on Sun Light’s face, “I mean, listen to this, ‘and with a final thrust, he climaxed beyond anything he ever felt before.’” Sun Light then scratched his head, “If it was within a context, I might have understood it, but as a standalone, it feels odd and perplexing.”

Evening gave a sigh of relief. Guess you are still young after all, he thought. “I see,” he deadpanned, though it still irked him that he missed such an important talk with his son, He knew that it would still be best if he pried into what Sun Light knew, “Tell you what Sunny, how about we talk about this more during dinner? There are things that only a father can explain, and I’d like not to miss something like that with you, you know?”

Sun Light gave his father a fearful look, “Is that really necessary? It was awkward enough with Princess Celestia, and even more awkward with Blueblood, I’d rather at least have one adult with which I don’t have that awkwardness with.”

With a warm smile, Evening answered, “That awkwardness is part of growing up Sun Light. You’ll have to get used to it sooner or later.”

With a loud huff, Sun Light turned toward his breakfast. “Fine,” he said while wolfing down the remainder of his meal, “We’ll talk after work then, I’m going to be late anyway.” Sun Light sat up from his seat, teleported to his room, picked up his backpack, then teleported to the front door and opened it.

Evening eyed his son curiously, “Aren’t you going to teleport to the castle?”

Sun Light wore a shocked expression, “And risk exposing my magic skills? No way!”

“But you are going to be late otherwise,” Evening pointed out.

Sun Light waved his hoof dismissively. “Teleportation isn’t my only method for fast travel.” He then kicked the ground hard, causing him to launch himself forward at tremendous speed.

“The heavenly steps! I forgot he can use that,” Evening exclaimed as his son quickly disappeared from view. Evening calmly finished his meal, then sat up, “Now then, I have to talk to a certain prince about a certain habit of messing with my boy.”

Sun Light entered the castle with lightning speed. As he whizzed through the first corridor, he nearly collided with one of the working staff, but thanks to his now tuned reflexes, with a single stomp he managed to fly above her and continued his stepping on the ceiling; a technique he developed shortly after his infection.

Right, left, left, right… He navigated the halls with perfect precision, even with the world being inverted, until he reached the intersection he wanted. He angled himself to stomp downward from the ceiling of the corridor toward the wall facing the intersection, then he stomped downward again to reach the ground level only to fall headfirst into the last pony he wanted to meet.

Twilight Sparkle was classifying her homework in alphabetical order when a loud bang resonated in the corridor. Startled, she ran outside her room, “Is somepony hurt?” she screamed, only to hear the familiar moan of a pony she hasn’t seen since their bath.

Sun Light's hoody receded from his face revealing his pinkish skin. “Sunny, glad you’re okay!” she exclaimed before running him with a hug, one that Sun Light hesitantly accepted. “You smell good,” she commented.

Sun Light forced Twilight to let him go. “Yeah, yeah laugh it up.”

“I didn’t laugh at you,” Twilight replied defensively, “well maybe at first, but not after you escaped through the window.”

“I was being ogled at, what else could I have done?”

“Wrapped a towel over yourself maybe?” Twilight suggested, before sighing, “Honestly, leave it to Sun Light to jump out of a ten-story tower and land safely because he was being laughed at.”

Sun Light stuck his tongue out, but instead of derision, he was met with a mirth. “Cadence says that is how I know I won an argument,” Twilight said with pride in her voice.

“As honoring as that may be, are you here to learn about magic or to learn about me?” Sun Light replied sarcastically.

Sun Light readied himself for a retort, “Why not a bit of both?” Sun Light stared at her agape.

Twilight noticed this and laugh.

But before Sun Light could speak, “Ouch my head,” was the loud groan that came from the other end of the corridor, “This pain should never have befallen royalty,” He said with scorn, causing the smile on both foals’ faces to disappear.

“Oh brother,” Twilight retorted, Sun Light carefully returned his hood on his head and closed it, hoping he wouldn’t be recognized.

Prince Blueblood, son of Prime Minister Trueblood, and adopted nephew of Princess Celestia stood there with the biggest bump he had ever received, his eyes scanning left and right for whoever did such atrocity to his noggin.

And Lo and behold, he held up that snot that calls herself his aunt’s pupil and a hooded figure that’s giving an oddly familiar presence. He snorted, was it not enough to have her middle-class snootiness around to taint the air, now she has to bring a hooded gangster to the mix?

“Greetings peasant,” he addressed Twilight, “I see you brought more rabble with you.”

“My name is Twilight,” She replied firmly, “and I won’t be needing your assistance for today.”

“Oh! Why so?”

“Because Sun Light decided to return to work,” she exclaimed pointing at the hooded figure trying to sneak away from the conversation.

“Sun Light?” Prince Blueblood inquired, only to have the hooded turnaround and give him a salute. “Why are you dressed like that?”

“Yo, can’t a colt try a new style without others looking at him weirdly?” He said while crisscrossing his hooves in an attempt to go with the style.

“You look ridiculous,” with a scorn, Prince Blueblood wrapped his magic around the hood in an attempt to lift it off, only to be held back by the young colt’s grip, “Come now Sunny, you are to tell me that you’d rather be a street urchin that your casual suave?” But just as Prince Blueblood tried to pull harder, the colt struggled with equal force, “Come… on… Sun… Light… stop… being… a… tyke…” with a final big push, Sun Light’s hood tore off from his hooves, causing him to loose balance and fall while revealing, well, his pink now turned red head.

Twilight gasped and ran to help the young colt back on his hooves, Prince Blueblood stared in absolute silence at the colt, shock written all over his face.

With an ever so dignified grunt, Sun Light jeered, “You can take a picture if you want, it will last longer.”

“You look like a naked mole rat,” Prince Blueblood deadpanned.

“And you have just proven yourself a bigger jerk than you already were,” Sun Light replied while dusting himself, “which, when I think about it, is absolutely next to impossible to do,” He then motioned to Twilight, “Let’s go.”

Seeing the two foals walk away, Blueblood cried out, “Sun Light wait,” only to be stopped by a tap on his shoulder.

Blueblood looked around to see none other than the minister of defense standing behind him.

“What do you…?” Sun Light wasn’t exactly surprised to see his father, to say the least, he was however surprised to see the prime minister as well. That was very fast, he thought. It was pretty normal for Evening to surprise his son with feats beyond logic in which Sun Light attributed them as ‘Dad powers’.

“Dad, Prince Trueblood, what a pleasure,” he quipped.

“The pleasure is mine,” Prince Trueblood replied, stoically and politically as ever, “Please pay us no heed and continue to your duties, don’t want to keep Princess Celestia waiting now do we?”

Sun Light glanced back at Twilight who shrugged at him in response, He then followed her back to her room to get Spike as well as some research materials that Princess Celestia asked Twilight to prepare them the day before, though not before casting a glance of ‘don’t do anything stupid’ at his father who simply replied with a smile; a surprisingly forced smile, one that clearly indicates that the situation is beyond Sun Light's control.

Sun Light sighed. He didn't want an escalation, but it seemed that it was bound to happen. I should have done something sooner, he lamented while dragging behind Twilight Sparkle, guess I'll be stuck with the consequences now.

Once the foals are on their way and out of sight, Trueblood turned to his son, “I’m going to go on a limb here and assume that you already know what this is about.” Blueblood simply giggled nervously.