• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 1,405 Views, 83 Comments

Quest for Earth Pony Magic: the Disciple - IMN

When refugees came to Equestria fleeing war, Princess Celestia accepted them with open hooves. Ten years later, their youngest made the castle a little too much his own home; but Sun Light's leisure is about to be challenged rather unexpectidly

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Chapter XX. The Curse of Being Broke.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning for Evening Star.

He had the day off to spend with his lovely daughter whom he hasn't seen in a while and seemed to be somewhat proud of, despite costing him a wall fix. He paid a huge debt yesterday from his son’s money which meant that, and with said son bringing a grand per month, he can finally relax financially and start looking for some future investment.

Like buying a new house!

Perhaps he can go and see something later that day.

He came down those stairs with a skip in his steps, and with a bright smile, he opened the kitchen door and greeted, “Good Morning my precious foals, and how are you on this glorious morning?”

But instead of smiles, he was greeted with the sound of thunder coming from the small dark cloud that is raining on top of Sun Light’s head.

“What is with all this doom and gloom on this beautiful morning?” Evening asked in surprise.

“I’m broke,” Sun Light said in a mournful tone.

Evening hated seeing his son so under the weather, literally, so he decided to cheer him up, “But Sun Light, you were always broke, up until last month, you were living on the allowance I was giving you.”

“Oh yes, those five bits per week were so accommodating, they could barely sustain us until next week,” Moon Chaser replied to her father acridly from her seat next to Sun Light.

“I will have you know Miss Snarky Pants, the minimum wage here in Equestria is five bits per week,” Evening retorted to his daughter, “So basically you guys were getting paid just as much as a lot of ponies here in Equestria.”

“Ah, yes. We should be grateful to our father overlord who takes away our hard earned money and leaves us with the minimum wage of Equestria,” Moon Chaser replied with a fake plea of gratitude.

Evening glared at his daughter unimpressed. Instead of yelling, however, he took a deep breath, then exhaled, “I’m not going to let that bother me today.” Before turning toward his foals with a smile. The doorbell rang. Evening turned toward his foals and said, “I can see none of you are in a good mood so I’ll be leaving.” He turned his back at Sun Light and Moon Chaser’s glare and left the kitchen.

Evening skipped all the way to the front door while humming. When he opened it, he was greeted with Cadence, Shining Armor, and Twilight Sparkle. “Oh hello~ and how are you on this fine day?” He greeted.

With a warm smile, Cadence replied, “We’ve been good, how are Sun Light and Moon Chaser?”

“Oh, they are fine, a bit moody, but otherwise in great shape,” Evening answered, causing Cadence to glare at him suspiciously.

Evening then waved them in. “Unfortunately, I won’t be joining you today as I have to scour the housing market for future investment.”

“It’s alright Minister Star,” Shining Armor said, “We’ll be leaving for the park real soon anyway.”

A malevolent smile appeared on Evening’s lips. “Oh? And will they pay to enter the park?” He said before leaning toward the kitchen and yelling, “Because They Can’t Afford It!” Leaving a shocked Twilight and a disgusted Cadence to stare at him.

Shining Armor, however, replied all innocently, “Actually, the entrance to the park is free.”

Evening gave the young stallion a deadpanned stare before leaving. Cadence leaned over her coltfriend and said, “That was a good reply.”

“A reply to what?” Shining asked.

Cadence looked at her coltfriend confused. “Weren’t you talking back to him?”

“Oh Celestia no!” Shining replied with shock, “I was only alleviating his concern about the entry fee to the park.”

Cadence stared at her coltfriend with her mouth hanging low. Twilight articulated her thoughts when she commented, “I have no idea what you see in him sometimes.” Before heading in front of them toward the kitchen.

“Me neither,” Cadence said before following her.

“What? What did I say?” Shining asked before following them.

“Hey,” Moon yelled from the kitchen door, “Come on in.”

“Hey, is Sun Light okay?” Twilight immediately asked.

“He’s a bit under the weather,” Moon replied when the sound of thunder emanated from the kitchen. “Literally.”

The trio entered the kitchen and to a scene that can only be described as melodramatic as Sun Light sat there with a pout looking at his breakfast under the rain.

Cadence was the first to sooth. “Oh, Sunny,” She cooed but didn’t dare to approach as the lightning coming from the cloud answered her. “I’m sorry about yesterday.”

“Me too,” Sun Light.

“How are you feeling?” Twilight asked.

“My pancake is getting soggy,” Sun replied, miserably.

“Probably because you kept it under the rain,” Shining pointed out as he moved the plate from under the rain, only to be struck on his side.

“You don’t mention the rain,” Moon whispered in Shining’s ear in a harsh tone.

“Okay,” Shining replied while rubbing his side. He then turned to Sun, “So how much bits did you lose?”

Cadence rolled her eyes at her coltfriend and said, “Did you have to open old wounds?”

Shining simply shrugged, but before he could say anything Sun Light answered him, “Out of one thousand and thirteen bits, I lost,” He sniffed, “One thousand and,” He panted, “And twelve.”

Shining saw how miserable things were becoming so he decided to cheer the little colt up with a, “At least you still have one bit.”

That was the needle that broke the camel as Sun started to cry.

The three fillies turned their gaze that ranges from scornful to dismayed at Shining Armor who reeled back in self-defense exclaiming, “What did I do?!”

“It’s the cloud you dodo,” Twilight berated.

Shining stared with confusion at the cloud. “What about the cloud?” He asked.

“It cost one bi-i-t!” Sun wailed.

“Oh,” Shining realized. “Not sparing any expense on the drama I see,” He tried to joke.

“What’s with you today?” Moon flared.

“I’ll shut up now,” Shining flailed his hooves before walking out of the kitchen.

“I’m sorry about my brother,” Twilight said to Moon.

Moon waved her hoof in dismissal.

More lightning cracked from the cloud. “Did he supercharge the cloud or something?” Twilight asked.

Cadence shook her head. “I’ll take care of this,” She said as she approached Sun. She then placed a bag of coins in front of him.

Upon hearing the coins landing on the table, Sun took a peek. “What’s this?”

“A gift,” Cadence said, “Actually this is part of your next month paycheck, it’s called an advance payment. I did some smooth talking to get them for you.”

Sun glared at the bag of coins.

After the awkward silence, Cadence asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Feels like pity money,” Sun noted.

“You don’t want it?” Cadence asked in surprise, grabbing the bag with her aura.

But before she could levitate it, Sun Light grabbed it with his hoof. “Thank you,” He said with a head bow.

And the cloud above him parted.

It was, just as Evening Star said it, a gorgeous day.

The park was brimming with life. The tree provided the most beautiful of shades, the birds were singing, and the sounds of laughter abounded.

And in the midst of it all, Shining Armor sat alone at one of the swings while watching over the foals as they argued over which reference to go in regards to explaining ‘De mineralibus liber imperium’ with boredom. “Maybe I should have volunteered to watch over Spike as well,” The young colt lamented.

He was hoping to do something fun with everyone, like monster hunting, or pirate chasing, or some other role-playing game he used to play with Twilight and oftentimes with Cadence joining them as well. He was hoping since this is a big enough party, they can make a full day event. But alas, his marefriend and his new friend had some issues to resolve, and Twilight brought with her the most cringe causing book in the history.

Shining’s eyes fell on the two young mares sitting in the distant, not far from view but far enough to not be heard. “Wonder what they are talking about?”

Not far from them, Moon Chaser watched her brother arguing with this new filly called Twilight Sparkle which she heard much about.

“They do make a cute couple,” Cadence said.

“They have chemistry, I’ll give them that,” Moon Agreed, “But do they have the spark?”

“Not sure,” Cadence replied, “She’s not fully aware of other ponies’ feelings, and he’s not too keen on sharing his.”

Moon nodded for a bit, “Who do you think will tell the other first?”

Cadence thought for a moment, “Definitely Twilight,” She answered, “Sun is more likely to keep questioning his feelings until he analyzes them away.”

Moon Chaser fell silent. Cadence didn’t add anything to the conversation. They sat there watching the foals argue for a time.

“I’m sorry, ” Cadence said.

Moon jumped from her seat. “If any of you ever apologize one more time, I’ll…”

“Will you calm down?” Cadence ordered, and Moon grumbled back. “I knew you had feelings for me,” She then said, “And instead of putting an end to us, I fanned the flames and pitted you against Shining Armor, and for that I’m sorry.”

Moon sat, huffing her anger away. “Okay, I’ll accept this, but I need to know,” Moon then approached Cadence and asked, “Why?”

“Why what?” Cadence asked in return.

“Why him and not me?” Moon Chaser asked, “You knew I had feelings for you, so you either were toying with me or…”

“What? No! I wasn’t toying with you!” Cadence reacted defensively.

“Then, what was I to you?” Moon held her gaze at Cadence.

But Cadence immediately looked away. “Now I know how Sun Light feels when he makes a mistake.”

“Mi Amore Cadenza!” Moon Chaser ordered.

“Fine, fine,” Cadence took a deep breath, “You were, to me… No, you have, and will always be, my first ever filly-crush.” Cadence felt her cheeks on fire. “Now I know how Shining felt when he first asked me out.”

“So... it was mutual?” Moon Chaser concluded.


“Then… why him?”

“Because,” Cadence jumbled her words, “because, you are just too perfect.”

“Huh?” Moon Chaser gave Cadence the most confused stare the latter had ever seen.

“Before I became an alicorn,” Cadence started to explain, “I had a checklist for all the qualities I wanted in my future partner in life. I wanted him, or her, to be strong, kind, capable, charming and charismatic, always serious but can still make me laugh when he, or she, want to.”

Cadence turned to Moon, “And you! You fit all those criteria, heck, you even check the optional criteria as well, Princess Artemis Moon Chaser of Phoenicia. I was head over heels in love with you when we first met.”

Moon Chaser nodded, trying to take everything in. Then she realized something “You can’t use that against me! I’m like the seven hundred seat to the throne, heck, Sun Light have a more legitimate claim, and he’s my mother’s illegitimate.”

“A princess is a princess even if she doesn’t have a throne to inherit,” Cadence remained adamant.

“Okay, okay,” Moon shut the argument before it distracted from the real argument, “If you were in love with me, then why did you stop?”

“I realized one day, that you shined too brightly,” Cadence answered, lowering her head in shame, “The closer we got, the more I realized that I am left behind in the shadow, your shadow. I can’t be with someone who can outshine me every moment of every day. But I didn’t know how to act.”

“So you kept quiet,” Moon Chaser concluded.

“I thought you’d take the hint, I wasn’t expecting you to be…”

“The envious type,” Moon Chaser finished her line.

“That really tarnished my image of you, you know,” Cadence chuckled. “I thought I knew everything about love, guess I still have ways to go.”

“You’ll live, you’ll learn,” Moon tried to console her friend, “So what now?”

“I think…” Cadence paused for a moment, “we should end our friendship for now.”

“So… she will only be your friend again if you fall in love with someone else?” Shining realized with astonishment.

“That was her term,” Moon affirmed.

“I don’t know how to feel about this,” Shining shook his head, “I was hoping you two would mend fences and move on.”

“Oh please,” Sun interjected, “You should feel ecstatic about this. Your marefriend just drew the line of respectful distancing necessary for her and Moon’s emotions to heal.”

“That’s a good phrase, from where did you get it?” Twilight teased.

“Relationship Psychology by Paul Poponie,” Sun quickly answered.

Moon grabbed her brother’s mane and tugged lightly, “Isn’t that book banned here in Equestria on the account of its racial purity propaganda?”

Sun twisted his head and managed to escape his sister’s grasp. “When did that ever stop me from finding it?” He answered with a smirk.

“So, what other advice does that book give?” Shining asked. Moon and Twilight looked at him aghast.

“Just that you need to draw a line between Moon and Cadence if you ever wished to retain both their respect and trust in you,” Sun answered.

“Don’t talk to the one about the other,” Shining nodded. “Got it.”

“You didn’t learn that from a racial propaganda relationship advice,” Twilight noted, “Didn’t you?”

“No, that was the logical thing to do,” Sun replied.

“I have to say, you reading something like that makes me wonder how relatively normal you turned out to be Sunny,” Moon noted.

“Sun Light and normal? That’s two words I never imagined to find in the same sentence,” Twilight quipped.

Sun chuckled. “When I read it I had a lot of questions, but Princess Celestia just made fun of every single point the book raised on racial purity and how marriage should be between same race only and what-not,” He shrugged. “The ideology felt absurd to me after that, despite the excellent marriage advice I found in that book.”

“I’m glad you think of it that way,” Shining said, “I don’t think there are many who can read something like that and not be taken with its message.”

“Nah, I just have good ponies watching over me,” Sun’s reply caused every pony to glare at him in shock. “Oh har har har, I do give credit when it's deserving, you know,” He jeered in response.

Every pony, with exception of one, broke into a chuckle.

The moment Shining and Twilight’s parents’ house came into view, Shining turned to Moon, “Are you sure you don’t want to come in?” He asked, “I’m sure the foals would want to continue reading the Imperium.”

“NO!!” Exclaimed the foals.

Moon chuckled at her brother’s reaction. “Thank you for the invite, but I don’t your mother would appreciate my presence.” She pointed at the window that got quickly shot.

“I’d rather read propaganda than continue with this contradictory piece of…” Sun was saying to Twilight when the elders called their younger siblings.

“I’ll see you tomorrow on the train, Shining,” Moon waved at Shining, to which he replied with a wave back before entering the house with Twilight.

With that, Moon Chaser and Sun Light made their way home. The trek was silent at the beginning, which only made Moon more contemplative about her little brother and how much he had grown in the past few weeks she had not seen him.

“[Have you done anything to your fur?]” She asked, “[It looks absolutely stunning.]”

“[I had it replaced,]” Sun joked.

Though, Moon predicted what he meant by that, “[You went to that tower right?]” When she saw her brother’s reaction, she knew she was right, “[Got some stink mites on you again? Haven’t you learned from last time that happened?]”

“[If that was the end of it I would have been glad,]” Sun shook his head at his own stupidity back then.

“[Will you tell me what happened?]” Moon asked her brother with a plea in her eyes.

“[It’s a long story,]” Sun answered.

“[It’s a long way home,]”Moon pointed out.

Sun chuckled, “[True at that,]” He said, “[To tell you what happened, I guess I should start from the beginning...]”

The two siblings went their way, filling the streets of Canterlot with stories and laughter as the sun set over Canterlot’s streets.

“[…And that was when dad said that I should go to the advance division bureau to get some new weapons,]” Sun explained enthusiastically as he took a bite out of his dinner.

“[When I saw what that cube did I was mortified!]” Moon exclaimed before she munched on her sandwich. “[Dad must have been infuriated to let you get those gadgets]”

The two siblings sat at their kitchen table having dinner while finishing their stories of the day. Moon made herself a simple dandelion sandwich while Sun had hay salad with apple crumbs.

“[You have no idea,]” Sun said, spitting morsels that were in his mouth.

“[Trust me, I think I do,]” Moon said while handing him a napkin. “[And don’t talk with your mouth full! It’s bad manners.]”

Sun swallowed, “[Sorry.]”

“[I should count my stars at how lucky I am things turned out the way they did,]” Moon said with a grateful tone.

“[You should,]” Sun affirmed, “[There were so many things that could have gone wrong, I’d say this is the best possible outcome you could have ever imagined.]”

“[Say, you’re not going to be hard on Shining Armor now that he’s under your care,]” Moon said in pleading tone, “[Will you?]”

“[Hard isn’t the right word to describe it,]” Sun said, his eyes brimming with malevolence, “[Brutal is more like it.]”

“Helios!” Moon rose with a reprimand.

“[I have so many plans to break him,]” Sun rubbed his hooves together while keeping that awful glare in his eyes, “[I’m going to make the old you sympathetic to his plight.]”

“I’m serious, Helios,” Moon let out a warning.

“So am I, Artemis,” Sun replied.

The two glared at each other for a time.

Sun broke the silence, “The path he chose is not an easy one, you should be aware of that most.”

“Yeah, I know,” Moon back down, “Just don’t go crazy with him.”

“Can’t promise you that,” Sun replied.

“Then don’t let me in on it,” Moon asked in her statement.

“Can’t promise you that either.”

“What? Why?”

“It’s my punishment for you,” Sun answered.

“You little brat,” Moon stood up from the table, “Haven’t I been punished enough?”

“From an outsider perspective, no,” Sun shut his sister down, “However, this is a punishment you should be more accepting to take, as I want you to make him into a captain of the royal guard.”

Moon sat back down, mulling her role. She then chuckled, “A smart move mister advisor.”

“Thank you, I try my best,” Sun said while finishing his salad. He then rose up, lifted his hoof, and with it, the plate and fork started to levitate. With a light push, Sun levitated the kitchen wares to the sink before gentling placing them down.

Moon looked at him in awe. “You have got to teach me that.”

“Psh, that’s easy,” Sun leaned back in his chair, “You just channel your warrior’s aura into the object you want to push or pull, and then act upon it. The rest is practice, pure and simple.”

“My warrior’s aura?” Moon asked.

“That’s what dad calls it,” Sun explained, "I refer to it as Earth pony magic."

“Hmm,” Moon thought for a moment. She then grabbed her chair and placed it in the center of the kitchen. She counted three steps in the opposite direction, took a combat pose, and then started to accumulate her warrior’s aura.

Sun whistled as the blue light shrouded his sister. “That’s some control you have,” He noted.

“Thanks,” Moon said before throwing both her arms toward the chair, but nothing happened.

“FYI, dad figured it out on his own,” Sun told Moon.

“Nothing is happening,” Moon complained.

“That’s because you’re not imagining it clearly in your head,” Sun pointed out, “It’s both a mental thing and a physical thing.”

Moon released her aura. “I’m not going to figure it out tonight,” She said when an idea came to her, “Say, can you tell me how you come up with your spells?”

A smirk appeared on Sun’s face, unlike anything Moon saw on his face before. “It’s going to cost you,” He said.

“Cost me what?”

“A story about mom.”

If there was any sign of playfulness in Moon’s face, it got completely drained. “A story about mom?” She asked.

“Yep,” Sun replied.

“What do you know about mom?” Moon asked in amazement.

“Some stories here and there,” Evening said from behind, causing his daughter to jump in surprise. “Nothing from Saddle Arabia, though, everything from our time in the Badlands. That was my cost for him as well.”

“When did you came in?” Sun asked in full irritation.

“Enough to see you two are bonding,” Evening said, “And liking every second of it.”

“What do you want dad?” Moon asked.

“I wanted to talk to Sunny about what happened, but I can see that it can wait,” Evening turned to meet his son’s glare, “But I can also see that tensions are still high, so I’ll leave you two to your stories,” He said before leaving them.

A smile appeared on Moon’s face. “Alright, I have the perfect story for you.”

Sun sat up to listen. Moon took her seat and started to narrate, “When I six years old, I was the biggest tomboy in the city of Ramitha, always getting into fights, and believe it or not, always losing.”

Sun jumped from his seat, “No way! You?!”

Moon chuckled at the memories, “Yep, I always ended up getting bruised and beaten. So mom told dad to teach me how to fight, but dad said, [It's better that she stops fighting altogether and act like how mares are supposed to.]”

“I can totally see him saying that,” Sun quipped.

“Anyway, mom wasn’t satisfied with that answer,” Moon continued, “So she went to grandpa, King Arthur Pentdragon of Sarepta.”

“Wait… King?!!” Sun jumped for the second time.

“Yep,” Moon answered.

“Does that make me a prince?” Sun asked, batting his eyes.

“The four hundred and seventy-eighth to the throne of Sarepta,” Moon said in a cheer. “Enjoy your throne little prince.”

“What?” Sun deadpanned.

“Our mother is the third daughter from his fifth concubine out of seven children from our grandmother’s side, four of which are colts.” Moon counted.

Sun sat back. “That was awkward to know.”

“It is, any male heir is placed in front of a female heir, and our mother is at the bottom of everyone, so we are the last direct heirs to the throne of Sarepta for our respective genders.” Moon did not feel the need to tell her little brother her ranking, so she moved on, “Anyway, Grandpa Arthur had one good thing about him, and that he knows all his kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids by name. So when mother came to him with my problems, he agreed to have me train with the captain of the royal guards, despite dad’s initial objection.”

“And that is how you became strong?” Sun asked.

Moon puffed her a little, “Yep, but our story doesn’t stop here.”

“Do tell,” Sun said with excitement.

“A couple of month into my training and I broke my hoof,” Moon continued, “Dad was ecstatic about it, hoping that I will forgo my training and start acting ladylike. Mom had none of it, she took me to the training ground, and had me sit and watch other ponies train.”

“That must have been boring,” Sun noted in annoyance.

“It should have been boring, but it wasn’t,” Moon said while adding suspense to her story, “You see, mom was there with me, and she knew nothing about fighting, so she kept asking me questions, and more questions, and the more she knew, the more sophisticated her questions became. By the time my cask was about to be removed, the captain of the royal guard, the royal champion, and even dad were all arguing about the best stance to take, the correct moves to make, how to nail the timing and so on and so forth.”

“You’re telling me, that my mother managed to turn your injury into a warrior’s convention?” Sun said with a tone of disbelief.

“You do that all the time,” Moon said to him, “You have the exact same move as her, you ask for something then throw a curve ball then get exactly what you want to hear.”

“I do no such thing,” Sun reacted but then realized something, “Oh, yeah I do those things.”

“I swear, you’re like a mini, black version of mom.” That statement made Sun blush. “She would have liked you, you know.”

A smile crept on Sun Light’s lips. It wasn’t his usual mischief smile, rather, it was something Moon Chaser saw only a few times till now.

“You seem happy,” Moon said, “Why the sudden interest?”

“The interest was always there,” Sun answered, “I just never had the courage to ask.”

Moon held a tear from falling. “You really have grown while I was gone.”

“Enough sappy stories,” Sun declared, “Time to teach you some magic.” He jumped down then walked upstairs. “Follow me.”

Moon laughed, then did as instructed. She followed him straight to his room where, once again, was filled with fliers from top to bottom.

“What are you working on?” Moon asked.

“Elemental magic!” Sun exclaimed.

“You mean, like the thing you were reading with Twilight?” Moon asked.

“No that was Earth Element,” Sun explained, “This is for Lightning Element.”

That impressed his older sister who replied, “Why lightning?”

“Twilight said that she wanted to follow her elemental order, so I decided on doing the same,” Sun pulled a sheet of paper from the wall and gave it to Moon. On that sheet, Moon found a table with the names, classes, and level of all the elements.

“Care to explain?” Moon asked.

“Elements are grouped into class and degrees, an element class is its nature, and an element degree is its level of complexity.” Sun pointed to the first class, “Fire, lightning, and light, for example, all belong to the energy class. Fire is the least complex of them so it’s a primary element, lightning is a form of compressed fire, and light is a form of compressed lightning. They all belong to the same magical class, but each is a higher version of the other. Magically speaking.”

“And the elemental order?”

“It’s the order you learn which element to use.”


After examining the table further, Moon asked, “And how does one go about finding his elemental order?”

“Most books teach the standardize method of energy, purity, nature, and ether.”

Judging from her brother’s demeanor, Moon realized his disapproval. “But that’s not the case.”

Sun smiled, “No, however standardizing elemental order came after standardizing education en-mass. Basically, no one has time to discover their own elemental order, and not many can teach it correctly.”

“So unicorns learn only one order, but can never become proficient elemental mages,” Moon concluded, “No wonder most of the unicorns in the academy can’t use elements correctly.”


“So, how does one learn his elemental order?” Moon asked.

“There is the hard way: you try all primary elements, and then a professional will analyze your proficiency in each of the elements and gives you the order in which you need to learn them.” Sun then walked to his closet, opened it, and dragged a box outside. “And then there is the shortcut.” With a single push, the box fell and crystal elemental balls fell to the ground. “You try all the elements, and the two in which you are best at channeling your energy into dictates your order.”

Moon regarded her brother with suspicion, “Wait, if there is such a technique, then why isn’t it more widespread?”

“Because, the one who documented it is a major advocate of unicorn purity that had most of his works discredited and the rest fell into obscurity,” Sun replied sheepishly.

Moon glared at her brother, “If I ever hear you reading those books, I will punch you.”

Sun rolled his eyes. “Fine, fine.” He pulled a sheet, “Want to try it out?”

Moon nodded, “So, what am I supposed to do here?”

“Channel your earth pony aura into the crystals by tapping them,” Sun explained.

“My what?”

“Your warrior’s aura.”

Moon took the same pose she did in the kitchen, and when the blue aura surrounded her, she touched one of the balls, and the insignia started to glow.

Sun whistled. “Got it right the first time, that’s impressive.”

“Which element was that?” Moon asked.

“Metal, which means you start with the purity element. Try another one.”

The second ball Moon touched, exploded in a flash of light, the third one barely had any glow in it. After a few ones, another Moon Chaser managed to make one of the crystal’s insignia to glow an odd white and red.

“Wow.” Sun Light looked astonished.

“Is that a good wow, or a bad wow?” Moon asked.

“A good wow for sure,” Sun picked, “That’s the fury element.”

“What’s that?”

“Have you ever heard of the spirit of the wild?”

Moon shook her head.

“It’s a magical theory that tells us that each action taken in the wild has a higher spirit guiding it such as the hunt, the chase, the kill, defending your territory, mating, childbearing etcetera. Fury if what we call the element that channels those ancient properties.” Sun grabbed the glowing crystal, “Took me three days to reach this result with this element. I’m kind of irked that it’s your basics.”

Moon glowed with pride. “That means I’m a natural.”

“Yeah right,” Sun sneered.

“So what is my elemental order?” Moon asked.

“A divine beast order,” Sun said, “You start with purity, nature, ether, and finally energy. The first class denotes the combined degree of your element, both are the same so it’s the higher class, Purity, the second belongs to the other class, so nature. The third belongs to the distance of both elements, here being short means energy, and the fourth is the remaining class, ether.”

“Cool,” Moon exclaimed. “What’s your order?”

“That’s my secret,” Sun smirked.

“You haven’t been doing this for long, so I think lightning is your first,” Moon concluded.

Sun was shocked at his sister’s finding. “How did you know that?”

“There are too many papers here,” Moon pointed out, “That means you are still in the early stages of things.”

Sun frowned at his sister before grumbling.

Moon laughed at her little brother’s antiques. “Glad to know that I still know you very well.”

“Whatever makes you happy,” Sun said in defeat.

“So, what do I do know?” Moon said, picking one of the orbs.

“You train to make all these orbs glow like the ones you managed to do thus far, in the order I mentioned,” Sun explained.

“Right, I’m going to borrow a paper and write everything down,” Moon went to her brother’s desk.

“You can have these crystals if you wish,” Sun said while putting them back in the box, “I’m done with them anyway.”

“Aren’t they something you ‘borrowed’ from the castle?” Moon asked.

“No, dad bought them for me to train… fifteen bits for the whole set, not as expensive as I thought they would be,” Sun explained.

“Good to know.” Moon finished taking her notes, she was about to head to her room when she saw her brother staring at her. “What?”

“Don’t you want to see my progress?” Sun asked.

“What progress?” Moon asked.

“In lightning element,” Sun said.

“You’re really excited about this,” Moon noted, “Alright, but that's the last thing for today, I want to sleep in my own bed for a change like there is no tomorrow.”

Sun smiled, he then jumped to his desk and pulled a jar of dark cloud from his drawer.

Moon gasped. “I knew those clouds today weren’t only theatrical.”

“I grew the one from this morning for a week now,” Sun said while opening the jar, “I now have a few dozen of those, littered all over the house.”

Sun grabbed the cloud with his hoof, then he squashed it. “The thing is, I need to learn how lightning feels before I can get to use it.” He started rubbing his hooves together, faster and faster and faster until he suddenly stopped. His smile grew. He opened his hooves and a steady stream of sparks flew between them.

Moon started to clap. “Now that is impressive.”

“Thank you,” Sun said. But no sooner did he say it, that a strong lightning strike flew from his hoof and struck the wall. After that, the entire charge dissipated.

“Controlling it is a different ordeal, but that’s the gist of it,” Sun said when suddenly, smoke appeared from behind him.

“Uh, Sunny?” Moon pointed at the smoke.

“Uh oh,” Sun grabbed a nearby leather bound book and tried to squash the little flame, but it didn’t die out.

“I’ll go get some water,” Moon said while running to the bathroom.

“What to do, what to do?” Sun started to panic. He remembered something about fire extinguishing using a woolen sheet. He grabbed his bed sheet and tried to snuff the fire with it.

But suddenly, the sheet caught fire and it started to spread through the papers he placed on the wall.

Moon came with a bucket of water and saw Sun trying to put out the fire with a burned sheet. “I need more water,” she noted.

Sun turned to her and exclaimed, “It’s not working!”

Moon went in and grabbed Sun. She ran quickly outside the room then slammed the door.

“Now we’ll just have to wait until the fire extinguishes itself out,” Moon explained between gasps of air.

“Yeah, okay,” Sun said while catching his breath. “Glad dad didn’t see that, or else he would be pissed.”

“Yeah, hehe, he would be fuming,” Moon chuckled.

Sun laughed, “Fuming like my research,” his laugh turned into crying.

Moon pat her brother’s back “At least, nothing bad happened, right?”

A sudden cough sent chills down the sibling's spine.

Sun and Moon looked up to their dad glowering at them while glowing deep blue aura.

“Hey, dad,” Moon said in an increasingly shrinking position.

“It’s not what it looks like,” Sun said before smoke started to come out from under his door.

Princess Celestia sat pensively while drinking her midnight tea.

“Hey Princess,” Princess Cadence knocked on the door, “Can’t get any sleep?”

“I’m worried,” Princess Celestia said.

“About?” Princess Cadence asked.

“SSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNN LLLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHHTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Minister Evening Star’s voice suddenly boomed in the distance. Followed by the faint sounds of sirens.

Princess Celestia smiled, “It seems about nothing.”

Author's Note:

I have no idea how to insert a table and make it visible upon publishing, so if any of you have any ideas, I would be grateful.

Comments ( 6 )

Oh hey, looks like I missed this when it updated...

And, really? The reason why Cadance chose Shining over Moon is that Moon was too good and Cadance was like "nuh uh! She's better than me and I need someone less good than me." Which was immediately after Shining acted like an idiot multiple times and was insulted, and before it was directly stated Sun was superior to him in what he's supposed to be good at (guarding) and able to train him despite being a child again?

... It is really annoying to see.

Have you considered taking a picture or screen shot of the table, cropping it to size and posting it like that? What I did was post it to Pinterest and used the picture's URL to link it in fimfiction so it shows up like this. s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6b/dc/3a/6bdc3a572ae51fe9d847d5f79a7c760a.jpg
However, you can use any website or social media site that allows you to post public pictures. Google+, Google Drive, Facebook, Twitter, Deviantart etc. so long as it's on the net and public you can link it.



Good points, I'll try something when I have the time. Thanks.


I have to agree with you there.

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