• Published 9th Mar 2015
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Quest for Earth Pony Magic: the Disciple - IMN

When refugees came to Equestria fleeing war, Princess Celestia accepted them with open hooves. Ten years later, their youngest made the castle a little too much his own home; but Sun Light's leisure is about to be challenged rather unexpectidly

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Chapter XIX. The Money Spell.

On her first week, Twilight learned how to channel her magic

On her third week, she learned teleportation.

On her fourth week, she learned telekinesis.

Now that her sixth week was drawing to a close, she was going to start learning how to cast elemental spells next week.

But something kept interrupting the lecture. It was a distraction like nothing that happened before because it wasn’t only her that was kept distracted by it.

“Should we ask him?” She asked her teacher, who also looking keenly at the colt that was playing with the whelp.

“I’m not sure,” Princess Celestia replied, “This has never happened before.”

The colt in question noticed the stares he was getting. “I spent all morning gathering those books, the least you can do is look at them instead of staring at me.”

“We would, it’s just that,” Celestia thought of the best way to describe what it was that distracted her so, “Sun Light. You have a black eye.”

“Oh, this?” Sun Light pointed at his swollen eye, “Just a training accident, nothing to worry about.”

“A training accident?” Twilight asked, unsure she even wanted an answer.

“Yes, dad is teaching me hoof to hoof combat,” Sun Light explained, “I accidentally slipped and landed on his elbow.”

The actual event that transpired was a bit more complicated than that of course. Ever since his heart to heart with his father, Evening Star decided to create a new outlet for his son’s stress, which was martial arts; it was also meant as training in order for Sun Light to learn and study telekinesis. To make a long story short, the new training regimen worked. A couple of days into the training and Sun Light’s fur started to grow, he also managed to perform a telekinetic grab within that same timeframe, but he still lagged when compared to what his father was able to achieve.

And that frustrated Sun Light to no end. He was meant to be the preeminent earth pony mage. He was supposed to perfect all spells that would fall into the spectrum of his own brand of magic. But for his father to perfect a spell he came up with before him? Inconceivable!

Sun Light tripled his training regimen, doing extra push-ups, squats, pull-ups, and every calisthenics training he could find, and that left him… tired, most of the time. So when he went into a sparring match with his old colt, his vision was so blurry that he ran head first into his elbow causing the training to begrudgingly stop there.

“The swelling went down a lot from this morning, so no need to worry,” Sun Light brushed their concerns, “You guys should go back to your lessons.” He then turned toward little Spike, “Now Spike, say bee.” He picked a picture book then pointed at a photo of a bumble bee, then reiterated clearly, “BEE!”

Spike looked confused at Sun Light before reaching out for his black eye.

“Oh for the love of…” Sun Light huffed as he wiped the curious dragon away from his injuries. He then turned to see that the princess and her student were still giving him pity stares. “What?”

“Maybe you should take the day off,” Celestia suggested, “And put some ice on it until the swelling is gone, hm?”

“What are you, my mother?” Sun Light snapped back, only to regret it after seeing the hurt look on the Princess’s face. “I’ll finish early if that’s what you want,” He seceded.

Satisfied with the result, Celestia turned toward Twilight. “Now then, as I was saying, learning elemental is a lot more imaginative than you might think. You need to do what you did with the enchanted orbs, only without them.”

“So… I should start with earth elemental?” Twilight asked.

“Not necessarily,” Celestia explain, “As I mentioned earlier, elemental magic is the most imaginative field of magic known to pony kind. Simply put, no two references I read had the same methodology, despite all reaching similar if not same results.”

That confused Twilight even further. “Then, how am I going to go about learning it?”

“Read a lot of references, study a lot of styles, figure out what works for you and what doesn’t through experimentation.” Celestia answered, “Oh, and use Sun Light as much as possible, he’ll probably have figured it out before you do.”

Twilight and Celestia both turned to the colt who was on the ground giggling with Spike on top of him.

“When he wants to,” Celestia added.

What Celestia missed, however, was how intently Sun Light was listening in just mere seconds ago before Spike climbed atop of him.

Twilight struck her thinking pose. “I need a lot of research for this one,” She concluded.

“You don’t need to worry too much about it,” Celestia reassured her student, “This is an open assignment for a full year...”

“A full year!” Suddenly came Sun Light yelling, “What am I going to do during that time?”

Celestia turned toward Sun Light with a quizzical stare, only to see the little colt standing with an even more intense glare that would have been intimidating if it wasn’t for Spike perching on his head still trying to reach his discolored eye.

“What you’ve always done Sun Light,” Celestia explained, “Babysit Spike for most of the day, help Twilight with her research, report to me her findings, and help out whoever comes requesting your aid.”

“But this sound so redundant!” Sun Light complained, “I’ll be bored before we even start.”

“You might be,” Celestia mused out loud, “But at least you are getting paid for it.”

Sun Light burning glare suddenly turned to intrigue. His original plan, according to his research, he would need to buy a dragon egg in order to perform his dragon egg hatching in front of every pony in the royal court. But dragon eggs are expensive, it would take him twenty years on his twenty-bit allowance which he received from his father.

Extra funding would be a welcomed addition. “Well, I wouldn’t mind the extra bits,” Sun Light conceded.

“Uhuh,” Celestia gave him an indignant side glance. “Don’t forget to go to the treasury to get your first paycheck.”

“I will,” Sun Light replying all giddily while shoving Spike off his head.

“If I want to start with the earth element, which technique should I use?” Twilight asked.

“That’s easy, start with the ‘De mineralibus liber imperium’, and then use Clover’s field containment theorem for solids as a reference guide,” Sun Light punched the bookcase behind him and both books fell to his open hoof.

“I don’t think the Imperium suits her style Sun Light, thought Clover’s theorem is a good reference guide,” Celestia noted, she then levitated two new books, “I suggest you start with ‘Stone Wall’s Guide to Masonry’. He’s the unicorn that championed the building techniques used for Canterlot, then read 'The Many Uses of Fine Sand' by Fine Sand, he revolutionized rock farming back in the day.”

Sun Light swallowed a laugh, “Only if you’re a parrot,” He snickered.

Twilight rolled her eyes disapprovingly. “Here we go again.”

“I beg your pardon?” Celestia replied aghast at her aid's reaction.

“Stone Wall and Fine Sand’s techniques don’t leave much to maneuver in terms of flexibility and imagination,” Sun Light explained himself, “It’s like regurgitating a text, and Twilight will hit a wall very quickly by using these books.”

“And the Imperium is far too cryptic for Twilight to comprehend,” Celestia argued, “Heck, even I have trouble understand half of it, and I was alive when they wrote that bloody thing.”

“But that would encourage her critical thinking,” Sun Light counter-argued, “If all she does is regurgitate what others have already discovered, then what’s the point of her learning anything new?”

Celestia shook her head, “Tell me Sun Light, if you are such an expert in the Imperium that you would defend it so, then explain to me this, ‘what thine stone hath thee to comfort to thine will shall be naiver to the soul of the river which thine life ever superposed to…”

Sun Light gave the princess a blank, thinking stare, “I’ll get back to you on that one. But that was the point of having Clover theorem as a reference guide,” He picked Clover’s theorem and started leafing it, “I’m sure something will pop up that will explain your quote.” But before he could find what he was looking for a purple aura whisked the book away.

“Thank you, both of you,” Twilight said with a huff, “I’m sure that your books are going to keep me awake for long nights.”

“But I thought you love reading?” Sun Light asked sheepishly.

“That’s not the point,” Twilight replied acidly.

“It seems you have a lot to work with,” Celestia noted, “Let’s finish for today then. You have until next week to come up with a training regimen for your elemental magic.”

“Princess, if I may?” Sun Light asked, tucking at the princess’s heel.

“What is it?” Celestia asked.

“Don’t you think you’re making it a wee bit difficult for Twilight to learn that stuff? I mean, she still has normal classes on top of learning magic under your wing.” Sun Light confided.

“Nonsense,” The Princess dismissed, “Twilight has been learning stuff at an incredible pace, it’s time for her to learn how to do things herself, otherwise she will become too dependent on me to find answers for her.”

“Of course,” Sun Light replied, cursing his luck that now, he now had to learn things the hard way instead of relying on Princess Celestia to show him the correct path in which he needed to start.

“If there is nothing else you need, I will return back to my duties,” Celestia said as she walked toward the door, “You know where to find me~.”

As Celestia left, Sun Light sighed. To add to his schedule, he now has to help Twilight with her research, take care of Spike, finish up the report on last week’s escapade to the royal guard academy for the ministry of defense, read the progress report on Shining Armor while devising the next steps in his training, start devising a way for him to learn elemental magic, and be home for supper and the afternoon training with his father.

This was going to be a long week.

“Hey, Sun Light?” Twilight asked, “Have you ever read the Imperium?”

“No, but it was a reference in every book on geology and rock magic I have ever read,” Sun Light said, “I was hoping to use you as an excuse so that I get to read it as well.”

“Well, listen to this,” Twilight leafed picked the phrase that popped to her the moment she opened the book, ‘thou arrest not where thy soul stone rescind, for it be shaped in das toughest of forges ever conceived in das dowry.’”

“Oh? And what is the title in which this little quotation is taken from?” Sun Light asked all smugly.

“Rock ascension and the creation of things.”

“Looks like Celestia’s choice wins again,” Sun Light sighed defeat.

“I will not waste my entire year learning a single element Sun Light,” Twilight said with a tone of finality.

“But I need to know!” Sun Light whined.

“If you’re so interested in it, then you try to decipher it,” Twilight retorted.

“I don’t have the time to,” Sun Light wailed.

“Then forget about the whole ordeal,” Twilight stuck her nose in the air.

As the two foals made their way through the castle, the books riding on Sun Light’s back and Spike on Twilight’s, Sun Light kept nagging Twilight to start learning rock elemental magic through the Imperium.

“But I really wanna,” Sun Light sniffled.

“Crying won’t work on me again,” Twilight said impatiently, to which Sun Light sniffled again, as he did so he looked at her wide eyes, with a tear streaking on the side of his face, “Ugh, fine!” She finally relented, “I’ll try the book for one day; if I understood nothing by the end of it, then you need to drop it entirely.”

“YES!” Sun Light jumped and the books on his back flew high before landing a hug on Twilight with the books landing on his head. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You won’t regret this I promise, I’ll be with you the entire time getting you references, deciphering the meaning, doing pie chart, creating…”

“Hi Cadence,” Twilight suddenly waved.

“Hey there,” Princess Cadenza waved back, but upon seeing Sun Light’s brimming facial expression, she continued, “What’s wrong with Sun Light?”

Twilight sighed. “I agreed to read with him the ‘De mineralibus liber imperium’,” She said.

“I was talking about his eye, but okay.” Then Cadence’s expression changed from cheerful to sour upon remembering the book. “That book gave me the biggest headache in history.”

“Oh?” That remark did not fly over Sun Light, “Are you insinuating that we are smarter than you?”

Cadence chuckled. “Come back to me after you finish reading it.”

The smile on Sun Light’s face vanished. “Maybe I will.” He said with a frown.

Twilight noticed something off about Cadence. “Cadence, what’s wrong?”

Cadence glanced at Sun Light, then at Twilight, then at Sun Light again. “Don’t you know what day it is?”

Sun Light and Twilight looked at each other before shrugging. “The day of my first paycheck?” Sun Light asked.

“I already got my stipend from my scholarship this month,” Twilight said, “Princess Celestia gave it to me before you came with that eye of yours.”

“And how much would a stipend for someone your age take?” Princess Cadence asked.

“A hundred bits!” Twilight replied cheerfully, “That’s a third of my dad’s.” She then turned to Cadence, “How much do you get paid?”

“Well, I really shouldn’t tell,” Cadence said in a hushed voice, so she gestured to Twilight to come closer and whispered it into her ear.

“Wow, that much?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Well, what do you expect? I’m a princess after all,” Cadence said while puffing her chest. She then turned to Sun Light, “And how much are you getting paid for this?”

“Two hundred and fifty bits,” Sun Light said all dignified.

“That’s a lot,” Twilight was impressed.

“That’s nowhere near enough,” Cadence was aghast.

“Why is that?” Twilight asked.

“Because he works twelve hours a day on a six-hour schedule,” Cadence said, “That’s not counting how many ponies he helped outside of his work that counts as his work.”

“I don’t know how much overtime I’m clocking, so…” Sun Light added. “That’s just my basic salary.”

“I’m sure Sun Light is taking a huge bonus on top of his work,” Evening Star said from behind.

“μπαμπάς” Sun Light greeted. “Good day to you, minister,” Cadence said, followed by a ‘hello’ from Twilight.

“Hey every pony, how is everyone today?” Evening greeted back.

“Fine,” Cadence said, with Twilight nodding after her.

Evening turned to his son, “Πώς είναι το μάτι σου?”

“Πώς είναι το μάτι σου,” Sun Light replied.

“I hate when they go like this,” Cadence commented.

“The minister is asking if Sun Light’s eye is better and Sun said it’s not hurting anymore,” Twilight answered her.

That impressed Evening Star, “Very good Twilight! I see my son is rubbing off on you.”

“[Dad, please],” Sun Light said all flustered.

Twilight giggled at the father-son duo, “I’ve been learning a few words, yes.”

“May I ask, minister,” Cadence interjected, “What are you doing here?”

“Oh am I not invited to the castle?” Evening faked being hurt.

“No!” Cadence quickly corrected, “No, it’s just, it’s a rarity to see you here and…” Cadence stopped trying to come up with excuses when she saw Minister star chuckle at her fluttering.

“I came searching for Sun Light,” Evening motioned to his son, “I want to be there when he takes his first paycheck before going to the station to pick up Moon Chaser. I don’t want him to forget himself in the castle... again.”

“That happened once and you know it,” Sun Light defended himself.

Evening ruffled his son’s mane. “Once, every night, for the past month,” He said, and Sun Light pouted, but showed no resistance to his father’s tease, “What about you princess? Up to anything lately?”

“Actually, I’m… concerned,” Cadence said while biting her lips.

“About my daughter?” Evening asked, and an air of silence fell on the group.

“Yes,” Cadence answered quietly.

“We’ll just need to wait for them and see,” Evening said, betraying no high expectation, nor any disappointment. “Just remember, whatever happens, it’s ultimately her decision to make, not yours.”

“But one that I have to live up with,” Cadence added.

Feeling the conversation becoming too heavy, Sun Light spoke, “You guys can ponder on that all you want, I am going to get paid.”

Twilight couldn’t bear the mood. She didn’t know the specifics of anything at first, but she did know that Sun Light’s sister was tied to something big against her brother and seeing every pony torn up about it made her curious but at the same time frightened to ask.

That is until the day they were going to the royal academy. My sister is acting like a liaison between the ponies inside the academy bullying your brother and those outside who want him bullied, Sun Light explained, whatever happens today, I’m planning to hold her accountable for a lot of things, that sister of mine.

Sun Light haven’t spoken about his sister since then.

“I’m going to put the books in my room, then wait with Spike for my parents to pick us up,” Twilight said.

“Going to pick up Shining at the station?” Evening asked.

“Yep,” Twilight answered.

“I have a better idea,” Evening suggested to Twilight, “Why don’t we go to your room to put the books, then head to the observatory for your dad before all of us go down to the treasury’s office to get our paycheck?”

“Why?” Sun Light asked.

“Because I want a lot of witnesses to see you all awkward about getting your pay,” Evening said.

“That’s an odd way of putting it,” Sun Light noted, “What are you hiding from me you old colt?”

“I agree,” jumped Cadence,

“Sounds like a good plan,” Twilight said.

Sun Light looked aghast at Twilight, “Not you too!”

“Then it’s decided,” Evening declared, “Let’s go every pony.”

Evening walked in front leading the way. “There is no point in waiting,” Cadence followed.

Twilight gave Sun Light an encouraging pat, “Don’t worry, Mister Star is a nice pony, and it’s not like he will embarrass you or anything.” But as she said that, she stifled a chuckle.

“Can’t say that with a straight face huh,” Sun Light noted.

“Let’s just go,” She said before following the grownups.
Sun Light rolled his eyes before following her.

“And then he,” Night Light guffawed, “He peed himself apologizing!”

“No Way!” Evening Star joined him.

“Why did I fear this would happen?” Sun Light lamented.

“Please stop talking, please stop talking, please stop talking,” Twilight kept repeating as if trying to block the words.

“Wow,” Interjected Cadence before she heard another story, “Within the few minutes we’ve waited for our turn you, you gossiped about nearly half the aristocrats in the kingdom.” She nodded slowly as if trying to process the amount of garbage she just heard. “Pray tell, do you have any story about us?”

Twilight and Sun Light fervently shook their heads no.

“Definitely,” Night Light said, “But most are somewhat inappropriate though.”

“Oh?” Something light in Cadence’s eyes, “Do tell.”

“Well,” Evening glanced at Night Light, who gave him his okay with a single nod, “I kept hearing from Barrack Thirteen that Twilight and Sun Light are actually in love and that they were engaged secretly but that we, as their parents, have refused to marry them before Twilight graduates.”

“No!!” Came the united reaction of the two foals.

When the grownups turned to look at them, they were greeted with looks of horror and disgust.

Night Light and Evening smiled in satisfaction at the foals’ reaction.

“Oh hush you two,” Cadence dismissed them, “You make a cute couple you know.”

“No, they’re not,” Night Light objected.

“I wouldn’t know about that,” Evening said to the dismay of Sun Light, “Twilight Velvet seems to agree with Cadence.”

Night Light shot a dagger stare at Evening Star, but a showoff smile appeared on his face, “Well, there is one about Sun Light, in particular, that is… disconcerting.”

“Oh?” Evening took it as a challenge, “And what is it?”

“It said that Sun Light…” Night Light paused for dramatic effect, “can do magic.”

A wave of silence settled on the group. Evening and Cadence shared a glance before both glancing at Sun Light, who calmly said, “It’s true.”

“It is?” Asked Night Light with enthusiasm.

“It is?” Asked Twilight with skepticism.

“It is?” Asked Cadence with intrigue.

“It is?” Asked Evening Star with annoyance.

“Yeah, watch.” Sun Light lifted his front hooves and showed them to every pony that they are empty. He then started rubbing his hooves together, then turned to Twilight and said, “Behold, my greatest trick!” He then pulled a flower that appeared from nowhere and gave it to her.

Cadence and Night Light started applauding, causing Sun Light to beam with pride. Twilight took the flower and gave it to Spike, “Now I’m impressed.”

Evening just smirked. “And that’s why they think you guys are in love.”

The smile on Sun Light’s face wavered, but after giving it some thought, he shrugged. “Meh, they can think what they want, I don’t mind.”

Twilight, however, was horrorstruck.

Cadence clapped her hooves. “That’s the spirit.”

“How did you do that?” Night Light asked.

“A magician never reveals his secrets!” Sun Light declared.

“So all those disappearing acts?” Night Light asked.

“Practice,” Sun Light answered mysteriously.

“Next!” Yelled the teller.

“Alright then. Here is the deal,” Night Light said turning toward Evening Star and Sun Light, “Since we’ll be knowing what each of us will be getting paid, how about a little contest?”

“Like what?” Sun Light asked.

“The one who gets paid the most invites both our families for dinner,” Night suggested.

Evening looked uncertain. “Are you sure? After all the drama that happened?” He asked.

“Yes,” Night Light affirmed, “I hate to see all this built up tensions with a good friend because of what our kids have done, so consider it as a form of mending fences.”

“Yeah, I like the idea,” Evening agreed, “You have a deal. How about you Sun Light?”

“Sure, I don’t see why not.” Sun Light replied.

“Huh, I thought he was going to put a fight or something,” Night Light lamented.

“I think we are all mature enough to admit defeat when facing it,” Sun Light said calmly.

Night Light and Evening stared at the foal with unsure stares. “He thinks he’s going to lose,” Cadence explained.

“Are you guys done conniving?” The teller said.

“Yes,” Night Light said as he approached the old unicorn mare. “So what is it this month Miss Accountable?”

Miss Accountable placed her glasses on her head and started counting the punched papers in front of her. “You only have a couple of days as overtime Mister Light,” She said in a hoarse tone, then pulled the bag from underneath her, “That would be three hundred and twenty-three bits.”

“Wow, thanks,” Night Light said while levitating the bag of coins.

“Sign here and here,” Miss Accountable said in a dry tone, portraying the board where he needs to sign.

After signing, Evening Star took the stage. “What will it be this time?” Evening asked.

With the same dryness, Miss Accountable started counting the minister’s punch papers. “You’ve totaled half a month in overtime, congratulation,” She said without even smiling, “That's six hundred and forty bits.”

Every pony broke into applause. “Do we have a winner?” Cadence asked.

“Not yet,” Evening said, “Can you deduce them from my debt please?” He asked, leaving a lot of confused looks.

“The old one or the new one?” Miss Accountable asked not even shifting her tone.

“The old one please,” Evening said with a winning smile, “I am still undecided on the new one yet.”

“Fine, you still have a thousand seven hundred and sixty-one bits left, counting interest, do you want me to deduct the usual?” She asked with almost complete indifference.

“Yes please,” Evening said.

“Fine,” She took a heavy bag, then with a quick spell, picked a small number and placed it in a smaller bag. “That’s one hundred and forty bits.”

“Thank you,” Evening said before turning to a very surprised audience.

“We’re in debt?” Sun Light asked his father.

“Why do you think we still live in the castle’s tower and not in our own apartment?” Evening asked rhetorically, “Someone have to pay for your sister and your disastrous escapades.”

“Sorry to hear that,” Night Light tapped his friend’s shoulder.

“Sign here and here,” Miss Accountable continued with neutral disdain.

“Nah, it was bound to come out eventually,” Evening shrugged it off as he signed the papers, “Moon went on a scholarship and I don’t have any school worries since this guy is already working.” He pointed at Sun Light.

“Who knows about this?” Cadence asked.

“All the ministers know about it, so does the Princess,” Evening counted, “And now you do.”

“Next!” Yelled Miss Accountable.

With a deep breath, Sun Light walked to the teller then stood on his hind hooves so that his head was peaking above the counter, and said with his most childish voice, “Hello Miss Accountable.”

“Oh, if it isn’t little Sunny!” Miss Accountable cheered. Sending a shockwave through Evening Star and Night Light. “Here for your first paycheck?”

“Yes please,” Sun Light said.

“Alright then, you wait here.” Miss Accountable then went inside searching for Sun Light’s punch card.

“I can’t believe she smiles like that,” Night Light noted.

“That was creepier than her normal scowl,” Evening commented.

“Here it is!” Miss Accountable cheered again. Showing a skeleton of a punch card from the amount of time it was punched, but also, strapped to it were a lot of other papers as well, “Now let see. Oh look at all this over time, looks like someone has been diligent.”

“Thank you,” Sun Light said before turning to his father with a ‘she likes me but hates you’ smile.

“And all those commissions, wow, you’ve been quite busy lately,” She said as she counted the first stack of papers, “And some bonuses as well, some pony must have impressed a lot of ponies.”

With every word of praise, Sun Light seemed to puff even more, till he appeared as though he was levitating. “I tried to do my best,” He said.

“And it shows,” Miss Accountable said, “Here is the total, Princess Cadence dearie, can you help me with the bag please?”

That comment raised the eyebrows of everyone around.

Cadence approached the window. “Which bag?” She asked.

“This one,” pointed Miss Accountable.

“Oh dear,” Cadence commented.

“So how much I’m getting?” Sun Light asked.

“You’re salary this month is a whopping, one thousand and thirteen bits!” Miss Accountable cheered as Cadence pulled with her magic a bag the size of Sun Light himself.

Every pony watched in awe as the bag of money slumped casually next to Sun Light, standing taller than he is.

No one spoke a word at first, then it dawned on Sun Light. “I’m… rich?”

“Yes!” Miss Accountable cheered. “Congratulation!”

Every pony in the vicinity started clapping.

As the idea started to sink in, Sun Light broke into his happy dance. “I’m rich!” He said again and again as he jumped up and down. “Mister Night, I’m inviting you to the most expensive restaurant in town!” He suddenly declared to Night Light who was smiling inward for not having to be the one to invite. “I’ll need a new bookcase for my room, and maybe I’ll buy some toys for Spike, I’ll definitely need to put some aside, maybe buy something nice for… wait.”

As Sun Light looked at the happy faces and the congratulatory smiles. One smile, in particular, caught his attention. “Why are you giving me your pillaging smile?” He asked his dad, drawing confusion from every pony around.

“What smile?” Cadence asked before seeing Evening Star’s face with a hungry glare at his son and a smile stretching from cheek to cheek showing off canine-like teeth. Needless to say, Cadence did not like that smile. Anticipating trouble she went toward Twilight and Spike and wrapped her wings around them, “Stay still,” She whispered.

“Whatever are you talking about?” Evening said and an eerie silence fell on the room. He walked calmly toward the sack of money, grabbed it, then lifted it toward the window, then said, “Miss Accountable, Sun Light will be paying the new debt now, please.”

Miss Accountable sat horrorstruck, “All Of it?” She asked.

“Yes,” Evening said, “All of it.”

Miss Accountable tried to scramble through some papers trying to find the debt the minister was talking about, “But that…”

“I know.” The minister interrupted with glee.

“Are you sure?”


“There are other ways…”

“I know.”

“Then how about…”


“Alright, break it up.” Sun Light pushed his father away from the window. “What are you doing with my money?” He asked.

“Why, Sunny, I’m paying your debt of course,” Evening said.

“What debt?” Sun Light asked.

“Take it away, Miss Accountable,” Evening said while backing away.

With a heavy sigh, Miss Accountable took out the first receipt. “Due to damage you have incurred to the western tower, you will be charged with a hundred and thirty bits repair bill.”

Sun Light snorted. “Is that really it?” He asked his father.

“A couple of years ago, your sister and you nearly destroyed that tower,” Evening pointed out, “That’s where most of our old debt comes from.”

Sun Light shook his head. “Alright what’s next?”

“Your medical bill from when you lost your fur is seventy bits,” Miss Accountable.

Sun Light rolled his eyes. “That’s two hundred bits,” he said, “I can handle it.”

“Oh, we’re just getting started,” Evening said with his malicious smile.

“You’ve racked quite a large library penalty,” Miss Accountable said. She gulped before continuing, “Two hundred bits for unlawful taking of library books.”

“Oh, hehe,” Sun Light smiled sheepishly, “Hey, I’m still winning our wager though, I mean six hundred something bits aren’t exactly that bad.” He then added under his breath a bit peeved, “They’re not a thousand though,”

“Oh, no, there is more~” Evening Star sang.

“And finally, you have…” Miss Accountable gave a long sigh, “The armory repair bill.”

“What??!” Sun Light reacted.

“I knew it was this bad, but not like this,” Night Light whispered to Cadence.

“Due to the damages you caused to the armory, you were fined with,” Miss Accountable gulped, “Six hundred…”

“Six Hundred!!” Sun Light wailed.

“And…” Miss Accountable shrieked backward at the number in front of her.

“And?” Sun Light asked with utter fear in his eyes.

“…Twelve.” Miss Accountable finally uttered in defeat. With her magic, she pulled one bit and gave it to Sun Light. “I’m sorry,” She said with tears in her eyes.

Sun Light slumped back from the window, looking at his bit in utter dismay.

“That was beautiful Miss Accountable,” Evening cheered, “Thank you kindly for your help.”

“You’re one mean pony minister Star,” Miss Accountable replied with a scowl before slamming the window shut in front of his face.

“Evening, don’t you think you went overboard with this?” Night Light chastised, “If you knew he had that much, at least help him with something symbolic, for the sake of his dignity.”

“No,” Evening said, “He needs to learn that actions have consequences, and I am not going to let a single dime slip from last month to the next and then wager on him learning not to be as destructive as he is and not rack up more debt than we already… have?”

As Evening Star spoke, Cadence’s facial expression changed from pity to fear, then she quickly placed a bubble around her, Twilight and Spike.

At the same time, Night Light noticed something about Sun Light and dove into the bubble Cadence made.

That was when Evening felt it. The unmistakable charge of an earth pony’s magic. As he turned slowly, he saw Sun Light’s aura shining harder and harder with every heavy breathing little Sun Light took.
“Uh oh,” Evening uttered before he tried running to safety.

Yesterday, a peculiar letter came to Princess Celestia. Its peculiarity stemmed from its sender and its content.

The sender was Moon Chaser, and the content was a request for the Princess to go to the station at an earlier date than the one she mentioned to her father in order to escort her back to the castle with Shining Armor.

That last part raised the Princess’s eyebrow.

So, in a sly act, she finished the foals’ lesson early and went to the station at the given time, only to be surprised by both Moon Chaser and Shining Armor, walking out of the platform together, as friends.

Of course, the one who was more surprised by that was Shining Armor himself who, upon entering the castle, whispered to Moon Chaser’s ear, “When you said that you know someone who would make things less awkward, the last pony I thought you’d call was Princess Celestia.”

Moon Chaser gave him a disapproving look, “She’s right there you know,” She replied while pointing at the princess walking in front.

“Don’t say that!” Shining reacted, “She’ll know we’re talking about her.”

“Which is very rude,” Moon shot back.

Celestia giggled, throughout the years the family came to live with her, Celestia came to appreciate that they don’t put her on a pedestal and always treated her like part of their own; one thing, in particular, she liked about the family’s treatment is how they quickly point out to others when their veneration becomes offensive or overbearing. She decided to get to the point, “Is it just me or are you two becoming good friends?”

Moon Chaser looked away with a bit of shame crossing her eyes.

“We are, Ma’am,” Shining Armor said with a salute.

“Princess is also fine, Shining Armor,” Celestia said with a smile.

As they passed through the gates and the guards saluted; while giving Moon Chaser questioning stares, Princess Celestia turned toward Moon Chaser, “Besides acting as a liaison from within the academy, I never understood your role in his… shall we say, roughhousing?” She asked.

“It’s an old torturer’s technique,” Moon Chaser explained, with remorse in her voice, “He who interrogates must never be the one to cause harm. If I was to successfully cause a break up between him and Cadence, I needed to gain his trust, but also let him know that I am in charge.”

“So basically, it’s the kibble and the whip,” Celestia said before she realized she made a small mistake. “Apologies Shining if this makes you uncomfortable.”

Shining felt pride that Princess Celestia, no, The Princess Celestia, knows his name. But when he saw her giving him a look of concern he was quickly dismissive. “No, no need to apologize, Princess,” He said, “Moon Chaser and I talked about this at length.”

Celestia turned to Moon in surprised. “You talked about this at length?” She asked.

“Yeah,” Moon replied while scratching her head in awkwardness, “After dad left, he registered a battle with me, which I lost. Then the next morning he sat with me for lunch and we started talking…” Moon Chaser stole a glance at Shining Armor who was looking at her with his cheesy smile. “It felt good, to talk.”

“I had her explain everything,” Shining added, “I wanted to understand her motives, her fears, her wants. I felt she needed it as much as I did.”

“So you two became friends then?” Celestia asked.

Moon Chaser simply nodded with a satisfying smile.

“Yes,” Shining answered, “Definitely. I wouldn’t want it any other way, which is why I wanted to plead her case to minister Star. I don’t want to lose an awesome comrade so early after getting her.”

With tears in her eyes, Celestia leaped to Moon Chaser and smothered her with a hug. “Oh, I’m so proud of you, Moon Chaser Artemis,” She said, “I was very disappointed when I heard you were a partner in the crimes of the nobles, but it takes a lot of courage to admit you were wrong, and it takes more courage to seek help, from the one you wronged nonetheless.”

“Thank you, Princess,” Moon Chaser chocked.

“And you Shining Armor,” The princess turned toward the colt who was frozen stiff, “I thank you truly forgiving someone who wronged you a second chance, this speaks volumes to your character and I eagerly await you to become part of my royal guard.”

Shining’s eyes swelled with liquid pride as he puffed his chest. “I’m not crying,” he said with a sniffle.


The loud shriek caused everyone to cover their ears.

“What was that?” Shining asked his ears were still ringing.

“It sounded like Sun Light,” Celestia noted as her ears popped.

“Sun Light?” Shining asked as he started to regain his hearing.

“Something must have happened,” Celestia turned to the gate guards.

Fully knowing what she wanted, the guard said, “It came from the financial office.”

“Let’s go,” Celestia motioned to Shining to follow her when it dawned on her, “Where is Moon Chaser?”

The scream had subsided. Or so that’s what Evening thought, he couldn’t tell from the ringing from his ears.

As he gained back his sense of balance he looked at the room as every pony present was huddled around Sun Light who himself was cowering while munching on his tail between his legs.

“That could have gone better,” He lamented to himself.

“You think?” Someone said he couldn’t quite tell who until Twilight glaring at him.

But as she opened her mouth again, Evening quickly shushed her. He closed his nose, shut his mouth, and blew hard until his ears popped. “Much better,” He exclaimed in relief, “You were saying, dear?”

“Sun worked really hard to earn his money,” Twilight defended, “You have no right to take them away.”

Realizing what his daughter was trying to accomplish, Night Light moved behind her, and with a gentle tap on her shoulder, he said, “Don’t bother, sweetheart, what’s done is done.”

“But Daddy!” Twilight exclaimed, tears streaming, “It’s not fair! No one stands up for Sun Light.”

“Is that what you think?” Night Light exclaimed in surprise, though pride swelled in him after seeing his daughter taking a stand. “Don’t worry, Little Sunny has the best pony that I know of to look out for him.”

“Really? Who?”

The moment Twilight said those words, the wall behind her exploded. A mare in a cadet uniform stood among the rubbles, eyes burning with rage, her nostrils flared as she yelled, “Where Is He?”

Cadence picked Spike up from above Sun Light’s unmoving body and ran toward Twilight and Night Light.

“Who’s that?” Twilight asked hiding behind her father.

“That is Moon Chaser, Sun Light’s older sister,” Night Light answered.

“She’s scary,” Twilight commented.

“Oh, you have no idea,” Night Light replied.

“Moon Chaser?” Evening Star asked, “Aren’t you supposed to come on the afternoon train?”

Moon Chaser took one look at Sun Light before charging into her father slamming him on the wall. “What did you do?” She interrogated.

“Shouldn’t you worry more about yourself?” Evening replied smugly, before getting slammed into the wall again.

“I would never traumatize Sunny like that,” She replied protectively, “Now explain yourself!”

“She’s really into her sisterly mode,” Cadence commented, “She’s not even aware who’s in the room right now.”

“Must be the scream,” Night Light pointed out.

Evening rubbed the pain behind his neck, as he did, he noticed the wall behind him becoming somewhat brittle. “I had Sun Light pay with his entire salary the debt he created from his escapades this past month.”

“But, that’s his well-earned money you took!” She asked in surprise.

“And that was a huge debt he racked up,” He replied.

Moon lifted her father and slammed him again, “You monster!” She screamed before slamming him again, “You could have talked to him about this,” and again, “You could have come up with a payment plan,” and again, “You could have…”

Suddenly Moon fell to the ground while writhing in pain.

Evening Star hoisted himself from the hole he was in. He dusted off the debris on his shoulder, then turned toward Night Light and said, “You were saying?”

Night Light turned to him flabbergasted, “What did you do?”

“I struck one of the pressure points in her neck,” Evening answered calmly, “She should wake up in about an hour or so.”

“But I couldn’t see anything,” Night Light answered in astonishment.

Evening Star rolled his eyes in annoyance and asked, “And your point being?”

“Why did you do that?” Night Light asked.

Evening pointed to the hole in the wall, “Need I explain more?”

Night Light shook his head.

Evening Star grabbed his daughter by her tail and started dragging her toward the exit. He stopped in front of the window and asked, “Miss Accountable, can you put the repairs on your wall on the old debt please?”

A loud thud confirmed her reply. Evening walked toward his son, then placed him on top of his sister before dragging both of them by their tails.

Princess Celestia and Shining Armor suddenly appeared in front of the exit, but before any of them could say anything, Evening hushed them both with a “Not a single word.” Before passing through them.

Once they were out of sight, Twilight commented, “They’re scary.” And in that moment, every pony agreed with her.

Author's Note:

This is the before-last arc of the story, one more major arc to go.