• Published 9th Mar 2015
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Quest for Earth Pony Magic: the Disciple - IMN

When refugees came to Equestria fleeing war, Princess Celestia accepted them with open hooves. Ten years later, their youngest made the castle a little too much his own home; but Sun Light's leisure is about to be challenged rather unexpectidly

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Chapter XVIII. Magic Battle School Resolution.

“You don’t believe me,” Sun Light concluded.

“Well, it’s kind of hard to believe,” Shining Armor affirmed, “I mean, you’re still a foal.”

Sun Light stared Shining Armor down. Such an awkward, intense glare made Shining a bit nervous, but all sense of nervousness disappeared when Sun Light started to grin.

“I know, right?” Sun Light said, “Hard to believe when it’s a foal talking and not some awesome pony like captain Soaring, right?”

“Definitely,” Shining jumped, “Captain Soaring has a lot of battle experience and a lot of cool moves he can teach me. He’s the greatest captain that ever lived.”

“Debatable, but okay,” Sun Light said, “I am certain that he can figure out how to restore your magic in a heartbeat.”

“Yeah… wait…” Shining Armor paused, he was unsure that he heard the foal correctly, “Restore my magic?”

“Of course,” Sun Light kept grinning at Shining Armor, the more Shining looked at it, the creepier it got. “I mean, who else would my sister dearest give ibuproterezole to?”

“Ibu… what?” The more Sun Light talked, the more Shining felt at a loss.

“It’s a regenerative medicine used to treat medium level injuries,” Sun Light said, handing Shining Armor a piece of paper. “The medicine suppresses a pony’s personal magic and convert it into a regenerative energy to heal all wounds. Though if taken without any injuries it will still suppress magic for three days.”

Shining started to read the paper; it was a prescription for the drug to Shining Armor signed by Medicine Front, the local medic. He turned toward Sun Light. “How did you get that?”

“From the infirmary, when the Captain and I went there to detain private Medicine Front,” Sun Light said with a boastful smile.

Shining’s mind swirled a thousand direction. “Just who are you?”

“I thought the nobles didn’t intercept your family’s letters to you,” Sun Light said, “I was certain Twilight wrote extensively about me.”

“You read Twilight letters to me!” Shining was unsure if he should get angry or surprised at that point.

“I don’t need to read them to know what’s in them,” Sun Light said with his usual smugness, “Your sister and I have been good friends for well over two weeks now. It's only natural that she would write something about me.”

Shining thought for a moment, trying to recollect. “She did say something about a foal helping her with her magic. Wait… that was you!”

“I thought I mentioned that earlier,” Sun Light mused. He then pulled another pill and gave it to Shining. “This is the antidote, it is supposed to make you sleepy so be careful.”

“I guess I should thank you for helping my little sister,” Shining took the pill then swallowed it, “I was kind of afraid that she wouldn’t make any friends and would spend her time stuck in… books…” Suddenly he started to have a blurry vision.

Shining Armor tried to walk forward, “What’s happening?” He muttered.

“I forget to mention the effect is instantaneous,” Sun Light said at an ever increasing distance.

“Why you little…” Shining wanted to say but only managed to think before utter darkness.

Sun Light dragged Shining underneath a nearby shade. “Two hours should be enough for him to recuperate,” He mused to himself, “Perhaps I can use this time to train a little.”

“You can’t expel me!” Yelled Duke Golden Hoof.

“Duke Golden, you are charged with corruption at the highest level,” Explained minister Star, “This is a crackdown on corruption, ergo you are expelled pending your trial.”

“Ergo my furry butt!” Cried the Duke, “I earned my position like every other pony.”

“Oh really?” The minister stood up, “I looked up your file. I was not impressed.”

“Ha! You can’t possibly have found anything that isn’t in other people’s files,” The Duke said brazenly.

The minister was getting irked. They were standing in the mess hall when he delivered the news to the Duke. The minister had suggested going somewhere private to explain to the Duke's situation which was a lot dire than a simple expulsion. Instead, He was standing there, waiting for Captain Soaring Blade to finish his first round of arrests all the while the guy he was supposed to hoofcuff first is making the biggest scene.

Needless to say, this was not turning out how he expected it at all. But he wasn’t worried about the arrest. The entire building is surrounded by troops loyal to the Princess; so escape through an accomplice was next to impossible.

“Do you honestly believe yourself to be superior to cadet Shining Armor by any chance?”

“Is there any doubt?” The Duke puffed himself.

Minister Star sighed. “Cadet Armor ranked second in the Canterlot Metropolitan area, fourth throughout Equestria. He received a dozen recommendations from his school, his uncle was lieutenant Shining Shield, his grandfather was Captain Gleaming Sword, and almost everyone from his mother side served in the military at one point or another.” Minister Star counted, “The last time someone from your prestigious family had anything to do with the military was your father’s proposition to disband the royal guards as they were, to put it in his words, ‘a useless waste of money.’”

Duke Golden Hoof fell silent.

“Usually there are twenty cadets accepted each year, let see how you compare to those,” Minister started walking around the first years.

“Cadet Night Vision ranked first in all of Equestria, He currently has the highest chance to become the next Captain of the Royal Guard,” He told the bat pony, beaming him with pride.

“Cadet Butterfly Kick has three black belts in three different martial arts. Her qualifications speak for themselves.” Butterfly went red, she replied with a 'shucks'.

The minister walked toward one of Golden’s goons, a lanky earth pony who didn’t seem that impressive at first. “Despite cadet Tough Thoughts average physique, he still managed to rank second in Equestria in his entry examination.” Tough Thoughts eyes grew enormous from that recognition.

Finally, Minister Star turned toward his daughter. “And let’s not forget my darling Moon-Moon, ranked third in the entry examination, and whose recommendation included fighting on par with Captain Soarin Blade and defeating Lieutenant Shadow Strick in single pony combat.” Moon chaser sank in her seat so deep, she might as well have merged with it.

“And then there is you,” The minister turned toward Duke Golden Hoof. “You ranked 678 out of 1454 students, nothing about you is noteworthy to be here, and despite the fact that we only admit the top twenty, you are standing here as a cadet for the royal guard. Now, why is that?”

“Hmph, you got nothing on me,” Duke Golden Hoof stated while crossing his hooves, “She’s not going to talk,” He said while pointing at Moon Chaser, “They’re not going to talk,” He said while pointing at his goons. “All this is a puff of smoke that will disappear in the air once my lawyers come.”

“Is that a fact now?” Minister Star said with a grin. One that sent chills down his daughter’s spine.

“Make way, coming through!” A pony yelled from outside the mess hall.

Moon Chaser clicked her tongue.

“What’s wrong?” Butterfly asked her.

“Someone annoying just showed up,” Moon Chaser replied.

The door opened. Captain Soaring Blade came in, following him walked a bat pony mare whose physique made every stallion jaw drops. Every curve she had was oozing from her armor as if she was about to burst from it.

With a single tug, a chained Hard Horn was thrown straight before Minister Star’s hooves.

Butterfly whistled. “Wish I had curves like that,” She commented. She turned to Moon Chaser, “Whose she?”

“Lieutenant Shadow Strick reporting for duty.” The young lieutenant said with a salute, before turning to Moon chaser with a grin.

“SIS?!!” Yelled Night Vision.

“Mare, how did you beat that?” Butterfly Kick asked Moon Chaser, “Her flanks are way bigger than yours.”

“Pretty easily,” Moon Chaser replied, “That flank of hers is a hindrance in actual combat.”

“Nighty!” Shadow trotted her brother before smothering with a hug, “I missed you soo much!” She said giddily while drawing envy gaze from everyone toward her brother. “You’re not part of this mess,” She suddenly said in a somber voice, “Are you?”

“No,” Night Vision managed in an asphyxiated voice, “Now, please… let me go.”

“This is an outrage!” Hard Horn yelled.

Captain Blade gave the minister the salute. “With the exception of the cadets, we’ve rounded everyone who was involved in the case.”

“And him?” Minister Star pointed at Hard Horn.

“He insisted on seeing you first,” The Captain replied.

“Minister Star!” Hard Horn cried, “What is the meaning of this? I have done nothing to warrant such treatment.”

“Lieutenant Horn,” the minister said with an all knowing smile, “Your daughter is having an operation that is far too expensive for your salary to handle. So we traced back the money given to the hospital and it led to a foreign account that was being used by the Yaks to undermine our northern borders.”

Hard Horn’s eyes went wide and he felt deeply silent.

“Simply put,” minister star continued, “We are detaining you under charges of corruption and possible treason.”

Hard Horn spat at minister Star’s face. He scorned, “I’ve served Equestria for longer than you were even allowed to set foot here, and yet you serve at the Princess’s side while we sweat for even the slightest recognition only to be ignored at the time of our greatest need.”

Hard Horn rose on his hind legs, then pointed an accusation at the minister. “You barbaric, rabid stray,”

Gasps and whispers spread around the room.

The captain rushed to the minister’s side with a handkerchief. Minister star took it and wiped his face with a small, dry laugh. “That was amusing,” The minister said with a grin.

Evening Star walked toward Hard Horn. “It’s a shame really, and here Princess Celestia was going to send you the money for your daughter’s operation through one of her many foundations,” He said.

Evening then wrapped his hoof around Hard Horn. “In the land of Equestria, I have to follow the due process where you get a formal trial and your punishment is weighed by the jury.”

“If it was up to me, however…” The grin on the Minister’s face had disappeared.

Suddenly, the hair on Moon Chaser’s neck stood up. She could smell the bloodlust oozing from her father. Even those inept in combat felt a chill running through their spines.

Duke Golden Hoof watched in horror as Hard Horn started trembling uncontrollably, his eyes went wide with fear, his skin started to age, and his mane turned white.

“…I would send you to the deepest, darkest dungeon where I’d bring your little filly every single day just to let her hear your endless scream.” Minister Star continued, before dropping the ex-lieutenant on the floor, weeping.

The silence in the mess hall was so heavy, it could drown a fish in the oceans.

“Take him out of my sight,” Minister Star ordered Captain Blade.

“That was hot,” Lieutenant Shadow Strick noted.

“Remind me to never, ever, get on your bad side, Minister.” Captain Blade did as he was ordered.

“W-What d-did you d-do?” Duke Golden Hoof stuttered as the minister turned toward him.

“Oh, that?” The minister pointed at Hard Horn, “I simply scared a few years out of him. Why? You want some years shaved as well?”

“T-the P-princess will hear o-of this,” Golden Hoof’s nerves kept betraying him.

“The Princess would not have sent me unless she expected some form of casualty or another, so I think I’m safe in that regard,” The minister simply shrugged the matter off. “Anyway, I suggest you go with them as well, I’d rather not waste pony resources on the likes of you as well.”

Golden Hoof stared down at his hooves only to find them still shaking. He turned to the minister, nodded his head, and then followed the Captain of the royal guard.

Lieutenant Shadow Strick took the opportunity to address the minister. First with a salute, then she asked, “What about her?” while pointing at Moon Chaser.

Moon Chaser shrieked. Hiding further into her chair.

“What about my daughter?” The minister asked.

“Come now Minister, Every pony who ever set foot in the castle knows about your unusual punishments you would often subject your foal to,” Lieutenant Shadow Strick pointed out, “But despite all she did she’s not on the list of ponies to be arrested. Is there a reason for that?”

“That’s because I’m bailing her out,” The minister replied calmly.

To which every pony in the room jumped with a loud “WHAT??”

“Don’t worry too much Lieutenant,” The minister added to his daughter with his malevolent grin, “I do have a special punishment prepared for my sweet little innocent daughter.”

Shining Armor felt groggy. A breeze caused him to shiver.

He struggled to open his eyes at first. From the corner of his eyes, he took a peek.

At first, he saw shade, then he saw Sun Light meditating with pebbles floating around him, then he saw the lake.

He felt the drug was still in his system, so he switched to his other side in hopes to continue his nap when it dawned on him.

Shining jumped like a lunatic, his eyes glaring at Sun Light with the glow of someone who just discovered a deep secret.

“You’re up early,” Sun Light noted with his usual creepy all knowing smile, “How are you feeling?”

Shining stared at Sun’s surroundings, the pebbles were all neatly stacked on top of each other.

“I wanted to see how many stones I can stack on top of each other,” Sun Light said in an answer to Shining’s intensifying glare. “It’s a good focus exercise, helps keep my instincts sharp.”

“Weren’t those pebbles floating just now?” Shining asked with suspicion.

“Nope,” Sun replied simply.

Shining didn’t want to believe him, but he was unsure of what he saw in the first place.

Noticing his hesitation, Sun Light sighed of relief that his little secret wasn’t discovered. He internally berated himself for being careless and nearly exposing his magic to someone else. “Can you feel your magic yet?” He asked.

Shining shook his head trying to get rid of any remaining doubts. This isn’t the time to be superstitious after all. “I’ll try.” He charged his horn and felt energy coursing through it.

“That looks good,” Sun noted, “Can you cast a spell?”

“Fire Ball!” Shining yelled as a great fire ball formed overhead.

He then reared his head and threw the fire ball toward the lake.

The fire ball blew off no sooner than it was thrown.

“That was something alright,” Sun Light said in a poker face.

“Oh laugh it up,” Shining sat on his haunches dejected. “This entire ordeal has been nothing but depressing from start to finish. First I get bullied because everyone wants to date my marefriend, then I get drugged, and finally, I get laughed at by a foal of all creatures.”

Sun Light sighed. He had never worked with someone so demotivated before. If he was to teach him anything, Sun Light needed to switch tactics and fast. “One time, Twilight was learning how to charge an enchanted crystal,” He started his recollection, “She had her butt stick through the air with her horn trailing the crystal like a predator about to jump at its prey. Spike, the baby dragon, was playing with some dusty old books, under my supervision of course. And as Twilight charged her horn, the book fell in front of Spike causing him to sneeze, and catching Twilight in such a surprise that she jumped backward landing on her rear.

After I managed to stop laughing I went to help Twilight getting up, but instead of taking my hoof Twilight pointed at the crystal excitingly as it glowed of dust and rubble. You see, up until that point, Twilight had never successfully charged a single crystal. So that was how she first started getting used to things.”

“Heh, yeah. She always had a knack for casting spells, not like her older brother.” The mentioning of his sister made Shining smile.

“But is she stubborn,” Sun Light continued jokingly, “It took her a week to figure out that she wasn’t doing teleportation right before coming to me for help.”

“She can be stubborn,” Shining reaffirmed, “Once I accidentally poked her dolls eye and she wouldn’t talk to me for a month.”

Sun Light realized something. “She must mean a lot to you. Probably the reason why you came to this academy.”

Shining Armor at Sun Light unsure. “Why would you say that?” He asked.

“Because if you’re doing this just for Cadence, someone you barely knew for five months,” Sun Light said, “You wouldn’t have lasted this long.”

Shining Armor chuckled. “You sure have a way with words you know.”

“To tell you the truth, I am hoping to see that infamous shield spell.”

“A shield spell?” Shining asked before realizing something, “How do you know about my shield spells?”

“Because I read your file,” Sun Light said.

Shining was unsure how to respond to that. “I thought cadets files are state secrets. How did you get it?” He asked.

Sun Light gave a sly chuckle. “I have my sources,” He said while rubbing his hooves together.

Shining Armor stared at him with mistrust.

To which Sun Light replied, “My dad is the minister of defense, how else could I have gotten them?”

“Oh,” Shining Armor was unsure how to feel about state secrets being handed to a foal.

Sun Light, however, cared less about what Shining felt and continued, “It said that your shield spell earned you top marks in that section.”

“Your sister broke my field spell with a single punch,” Shining said angrily, “She then told every pony how to break it.”

“Let me guess, she said something along those lines” Sun Light lifted his hoof in an attempt to imitate his sister, “That was disgustingly easy. If you ever put that retched spell in front of me again, I will break you.”

Shining felt a shiver down his spine. “That was exactly what she said.”

“She can be so uptight about things, that one,” Sun Light said nostalgically, “Once I wrote a word wrong during our study sessions and she made me spell the entire dictionary.”

That’s insane, Shining Armor thought, If everything he has ever done was set to extreme, then no wonder why he can help in adult stuff with ease. “But what good would showing you my shield spell will help?”

“I’ve been thinking of a way to make you a captain in a record time,” Sun Light said.

“Record time?” Shining asked

“I expected Moon chaser to do it within five years of her graduation,” Sun Light noted, “Though now I’m not sure.”

Shining Armor chuckled at the notion of him becoming a captain in just five years. “Come on Sun Light, you can’t expect me to compete with that monster,” Shining Armor said with trepidation.

Sun Light sighed. “Do you love Cadence?” He asked.

“Yes, but what does…”

Sun Light interrupted, “Do you think you’ll love her even after your graduation?”

“Definitely, I mean…”

“Then here is what will happen,” Sun Light interrupted Shining Armor again, “You will most likely graduate this academy without any problem, then you will be assigned to various teams and groups depending on your performance all around. However, unlike the Academy, where things are under the control of the minister of defense who answers to her Majesty, Princess Celestia. Outside the academy can be less controlled, the nobles will try to usurp you again, and again, and again.”

Sun Light approached Shining Armor. “What you have been through here, is only but a taste of what will happen to you out there.”

“So, what you’re saying, if I don’t become a captain within five years after graduation, I may not live that long?” Shining concluded.

Sun Light smiled as he pulled away. “Show me your shield spell.”

Shining Armor charged his horn. He started by creating a small sphere at the top of his horn, then he started expanding the sphere until it covered his entire body.

Sun Light whistled. “Impressive!”

Shining Armor blushed. “Thanks.”

Sun Light placed his hoof on the shield before trailing it across. “Taking into consideration that the magic suppression drug is still in your system, I believe its durability is above average from those made by the lowest ranked royal guards.”

Shining Armor felt some pride that someone praised his specialty. “I developed it so that I can help put Twily’s to sleep at a stormy night. She used to hide inside my blanket and snuggle up to me, then I would cast the shield to protect her from lightning.”

Sun Light approached the shield for a closer inspection, and no sooner did he managed to find a fatal flaw. “But you need to make it lower.” The shield was only two third imbedded in the ground. “You need to make it half a sphere if you don’t want your shield to break so easily.”

Sun Light punched the shield from bellow, breaking parts of it instantly.

Shining fell on the ground and the shield dispelled.

“I believe, that was how everyone was dispelling your shield,” Sun Light said, “Am I correct?”

After rubbing away the headache, Shining stood up. “Now I’m impressed.”

“I believe,” Sun helped Shining in getting back on his feet, “that is the key to your success in becoming a royal guard.”

“Oh yeah? How?” Shining Armor asked.

“If you can specialize in shield spells, then perhaps you may find a path to becoming a captain of the Royal Guard,” Sun Light said.

“I’ve never heard of any single pony managing to become a captain of the royal guard with one spell,” Shining Armor countered, “But I think you have a plan on how to do that?”

Sun Light replied with a smile that sent shiver down Shining Armor’s spine. So far, everything has gone exactly as he planned. “I read of a way to test the powers of a shield spell, would you like to try it?”

Shining Armor nodded.

Sun Light pointed toward the lake. “Make a shield inside the water, and then take it out from the water and pop it on land, then make another shield inside only bigger and repeat. You keep repeating until you can no longer get the shield out of the water.”

Shining Armor nodded. He charged his horn and readied the spell, but then paused for a moment.

“What’s wrong?” Sun Light asked.

“How big should I make my first shield?” Shining Armor asked.

“Let’s try, the same size as the shield you just showed me.”

Shining nodded. He concentrated his shield inside the water, then he jerked his head upward. The shield peaked from the water, but the strain from trying so much made the shield pop before leaving the water.

Shining started to pant. “That was harder than I thought.”

“I think you should try to gauge the size when your abilities are fully restored,” Sun Light ended up saying.

Shining Armor nodded. “So, how big does it need to be when I'm captain of the royal guard?”

“How about… half the water inside this lake.”

Shining Armor blinked.

He blinked again.

Then looked at the lake.

Then he blinked again.

“You’re insane,” He concluded.

“True,” Sun Light affirmed, “A shield that size can cover all of Canterlot and can possibly withstand an assault from an entire army for several days.”

Shining’s mind couldn’t grasp what Sun just described. If he can’t even do a bubble half the size of a pony, then it’s impossible to meet the expectations that foal is giving him.

“But if a single pony can create such shield, then he will become the finest captain the royal guard had ever seen,” Sun Light continued.

And it finally clicked in Shining’s head. He’s not asking me to do it, he’s telling me that this is a goal that can be done.

“But how long will it take me to do it?” Shining asked.

Sun Light’s smile this time gave Shining Armor hope he thought did not exist. “Three years,” Sun Light said, “If you are willing to go to Tartaros to achieve it.”

“I hope you mean that figuratively,” Shining said, his heart pounding as his head swirled with the possibilities.

“I’ll send you the regimen first thing tomorrow morning,” Sun Light said, “For today, you should rest.”

“You know, you’re nothing like your sister,” Shining Armor said.

“How so?” Sun Light asked.

“She’s all manipulative and sly, while you’re brash and outspoken.”

However, Shining Armor’s comment had the opposite effect of what he intended as Sun Light fell on his back from laughter.

“You actually believe that I am not manipulative?” Sun Light managed between fits of laughter.

“Well aren’t you?” Shining asked.

“’To survive in this world, you need to think three steps ahead of everyone else, and chose the best course that benefits everyone, even at the expense of their feelings and yours.’” Sun Light quoted. “That is my sister in a nutshell.”

Shining wanted to say something, yet words didn’t come from his mouth. “I hate her,” He confessed.

Sun Light looked at him inquisitively.

“She made my life a hell, and had the gall to demand I break up with a pony I love,” Shining said with anger.

“I can’t fault you for your feelings,” Sun Light replied before falling silent. “I can’t fault her for hers as well, though.”

“What do you mean?” Shining Armor asked.

“She’s hurting,” Sun Light answered, “She’s been hurting for a long time.”

“You don’t know that,” Shining Armor said.

But before he could continue, Sun Light replied violently, “Of course I know! I’ve always known.” A tear ran down his face, and Sun Light looked away. “She’s good at hiding it but… I’m her little brother, I’ve always known.”

Sun Light wiped away his tears before turning to a stunned Shining Armor. “I know I don’t have the rights to ask you this,” Sun Light kneeled in front of Shining Armor, “Can you give her another chance?”

At the dean’s office, Evening Star met with his daughter. “You have been oddly quiet about things,” He noted, “Have you considered your position thoroughly?”

“So, basically,” Moon Chaser said to her father, “My punishment is surviving three years of the military academy with everyone hating me?”

“If that’s what you think it is, then let’s go with that,” her father replied.

“That’s too easy,” Moon Chaser shrugged it off, “And here I thought you were going to present me with a challenge.”

Evening didn’t reply, he didn’t even smile.

“Dad, please, no need to frown,” Moon Chaser felt uncomfortable when she couldn’t read her father's stare. “You got what you came for, I mean I’m definitely not going to enjoy my stay from now on, but it’s not like the end of the world, right?”

Her father didn’t say anything, simply kept staring deep into her eyes.

“Okay dad, I was putting a strong face, the next three years are going to suck, would you please say something?” Moon Chaser cracked.

“I’m sorry,” Evening finally spoke.

Moon Chaser felt placated. Out of all the words in the dictionary, it had to be two words in particular.

But before she could answer, Evening continued, “I thought that, by leaving you to figure things out for yourself, I was doing you a favor. So I turned a blind eye to everything…”

Fear gripped at Moon Chaser’s heart, “Stop,” She hoped to interrupt him.

But her father continued, “I turned a blind eye when I left Sun Light to you, I turned a blind eye during your teenage years, I even gave up too soon about you joining the royal academy…”

“Dad, enough!” Moon Chaser yelled louder.

However, Evening continued unfazed, “I ignored you at every turn, preaching whenever felt like it and expecting you to live a decent normal life without any support, I left you to your own far too long…”

Moon Chaser couldn’t take it anymore. She grabbed her father by the shoulders and with a strong shake she said, “Enough is enough!”

Evening glared at his daughter. She threw him at the chair, “You’re not my father,” she declared, “My father is the great general Shalim who broke the armies of Sarepta, who broke the siege of Baalbeck, who liberated Tyre at the expense of his armies and himself…”

With a slam on the table, Evening Star rose, “Your father is a broken stallion trying to raise a broken daughter out of the broken ideals she was spoon-fed her entire life!”

“This conversation is done,” Moon Chaser turned tail and went to the door. The moment she tried to open it, however, the door slammed shut.

Moon Chaser jumped, but after a second glance, she noticed a soft blueish glow. She turned to her father to find him standing on his hind legs, his hoof pointing to the door emanating the same glow.

Words escaped Moon Chaser as the shock of discovering that not only her brother is adept at magic but her father as well took hold on all her thoughts.

“Sit.” Evening ordered, bringing his daughter back to reality, “This conversation is far from over.”

“I’m not accepting this makeshift apology,” Moon Chaser replied as she took her seat.

“This is not an apology,” Evening continued, “This is a confession.”

When Moon Chaser did not reply to that, Evening continued, “I made many mistakes with you, but the one thing I made sure of, was teaching you about loyalty. And because of that, I cannot help but feel disappointed.”

Moon Chaser met her father’s glare, and she could tell, he wasn’t going to tolerate any comeback.

“The trust we all had in you, your brother’s trust, my trust,” Evening paused for a moment when Moon Chaser raised her head expectantly, he continued, “Your love’s trust. You threw it all away, and for what?”

“My love?” Moon Chaser asked, fearing what her father might know.

“Don’t play dumb with me,” Evening answered, “I’m talking about Mi Amore Cadenza.”

If Moon Chaser had any fight left in her, it fled away. She felt the need to ask, “How did you…?”

“How did I know?” Evening took a more sarcastic tone, “From the way you looked at her when she entered the room, from how you weighed in on every words she said… from how you cried that night in your pillow when you discovered that she chose Shining Armor and not you.”

“You knew that much?” Moon Chaser exclaimed.

“You can add my inaction at that moment to the list of mistake I made during your upbringing,” Evening replied almost sorrowfully.

Moon Chaser sat silently as she contemplated all that which she was just told. “So… what now?” She broke her silence.

“This is an adult mistake you made, and so I decided on an adult punishment,” Evening said, leaning back in the dean’s chair, “If by next week you remain in your bubble without even trying to change, I’m sending your file to the judiciary and you will be court marshaled.”

“What do you expect to see exactly?” Moon Chaser asked.

“I don’t know!” Evening exclaimed, “Something. Anything! Whatever it is that tells me that I can still have faith in my little filly.”

It was just before the sun down when the minister of defense left with the captain of the royal guard and his son.

However, The Equestrian Royal Academy was abuzz.

Soon after the train left, the new dean sent declared the need to reassess each class’s combat potential through sparing matches.

“The new administration isn’t wasting time,” Butterfly Kick noted as she looked on the chart.

“Aw buck,” Tough Thought swore, “I have a battle with Giant Hoof.”

“Giant Hoof is weak,” Butterfly shrugged.

“Giant Hoof is thrice my size,” Tough Thought stated.

“Just fly overhead and kick him from above,” Butterfly did an overhead kick, stomping the ground with sheer force.

“I’m an earth pony,” Tough Thought specified.

“Then jump that high,” Butterfly replied.

“You’re unbelievable,” Tough Thought shook his head before leaving.

Butterfly turned her head left and right until she saw her target. “Hey, Nighty!” She yelled.

Night Visions ducked and tried to escape the hall way, but Butterfly was already over him in a split second. “Where do you think you’re going, colt?”

“First, I don’t want to be seen talking with you,” Night Vision said in a state of fact manner, “Second, shouldn’t you be on a train home? Or to prison?”

“Oh colt,” Butterfly punched Night on his arm, “I was clean, Moon Chaser is the one who was in this mess.”

Night Vision stared at Butterfly Kick for a moment. “Let’s say I believe you,” He said, “What do you want?”

“We have a battle together,” Butterfly pointed at the chart.

“Yeah so?” Night asked rhetorically.

“Jeez, Can you be more of a killjoy?” Butterfly said before turning away but stopped before taking any step. “Do you know where Shining Armor is at?”

“He’s sleeping the drugs off,” Night replied, “why?”

“The last match is him against Moon Chaser,” Butterfly suddenly said in a morose tone.

Night’s eyes went wide, “What!?”

“Just make sure he’s ready,” Butterfly continued, “Moon Chaser was seeing blood when she read the match'up.”

Night Vision nodded, before quickly scramming toward the dean’s office.

He threw the door wide open. “Dammit, Shadow, what’s the meaning of this?” He yelled.

“It’s Dean Strick for you, Cadet,” Shadow ordered with a death glare to her brother.

Night Vision gulped. He then straightened his pose before throwing a salute. “Apologies ma’am.”

“Save it,” She waved him in.

The moment Night Vision closed the door, his sister flashed him a grin. “What do you think?” She asked, “Was it formal enough? Do you think the students will respect me because of it?”

Night Vision looked at his sister agape. “Honestly, words are wasted on you,” He deadpanned.

Shadow waved at him dismissively. “Don’t be a jerk about it,” She said, “Dad is happy about it.”

“Dad is happy that you are finally out of Canterlot’s red district,” Night retorted.

Shadow rolled her eyes at him. “So? What do you want?”

“Why did you put Shining against Moon Chaser?” Night asked, “You know Moon is out for his blood.”

“It wasn’t my call,” Shadow replied.

“It wasn’t your call?” Night reacted sarcastically. “You’re the dean for crying out loud! You have all the call.”

“Shining was the one who requested it before heading to the infirmary,” Shadow answered him.

“He What?!”

Shadow sighed. “I was against it,” She continued, “But his trainer didn’t mind, and Shining wants answers, and he has a right to them.”

“By fighting her?” Night mulled it out loud, “Is that his idea for finding answers?”

“If you can convince him otherwise, be my guest,” Shadow concluded.

Night Vision rubbed his head. However, his sister continued, “Sometimes, you just have to trust in your friends’ decision, Night.”

Night Vision conceded. He shook his head then turned toward the door.

“Wait,” His sister cried.


“Did I make a good first impression?” Shadow asked with a smile and an eye bat.

Night Vision wanted to say no, but he remembered that he has three years with her. “Just… don’t ruin this for me, please?”

“Ugh, fine you worrywart, I’ll be your Dean all the time then,” Shadow said before returning to her papers. “You’re dismissed,” She barked as Night Vision left the office.

Night hurried a salute then scurried to the infirmary.

Shining Armor stretched, after the small training session he had with Sun Light, he went straight to the infirmary where a new nurse greeted him.

After a full checkup, the nurse decided that Shining needed more rest and so she allowed him to sleep there.

Night Vision’s power run stopped short in front of the infirmary. He was still expecting lieutenant Medicine Front to open the door. So he went to knock as hard as he could.

But before the first knock, the door was opened. “Hello there,” The unicorn mare said, “How can I help you?”

Bloody Tartaros, she’s even bustier than my sister! Night Vision gawked at the mare’s cleavage all the while mumbling incomprehensibly.

The mare giggled. With a small spell, she lifted his head till their eyes met. “Lieutenant Open Heart at your service,” She said politely.

Night Vision gave a stiff salute, “Cadet Night Vision,” He introduced himself.

“What can I do for you Cadet?”

Night Vision gulped. “Is, Shinning… I mean, is Cadet Armor still here? Ma’am?”

“He just woke up,” Open Heart cleared the way for him to enter, “We’re still running some test, but he’s good to go.”

“Thank you,” He said while walking in.

Shining Armor was sitting on the bed flexing his muscles. He looked up to see his friend coming in, so he waved.

Night Vision waved back. “How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good,” Shining flexed his muscles, “Like a million bits.”

“’ll leave you two for a moment,” Open Heart said before returning to her desk.

The two cadets saluted her all the while keeping an eye on her as she moved to her desk.

Night Vision approached Shining Armor. “That’s some nurse,” He noted.

“Yeah,” Shining affirmed, “With a nurse like that, I wouldn’t mind getting hurt… Ouch!” Shining rubbed his smacked head. “What did you do that for?”

“Moon Chaser?” Night Vision yelled, “Are you insane or do you have a death wish?”

“Neither, I’m perfectly fine,” Shining replied, “It’s just that, there is a new spell I want to try. I’ll be fine.”

“And you picked Moon Chaser?”


Night Vision grabbed Shining’s head. “Did that nurse hit you on your head or something?” He double checked.

Shining pushed him away. “I’m totally fine, thank you very much.”

But Night’s concern remained. “Just, tell me what happened, and start from the top.”

With a sigh Shining relented. “Fine,” He said, “After I walked that colt to his father, I followed Moon Chaser to see what she was up to…

Moon Chaser watched silently as the train silently as the train started to move. She kept watching as the last ember of it flicked away in the horizon.

She didn’t cry.

She hasn’t cried since her mother’s death.

That tear rolling on her face must be from the humidity. There are many lakes around here after all.

She went back to the academy.

Upon reaching the gate. Moon Chaser was greeted with two rather unpleasant individuals.

“Cadet Moon Chaser,” Captain Soaring Blade addressed her first, “I was wondering where you have been.”

She gave him a salute. “I was asked to escort the minister to his train, sir!”

“Good, good,” Lieutenant Shadow Strick said, “That is the attitude I expect from you from here on out.”

Moon Chaser kept her salute. Inwardly, however, she cursed her luck. Lieutenant Shadow Strick as the Dean might be the worst possible choice for her due to her past with the lieutenant.

“Head to the mess hall then to wait for your match up. Tomorrow is the start of a new day,” the lieutenant told her, “You are dismissed.”

Upon entering the building, Moon Chaser could almost immediately tell that the atmosphere was against her.

Ponies were looking at her. They were whispering things as she passed by. Most were actively avoiding her.

It took her father a day to destroy everything she tried to build during her three weeks here.

Her father’s words lingered in her mind. As she looked around she realized that this must be what he meant.

However, she was only relieved. The fear that lingered from her monstrous combat ability was still in effect and no one dared to talk down to her.

Just like old times, she thought. They were unpleasant memories filled with void and sadness, but they were also filled with serenity.

Loneliness was something she could live with.

In the mess hall, she took her tray, took some food then sat in the furthest corner of the mess hall, the same table where Shining Armor usually sat.

Upon scanning the room she found Butterfly Kick talking to Tough Thoughts. Moon Chaser gave a sigh of relief, it would have been easy for them to be taken up by her father’s purge, but she was careful enough not to get their hooves dirty.

It would be considered a stretch that she wished them closer.

Well, it didn’t matter anymore, as long as she kept her head low, and her boundaries straight, she’ll survive this.

A hoof smashed at her table.

From the corner of her eyes, she peaked to see Shining Armor standing in front of her.

“I demand answers,” He said.

The entire mess hall was looking at them, expecting her reaction. She didn’t reply.

“I lived in abuse this past month because of you,” He said, “I deserve to know why.”

“In a single morning the power structure that I purposefully built crumbled by external forces, setting you free,” She answered him, “From my perspective, you are not the victor, more like the treasure that was saved. Therefore, I am under no obligation to tell you anything.”

“Then I demand a duel,” Shining said, “And if I win, you’ll tell me everything.”

A vein popped on Moon Chaser’s head. This was not the start she had wanted. Fearing she might lose her temper, she took a deep breath. “I cannot duel you.” She answered.

“Are you chickening out?” Shining said, causing her temper to soar.

After taking another deep breath, she answered, “It would go against section 3.25 of the code of conduct if I am to fight you without registering a proper duel.”

Shining faltered. He didn’t expect her to know the code of conduct by heart.

But before he could speak, Moon Chaser continued, “The reason my father didn’t expel me like he did to the Duke is because he couldn’t have tied anything against me personally. So let me give you a word of advice, causing me trouble by forcing me to break the rule is neigh impossible. You’d do well to remember that.”

Shining quickly glanced at the clock. “If I registered a duel within the next half an hour will you accept it?”

“Of course,” Moon Chaser replied, “It would be a great opportunity to put you back in your place.”

Shining felt like he wanted to punch her in the face, but he knew he was short on time, so he turned his back and started to run.

The stares started to dissipate. Moon Chaser noticed the sympathy look from Butterfly Kick; she continued her meal in peace.

“… And that’s what happened.” Shining concluded.

Night vision sighed. “I wish you told me you were planning on doing that.” He said.

“But then you’d be against it,” Shining replied.

“Of course I would. What happened to you was tragic, so let bygones be bygones and get on with your life instead.”

“But then what was the point of it all?” Shining asked. “If I don’t know, it will haunt me for the rest of my career.”

“So you’re that adamant, huh,” Night concluded.

“I want closure,” Shining concluded.

“I can’t say that I agree with you,” Night said, “But I’ll stand by your decision.”

Shining smiled back at his friend, “Thanks.”

Night Vision knew when to call it quits on something. He smiled back, still unable to hide the concern from his eyes. “So that new spell, what is it?”

“It’s a secret.”

“It’s a new shield spell isn’t it,” Night deadpanned.

Shining’s mouth fell open. “How did you know that?”

“I was right!” Night proclaimed, “You will get yourself killed out there!”

“What are you? My mother?” Shining’s jab was met with frustration.

“I’m serious.”

“So am I,” Shining replied.

“I just hope you know what you’re doing,” Night Vision finally conceded.

“Come and watch. You’ll be surprised,” Shining smirked.

“Maybe I will!” Night said before storming out.

It was somewhat late in the evening when the duel of payback was scheduled.

Moon Chaser walked into the arena on the third floor where Shining Armor. The only spectator were the new dean and a few of the new teachers. Some, Moon Chaser recognized, might be troublesome in the future.

“I thought there would be a cheering squad or something,” She commented.

“We’re here to see first hoof your combat abilities in order to assess them, not parade them.” Dean Shadow replied.

With a nod, a referee walked into the arena, “You know the rules, everything is allowed unless it endanger the opponent’s life. I will interfere to stop the match if I deemed it necessary. The victor is the one that makes the other submit or is thrown out of the arena.”

“Alright,” Shining said while doing some stretches.

“Fine by me,” Moon replied.

“Very well,” The referee said, “You may begin.”

Shining Armor jumped back a few paces, only to find Moon Chaser standing still with her eyes closed.

“That’s a good start,” Noted one of the unicorn teachers to the dean. “Adding distance between your opponents is a key tactic to a unicorn that most normally forget about.”

“True, but it’s not enough in this case,” The Dean replied.

The unicorn teacher didn’t understand at first.

Moon Chaser exhaled; a faint aura could be seen around her. “Here I come,” She declared.

Quickly, Shining charged his horn. But before he could cast the spell, Moon Chaser had already closed the distance between them.

Too quick, Shining thought as he unleashed his spell.

The punch struck the shield with such force that Shining was thrown to the end of the arena.

Whispers of awe started to spread.

“Such high level combat,” the unicorn teacher said.

“Looks like… I underestimated him as well.” Dean Shadow Strick noted.

Shining regained his balance as he walked a bit toward the center while being watchful of his opponent. The shield in which he cast in his haste saved him from being completely thrown out of the arena. Despite being severely cracked, the shield held up; had she followed up with another attack things might have ended up getting risky.

“A shield spell?” Moon Chaser jeered, “You spent an entire day with my brother and the best you came with is that useless spell?”

“It blocked your attack, didn’t it?” Shining retorted.

Moon Chaser took a closer look at Shining’s shield, “It seems, you managed to correct the flaw that was in it,” She told him, “It doesn’t matter, there are many ways to break a shield spell.”

“Oh yeah?” Shining jeered, “Show me.”

Moon Chaser smirked. “Don’t mind if I do.”

Then she jumped.

However, unlike the previous attack, Shining had more than ample time to set up his new shield in place, as he hunkered down, readied himself for the impact.

No sooner had Moon reached the zenith of her jump before she force kicked the air and fell like a meteorite on Shining’s shield.

The impact broke the arena’s floor as Shining’s shield shattered into a million pieces.

But Shining Armor didn’t panic. He remained calm as he executed the plan Sun Light laid out for him.

“Is there a shield that my sister can’t break?” Sun Light repeated the question leveraged at him.

“My best bet would be implosive shield reconstruction,” came his answer after a moment of pondering.

“What’s that?” Shining asked.

“It’s not so much as a shield spell as an application of it,” Sun Light explained, “When your shield break, that means the ethereal cohesive field construct is becoming untangled, turning into ethereal energy, then dissipating into nature. However, the energy doesn’t immediately dissipates and if you are running a hard wire between your horn and the shield, you can immediately grasp the energy and reconstruct a new shield in its place.”

Shining Armor stared clueless at Sun Light. “You lost me at cohesive field.”

Sun Light sighed. “Do you know how many types of shields there are?”

“That’s easy, two,” Shining answered, “A passive shield where you create a shield but don’t feed it magic, the shield will remain fixed for a certain amount of time before evaporating, and an active shield where you continuously feed it from your magic to make lasts longer.”

Sun Light nodded. “Can you switch between a passive spell and an active spell?”

“Definitely,” Shining smirked.

“You can switch between the two, I bet.”

“That’s easy,” Shining waved dismissively.

Sun Light smirked. “Then this is going to be very easy. First you make a passive shield, and then you make an active shield underneath it, but without casting it, and I cannot stress this enough. It’s kind of tricky and might need getting used to…” He then pondered if it was too complicated.

“So… a spell within a spell?” Shining asked and Sun Light smiled.

“Exactly, once the first shield is broken you need to activate the second one as quickly as possible.” Sun Light explained, “Because the second shield is directly underneath, it sucks all the dissipating energy of the first one and creates a smaller but firmer shield than the last, which is why they call it an implosion, because the shield implodes into another.”

“A shield within a shield, huh,” Shining mused, “I can do that.”

“You better,” Sun Light said ominously.

Here goes nothing.

Shining activated his new shield.

Moon felt the shield broke. She lunged with her full body throwing a punch at Shining’s face with the aim to render him unconscious.

But her second punch struck something solid.

She recoiled backward and landed on all four while putting some distance away.

Shining already had placed another shield around himself.

Moon Chaser stared baffled. That was too quick, she thought, Damn it Sun Light, when did you have the time to teach him that?

When the second punch struck, Shining recoiled back, thinking he would be rendered unconscious. But seeing Moon Chaser, The Moon Chaser, putting distance between them, he felt a surge of self-confidence.

Cheers could be heard from the teaching staff.

Moon Chaser and Shining turned to see their audience on their hooves clapping hard.

Dean Shadow Strick walked toward them. “I know Sun Light is good, but that was beyond my expectations, when did you learn something as advance as that?”

“Sun Light gave me a… lengthy explanation as to what I need to do,” Shining Armor’s expression was enough to tell the Dean that Sun Light didn’t go easy at him at all.

“Still, it would have taken you a lot of practice to pull it off,” The unicorn teacher remarked.

“Not really?” Shining shrugged, “I mean, after having it spoon-fed to you, it just felt natural.”

The teacher looked baffled at first. “Are you telling us this is the first time you did an implosion reconstruction?”

Shining scratched the back of his neck. “I tested it before… Where do you think you’re going?” He suddenly yelled at Moon Chaser.

Half way from the arena, Moon Chaser turned toward him, and with the same stone cold face she said, “You won, I lost, is there a reason for me to continue this fight?”

“Yes, there is!” Shining yelled.

Dean Shadow Strick clicked her tongue, “Just drop it.”

But Shining ignored her

Moon Chaser shook her head. “Do you honestly think I will indulge in your fantasy of giving you a proper victory?” She said without even turning your head.

“HA,” Shining retorted smirking, “You actually think you can defeat me?”

“Just because Sun Light gave you an edge doesn’t mean you actually won,” Moon Chaser said, “I’m simply admitting that he managed to one up me this time.”

Anger swelled inside Shining. “After everything that happened to you, you still think you have any cards to play?!”

“The game never ends between my family and me,” Moon Chaser smirked, “You’re just the latest piece that everyone seem to have taken a liking to.” She continued walking.

Only to be stopped when a shield the size of the arena was set up.

“He's really not going to drop it,” Shadow mumbled to herself with a smirk, causing the teachers around her to stare at her with concern.

“Just how low your own opinion of your own brother is?” Shining growled, “He cares for you! He was Crying for you for Celestia’s sake!”

“That’s a lie!” Moon Chaser snarled back, “Stop projecting your own insecurities on my family, they are not so weak as to show tolerance towards my betrayal of their trust.”

“Then why do you think they left you here?” Shining asked, “Why give you a second chance since you so clearly deserve none?”

“Because it’s a game!” Moon Chaser replied all agitated, “Because it’s our twisted game with no victor and the only thing that matter is winning the next round.”

Shining back up in surprise. “So everything to you is a game?” He said in surprise, but when Moon Chaser didn’t reply, he continued, “Your brother’s feeling? Your father’s? Even Cadence?”

“You take that back!” Moon Chaser snapped.

“But if everything is a game to you, then…”

“She’s different!” Moon Chaser interrupted.

However, the realization that was left unspoken has already dawned on Shining Armor. “Sun Light said that, if I am to have a future with Princess Cadence, I must be ready to face Tartaros if need be. It seems, he forgot of the enemies that still lie in this academy as well.” He fixed his armor, and glared at Moon Chaser with renewed resolve.

Moon Chaser, now fully facing Shining Armor, took a deep breath. “It seems, I haven’t broken you enough to figure out that I don’t tolerate competition,” She said while adjusting her helm. She returned the glare. “Very well Armor, I’ll engrave into your body just why am I the strongest.”

“Shouldn’t we stop them?” One of the teacher said to the Dean.

Shadow Strick smiled at him. “Not need,” She replied, “This is turning out better than I hoped.”

Shining Armor charged his horn to the limit. With a quick wave, he cast his first shield, then, as he did the first time, he charged the second horn underneath.

Moon Chaser kept breathing deeply, and much like her first charge, a soft blueish aura appeared.

I’m ready! Shining hunched forward, increasing his defense in anticipation of the attack. But it didn’t come.

Instead, Moon Chaser kept breathing, and her aura kept intensifying.

Then, after what felt like an eternity. Moon Chaser opened her eyes. “Here I come,” She said before charging.

What’s this? Shining realized, She’s way slower than before.

Moon Chaser stopped hoof length from the shield. “Take This!” She said, and her punch landed full force into Shining’s shield instantly shattering it.

Shining recoiled. Within a heartbeat, he set up his second shield.

But Moon Chaser wasn’t done. Barely had the shield crystalized that she landed another punch, shattering the other shield with a blink of an eye.

What the…? But Shining didn’t have the luxury to think when suddenly, Moon Chaser’s foot appeared on top of him.

He dropped and rolled and the floor shattered underneath him.

He barely managed to stand, only to see Moon Chaser’s sillouhette in the rubble.

“I missed,” She clicked her tongue, before turning to Shining Armor crouching at her with an expression mixed between horror and determination.

“Heh,” Shining Armor knew this wouldn’t be easy, but only then did the realization dawned on him. “So you really are on a captain’s level,” He noted.

“You flatter me,” Moon Chaser said before she lunged at him again.

At the first strike, Shining Armor jumped, evading the attack completely, and giving him ample time to charge his horn.

Moon jumped at him again, but this time Shining activated his shield spell, and she could tell, he had another one ready for her.

She punched the first one away, then shattered the second one with a kick.

But before she could find her leverage, Shining placed a third shield between them.

The moment her foot met the ground, Moon jumped to the barrier around the arena. Using the giant shield as footing, she lunged at Shining full speed.

Shining tried to charge his horn, but Moon was quicker this time. The moment the shield broke he was unable to cast another one, and parried her kick which left another hole in the arena’s ground.

“Is that all you can do?” He yelled, “Force other into submission?”

“You don’t get it,” Moon Chaser retorted, “It was always do or die.”

“No one is trying to kill you…” the words barely came out of Shining’s mouth before he jumped back from Moon’s kick. “You’re trying to kill me!”

“I didn’t act the first time and I lost my home,” Moon threw another punch at Shining, but he threw himself to the left. “I didn’t act the second time, and I lost my mother,” She kept at him with another kick, but Shining kept dodging her. “I will not lose my family because I failed to act a third time!”

“But aren’t your actions driving them away?” Shining Armor asked as he dodged a fourth time, “Why would you even sabotage yourself like that?”

“Because it wasn’t meant to happen like that!” Moon Chaser yelled, but by the time she was about to attack, Shining had placed another shield spell.

“What wasn’t meant to happen then?” Shining readied another shield underneath.

“I wasn’t supposed to fall in love!” Moon Chaser finally confessed, but when her punch landed, the shield didn’t break.

For the longest moment, the only sound that could be heard was that of the shield resonating.

“But I did,” Moon Chaser said, “And to our misfortune, she chose you.”

For the past month, Shining Armor dreamt of defeating the monster called Moon Chaser. He thought that, when he defeated her, ponies left and right would be congratulating him and that there would be fire works and cake.

This is... However, he didn't count on the sight of Moon Chaser collapsing in front of him in tears would make his victory taste so sour.

Author's Note:

You guys asked for it and here it is... the biggest chapter I ever written.

If anyone spotted any mistake, please don't hesitate to point it out.

Next chapter we return to Sun Light being Sun Light.